The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1028: Coward Xue Jun, Golden Arrow!


Temujin sits in the army.

He brought five million Mongolian elites here this time.

One million of them are the pioneers of the Mongolian fine cavalry.

However, this one million vanguard army has all been wiped out in the hands of Sima Cuo's Hufu cavalry and shooter.

Of the remaining 4 million troops, 3 million of them are the cowardly Xue army.

They are led by three generals, Bo Ershu, Mu Huali, and Chi Laowen.

After the kingdom of the desert gods of the Egyptian Empire came, Temujin also understood a truth.

There are not many soldiers, but the elite.

To put it simply, the Mongolian elite under his command is the most powerful among the tens of millions of troops who landed in Qinzhou Province this time.

And when Boershu, Muhua, Li Chi, and Laowen besieged Sima Cuo, these three cowardly Xue troops also surrounded Sima Cuo's Hufu cavalry and archers!

"Send them to see Tengger!"

"Prairie Condor, kill the enemy!"

"Water their flesh and blood into grasslands, and dedicate their souls to Tengger!"

"Crush their bones! Kill!"

Amidst roars, countless soldiers of the Qi Xue Army rushed towards Hu Fu cavalry and shot.


For a while, arrows flew randomly.

When these cowardly Xue army cavalry charged, they were able to shoot three arrows at the same time.

The densely packed arrows tore apart Hu Fu's cavalry and shooting army in an instant.

Too strong!

The strength of these cowardly soldiers has also reached the terrifying initial stage of killing gods!

"Impossible! How could these Mongolian cavalry be so strong?"

"Could it be that this Mongol Empire is stronger than our Great Qin Empire back then?"

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

"Soldiers, counterattack! Counterattack!"

Facing the arrows of the cowardly Xue army, more than 700,000 cavalry and archery soldiers in Hu suits were blinded in an instant.

They realized that the strength of this group of Mongolian cavalry was on par with them!


At this time, even Sima Cuo, who was fighting with the three of Bo Ershu in mid-air, also noticed the abnormality.

He underestimated the new arrivals of the Mongol cavalry.

This Mongol Empire is much stronger than he imagined!


Seeing that Sima Cuo was startled and distracted, Bo Ershu rushed up immediately.


With one blow of his axe, Sima Cuo, who was caught off guard, was knocked back three steps.


However, Sima Cuo, who reacted, counterattacked with his shoulder and elbow, spitting blood from Boershu's mouth with one blow.

"The soldiers under your command are indeed comparable to my Hufu cavalry and archery, but that doesn't mean you can match this general!"

Sima Cuo, who came back to his senses, said coldly.

So what if the three of Boershu join forces?

With his background, he can still crush these three!

Click! Click! Click!

For a moment, the sharp sword in his hand shone coldly.

Under his active attack, the three of Boershu could only block desperately!

"I am Sima Cuo, the General of Qinzhou in the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom!"

While attacking, Sima Cuo roared angrily: "How can you compare my power?"

After joining Cheng Mu's command, Sima Cuo also became a peerless general.

So what if they are the Four Heroes of Mongolia?

In front of Sima Cuo, there was a group of ants!

"Hold on! Hold on!"

Sima Cuo's high fighting spirit greatly increased the pressure on the three of Boershu.

At this time, they couldn't even make a counterattack, and could only hold on under Sima Cuo's offensive.

However, they did not give up. Instead, they cheered each other up: "After all the soldiers under their command have wiped out the enemy soldiers, the next thing is for this man to die!"

They were waiting, waiting for Sima Cuo's Hufu cavalry and shooting army to be wiped out.

Once Sima Cuo fell into a frenzy after seeing all the troops under his command wiped out, that was their chance!

Although the three of them could not defeat Sima Cuo now, they were able to survive Sima Cuo's attack!


Rumble! Rumble!

On the battlefield, Hu Fu's cavalry and archers collided with the three cowardly Xue troops.

