The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1074: Beifu Ghost Soldiers!

"Thank you General!"

After Xie Xuan beheaded Hela, there were millions of undead soldiers on the battlefield without a leader.

Although there are still some remaining undead giants, undead knights, undead lords, etc., which look very powerful.

But facing the unkillable Beifu ghost soldiers, they all froze for a moment.

"Are we undead or are you undead?"

"Why can't you kill them?"

In waves of severe self-doubt, countless undead soldiers began to burrow into the ground.

They want to escape, they want to go back.

At first, the undead soldiers thought they were immortal.

But when they saw the Apocalypse Ghost Soldiers, they realized what is truly immortal!

Coupled with the loss of the backbone, the fighting spirit of the dead people all collapsed.

However, this group of undead soldiers wanted to escape, but the soldiers of the Beifu refused!

These millions of undead soldiers are a million supplements!

After discovering that the bones of these undead can enhance their own strength, the soldiers of Beifu started hunting mode.

Get into the ground? Dig it out and hack it to death!

beg for mercy? Cut off the head with a knife!

At this moment, under the frantic slaughter of the soldiers of the Beifu, there is nowhere for millions of undead soldiers to escape!

Even if he fled to the Nordic God Kingdom to go to court? They too will be picked out and killed!

Cruel, violent, bloodthirsty!

After breaking through the passage between the atrium and the world of the lower court, soldiers from the Northern Mansion poured into the world of the lower court one after another.

This is a dark place, a world of ghosts.

In the lower court where gods and extraordinary creatures are restricted, it was originally the domain of the Nordic dead people.

However, when the Beifu ghost soldiers stepped into the lower court, everything changed.

"Hahahaha, this place is great!"

"When the truce comes, I must be buried here!"

"Brothers, our Beifu Legion wants this site!"

"Kill all the ghosts here, from now on this place belongs to our Beifu army!"

There is no such place in Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom.

Therefore, during the truce on weekdays, the ghost soldiers can only bury themselves in the soil.

But the lower court of the Nordic God Kingdom is different.

This is inherent darkness, and the strong dark breath greatly benefits the ghost soldiers of Beifu.

Living here for a long time, their strength can be improved by one point.

Treasure land, for the Beifu ghost soldiers, this is a treasure land!


Soon after, the war came to an end.

After Lu Bu beheaded the king of the dragon clan, Xiang Yu also chopped Ymir, the leader of the giant clan, into powder with one blow.

The giants of the Nordic God Kingdom are indeed powerful.

But in front of the soldiers of Western Chu who were dying, their bodies were all torn to pieces.

In the end, after paying a price of more than 600,000 people, these giants were wiped out.

Xiang Yu's goal was also achieved.

Among the more than 300,000 remaining Western Chu soldiers, about 150,000 Western Chu soldiers advanced to Shenmen.

And the 50,000 people outside the plan became Xiang Yu's biggest surprise in this battle!

Yue Fei also successfully defeated Thor.

In the end, under the siege of Lu Bu, Xiang Yu, Xie Xuan, and Yue Fei, the four most powerful men, Thor held his wife Sif and died on the battlefield with hatred.

Since then, the Nordic kingdom of God has been officially destroyed.

In this battle, apart from the Yue Family Army and the Beifu Army, the Western Chu Army and the Xuanji Army had all completed the goals set in advance.

However, the one with the greatest strength leap is still Yue Fei.

Having experienced a battle to the death with Thunder God, Yue Fei was successfully promoted from the beginning of entering the Shrine to the peak of the middle realm of the Shrine.

This is a strength increase of 1.5 times.

As long as he works hard for a period of time, he will be promoted to the back realm of the Jingu Palace.

As for the three generals Xie Xuan, Xiang Yu, and Lu Bu, although they were promoted to the Empress Realm of the Shrine, they were still promoted to a small realm less than Yue Fei.

One is from first entering the shrine to the peak of the middle realm of the shrine.

The three are from the middle of the shrine to the back of the shrine.

According to the degree of improvement in strength, Yue Fei is naturally the one who has improved the most, and the one with the most fruitful results in this battle!

