The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1127: Together, the world annexes

"Hiss... Li Bai Aiqing is an ambitious wish!"

Use ordinary soldiers to kill the Golden Immortal Daluo Immortal? Cheng Mu didn't think about it at all, okay?

Although the human race has a huge base, a minimum of 100,000 people is needed to gather the army soul.

True Immortal of One Hundred Thousand Shrine Realm? One hundred thousand Taiyi True Immortals? One hundred thousand nine heavenly immortals?

He estimated that there are not such a large number of immortal gods in the heaven at this time, right?

If there were so many immortal gods with such strength, he, Cheng Mu, would directly lead his army to level the heavens!

"Your Majesty, anything is possible!"

Li Bai is full of confidence. He said: "As long as we have confidence, with such a huge number of human races, maybe we can really form an army of 100,000 Xuanxian!"

Although aptitude will shackle the development of the human race, but given the huge number, there are no shortage of human geniuses.

Coupled with Cheng Mu's Mingjun talent, the aptitude of the people under his command will increase by 2.

Therefore, only 100,000 people with SSS-level qualifications are required to have this opportunity.

Hundreds of thousands of people with hundreds of thousands of SSS peerless qualifications are not a fantasy. Coupled with the blessing of Cheng Mumingjun's talent, 100,000 SSS will become 100,000 UR fairy-level qualifications!

Since they all have fairy-level qualifications, it is normal for their strength to be raised to the level of true immortals and profound immortals, right?

"Well, you can try it!"

Cheng Mu nodded. Li Bai actually had some truth to say.

There is no need for me to keep entangled in the superpowers such as Mythical Da Luo and Yasheng Zhunsheng.

If the strength of the soldiers under their command is strong enough, they will also be able to fight the mythical Da Luo, and even kill the saint!

Now that the problem of the continuation of the human race has been solved, taking the vast land of Earth Star as an example, other races can start their crazy human creation plan!

"Pass down my order to encourage intermarriage of all races on Earth and Stars!"

This is Cheng Mu's first order.

There are still many races on Earth and Stars that are stronger than the human race.

Intermarrying with them can also enhance the strength of the human race.

Intermarried with the dragon clan and gave birth to the dragon heir of the human race.

Intermarrying with the Sea Clan can give birth to human offspring who control the power of the sea.

Even with barbarians, elves, orcs, goblins...

As long as it can be combined with the human race, it can be combined.

Now that there are many immortal doctors in the human race, Cheng Mu is not at all worried that some deformed children will be born.

All genetic problems and spiritual problems can be cured!


Zhuge Liang immediately went down to make arrangements. He could predict that the human race would usher in a population explosion!

"Li Bai, I order you to sit in Jianzong and improve the strength of my Star Sword Cultivator!"

Now there are Buddhist sects and Taoist sects in Earth Star, and they have already flourished.

At this time, the master of Jianzong should also be replaced.

In terms of swords, who is Li Bai's opponent on the earth and stars?

"My minister obeys!"

Li Bai knew this was his mission. Now that he is here, the Earth Star Sword Sect will become even stronger!

"Kong Sheng, I order you to form a Confucianism Sect and enhance the strength of Earth Star Confucianism Cultivators!"

"Sun Sheng, I ordered you to form a military sect, and study how to continue to increase the strength of the military soul. By the way, Han Xin also belongs to your military sect. You should study the fusion of multiple military souls!"

"The rest, each perform their duties, and strive to enhance their own strength!"

"If there are strong people who want to open up other sects and create other paths of practice, I will fully support them!"

Cheng Mu only cares about these big sects and practices the way. There are also demonic cultivators, demon cultivators, western magic, and bloodline methods, as long as they can enhance the strength of the human race, Cheng Mu will support them all!

"Your Majesty the Emperor! Your Majesty the Emperor!"

At this time, after knowing that Cheng Mu is fully supporting the development of various fields, Ou Bufei, who had not seen him for a long time, came to see him.

He was originally a ranger, because of his strong ability, he was well-known in China.

"It's you?"

Cheng Mu remembered, and he asked curiously, "Did you find your wife?"

He remembered Ou Bufei's talent, his wife would come out after death.

Because of this, Ou Bufei didn't know how many times he committed suicide.

"Hey, I found it."

Ou Bufei said with some embarrassment: "I found Mr. Xie Xuan, and he turned me into a ghost."

"Now, my wife will never go back!"

He has turned into a ghost. Since it is a ghost, it is equivalent to after death.

As long as he maintains this ghost body, his wife will always be by his side!

"Oh? Congratulations."

Cheng Mu gave Ou Bufei a thumbs up. This young man is very witty.

"By the way, are you here this time?"

He was a little curious, Ou Bufei shouldn't be in trouble now?

If it's because of the ghost body's **** problem, then Ou Bufei has to go to Hua Tuo Bian Que and the others.

"Is such that."

Ou Bufei explained: "Your Majesty, do you still remember that I used to build rockets?"

In order to find his wife, he planned to build a rocket to fly to another planet.

"heard about it."

Cheng Mu became even more curious, and he asked with a confused face, "Didn't you fail?"

If Ou Bufei had succeeded, he would have been a corpse long ago.