Facing this group of enemies whose strength is not weaker than their own, the soldiers of the Hufu cavalry and archery army did not show any fear on their faces.

On the contrary, looking at the enemies who rushed over, they all held up the scimitar in their hands.

"Brothers, kill the enemy for the country!"

"If you want to mess with my Qinzhou land, then step over my corpse!"

"Qinzhou army generals, fearless!"

"Brothers, kill one to back up, kill two to get back the money, and kill three to make a lot of money!"

Under the roar of Hu Fu cavalry and archery soldiers, the ensuing war completely turned into purgatory.

None of the soldiers of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom is afraid of death.

Although the number of enemies is three times their huge. But relying on their fearless aura and more powerful armor blades, they made the cowardly Xue Jun who rushed over frightened!

"It's terrible! The light armor on our bodies can't stop their sword?"

"As expected of our army of nomads, we are equal opponents in this battle!"

"Kill them all, the great Tengger only needs their souls!"

"We have absolute numbers, crush them!"

The strength of Hu Fu's cavalry and shooting made the soldiers of the cowardly Xue army unable to bear the shock.

Some of them were angry, and some felt that this match was extremely valuable!

In an instant, a counterattack from the cowardly Xue army arrived.

As the super elite of the Mongolian Empire, the weapons and equipment of the Kexue Army are much stronger than the Mongolian elite cavalry under Jebe's command at the beginning.

At least this time, although the scimitars in the hands of the cavalry and archers in Hufu could cut through the armor of the Qixue army, it took a second knife to cut off their sharp blades.

And this second knife is enough for the soldiers of Qixue Army to put on Hu uniforms and ride and shoot soldiers to go on the road together!

For a moment, after both sides went mad, the entire battlefield was soaked in blood.

The crazy killing intent coupled with the strong smell of blood made the soldiers fighting on both sides lose their minds.

"Kill them all! Kill them all!"

At this moment, there is only one thought in their minds, to kill all the enemies in front of them!



Seeing the Hufu cavalry and shooting soldiers who were going to die, Sima Cuo also ran away directly.

He saw the bravery of his soldiers.

In the state of madness and death, most of the Hufu cavalry and archery soldiers can take the lives of two enemies!

However, due to the fact that there are too many cowardly Xue troops on the battlefield.

Even if the Hufu cavalry and archery soldiers go to death in exchange for two, they cannot escape the end of destruction in the end!

That being the case, Sima went all out by mistake.

The long sword in his hand became sharper, and he even gave up part of his defense to seek the most powerful attack!


With one blow of the sword, Borshu flew upside down with his giant axe in his arms.

The bone-deep sword marks on the giant ax and on his body are the manifestation of Sima Cuo's anger.

"you wanna die!"

The pain from the wound made Borshu's eyes turn red.

He hasn't been hurt for a long time!

As one of the Four Heroes of Mongolia, he also fought in Borshu.

Teaming up with Mu Huali and Chi Laowen today also gave Sima Cuo enough respect!

And Sima's mistake was wrong, he shouldn't hurt Boershu!

"Prairie Eagle!"

With Boershu's roar, his speed became even faster. Even his attack has become extremely fierce!

Not only him, Mu Huali and Chi Laowen also went into a state of rampage!

"It is also your honor to die under the cooperation of my three masters!"


Mu Huali snorted coldly, and slashed at Sima Cuo's back.

That sharp long knife drew a long spark on Sima Cuo's armor!

"It's so hard?"

Seeing the gap on his blade, Mu Huali was stunned.

His iron eagle golden knife is of god-level quality.

However, the Iron Eagle Golden Knife, which cuts iron like mud, not only failed to break through Sima Cuo's armor, but the blade was split open several times.

shame! What a shame!

If word of this battle gets out, Mu Huali's face will disappear immediately!

The knife in the sneak attack state didn't even break through Sima Cuo's defense.

Now that Mu Huali thought of this, he felt his old face blush!