Not long.

"Everyone, this battle is hard!"

"I hope that after this battle, I can join hands with you and follow His Majesty again!"

After counting the battlefield, Xie Xuan clasped his fists deeply at Lu Bu, Xiang Yu, and Yue Fei.

Every one of them, every soldier did their best in this battle.

When facing an enemy stronger than ordinary soldiers of the Kingdom of God, everyone was fighting with all their might.

Although the battle suffered heavy losses in the end, they not only completed the task, but also displayed the demeanor of the Heavenly Kingdom.

Those who die in battle are honored even though they die!

The Yue family army wiped out millions of heroic soldiers.

However, because these heroic soldiers are only mortal soldiers recruited by Thor, although their strength has reached the border of the town, they cannot provide enough life energy for the Yue family army.

After this battle, only more than 10,000 Yue Family Army soldiers advanced to Shenmen.

Of course, Yue Fei didn't complain. Instead, he was content.

The strength of the soldiers under his command is not strong, no matter how hard he trains, it will be!

The strength of the coach can be improved by leaps and bounds, and the Yue family army still has a lot of victories in this battle!

Xiang Yu's Western Chu army wiped out tens of thousands of giants.

And the 150,000 Shenmen Realm soldiers are the best reward for them.

Subsequently, Xiang Yu dismissed the remaining hundreds of thousands of Western Chu soldiers who failed to be promoted.

He is already satisfied with 150,000 gods and soldiers following him!

As a strong person, everyone knows the importance of qualifications.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Western Chu Army failed to advance to Shenmen, not because they did not work hard enough, but because they were not qualified enough.

Sometimes, unless you are really one in a million.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for a person to break through the shackles of one's own aptitude.

Since these soldiers of the Western Chu Army can no longer keep up with their pace, why not let them go back to be their sons? be a husband?

He Xiang Yu didn't want to bear these soldiers, but thought they had a better choice and destination!

Lu Bu dismissed more Xuanji soldiers, more than 200,000.

Similar to what Xiang Yu thought, what Lu Bu wanted was also a strong man who could break the shackles.

Now that the gods are all over the sky, it is really impossible to gain an advantage on the battlefield of the gods without entering the fairyland.

And these 100,000 Divine Sect Realm Xuanji soldiers also became the capital for Lu Bu to be able to follow Cheng Mu!

"If you don't want to disarm and return to the fields..."

However, when he looked at the reluctant eyes of the dismissed soldiers, Lu Bu finally moved his heart with compassion.

"You all go to Qi Ling's command!"

Lu Qiling is his daughter, and her favorite thing is to wield knives and guns, and lead soldiers to fight.

Sending these veterans to Lu Qiling's command is also a kind of protection for his daughter by Lu Bu.

Although the soldiers of the fairyland of the Zhenguo people cannot enter the eyes of the gods and gods in the sky, they are invincible in the battle against the ordinary gods on the earth and stars!

"Thank you, General! Thank you, General!"

Seeing that Lu Bu did not completely abandon himself, more than 200,000 Xuanji soldiers were grateful and wept bitterly.

They would not resent Lu Bu for abandoning them, they would only blame themselves for not having enough strength and qualifications.

It is their fault that they can no longer help Lu Bu!

"General, we..."

Seeing that these disbanded Xuanji troops had a place to go, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Western Chu Army became jealous.

They looked at the soldiers of the Xuanji Army with envy, and looked at Xiang Yu with longing.

They also know that they are not strong enough, and they have no resentment in their hearts.

But they don't want to be disarmed and return to the field, they still want to continue fighting!

"As long as we work hard to kill the enemy, there will be a day when we will be promoted to Shenmen!"

A soldier roared sharply.

"Yes! General, give us a place to go!"

All the soldiers begged in unison.

Even if they can't be promoted to Shenmen, they would rather die on the battlefield.

"You... go too!"

Seeing pairs of longing eyes, Xiang Yu finally agreed.

"Brother Fengxian, since Qiling wants to lead troops, let these Xichu Erlang go too!"

He was interceding with Lu Bu.