"It was a failure."

Ou Bufei nodded and said, "However, in the process of building the rocket, I found a force that has been blocking me."

"Many simple electrical items cannot be manufactured even though they are simple."


"Since your Majesty took control of the Earth Star, everything has changed! The power that stopped me has disappeared!"

"Your Majesty, look, this is a simple generator I made!"

As he spoke, Ou Bufei took out a wooden plank from behind him.

There are two magnets and a coil on the board. Shaking the coil, Cheng Mu saw the lightning.

"Hold the grass!"

Cheng Mu stood up in shock. He flew to Ou Bufei's side and looked at the magnetic generator with a look of surprise.

The principle of the magnetic generator is very simple, it is just the electromagnetic induction in his junior high school textbook before the catastrophe.

He thought this was a world of cultivating immortals.

But he didn't want to, Ou Bufei got all the electricity out!

"Your Majesty, since the laws of our planet have changed, we can develop technology!"

"Learn about nuclear bombs, mechs, and energy weapons..."

At this time, Ou Bufei's tone was full of temptation.

"If our soldiers were wearing mechas and holding energy weapons, they would be able to shatter the gods and gods!"

"Xuanxian and Jinxian are indeed powerful, but super-nuclear weapons, quantum weapons, controllable black holes... even immortals are uncomfortable, right?"

"Or, technology flying sword, technology magic weapon..."

After learning that Cheng Mu is vigorously developing all walks of life on Earth Star, Ou Bufei came to find him.

Since Wen Dao, Martial Arts, Kendo, Demon Dao, Demon Dao, etc. can be developed, so can the Dao of Science and Technology!

As long as the strength of Earth Star can be enhanced, that is kingly way!

"Ou Bufei..."

Cheng Mu pondered, and he couldn't help but ask, "What was your occupation before the earth star cataclysm?"

From Ou Bufei's words, Cheng Mu knew that this might be a hidden boss.

"Doctor of Physics."

Ou Bufei said without any concealment: "In terms of professional direction, I have dabbled in electromagnetic mechanics, space physics, and astrophysics!"


Cheng Mu never knew that there was such a big boss hidden beside him.

Since Ou Bufei wanted to do it, he fully supported it: "I appointed you as the first president of the Earth Star Academy of Sciences!"

"The construction of the Academy of Sciences, the recruitment of personnel and other matters are all arranged by you. If you are in need of money or people, ask Prime Minister Zhuge!"

"Come on! I'm looking forward to seeing your work!"

Who doesn't have a mecha dream?

If technology can enhance the strength of the human race, why would he refuse?

Ordinary technological weapons are definitely not able to harm powerful immortal gods, but more advanced electromagnetic weapons, sonic weapons, laser weapons, and quantum weapons, even immortal gods have to frown, right?

Now that the world rules of Earth Star have changed, everything is possible!

Although most of the weapons Ou Bufei mentioned only exist in theory.

But now the scientists of the entire Earth and Planet are under Cheng Mu's hands, and if they gather them together, what can't be researched?

If technology can be combined with cultivating immortals, it will be a nightmare for immortals!

"Your Majesty, please put it down!"

With Cheng Mu's full support, Ou Bufei was very excited.

He patted his chest and promised: "In less than three years, I will definitely come up with a work that satisfies His Majesty!"

In this vast planet, whether it is the materials that the earth had or the materials that the earth did not have, there are all here.

Coupled with the magic power of the immortal cultivators, all kinds of advanced fairy power, turbid demon power, and faith power...

As long as he overcomes the difficulties of materials and energy, Ou Bufei thinks that nothing can stop him!

The era of super technology is coming soon!



After Ou Bufei left, Fuxi Qinqin Qin'er suddenly came to Cheng Mu's side.

"What's the matter? Are you not satisfied with living in the back?"

Cheng Mu was a little surprised.

As the soul of Fuxi Qin Qin who can incarnate as a human being and is extremely intelligent, he arranged for Qin Er to accompany his two wives in the harem.

When a woman is with a woman, there is always something to say.

"Master, Qin'er feels your distress."

"So Qin'er is here to relieve the master's worries."

She has always belonged to Cheng Mu, even if Cheng Mu regarded her as a real person, he was never willing to drive her.

But it is her responsibility to solve Cheng Mu's problems!

"Oh? How to say?"

Just delivered Ou Bufei and there is good news coming?

Cheng Mu was very excited for a while.

He also discovered that according to his own strength, it is impossible for UU Reading to quickly improve the strength of Earth Star.

Only the strength of many people is strong, and everyone working together is much better than him alone!

"World annexation!"

Qin'er said firmly: "Every time we annex a world, the world power of that earth star will become stronger."

"The stronger the power of the world on the earth star, the stronger the strength of the creatures on the earth star!"

"Not only that, but we can also plunder their resources, seize their cultivation methods, and obtain their scientific and technological achievements!"

"As long as the annexation continues, our earth and planet will eventually annex the prehistoric world one day!"

How can building a car behind closed doors compare to annexation and integration?

Take other people's things and turn them into your own and then develop them, this is the means of development against the sky!

If the last star grows to be as huge as the Primordial World, then maybe it is really possible to annex the Primordial World!

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