"It's just the benefit of the armor, let me do it!"

Seeing that Mu Huali was frustrated at the first level, Chi Laowen rushed over.

His weapons are a pair of giant hammers.

The dark and deep hammer body is extremely thick at first glance!

If ordinary people get hit, they will definitely die!


It's just that Sima Cuo is an ordinary person? Under his sword, a deep sword mark also appeared on Chi Laowen's double hammer.

In an instant, Chi Laowen also ran away.

"Ah ah ah! You go to hell!"

Sima Cuo damaged his beloved double hammers, and he wants to live with Sima Cuo today!


Another attack with a hammer.

This time, Sima Cuo was attacked from three directions, front, rear and left.

Borshu's giant axe, Mu Huali's scimitar, and Chi Laowen's double hammers.

The three of them are worthy of the name of the Three Heroes of Mongolia. With their all-out efforts, Sima Cuo's edge was suppressed!


Sima Cuo chopped off Mu Huali's arm with his sword, and then slapped Borshu's giant ax flying with his palm.

However, the next second.


Chi Laowen's sledgehammer hit him on the back.

This time, under the powerful force of the sledgehammer, Sima Cuo staggered and took several steps forward.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

he is injured!

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Mu Huali who lost his arm roared angrily.

The pain at the broken arm made him want to tear Sima Cuo into pieces!

"Even if we fight for a serious injury today, we will kill him!"

Borshu also grinned in pain.

The sword mark on his body disappeared, but the new scar from this blow made his face grim!


Another sword.

Sima Cuo's sword pierced Borshu's waist and abdomen.

But facing Chi Laowen who was attacking from behind, he couldn't avoid it!


Under this hammer, Sima Cuo flew out in an instant.

After falling into the three-person wheel battle, he also felt a little powerless.

It's exhaustion!

The continuous fighting made Sima Cuo feel that the power in his body was rapidly draining!

"Hahaha, he's going to die! He's going to die!"

Seeing Sima Cuo start to show a weak posture, even the seriously injured Borshu grinned.

As a strong man in the altar realm, what is this little injury on his body?

Only when Sima Cuo dies from exhaustion, that is the real death!

"You want to kill me, hehe, despair!"

With that hammer just now, Sima Cuo could only feel that his internal organs had been displaced.

However, the physical injury aroused his ferocity instead.

He took out a handful of pills from his bosom and swallowed them all like a jujube.

Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom with Immortal Doctors sitting in town would be great, pills are enough!

In an instant, after taking in a large amount of pills, Sima Cuo's strength began to recover rapidly.

Although these pills could not restore his strength to its peak state, it was enough to make the three of Boershu despair!


Seeing Sima Cuo whose strength had suddenly recovered, the three of Bo Ershu were so desperate that they were stunned!

They clearly spelled Sima Cuo as seriously injured, but Sima Cuo, a scoundrel, actually took drugs?

You must know that in their Mongolian Empire, things like pills can only be configured by the supreme shaman.

It is impossible to equip the body with pills anytime, anywhere!

"Hehe! Die!"

Under the nourishment of that large number of pills, Sima Cuo's strength recovered to 70%.

Now that his strength has recovered, the three of Boershu are really like ants!

Without further ado, today he will kill these three ants here!

"The sword breaks Chuyang!"

This is an extremely sharp sword, which contains the full blow of the strong behind the altar.

At the moment when Jian Gang first appeared, the three of Bo Ershu couldn't help trembling with fear.

They felt the breath of death coming from the sword body!


Sima Cuo's sword is fast!

With the sword shining, UU reads www.uukanshu. It seems that the three of Borshu are about to be killed.

But at this moment.

call out!

A golden arrow shot from nowhere suddenly appeared in front of Sima Cuo.

The golden arrow tore through the space and shot him flying with a roar!

The golden arrow pierced through his chest, nailing him to the mountain ten thousand meters away!

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