【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

"Hiss! What a powerful sky thunder."

Cheng Mu only felt pain and numbness all over his body.

Even the shrine in the sea of ​​consciousness was shaken.

King Qin Guang's Huangquan Tianlei will not only attack his body, but even his soul will be affected.

If it weren't for the strong power of his soul, otherwise, one of the shrines in the sea of ​​consciousness would be smashed to pieces!

As the ten halls of Yama in the underworld, King Qin Guang still has some strength.

Especially that bead.

At this time, spinning around King Qin Guang's body, the reincarnation bead emitting a strange purple light all over his body may also be an acquired treasure!

Coupled with the unique combat advantages of the underworld, the reincarnation beads have exerted extremely powerful power.

"Come again!"

After the reincarnation pearl shattered the auspicious cloud above Cheng Mu's head, King Qin Guang seemed to have found a shortcut.


There was another tremor.

The piercing voice attacked Cheng Mu's sea of ​​consciousness again.

Now the strong in the Golden Immortal Realm don't bother to attack the opponent's body anymore.

The strong man in the Golden Wonderland is immortal and the flesh is immortal? Then they will directly attack each other's spirits!

Simple and brutal!

"Hmph! A mere trail!"

Cheng Mu restrained his expression and stabilized his figure.

The trick just now was just a sudden failure to prepare.

Although the power of the Samsara Orb is strong, his Shrine of Cheng Mu is even stronger!


There was a loud crash that only he could hear.

The shock force emanating from the reincarnation bead hit the shrine in his sea of ​​consciousness.

This time, although Cheng Mu's ears were deafened by the violent impact, the Samsara Bead flew out instantly due to the huge counter-shock force!

If you want to be harder.

The five shrines in Cheng Muzhi's sea are definitely harder than King Qin Guang's Reincarnation Bead!

The power emanating from the five shrines is not good even for acquired treasures.


The huge impact made King Qin Guang spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, he held up the Samsara Bead with a distressed face, and the eye-catching crack on the Samsara Bead seemed to be split in his heart.


Seeing his baby being torn apart by Cheng Mu, Qin Guang gritted his teeth angrily!

However, reason told him that he should not love to fight anymore.

Now the Beifu ghost soldiers have completely captured Qin Guangcheng, and the first heavy city in the underworld that he devoted himself to building has fallen like this.

In desperation, he turned around and fled into the distance!

He just eats the king's salary to share the worries of the king.

Now that Emperor Fengdu has been suppressed, the heavenly soldiers and generals of the heavenly court have not come to help.

What should I do if I can't beat it? We can only evacuate first.

"Want to leave? It's too late!"

Seeing that King Qin Guang wanted to escape, Cheng Mu immediately chased after him.

He has been fighting so hard for so long, and this is the moment he has been waiting for!

As long as he tears off a trace of King Qin Guang's spirit, then he will be able to step into the realm of the real golden fairy!

call out!

There was only a swoosh, and the Hanchi Spear stood in front of King Qin Guang.

On speed.

How could King Qin Guang, who seldom gets a shot once in a hundred thousand years, be Cheng Mu's opponent?

"You, don't bully people too much!"

Seeing that Cheng Mu refused to let him go, King Qin Guang was a little flustered.

But he still gritted his teeth and said: "This is the underworld, it is impossible for you to kill this king!"

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

He is King Guang of Qin who was proclaimed by the Jade Emperor and recognized by the power of the six realms of reincarnation.

In the underworld, he is simply an immortal existence!

If you want to kill him, you must have the strength to counter the power of the Six Paths of Samsara. It's just that with Cheng Mu's current strength, it's absolutely impossible!


Cheng Mu didn't know the specialness behind King Qin Guang.

Anyway, he even killed Yuan Hong, who was so difficult to kill, what if he didn't try today?


In an instant, under Cheng Mu's angry reprimand, a huge energy surged towards King Qin Guang.

This energy is like a chain, which bound Qin Guangwang's five flowers in an instant.

There are chains pouring into King Qin Guang's sea of ​​consciousness, they want to lock King Qin Guang's soul!


Seeing that Cheng Mu insisted on killing him, King Qin Guang panicked and became angry.

He wants to struggle.

But the chains around his body were like thick gold iron, firmly clamping his body.

At this time, even his soul was restrained.

This time, he has nowhere to escape!

"excuse me!"

Cheng Mu had already raised the Chichi Spear.

Strictly speaking, he has no enmity with King Qin Guang.

He just wanted to pass through Qin Guang City, but King Qin Guang blocked him.

But now that his strength is low, Cheng Mu has to do everything possible to improve his strength.

So if he doesn't tear off a piece of flesh from King Qin Guang's body today, he won't let it go!

call out!

The Han Chi spear was very fast, piercing King Qin Guang's head in the blink of an eye.

Red and white scattered all over the place.

These are not flesh and blood, but Netherland.

The body of King Qin Guang was actually made of a pile of dark soil.


In the next second, King Qin Guang's soul rushed out of his head.

He glared angrily, wishing to tear Cheng Mu's body to pieces.

But just a sting.

He knew that he was not Cheng Mu's opponent now, so he almost drove his soul to flee to the distance again.

Since he is not bound by his body, his speed is even faster!

Cheng Mu wanted to chase after him with a cold chi spear, but he could only flinch in front of the extremely fast speed.

last blow.

