"Second brother!"

"Second brother!"

"Second brother!"

The death of Jin Dasheng caused Yuan Hong and others to panic and despair.

At this time, only three of the six sages of Meishan remained, Yuan Hong, Dai Li, and Zhu Zizhen.

When Jin Dasheng entered the Golden Immortal Realm just now, they were all overjoyed, thinking that the victory of this battle had been decided.

But in just a few dozen breaths, Jin Dasheng turned into a corpse.

Despair, roar, howl!

Dai Li and Zhu Zizhen became afraid when they discovered that a strong human race could kill even golden immortals.

I saw them showing their original shape, roaring and wanting to rush out of Confucius' formation.

But when Sun Wu attacked them with the power of faith, the demon dog Dai Li and the wild boar Zhu Zizhen were kicked back like they were kicked.

Dai Li, whose body was like a mountain, was torn apart by Sun Wu's punch.

Zhu Zizhen, a wild boar as powerful as an ox, howled in pain under the flames summoned by Confucius raising his hand.

The two of them originally had the strength of the Profound Immortal Realm.

But when the power of human belief suppressed their mana, they turned into real beasts!

"Brother... save... save... help!"

When they were covered with scars, Dai Li and Zhu Zizhen wailed and wanted to seek Yuan Hong's help.

But at this time, Yuan Hong has long been unable to protect himself!

As the emperor of the human race, as the greatest expectation of the ten thousand races on the earth and stars.

Cheng Mu's power of faith is more than that of Li Bai, Confucius, Sun Wu and others combined!

So even without Fat Dahei Ling's help in this battle, Yuan Hong would not be his opponent.

Of course, the immortal gods still have a slight advantage on the battlefield at this time.

And their advantage comes from ten thousand grassroots soldiers!

"The mere human ants, kill them!"

The powerful strength gave the grass-headed soldiers great confidence.

The sharp spears tore through the formation of human soldiers in an instant.

They are half-step altar-level powerhouses, and among them there are even grass-headed soldiers with real altar-level strength.

Therefore, when facing the human soldiers who had just entered the gods, they appeared extremely powerful and relaxed in the first battle.

These grassroots soldiers trained by Yang Jian himself are much stronger than the heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly realm.

Whether it is the Huben Army, the Flying Tiger Army, the Excalibur Army, or the Western Chu Army and the Xuanji Army.

Except for Xie Xuan's Beifu Ghost Soldiers who had the characteristic of immortality, the other human army was seriously damaged.

"Soldiers, have you seen it? This is your enemy!"

After the First World War, Guan Hai shouted loudly from high altitude: "If you want to kill them, then you have to become stronger! Always become stronger!"

Although the human soldiers will pay some price in this battle, as long as the soldiers can clearly see the strength of the enemy, what is this loss?

Since the development of the human race began to speed up, some soldiers who successfully advanced to the Shenmen realm began to be complacent, and even took credit for it.

And this battle is the time to clean up the discipline!

Only when they truly see the strength of the enemy, will the soldiers maintain awe and move forward!

For the human race, it is for the important task of protecting the enemy.

The Divine Gate Realm should not be the end point for these soldiers!


Later, under the leadership of Guan Hai, the generals of various armies also joined the battlefield.

The effect of sharpening soldiers has been achieved, and it is impossible for them to let all the soldiers under their command die here.


Guan Hai, who was above the shrine, was chopped off with a single blow.

In an instant, thousands of grass-headed soldiers died under his knife.

"I am the Overlord!"

Xiang Yu also rushed into the enemy's formation, leading the soldiers under his command to fight all the way!

The enemies at the altar level are very powerful for the soldiers, but in front of the generals with the strength of the palace level, these grassroots soldiers can't make any waves.

During the period, although several captains of the Caotou Bing in the Divine Palace wanted to fight back.

But just as they showed up, Xiang Yu, Lu Bu, Ran Min and others rushed over.

This is a rare head, no one wants to let it go!

With just a few strokes, these grass-headed soldiers and captains turned into a mass of rotten meat!

"Kill them all."

In the end, most of the enemies were left, and the generals chose to hand them over to the soldiers under their command.

With Guan Hai on top of the Jingu pressing the formation, these grassroots soldiers could no longer make waves.


"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Seeing that the grassroots soldiers under his command were all at a disadvantage, Yuan Hong roared angrily.

Although 10,000 grassroots soldiers have killed nearly 100,000 ethnic soldiers.

But in the face of the huge number of human races, what is nearly a hundred thousand?

Under the boundless anger, Yuan Hong wanted to kill Cheng Mu to vent his anger.

"Eighty nine profound arts!"


With his roar, an indomitable golden giant appeared above the sky.

Every blow of the golden giant can cause the world to tremble.

This is Yuan Hong's last hole card, he fought hard!


Seeing Yuan Hong transformed into a giant, Cheng Mu's expression became more serious.

He originally thought that Yuan Hong was at the end of his rope, but he didn't want to have such a vicious ultimate move!

He felt that what was coming out of the golden giant at this time was a stronger force than Yuan Hong just now.

Even if he uses the power of faith, this power still feels uncomfortable all over him.

In other words, Yuan Hong's strength has surpassed him at this moment!

"Sure enough, he is a person who can become a fairy god, and there are not many people who are easy to mess with."

Facing the overwhelming momentum, Cheng Mu rubbed the Chi spear in his hand.


The next second, with his loud shout, the Han Chi dragon soul roared out.

At the same time, the four shrines in his sea of ​​consciousness opened instantly. A steady stream of power of faith poured into the body of the Han Chilong Soul, increasing the size of the Han Chilong Soul tens of millions of times!


The dragon soul roared to the sky.

When the mountain-like golden god-man and the mountain-like cold chi dragon soul appeared above the sky, the whole earth and planet became silent again.

Everyone stared blankly at these two behemoths~www.readwn.com~ and dared not make the slightest movement!

Too strong.

Although the power of the two giants did not press down on them, just by looking at them with the naked eye, you can feel the great pressure coming!

Under the cover of the golden god-man and the cold chilong soul, the sun, moon and stars all over the sky also disappeared.

And when the golden divine light fell on the earth, a raging fire suddenly ignited on the earth and stars!

Although the auspicious unicorn can block Yuan Hong's power, it can't stop the sky full of golden light!


But at this moment, Han Chi dragon soul roared.

In an instant, heavy snow fell in the whole world. The heavy snow didn't harm everything on the earth, stars, but just swallowed the fire all over the ground!


Ice and snow were poured on top of the fire, making a loud sizzling sound.

Wisps of white mist began to cover the earth and stars, and everyone immediately felt refreshed!


But this mere raging fire was not Yuan Hong's means of attack.

With a roar, he slashed down the two giant ape swords towards Han Chilong's soul!

Click! Click!

The giant sword slashed at the body of Han Chilong Soul, taking away a large piece of frost!

The whole body of the cold dragon soul is cast by the power of ice, without flesh and blood, and knows no pain.

So it didn't care about Yuan Hong's attack at all, instead it sprayed a mouthful of extremely cold dragon's breath towards Yuan Hong's face.

Rumble! Kacha Kacha~

In an instant, the battlefield was frozen with frost.

The extremely tall Yuan Hong began to move slowly under the force of extreme cold.


At this moment, after reducing Yuan Hong's mobility, Cheng Mu's hand holding the Hanchi Spear turned into a deeper and more intense golden light.

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of millions of people on Earth and Stars, and under the roar of Yuan Hong.

The cold chi spear pierced Yuan Hong's back!

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