Selket, the scorpion **** in Egyptian mythology.

Legend has it that he controls all the poisons in the world, and he is the veritable **** of all poisons!

"Leave it to the deity!"

After receiving the order from [La], Selkite agreed with full confidence.

He thinks that his toxin is the best in the world, even the king of gods and emperors can be poisoned to death!

Now facing this unguarded Pang Da, he was finally able to flex his muscles and experiment well.

Sometimes, possessing the ability to poison the God of Death, the Heavenly Emperor, does not mean that Selkite can successfully poison him.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the alertness.

But for the gluttonous Panda, is it on guard?

"This cat is a Chinese iron-eating beast. Not only is it greedy, but its favorite food is bamboo shoots!"

In order to show his profound knowledge, Selkite told La and others about Panda's weakness.

Gluttony is a weakness!

"Can it succeed?"

[La] Still a little worried.

"Please rest assured, Lord God!"

Celekite patted his chest, and he summoned the **** attendant to collect fresh bamboo shoots.

Soon after, a pile of bamboo shoots like a hill appeared in front of him.

Looking at these extremely fresh bamboo shoots, he began to add ingredients.

"This is the water of the Styx River, just take a sip and the flesh and blood will melt and turn into bones!"

"This is desert snake venom, obtained by the snake **** for thousands of years!"

"Add a little more of the original poison of the deity, and mix it together... Hehe, the **** king will die suddenly!"

After finally finding an excellent test product, the scorpion **** Selekite used her housekeeping skills.

He greedily inhaled the poison he prepared himself.

Next second! Boom!

I saw his body fell directly.

A white soul emerged from his body.

Looking at his own corpse, Celites, who was in a soul state, showed a trace of joy on his face.

"it works!"

He shouted silently, and then his soul returned to his body!

The moment he opened his eyes again, he knew that it was done!

Even he himself will be poisoned to death: "I will definitely teach that iron-eating beast to lose its soul!"

On the side, seeing the dark green poisonous water with a terrifying aura, [La] felt terrified at the moment.

He is a majestic **** king, but he actually felt the threat of death when he saw this small bottle of poison?

"This Celekite cannot stay."

After a burst of heart palpitations, [La] had a killing intent in his heart.

He couldn't allow someone to threaten his status, not even a little threat!

In the desert kingdom of God, in the palace of [La].

The originally magnificent palace was now filled with the sound of gobbling. The pile of food that was higher than the palace made Pang Da feel like he was in heaven!

When the poisonous bamboo shoots were delivered to Pang Da's side, [La] and Selkite in the distance began to get excited.

"It's about to succeed! It's about to succeed!"

[La] He clenched the scepter in his hand, and ordered Abinus: "Call all the main gods, and kill this cat!"

He also didn't ask to be able to directly poison Panda to death.

As long as they can poison Pang Da into a serious disability, that is their chance!

"As long as I kill this cat, I [pull] maybe I can go one step further!"

This is the extremely hot thought in [La]'s heart.

"As long as I kill this cat, I will definitely be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Zeus **** and others!"

[Pull] I admit that my strength is not as good as the masters of the three major western kingdoms, but this gap is not a natural barrier.

And Pang Da's life can help him bridge the gap!

"Huh? Fresh bamboo shoots!"

At this time, Pan Da also saw the bamboo shoots being transported in front of him.

Seeing these emerald green bamboo shoots, its face became a ball of laughter!


Holding the bamboo shoots, it even smelled fresh greedily.

It's just that the highly poisonous one prepared by Selkite is colorless and odorless.

No matter how Pan Da smelled it, he could only smell the fragrance of bamboo shoots.

And the dark green bamboo shoot heart did not attract its attention.

What's wrong with Green? It is fat and has not met its favorite female panda!


Then, holding his beloved bamboo shoots, Pang Da swallowed them in one gulp.

The fragrance of the bamboo shoots made its beautiful eyes narrow.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

It was at this moment that [La] and Selkite couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Success! Success!"

Celekite clapped her hands excitedly: "This iron-eating beast is doomed!"

He is too confident in the poison he prepared himself!

This unique and highly poisonous poison can only be prepared by him, Sailket!

"Don't worry! Don't worry!"

[La] Suppressing the restlessness in my heart, I decided to wait a little longer.

"As long as this cat shows a little discomfort, then rush over!"

