The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1072: Lu Bu kills the Dragon King

"Push across, don't scatter! Don't scatter!"

Since the enemy is cunning, his Xuanji army will fight steadily.

Under Lu Bu's command, the Xuanji and heavy shield soldiers began to advance steadily.

Facing the roaring dragon in the sky, the Xuanji archers began to show their might.

Red dragon, white dragon, green dragon, golden dragon?

These western giant dragons are indeed powerful, and they caused great casualties to Xuanji soldiers at the beginning.

However, after getting familiar with the attack rhythm of these giant dragons, everything is different again.

The color of Western dragons represents that they are immune to magical attacks of a certain element.

But the sharp blades of the Xuanji archers can deal proper physical damage.

So soon, under the attack of Xuanji archers, the giant dragon in the sky suffered heavy casualties.

This is a sharp arrow shot by a strong man at the top of the town. The mere scale armor of the western dragon can't stop these arrows at all!

"Hey! Let my black dragon clan come!"

Seeing that the dragons of other elemental systems were seriously damaged, the black dragon clan rushed over.

They are black dragons, immune to all physical attacks!

Jingle, jingle, jingle. Click click click click click click.

When a group of black dragons joined the battlefield, the sharp arrows all over the sky snapped instantly!

Under the black dragon's hard scales and special physical immunity, the Xuanji archers were completely restrained.

"Ants, die!"

Seeing the helpless Xuanji soldiers, a group of black dragons roared down.

They have the largest body and the hardest scales.

Today they are going to enter the Xuanji Army's formation and wreak havoc on the battlefield to their heart's content!

"Really, I don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing the rampant and proud black dragon clan, Lu Bu clenched Fang Tian's painted halberd tightly.


under a halberd.


In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the sky shattered.

The all-out blow of this strong man in the Divine Palace realm swept towards the Black Dragon Clan like a storm.


Accompanied by waves of mourning.

After the storm dissipated, where was the shadow of the Black Dragon Clan on the battlefield?

The Black Dragon Clan, which is completely immune to physical damage, is indeed powerful.

But in front of Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted halberd, they were torn apart alive.

Invincibility is always just a relative concept.

When the strength of the enemy far exceeds that of one's own side, no amount of invincible skills will help!

"You! Presumptuous!"

Seeing that Lu Bu wiped out his black dragon clan with a single halberd, Ned Hogg, the king of the dragon clan, appeared on the battlefield roaring.

When he fully revealed his body, the entire battlefield was shaded!

His size is actually thousands of times larger than the 30-meter-tall giant king Ymir!

It's just the sound of his exhaling when he breathes, like thunder in the nine heavens.

Rumble! Rumble!

The moment Nidhogg, the king of the dragon clan, appeared, half of the upper court of the entire Nordic kingdom collapsed.

This is an ancient dragon, the first ancestor of the Nordic dragon clan!

With his appearance, a roar turned the tide of battle!

The giant dragons of various departments flying all over the sky burst out with unprecedented strength at this time!

"Flame Eruption!"

The red fire dragon roared, and under its raging flames, the entire battlefield was ablaze.

"The thorn of ice!"

While the flames were raging, the blue ice dragon also joined the battlefield.

The icicles summoned by waving their wings pierced the bodies of Xuanji soldiers like sharp blades.

"Counterattack! Counterattack!"

The Xuanji archers want to fight back.

But just as the densely packed arrows flew into the air, a white wind dragon flew over.


Under their wings, a violent hurricane suddenly blew up in the sky.

Under the hurricane, all the arrows were blown away.

The attack of Xuanji archers failed again!

"Hmph! It's just in time!"

However, the plight of the soldiers under his command did not affect Lu Bu.

He thought the same as Xiang Yu.

So what if you have millions of soldiers under your command? Is it because the strength is not up to the standard and can no longer enter Cheng Mu's eyes?

One hundred thousand people, all he wanted was one hundred thousand people.

As long as 100,000 soldiers under his command can survive and all of them can advance to the powerhouse of Shenmen.

Then in this battle, the mission of his Xuanji army was completed, and the goal of training troops was also achieved.

As for Lu Bu himself, the stronger the better!

"Lizard, die!"

While roaring, he rushed towards Ned Hogg with Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand.

What can the Dragon King do? Today he, Lu Bu, killed the Dragon King!


With one blow of the halberd, Fang Tian's painted halberd shattered a piece of scales on Ned Hogg's body.

A dragon scale the size of a man fell, which was the signal for Lu Bu's onslaught!

"Ant, you are courting death!"

Seeing that Lu Bu actually called himself a lizard? Nid Hogg roared angrily, this is the greatest insult to the Dragon Clan!


He swept his paw at Lu Bu who was like an ant.

The four sharp claws tore through the sky in a second, and the space shook!

But Lu Bu is very fast.

At this time, Nid Hogg's huge body became his perfect attacking ground!

When Nid Hogg swept away with his claws, Lu Bu flew onto his dragon's back!


Another halberd.

Fang Tian's painted halberd tore a piece of dragon scale again.

Large size has the advantage of being large, and ants also have the advantages of ants.

"I'm really angry with this king!"

Seeing this extremely slippery Lu Bu, Ned Hogg was furious.

He could clearly feel that Lu Bu was on his back, but he couldn't attack Lu Bu.

Even he couldn't find Lu Bu's figure with his sight.

In a rage, his whole body began to roll and accelerate!

He was going to throw Lu Bu off his back! He wants to tear Lu Bu into pieces!


But the next second.


Accompanied by a scream.

After discovering Nid Hogg's intentions, Lu Bu stabbed Fang Tian's painted halberd again.

This time he attacked the same place.

Without the protection of the dragon scales, how could the flesh and blood on Ned Hogg's back resist the sharp Fang Tian's painted halberd?

