The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1026: Mongolian cavalry

"Report to my lord, the three great kingdoms of the West have arrived!"

Above the sky, the yellow desert kingdom of God floats quietly.

The war in Hanzhou Province, Apocalypse Fairyland, has been under their watchful eyes.

But it seems that they feel that the time has not come, and they have not come.

"Let them fight for a while."

The main **** [La] holds a golden scepter, and his tone is flat.

The people he was talking about were not only the three major kingdoms of God in the West, but also the soldiers of the Egyptian civilization under his command.

He saw the power of the "Undead Bible" in the hands of the Scorpion King.

As long as the Scorpion King survives, there will be endless undead on the battlefield!

"My lord, the army led by Mohammed and Zoroas has arrived. Do you want them to join the battlefield?"

At this time, the subordinates reported again.

Since the soldiers under his command are to continue fighting, all the power in Egyptian civilization will naturally be pulled up.

"Oh? Muhammad and Zoroast are here?"

Hearing the subordinate's words, [La] showed a smile on his face.

He nodded and said, "Since they are willing to join the war, let them land from Qinzhou Province in the Heavenly Apocalypse Kingdom."

"My soldiers in the desert, their goal is to conquer this Hanzhou province!"

Muhammad, the founder of Islam, the main **** of Islamic civilization.

Zoroas, the supreme **** enshrined in the Persian Empire, is also the **** of Zoroastrianism!

In history, the name of Zoroastrianism after it was introduced to China was named [Mingjiao].

The arrival of Muhammad and Zoroas means that Islamic civilization has officially declared war on China.

At the beginning, several great empires under Islamic civilization came to the northern continent of Egyptian civilization together with the Egyptian Empire.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire, Persian Empire, Mongol Empire, and Arab Empire under its civilization caused the Egyptian Empire to suffer at the beginning.

However, after taking advantage of the Temujin Mongol Empire's civil war between the Turkish Empire and the Arab Empire, the Egyptian Empire took advantage of the trend.

Later, with the help of the descending kingdom of the desert gods, the Egyptian Empire occupied two-thirds of the entire Egyptian civilized continent!

The remaining one-third of the territory became the place where the coalition forces of the Mongol Empire, the Persian Empire, and the Arab Empire lingered.

Then, with the help of Muhammad and Zoroas, the coalition forces of the three empires blocked the attack of the desert kingdom of God.

Since then, the continent of Egyptian civilization has entered a stage of stalemate.

It's just that when the three great kingdoms of the West decided to join forces to attack China, this stalemate became a short-term alliance again.

At first [Ra] thought Muhammad would not lead his army into battle.

But I don't want this Muhammad, who is holding a sword in one hand and the Koran in the other, can't sit still!

He also wanted to get a share of China's pie!


After receiving the order from the Lord God [Ra], the subordinates rushed to inform Muhammad.

In the kingdoms of gods that descended from all major gods, the main gods also had to be divided into strong and weak ones.

The strongest among them was Ji Fa.

Under Ji Fa, he is the main **** of the three major western kingdoms.

And like Brahma of Tianzhu God Kingdom and La of Desert God Kingdom, their strength is weaker than Zeus **** and others.

As for Mohammed, the main **** of Islam, and Zoroas, the **** of Zoroastrianism, their strength is a little weaker than that of Brahma and Ra.

Therefore, Mohamed and Zoroas will still obey the order of [La] when everyone is united!



After Muhammad and Zoroas received the order from [La], they immediately led their troops to the coast of Qinzhou.

As a not very powerful main god, their strength is in the late stage of the palace.

There are not many fairy gods under their command, and some fairy gods even only have the strength of the gods.

However, these immortal gods who landed on the coast of Qinzhou are not strong, but the soldiers of the countries under their command are extremely powerful.

The Persian Empire, the first super empire in history spanning the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe, was founded by Cyrus the Great!

The Mongol Empire, a super empire spanning Asia and Europe. The icy iron cavalry once made Western countries panic and despair.

The Arab Empire, a super empire spanning Asia, Africa and Europe, is also the empire with the longest east-west span in the world, and its founding monarch is Muhammad.

Its cities Damascus, Jerusalem, etc., are famous in the world!

These three super empires joined forces to block the advance of the Egyptian Empire and the Kingdom of the Desert God.

From this, we can also see how powerful they are!

"Tiemujin, your Mongolian army will be the vanguard in this battle!"

After landing on the coast of Qinzhou, Muhammad gave orders to Temujin coldly.

If he hadn't joined forces to resist the attack of the Egyptian desert **** kingdom, otherwise he would have led his army to destroy Temujin long ago.

The super Arab empire he created was finally destroyed under Temujin's Mongol Empire.

According to enmity, the Arab Empire and the Mongol Empire should have been deadly enemies.

"it is good."

Temujin agreed.

Even if Muhammad didn't arrange it this way, he would have to fight the first battle.

His Mongolian cavalry is very strong.

And the only reason why he is now subject to Muhammad's command is that the Mongolians do not have a unified true god.

Shamanism believed by Mongolians is an extremely ancient religion.

The gods that shamanism believes in are mountains, rivers, trees, flowers and plants. The shamans of all ethnic groups are equivalent to the spokespersons of gods.

Naturally, in the absence of a unified belief, shamanism has no gods born.