Celekite's confidence also gave [La] extremely strong confidence! They decided that Fat Da was going to die today!

"Gulu Gulu! Gulu Gulu!"

And after a large bamboo shoot fell into his stomach, Pang Da felt his stomach was overwhelmed.

Also at this moment, its entire cat body turned black.

It was poisoned, and the white hairs became dull black.

The obvious dark circles under the eyes are gone!

"Hahaha! Go!"

Seeing that Pang Da has been poisoned, [La] immediately ordered everyone to rush up!

Now the way he looks at Fat Da is like looking at a huge piece of fat!

And the Egyptian gods who rushed over all around also showed ferocious smiles.

"Kill God! Be God!"

As long as Pang Da is killed, each of them will get a large piece of meat.

"Wrap it up! Wrap it up! Don't let it get away!"

Seeing Pang Da's erratic breath, it seemed that all the chances of winning were in their hands.

However, the next second.


There was an earth-shattering sound of movement.

A thick black smoke spewed out from Pang Da's backyard, and that powerful power made the entire desert kingdom tremble!

And the desert gods who rushed over were all sprayed all over their faces by the huge black smoke.

"Cough cough! Cough cough!"


In an instant, the desert gods fell from the sky like dumplings.

It fell to the ground after bumping and puffing, and even the ground of the Kingdom of God was shattered!

"What happened?!"

[Pull] At this time, I was also jumped by Pang Da's fart.

Under the shroud of thick black smoke, he felt himself plunged into boundless darkness.

And there seemed to be countless venomous snakes hiding in the darkness, devouring his flesh and blood bit by bit.


With a scream, he only felt that the skin on his body was rotten.

His proud divine power was quickly melted in the darkness!


In the next second, after the toxin entered his body and corroded his body, [pull] also fell down!

At this time, on the ground of the desert **** kingdom, the desert gods were crying and rolling everywhere. Even some weak gods are already corpses!

"You... what's wrong with you?"

After all the toxins were excreted from the body, Pang Da felt relaxed.

It's just that the gods all over the ground made it very surprised: "Isn't it cold on the ground?"

It has grown up, and it has long stopped rolling on the ground.

"Not cold, not cold!"

Seeing the honest and unscathed Panda, [La] could only force a smile.

At the same time, his heart sank into an abyss, and he became cold a lot.

"This cat must be pretending!"

"It pretends to be so simple and honest on the surface, but it must be laughing at us inside!"

"It's so vicious! After discovering our plan, we remained unmoved, and the final blow caused us heavy losses!"

"Are all Huaxia cats so scheming?"

At this moment, the cold [La] in his heart dared not make any more changes.

In his heart, Pang Da has also become a black-bellied and scheming panda!

"Well, then you guys lie down for a while!"

Pang Da didn't know what [La] was thinking at this moment.

After feeling comfortable all over, it plunged into the sea of ​​food in front of it again!

"Why don't you roll over and save people?!"

Seeing that Pang Da no longer paid attention to him, [La] gritted his teeth and roared at Sailket.

The heavy loss of the Egyptian gods made him want to tear Selket into pieces!


A tattered Celekite stepped forward.

He also looked miserable at this time, and Pang Da's fart also broke him into serious injuries.

But this poison was concocted by him, and he was the only one who finished it.

"Can you solve it?"

For peace of mind, 【La】couldn't help but ask Celekite a question.

"Should...should be able to do it?"

Celekite cried and said that she would do her best!

ground battlefield.

Although the huge movement above the sky attracted everyone's attention, no one cared about the high desert kingdom of God.

The remaining Mongolian cavalry wanted to flee with the seriously injured Temujin, but the long-awaited victory here made them feel desperate!

"Mohist giant catapult!"

These sharp weapons from the Mohists made the Mongolian cavalry feel the power of Chinese equipment for the first time!

Although their speed is fast, no matter how fast they are, they cannot reach the speed of flying crossbow arrows, nor can they escape the attack range of Mohist catapults!

For a while, under the attack of Ying Ji and Meng Ao, these Mongolian cavalry suffered heavy losses!

Borshu is dead, in the hands of Meng Ao.

At this time, Mu Huali and Chi Laowen, who were seriously injured, were also retreating steadily under Meng Ao's attack!

The powerful Mongolian iron cavalry will be wiped out here today!

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