The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1096: Grilled Centipede

Above the sky, the battle has heated up.

Facing Yuan Hong who was furious, Cheng Mu did not fall into a disadvantage!

The Han Chi Spear was in his hand, every blow made Yuan Hong's hands tremble.

Even if it is a golden fairy blessed by the power of the human race, it is still a golden fairy.

When facing Yuan Hong, who had just entered the Golden Wonderland, Cheng Mu and him were really on the same page.

Two people come and go, each has its own attack!

"Go away!"

The stalemate in the battle made Yuan Hong frustrated.

He is the real Golden Immortal Realm powerhouse, and he couldn't suppress the fake Cheng Mu today?

For a moment, the violent power in his body made his eyes turn red.


With a single strike, a Heavenly Ape Sword slashed at Cheng Mu's Han Chi Spear.

The huge force pushed Cheng Muzhen back several steps.

Immediately afterwards, another Heavenly Ape Sword took the opportunity to stab Cheng Mu in the chest.

He Yuan Hong has two swords of heaven and ape. Cheng Mu blocked one, but he still has one more!


Facing the sharp Heavenly Ape Sword, Cheng Mu with the middle door wide open could no longer block it.

At the critical moment, he turned his body sideways and let the Heavenly Ape Sword brush against the armor on his chest.

In an instant, flames splashed everywhere.

The Celestial Qilin Divine Armor is also a Houtian Lingbao-level weapon, so Yuan Hong's sword did not break the defense!

After dodging the sword, Cheng Mu chopped off Yuan Hong's head with the Chi spear in his hand.

Their attacks are deadly.

Yuan Hong wanted to tear his heart, but Cheng Mu wanted to smash his head!


But this shot was blocked by Yuan Hong again!

With the two swords of Tianyuan in his hands, he can easily attack or defend with ease!

Coupled with his rich experience in fighting, Cheng Mu couldn't gain the upper hand for a while.

"Damn it!"

However, Yuan Hong, who was shocked and retreated, roared angrily.

He suddenly became a little jealous.

Not only is Cheng Mu holding the Houtian Supreme Treasure Spear, but he is also wearing the Houtian Spirit Treasure?

You must know that every fairy **** will usually only sacrifice one spirit treasure as his magic weapon in his life, which is the magic weapon of his life. The grade of the magic weapon increases with the improvement of its own strength.

However, if you want to obtain more high-level instruments, you have to spend a lot of time, energy, and materials to re-sacrifice them.

Or, exchange and rob other people's magical artifacts.

And a large number of people choose the most time-saving and labor-saving method of killing and seizing treasures!

What Yuan Hong himself sacrificially refined was the Heavenly Ape Twin Swords in his hands.

When he saw that Cheng Mu not only had the weapons of the acquired treasure level, but also the armor of the acquired Lingbao level.

He was instantly convinced that Cheng Mu must have been stolen by murder.

How old is Cheng Mu, how could he concoct a second spirit treasure? Even the Hanchi Spear in Cheng Mu's hand, he thought Cheng Mu got it from somewhere.

Ever since, he moved his mind.

"Since you kill people to seize treasures, then this **** will kill you today!"

He, Yuan Hong, took a fancy to Cheng Mu's Hanchi Spear and Qilin God Armor.

There are only so many ways to improve strength in the Great Desolate World.

Either practice by yourself, or use natural materials and earthly treasures, or equip powerful magic weapons!

Now that the bottleneck of their cultivation has been reached, no matter how hard they try, they can't catch up with those big guys.

And the treasures of heaven, material and earth have been robbed long ago, so how can they get the turn of little gods like them.

Therefore, killing people and seizing treasures is Yuan Hong's only way to quickly improve his strength.

He had never imagined that the Lower Realm could have such a harvest today.

"Hehe! Overthinking one's abilities!"

Seeing that Yuan Hong was greedy for his own weapons and armor after hundreds of moves, Cheng Mu sneered and said, "You gods, are you so shabby?"

A fairy-level weapon can make the strong in the Golden Wonderland envious.

Then if he sacrificed his Fuxiqin, wouldn't it cause shocks from all over the world?

Fuxiqin, the natal instrument of Emperor Fuxi.

At the beginning, the Empress turned Fuxiqin into a system to guide the development of Earth and Stars.

Now, although Fuxiqin has returned to Cheng Mu's hands, Cheng Mu cannot use it due to his serious lack of strength.

But what Cheng Mu can be sure of is that the grade of Fuxiqin far surpasses his own Hanchi Spear.

When Fuxiqin was able to transform into a human being, the Acquired Supreme Treasure-level Hanchi Spear still couldn't speak.

That's the difference!

"My **** won't be shabby after you die!"

Yuan Hong did not hide the greed in his eyes at all.

Anyway, if he wants to kill Cheng Mu, the Hanchi Spear and Qilin Armor are his trophies!

"Go to hell!"

While roaring, the two fought hundreds of times again!


"Kill them! Kill them!"

Li Bai, Sun Wu and others did not participate in the battle between Cheng Mu and Yuan Hong.

Now there are still five of the Six Sages of Meishan.

Bison Jin Dasheng, Mountain Dog Dai Li, Wild Boar Zhu Zizhen, Centipede Wu Long, White Snake Chang Hao.

And they were fighting against Li Bai, Sun Wu, Confucius, Hei Ling, and Pang Da.

Now on the earth and stars, apart from Ao Guang and Ao Shang who were unable to make a move, there are only five of them who are strong in the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

Now that Guan Hai, Xie Xuan and other Taiyi True Immortals are unable to help, the five of them must go all out!

