The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1122: 5 Ghost Emperor Fang, entrusted by Bai Ze

【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

"Oh? Such a big battle?"

"It's a pity that your strength is still not enough!"

Seeing the Dongfang Ghost Emperor and Ten Temple Yan Luo waiting in full force, Bai Ze was not afraid at all.

Except for Cai Yulei, the Eastern Ghost Emperor, who is a corpse sub-sage, what are the other Ten Halls of the Golden Immortal Realm Yama?

Among them, the King of Equality and the King of Wheels are the strength of the mythical Daluo.

But behind Bai Ze, there are ten demon commanders from the Mythical Great Luo Realm.

The number of demon kings in Golden Fairyland exceeds hundreds.

A mere Eastern ghost emperor, what can he use to fight his monster clan?

"Hmph, what about us?"

But at this moment, another cold snort came.

Under Bai Ze's suspicious gaze, four figures landed on Chujiang City.

They are Southern Ghost Emperor Du Ziren, Western Ghost Emperor Zhao Wenhe, Northern Ghost Emperor Zhang Heng, and Central Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi.

The five ghost emperors of the Underworld Division are all here now!

"You? How is it possible?"

Seeing the appearance of the other ghost emperors from all directions, Bai Ze finally panicked.

He couldn't believe this fact: "Impossible, how could you be the opponent of the demon master?"

The Kunpeng demon master, the master of the demon clan, the prehistoric boss, the pinnacle power of the quasi-sage.

Before **** reincarnation, Kunpeng was already a giant.

But now, the Sifang Ghost Emperor has appeared, and the demon master Kunpeng has disappeared without a trace.

"Hmph, of course we can't beat Kunpeng."

Seeing the flustered Bai Ze, Zhou Qi, the central ghost emperor, sneered and said, "But you all forgot, who is the real master of the underworld, the six realms of reincarnation?"

They were indeed beaten badly by Kunpeng at the beginning.

But at a critical juncture, that person appeared.

It was also because of this that they were able to free themselves to deal with Bai Ze and the remaining elite of the monster race.

"Are all the rumors true? Is Meng Po really that clone?"

Bai Ze's complexion was pale at this moment.

He had calculated thousands of times, but he didn't count Po Meng by the Nai River Bridge!

There have been rumors before that Po Meng is the doppelganger of the Houtu sage in the underworld.

She is the real boss of the underworld.

It's just that for millions of years, the underworld of the underworld has been in charge of Emperor Fengdu.

Po Meng is like an ordinary old woman, who has been forgotten by everyone.

But I didn't want to, the worst result still appeared.

The rumors of millions of years ago are true!

Po Meng is the real boss of the underworld!

"Hmph, that's natural!"

The central ghost emperor was both grateful and excited at this time.

Po Meng's identity was hidden too deeply. If they hadn't rescued them that day, they might not have known her true identity until their death.

It was also from that moment that they decided.

What Emperor Fengdu, what Jade Emperor?

In front of the saint, go to hell!

"You guys... are really hiding deep enough!"

Bai Ze already gritted his teeth.

Thanks to the help of Cheng Mu and the ghost soldiers from Beifu, they got off to a good start.

If he was asked to turn back now, he would not be reconciled!

'The two demon emperors of our family are still suffering under the eighteenth hell, how can we return without success! '

He was not reconciled and didn't want to take a step back.

He had considered giving up the territory of the underworld before, and only saved the two demon emperors.

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

This is already his worst plan.

However, the arrival of the Wufang Ghost Emperor today seemed to tear up his last bit of request.

He is not reconciled!

With strong emotions, he stood up.

"Listen to the orders, all the generals, Zhou Tian star battle formation!"

In order to save the king of the monster clan, he, Bai Ze, went all out.

Bringing hundreds of Golden Immortal Realm powerhouses from the Monster Race, he just wanted to be on guard against such a moment.

Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation, one of the four great formations of the prehistoric Xeon.

It was realized by the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi from the chaos clock by referring to the laws of the movement of the stars in the primordial world.

It combines the power of 365 stars in the sky, plus the sun star and the lunar star as the main star formation eyes, it is extremely deep and full of murderous aura.

It attacks Wushuang and defends Wushuang.

It is the most powerful formation in the ancient demon court.

Now here, in the Underworld.

Although the castrated version of Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation is less than one ten-thousandth of the full body's power.

But the real Zhou Tian Xingdou formation can be suppressed even by a saint.

To suppress the sub-sages like ghost emperors of the five directions, the castrated version of Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation is enough!

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

At the last moment when the formation was formed, Bai Ze cast his eyes on Cheng Mu and begged, "If His Majesty the Emperor arrives at Fengdu Mountain, please go to the eighteenth floor of **** to rescue me, the Emperor of the Monster Race!"

"The ghost emperor of the five directions, we blocked it for you!"

He knew that Cheng Mu's purpose was to go to Fengdu Mountain to open the sealed human path.

That being the case, he can only entrust his last hope to Cheng Mu.

"Okay, I'll do my best!"

Cheng Mu agreed.

If Bai Ze and others did not join forces to stop Wufang Ghost Emperor, he would not be able to reach Fengdu Mountain.

Agreeing to Bai Ze is not only an exchange of interests between the two parties, but also Cheng Mu's friendship.

If he can do it, he will definitely help the Yaozu to rescue the two demon emperors, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

Worried about the increase in the strength of the Yaozu?

No, this is not what Cheng Mu should worry about.

The demon emperor has returned, and the one who can't sit still is probably the immortal gods all over the sky!

Anyway, Cheng Mu knew that his human race was too weak to compete with the gods head-on for the time being, so he wished that the heavens and worlds would become chaotic.