He used the teleportation to throw the cold chi spear, which tore off a ray of Qin Guangwang's soul.

And the result of doing so is that Qin Guangwang's hatred for him is even deeper!

"Huh~ Shu Tan!"

But Cheng Mu can't control so much at this time.

After refining and absorbing the remnant soul of King Qin Guang, his sixth shrine was finally completed.


It was at this moment that the entire underworld began to stir.

Thunder light, golden light, rainbow light...

The power of the human race, the power of faith, the power of fairy spirits......

All kinds of mana and colorful rays of light, they are intertwined together to make the whole underworld colorful.

In the sky, the fighting between Dongfang Ghost Emperor and Bai Ze and others also stopped.

After realizing that this battle was impossible, the Eastern Ghost Emperor withdrew from the battlefield.

In fact, with their strength, no one has much hatred.

Fighting is just about performing their duties.

Play a game, click to stop.

No one wants to really kill anyone.

That would not only cost a huge price, but also bear a huge karma.

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

Not worth it!

Ever since, when Cheng Mu's strength was promoted, it also meant that the battle was officially over.

When the rosy light fell from the sky, there were no ghost soldiers from the underworld in Qin Guang City.

"Hahahaha, congratulations, His Majesty the Emperor!"

Bai Ze and the others fell down.

He looked at Cheng Mu, whose strength had been promoted to Jinxian, and at Qin Guangcheng who had captured, and he was very satisfied in the end.

This is what his Yaozu wants.

They can solve the powerhouses of the underworld.

But the ghost soldiers in the underworld can just be handed over to Cheng Mu.

Since it is an alliance, both parties need to take action.

From the very beginning, Bai Ze never thought of wanting to prostitute Cheng Mu for nothing.

Everything is the best choice, make the best use of everything!

"Hehe, thank you!"

In fact, Cheng Mu also clasped his hands together to thank Bai Ze and the others.

If they didn't stop Dongfang Ghost Emperor, King Qin Guang wouldn't be able to solve it so easily.

Although he didn't really kill King Qin Guang, it is a fact that his strength has improved.

It's not that he, Cheng Mu, has gained nothing from coming to the underworld this time!

"Come, come, let's have a few drinks in the city!"

"The subsequent battles still require His Majesty the Emperor to take care!"

Bai Ze enthusiastically pulled Cheng Mu into Qin Guangcheng.

The cooperation between the two races for the first time is considered a happy one, so he is looking forward to the next cooperation.


Cheng Mu was not polite and walked in together.

This is the first time he stepped into the heavy city of the underworld.

As he walked the broad streets, he felt like he was back in the world.

Wide streets, well-ordered houses, and small stalls on both sides of the street.

If there are no pedestrians on the street at this time, plus the dark sky.

Otherwise, Cheng Mu would think that he came to the world.

"Hehe, this is the first time His Majesty the Emperor has come to the underworld!"

Bai Ze saw Cheng Mu's surprise.

He explained with a smile: "The underworld is a big world."

"There are not only ghosts living here, but also other ghosts and monsters."

"When all the creatures from the heavens die, their souls will return to the underworld."

"Not all souls will be reincarnated, and not all souls will fall into hell!"

"The underworld is actually not as cold and lonely as we thought!"

He, Bai Ze, has also been to the underworld several times, and he has also seen the prosperous scene of the underworld.

So he told Cheng Mu that ghosts are actually living things. They can be cultivated and become stronger.

There are even quite a few strong ghosts who can be ranked among the immortals!


Cheng Mu nodded, and thoughtfully said: "The authority of the Underworld Emperor is no lower than that of the Emperor of Ten Thousand Races!"

He originally thought that the underworld was a cold and lonely place, so the soul would suffer when it came here.

But I don't want to, this place is the same as the world.

The ghost race also lives here like the human race.

It's just that ~www.readwn.com~ the ghost race is worse than the human race.

After a person dies, the soul can still return to the underworld, either reincarnated, or turned into a ghost clan to live in the underworld.

But if the ghost clan cannot be reincarnated, then they will not be able to escape the end of their souls flying away in the end.

"That's natural."

Bai Ze said: "Actually, the authority of the underworld is not weaker than that of the heavens."

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

"If it weren't for the decree of the Three Qing Dynasty, the Jade Emperor would be the lord of the Three Realms in name."

"Otherwise, Yinting Underworld Division is heaven!"

Who dares to provoke the underworld?

Unless it is a strong person in the Great Luo Realm who has jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements.

Otherwise, even a strong person in the Golden Immortal Realm would have a lifespan limit.

As long as there is life, then it belongs to the underworld!

And if you want to achieve true immortality, only a saint!


Cheng Mu understood.

No wonder Haotian took action to suppress Emperor Fengdu that day. It turns out that the position of Lord of the Underworld is too important.

In the heavenly world, in the heavenly court, although those immortal gods under Daluo appear to be Haotian's courtiers.

But in fact, the soul of life and death is in the hands of Emperor Fengdu.

In this case, Haotian's authority will be directly divided.

As the Lord of Myriad Realms, Haotian is definitely not willing.

The true Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms, he wants to control the birth, old age, sickness and death of all things in the Ten Thousand Worlds.

Whether it is alive or after death, it must be under the control of the Lord of Myriad Worlds!

This is the supreme authority!

This is estimated to be the goal that Haotian is pursuing now!

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