When the barb at the tip of Fang Tian's painted halberd hooked the flesh and blood on Nid Hogg's back, no matter how he rolled, he couldn't shake Lu Bu off!

In a quarter of an hour.

Nid Hogg was dizzy and dizzy from rolling himself around.

But the next second.


Lu Bu slammed the halberd again, and the severe pain made him wake up immediately!

He found that this hateful ant was still on his back!

"Get out of here, my lord!"

After realizing that he couldn't help Lu Bu, Ned Hogg finally understood the disadvantages of his huge body.

Don't look at Lu Bu who can only remove his dragon scales one by one.

The accumulation of these pieces will definitely strip off Nidhogg's dragon scales in the end!

At that time, without the protection of the dragon scales, Ned Hogg would die as badly as he could!

call out!

In order not to let himself die slowly, Ned Hogg chose to shrink his body!

Soon, his mighty body shrank to a size of 100 meters.

Although this 100-meter body can be regarded as a huge monster, he was already able to fight back against Lu Bu!

"Would you like to shrink?"

Seeing Nid Hogg abandoning his huge body, Lu Bu also temporarily stopped the attack in his hand.

At this time, everyone could see that the back of Ned Hoge's 100-meter body was already covered with scars and blood.

This is just a quarter of an hour.

If Lu Bu was poked for a few more hours, Ned Hogg would really die here.

Of course, Nidhogg's ending is doomed.

He shrunk his body, only briefly prolonging his life by a few minutes.


After a short rest for a few seconds, Lu Bu rushed towards Nid Hogg again.

For him, the shrunken Ned Hogg is actually easier to kill!

"You are the one to die!"

Finding that he was able to attack Lu Bu normally, Ned Hogg did not panic at this time.

Just rushing over like this? In his eyes, Lu Bu was sending himself to death!

"Dragon Claw!"

He roared, and grabbed Lu Bu fiercely with sharp claws in his hands.

At this moment, he wanted to see whether it was Lu Bu's body or his claws that were tough!


Facing the huge dragon claw flying over, the rushing Lu Bu blocked it with his halberd.


A powerful force collided with Fang Tian's painted halberd, and he was swept away with one blow.

Although Nid Hogg's body shrunk, his strength has not weakened at all!

"Come again!"

Feeling the numbness and pain in his arms, Lu Bu still didn't stop.


This time, he jumped up high, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand slashed towards Ned Hogg's body like a sword!


Nid Hogg wanted to block it with his dragon claws.

But the sharp Fang Tian painted halberd still tore his dragon scales and opened his flesh and blood.

With one halberd, Ned Hogg's dragon claw was injured!

But the next second.


The huge dragon wings swept over.

After injuring Ned Hogg, Lu Bu, who had not been able to get away in time, was swept away by the huge dragon wings.

"Cough cough! Cough cough!"

In the inverted state, Lu Bu stabilized his figure. But at this moment, he felt that his injury was a little serious, and his internal organs were all displaced.

Although this is a collision that hurts both sides.

But Ned Hogg, who was only injured by the dragon claw, was slightly injured, while Lu Bu was seriously injured!

"Die! Thunderstorm!"

After seeing Lu Bu injured, Ned Hogg started a crazy attack.


Under his roar, he spit out a world-destroying thunder storm!

Rumble! Kaz Kaz.

When the blue storm appeared in front of Lu Bu, the huge force sent Lu Bu flying again!

This is the true strength of the Dragon King!

As the king of the Nordic dragon clan, Nidhogg has the strength of the back of the palace.

If Lu Bu wants to challenge him today, he will have to bear the consequences of the difference in strength!

"You... come again!"

After being knocked into the air by Nid Hogg's thunder storm, Lu Bu was scarred all over.

The gurgling blood flowed down, and soon formed a stream on the ground.

But even so, Lu Bu still did not fall.

Now that everyone is desperate, how could he, Lu Bu, fall down?

"The Demon God Comes to the World!"

Rumble! Rumble!

The moment he roared sharply, a terrifying power began to awaken within him.

"I am Lu Bu, the strongest general in the world, what right do you have to kill me?"


Fang Tian's painted halberd regained its power in his A monstrous magic enveloped the battlefield.

Lu Bu is not possessed by a demon, but is driven by the power of a **** and demon!

"Ants! I don't know how to live or die!"

So what if Lu Bu got up again?

In Nied Hogg's eyes, Lu Bu was already a corpse!

"Go to hell!"

Facing the rushing Lu Bu, he raised the dragon claw in his hand again!

This time, the dragon claws swept faster and more powerfully!


But in the next second, under Ned Hogg's horrified eyes.

His dragon claw was cut off by Lu Bu!


The severe pain made him couldn't help but also slapped the other dragon claw.

But then.


Another halberd!

His dragon claw was cut off by Lu Bu again!

At this time, Lu Bu is really like a demon **** in the world.

He floated in front of Ned Hogg like this, and if Ned Hogg dared to move his claws, he would chop them off.

If Ned Hogg dared to move his wings, he would cut them off!

Now in front of him, Ned Hogg, the dragon king, is really no different from a lizard!

" kind of monster are you?"

Seeing the invincible Lu Bu, Ned Hogg panicked.

He wanted to turn around and flee, but there was a click.

His pair of wings were cut off by Lu Bu!

Intense fear enveloped his heart, and Ned Hogg, the dragon king, almost cried out at this moment!

He is the supreme king of the dragon clan, how could he die here today?

"The one who kills you, Tianqi Lu Bu!"

In the end, under Ned Hogg's terrified expression, Lu Bu chopped off Ned Hogg's head with a single halberd!

The king of the Nordic dragon clan died on the land of China!

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