At that time, let the fairy gods go to fight the monster race to death, so that other races can take the opportunity to strengthen their strength!

"Thank you!"

Seeing that Cheng Mu agreed, Bai Ze was relieved.

He manipulated the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array to press towards the five ghost emperors.

Today, there are only these five top powerhouses left in the Underworld. As long as the Wufang Ghost Emperor is trapped, Cheng Mu will never encounter a powerful enemy again!

He Bai Ze helped Cheng Mu remove the biggest obstacle ahead!

"You guys, presumptuous!"

Seeing that Bai Ze dared to use the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation in the underworld.

Wufang Ghost Emperor was shocked and angry.

They startled the prestige of Zhou Tian's star formation, just a name would make people tremble uncontrollably.

angry words.

This is the underworld, there is no sun, moon and stars.

The Zhou Tian Xing Dou grand formation is displayed here, and the five ghost emperors are not taken seriously at all.

"Today, we will tear up your Zhoutian Star Dou Formation!"

If this is in the fairy world, in the demon world, anywhere where the sun, moon and stars can be seen, if this is the complete celestial circle, they will be afraid.

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

But in the underworld, a castrated version of Zhou Tian Xingdou Dazhen wants to suppress them?

What an idiot!


In an instant, the five ghost emperors took the initiative to fly towards the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation.

They are the kings of the underworld, the only rulers under Emperor Fengdu and Po Meng.

Here is their home field!


"Really, unexpected!"

Seeing Zhou Tian's star formation gradually going away, Cheng Mu couldn't help feeling emotional.

He thought it would be a very smooth journey.

But I don't want to have so many twists and turns just after arriving at the second palace, Chujiang City.

Whether it was the immortal soldiers and generals outside the ghost gate, or the battle of Qin Guangcheng, or this battle.

The changes in the battle situation did not have time for them to make a perfect decision.

"Next, we can only take one step at a time!"

Although the ghost emperors of the five directions have been temporarily taken away by Bai Ze with the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, there are still ten palaces of Yama on the walls of Chujiang City at this time.

Among them, the King of Equality and the King of Reincarnation are even more powerful in the Mythical Great Luo Realm.

The next battle will not be easy!

"Hmph! Cheng Mu!"

At this time, King Qin Guang on the city wall said angrily, "You didn't expect that today is still here?"

At this time, he reshaped his body again, but the whole person looked shorter.

Even the strength has dropped from the Golden Immortal Realm to the Golden Immortal Middle Realm.

This is because Cheng Mu cut off a strand of his soul.

After losing a wisp of divine soul, his strength also weakened!

"Not really."

Cheng Mu admitted.

He originally thought that in the next battle, every city would defeat a Yama king.

But he didn't want Yan Luo from the Ten Temples to show up today, which surprised him a little.

How can there be a decisive battle just after the start of the war?

If he wins this battle, wouldn't it mean that his subsequent journey will be unimpeded?

"Hehe, if you didn't expect it, then go to hell!"

King Qin Guang began to attack.

He didn't really want to kill Cheng Mu at first, after all, Cheng Mu still has the status of a human emperor.

But after being beheaded by Cheng Mu, he had to avenge this revenge.


Although the Empress Nuwa stood behind the Human Emperor, but behind him also stood the Houtu Sage.

Everyone has a sage as their backer, and he, King Qin Guang, is afraid of a fart!

It was Cheng Mu who bullied him first, and it was only natural for him to seek revenge from Cheng Mu.

Even if Cheng Mu was beheaded in the end, the force of karma would not linger on him!


It was also at this moment that all ten Yama kings moved.

King Qin Guang in the first hall, King Chujiang in the second hall, Emperor Song in the third hall, King Wuguan in the fourth hall, King Yama in the fifth hall, King Biancheng in the sixth hall, King Taishan in the seventh hall, City King in the eighth hall, King Pingping in the ninth hall, and King Pingping in the tenth hall. Temple wheel king.

Among the ten Yama kings, among them, King Equal and King Junlun are the most powerful, and they are mythical Daluo realm.

After that, there are King Biancheng, King Taishan, and City They are all half-step Daluo realm.

The strength of the rest of the five halls of Yan Luo is around the Golden Immortal Empress Realm.

Only Yan Luo Wang is the weakest, the Golden Immortal Realm.

Of course, now there is also a King Qin Guang, the strength of Jinxian Middle Realm.

Facing the ten strongest fighters, Ao Shang and Ao Guang were the first to fly up.

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【Online Game: The Heavens Arrived】【】

They are currently the only mythical Daluo realm powerhouses by Cheng Mu's side, and their goals are the King of Equality and the King of Wheels.

Ao Ji and Ao Qing also rushed up.

Both being strong in the Golden Immortal Realm, they selected their favorite opponents and began to attack.

This battle does not require any words or orders.

As long as Yama of the Ten Palaces is suppressed here, then this battle will be a victory!

"Hahahaha, my black order is invincible under Da Luo!"

Hei Ling also rushed over.

He chose Taishan Wang, who is also a half-step big Luo.

"Today, I will let you see what the real devil king is!"


In an instant, it revealed its real body.

The whole Chujiang City shivered under the pressure of the huge Demon King's real body!

Demons seem to be more terrifying existences than ghosts!

"This king is here too, watch me hit my **** with every shot!"

Seeing that Hei Ling wanted to steal his limelight, Pang Da also rushed out not to be outdone.

Now that Cheng Mu has the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm, then it is also the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm.

Relying on its immortal body, it can also be called invincible in the golden fairy territory!

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