Without the most powerful gods, there would be no protection for those in the Divine Palace Realm.

Therefore, although Temujin's Mongolian Empire was able to fight fiercely against the Arab Empire and the Persian Empire, it could only bow its head under the oppression of gods!

"Go, conquer Huaxia!"

Muhammad raised the long sword in his hand.

What are the teachings of Islam?

Sword and Quran.

First enlighten the target with the Qur'an.

If the target cannot be taught, then he will draw the sword in his hand!

In Mohammed's eyes, the Huaxia people were an existence that he could not educate.

Ever since, he drew out his sword directly!


"This king has just come to the throne, and you will come to die!"

After learning the news of the enemy's invasion, Ying Zheng's furious face was filled with boundless killing intent!

"Pass on the king's order, kill without mercy!"

A mere foreigner dares to run wild in his land of Qinzhou, knowing his life or death!

Under Ying Zheng's command, the Qinzhou Legion.

Although Sun Wu chose to leave Bai Qi. But Meng Tian, ​​Zhang Han, Wang Jian, Sima Cuo, Li Xin and others can still forge the steel Great Wall of Qinzhou!

The new Qinzhou Army has Wang Jian as its commander.

As one of the four famous generals in the Warring States Period of China, Wang Jian's strength was far stronger than what he showed.


Soon, Wang Jian got the news of the enemy's attack.

"General Qi, a large number of cavalry regiments are found ahead!"

Temujin led an army this time, and the Mongolian cavalry under his command totaled five million!

Fortunately, the main **** Mohammed has some means, otherwise, how could the Mongolian Empire have such a warship to transport five million cavalry?

"Cavalry? Order Meng Tian and Sima to go forward!"

Wang Jian ordered without haste.

Meng Tian's Great Wall Corps consisted of heavy armored cavalry and heavy shielded infantry.

And the army under Sima Cuo's command is Hu Fu cavalry and shooting, one of the four major arms of the Warring States Period!


After receiving the order, Meng Tian and Sima Cuo immediately led the army to attack.

Taiyuan County!

The vanguard army under Temujin's command has arrived here.

The long drive along the way made Zhebie, the commander of the vanguard army, unable to bear a little pride.

"Huaxia in this life is still so weak!"

In his last life, he followed Temujin in the southern and northern wars, although he did not perish the Southern Song Dynasty himself.

But in the end, the Southern Song Dynasty was still destroyed under his Mongolian iron cavalry.

So in this battle, after seeing that he didn't see a decent enemy along the way, Jebe was already sure of winning!


But in the next second, a Mongolian sentry came to report: "General Qi, the Chinese enemy is found ahead!"

Jebe's words fell quickly, and the news spread quickly.

"Oh? An enemy of the Huaxia clan?"

Hearing the good news, Jebe couldn't help but feel happy.

"Rush over! Rush over!"

"I am a Mongolian cavalry, unparalleled in the world!"

Since he fought with Temujin, he has never been defeated once.

"Now the general has millions of elites in his hands, and the general's army will go to Tianqi City!"

He is very ambitious.

His goal is Tianqi City, the fairy capital of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom!

"Boom! Boom!"

Immediately, under the leadership of Jebe, a million Mongolian vanguard cavalry rushed out.

The enemy is right in front of them, and the longbows and scimitars in their hands are already hungry and thirsty!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Sima Cuo soon received news of the enemy attack.

His Hufu cavalry is light cavalry, so the speed of attacking is faster than Meng Tian's Great Wall heavy cavalry!

When Meng Tian's Great Wall heavy cavalry was still tens of kilometers away from here, his Hufu cavalry and archery had already arrived at the battlefield.

"How many enemies are there?"

Facing the sentry cavalry's report, Sima Cuo asked.

He had known for a long time that he would meet the enemy. At this moment, what he cares most about is the number of enemies!

"General Qi, the enemy is a million prairie cavalry!"

The sentinel reported: "They are extremely skilled in bow and horse, and only six of our twelve brothers have returned!"

When the sentry riders were investigating, they were also hunted down by the Mongolian sentry riders.

After a fight, Sima Cuo killed six sentry cavalry under his command.

"How many enemies are there?"

Hearing the casualties, Sima Cuo frowned immediately.

The sentry cavalry under his command in Hufu cavalry and archery was served by the most elite soldiers.

It represents the strongest combat power of Hufu cavalry and archery soldiers!

"General Qi, all ten sentry cavalry of the enemy were killed in battle."

Although six brothers died in the battle on my side, they were able to wipe out all the enemies, and the sentry cavalry in Hufu riding and shooting still achieved fruitful results.

Six to ten.

"The enemy's strength is so powerful?"

However, this battle loss shocked Sima Cuo.

The Hufu cavalry and archery under his command are also the first-level arms of killing gods.

To be able to fight one to one point five with the army under his command, the enemy who came this time has some strength!

"General Can we avoid him temporarily?"

Seeing Sima Cuo frowning, the Sentinels reported: "These prairie cavalry are all light cavalry, and General Meng Tian's army is only half a day away from here!"

Since they couldn't completely crush them, they thought they could wait for Meng Tian's Great Wall Legion to come and kill the enemy together!

"No need!"

However, Sima Cuo just came in shock.

"How can the enemy not be killed when it is sent to the door?"

"Pass down the general's order, Hu Fu riding and shooting! Kill the enemy!"

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