"Kill them!"

Panda roared angrily.

Its opponent is Wu Long, the centipede of ten thousand years.

When Wu Long revealed his true form, a huge centipede with a body comparable to that of a dragon appeared above the sky.

This centipede has ten thousand legs, and each leg is actually a sharp blade.

"Go to hell! Tabby cat!"

When the truth was revealed, Wu Long swung his huge tail and drew towards Pang Da.

In an instant, the legs and feet at his tail turned into steel blades. The cyan blade, every sharp blade on the surface is coated with poison!

"Get out of here, you bastard! This king is the Pang Da Demon King, not a cat!"

Hearing that Wu Long actually called his flower cat, Pang Da was furious.


It roared, and its entire body swelled in an instant!

It opened its arms and embraced Wu Long's tail.

Rumble! Boom!

The huge impact shook the world, and Pang Da's entire body also retreated dozens of steps.

But even though it was blown away, it still tightly hugged the giant tail in its arms.

Click click click.

The sharp centipede foot blade drew countless streaks of flames on his chest.

The ear-piercing sound of cutting gold and iron made everyone on the battlefield get goosebumps.

It was at this time that Pang Da's divine iron body finally revealed its strength.

So what if he was hacked into pieces?

Wu Long's sharp centipede foot blade couldn't tear apart Pang Da's body.

Even though the scorching flames were generated after the foot blade collided with the **** iron, Panda still remained motionless!

"You... get out! Get out of here!"

Seeing Pang Da holding his tail tightly, Wu Long panicked. How can there be such a fighting style, is it possible to have close contact with him?

He flicked the giant tail desperately, trying to shake Pang Da off.

But at this time, Pang Da, who was like a mountain, was beyond his ability to shake.

call out!

The next second, Pang Da hugged his tail and began to wave and flick it.

At this time, Wu Long was like a long whip, waving wantonly in Pang Da's hands.

"Ahhh! Presumptuous! Smelly cat, you are presumptuous!"

Wu Long has lost his center of gravity.

Under Pan Da's waving again and again, he only felt dizzy and deaf in both ears.

It's too perverted!

He is obviously a centipede, but Pang Da actually treats him like a snake!


Finally, in desperation, Wu Long had no choice but to abandon his tail.

next second.

call out!

Without restraint, he finally escaped from Pang Da's clutches and flew out.

"Big bear, are you a gecko?"

Seeing Wu Long cut off his tail to survive, Pang Da let out an angry roar.

But when it looked at the huge tail in its hand, it suddenly felt impulsive.

Immediately under Wu Long's horrified gaze, it bit Wu Long's severed tail.

There was only a click, and the aroma overflowed.

The centipede's tail, which was originally roasted by the scorching flames, now gnaws and smells everywhere.

“Delicious Gecko!”

Pang Da nodded, and finally had a higher opinion of Wu Long.

"You you you, presumptuous!"

Wu Long was both scared and angry. It was the first time he had encountered such a ferocious enemy.

Not only broke his tail, but also devoured it like no one else.

fear! anger!

Under the boundless anger, he roared and rushed towards Pang Da again.

"If I don't avenge this revenge, I swear I won't be a centipede!"


At this moment, Wu Long once again used his feet as a blade.

The densely packed centipede blades that shot out looked like they were going to tear Fat Da into pieces!

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

However, even if the mighty Centipede Foot Blade attacked, Pang Da still didn't make too many moves.

I saw it holding Wu Long's tail, turned around and continued to eat.

The densely packed foot blades shot at its back, and sparks filled the sky again!

For Pang Da, although his body has become a body of divine iron.

But he still has one hobby that has not changed, and that is gluttony!

It doesn't matter where he is, it doesn't matter if it's the enemy's body or not, it's fat enough to chew on it first!

"You can kill me with anger! You can kill me with anger!"

Seeing that Pang Da ignored him like this, Wu Long was furious.

Thinking of his own tail being eaten alive like he became even more insane.

"Go to hell!"


This time, he used his strongest ultimate move.

All of a sudden, clusters of black mist sprayed out from his mouth.

In just a few breaths, thick black mist enveloped Pang Da.

This is the poisonous fog, the killing fog.

When the area where he fought Pang Da was completely covered by black smoke, Wu Long hid his body.


In the black smoke, a foot blade flew from nowhere and struck Pang Da's back.

With the blessing of the black mist, this time Wu Long's attack finally broke through.

The pitch-black foot blade left a small gap on Pang Da's back, and the surrounding black mist rushed towards the gap as if violently.

Wu Long wants to poison Pang Da to death, and turn Pang Da into rotten water.


At this moment, Pang Da stood up furiously.

It is angry.

It was not angry at Wu Long for attacking him from behind, but angry at the centipede tail in his hand.

This vicious poisonous mist actually corroded the centipede tail that he hadn't finished eating.

In an instant, boundless anger surged into Pang Da's heart.

Destroying it for food is like killing its owner!


In an instant, supreme divine power burst out from its body, and the black mist clinging to its body was immediately dispersed.

Even Wu Long, who was hiding in the black mist, was blown away.

It is a majestic fat devil, as strong as Cheng Mu is, as strong as it is.

Now that Cheng Mu has stepped into the Golden Fairyland, what is Wu Long in the Mysterious Fairyland compared to the fat and big demon king?

"If you ruin this king's food, then this king will eat you!"

Panda roared angrily.

Since the charcoal-grilled centipede tail tastes good, the charcoal-grilled whole centipede should taste even better!

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