He didn't have a suitable place to place the soldiers under his command, and if that was the case, they all belonged to Lu Qiling's command.

"Brother Fengxian has seen the strength of me, Xichuerlang."

The same as these disbanded Xuanji soldiers.

Although these hundreds of thousands of Western Chu soldiers could not be promoted to Shenmen, they were still invincible against Earth Star.

"Since His Majesty entrusted us to unify the earth stars before leaving, let Qi Ling take them to earn some meritorious service."

This is the last he Xiang Yu can do.

"Haha, thank you, Brother Yu!"

Lu Bu did not refuse.

Like Xiang Yu's Western Chu soldiers, he wanted as many as he came.

Just like what Xiang Yu said just now, he also wanted to make some merit for his daughter.

There are still a few continents on the earth and stars that have not been completely conquered.

At this time, it is a good time for his daughter Lu Qiling to make contributions!


"General, us?"

At this time, Liu Laozhi, under Xie Xuan's command, suddenly turned pale when he saw the dismissed soldiers of the Western Chu Army and Xuanji Army.

Those Western Chu soldiers and Xuanji soldiers were dismissed because of insufficient strength.

And their strength is not enough!

Even after exterminating millions of undead soldiers, the strength of the Beifu ghost soldiers has not fully entered the realm of the gods.

Now the million Beifu ghost soldiers are all the top-level soldiers of the Zhen Kingdom, only one step away from the Shenmen, and the momentum is huge.

However, in front of the immortals and gods all over the sky, those who do not enter the gate of the gods are still ants.

Only the high-ranking soldiers of the God Slayer at the Divine Gate Realm can condense a military soul with a strength above the Divine Palace Realm.

"You don't have to worry, I won't dismiss you alone!"

Seeing the anxious soldiers, Xie Xuan comforted him: "I will wait for you."

"I will be promoted together with you!"

He will not abandon his soldiers.

These Beifu ghost soldiers are completely linked to his life, if he abandons them, he will let these ghost soldiers die!

"General, if that's the case, when will you be able to return to His Majesty's side?"

Liu Laozhi stood up again.

He looked at Xiang Yu's extremely powerful Shenmen Realm Western Chu Army, and saw Lu Bu's Shenmen Realm Xuanji soldiers.

As the old men who followed Cheng Mu early in the morning, how could they be left behind just like that?

"It's okay, there will be such a day."

Xie Xuan smiled.

As long as he is still alive, as long as he is still in Tianqi, then he will be able to return to Cheng Mu's side one day!

"No, I want it now, starting today!"

However, facing Xie Xuan's reassurance, Liu Laozhi shook his head.

He suddenly stood in front of millions of Beifu ghost soldiers, and said sharply: "Soldiers, would you like to see my general and our Beifu army fall behind others?"

"No, I don't want to!"

It is precisely because he is completely loyal to Xie Xuan that Liu Jianzhi is unwilling.

"I don't want to! I don't want to!"

Under Liu Laozhi's impassioned shout, the millions of Beifu ghost soldiers responded emotionally.

Their lives were given by Xie Xuan, how could they see that Xie Xuan lagged behind others?

"In that case, brothers, let us help the general!"

"Let's become one!"

Rumble! Under Liu Laozhi's call, millions of Beifu ghost soldiers began to merge with each other.

This is what they learned from the battle with the undead army just now.

Since they can absorb the bones of the undead to improve their own strength, they can also absorb the bones of their compatriots to improve their strength.

Under Liu Laozhi's leadership, two Beifu ghost soldiers merged together.

"You guys, what are you doing!"

"This general does not allow you to do this, you do not allow you to do this!"

Seeing the soldiers under his command who regarded death as home, Xie Xuan burst into tears.

He doesn't need the soldiers to pay for him, he can wait.

The fusion of two Beifu ghost soldiers into one person meant that the other Beifu soldier was going to die.

After the fusion, the fused ghost soldier really died!

"General...we are fearless!"

At the moment when his body was devoured, smiles appeared on the faces of all the fused Beifu ghost soldiers.

They are very happy to help their generals!

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