The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1144: Hei Shangqin'er

"Since you are following me, you need to know one thing."

Cheng Mu told everyone: "I don't have much time, I will wipe out all the zombies in the world within a year, and unify the world!"

"So you have to recognize the reality."

"What you are following now is not a prince or overlord, an emperor or general!"

"It's the only emperor in your world!"

"Emperor Mu!"

He doesn't care about the name of a fairy god, and he doesn't need everyone to respect him as a **** of worship.

He is the emperor of the human race and the emperor of everyone!

He only has one name here, and that is Muhuang!

"See Emperor Mu!"

Sensing the imperial aura emanating from Cheng Mu's body, Wang Anguo and others fell to their knees.

Kowtow and surrender!

At this moment, everyone's hearts are full of fighting spirit and full of hope.

Cheng Mu, who has the skills of a fairy, leads them forward. What else do they have to worry about? What else is there to be afraid of?

What is a mere zombie in front of a fairy?

"Hahahaha, Master, five hundred more people are enough!"

At this moment, Qin'er's laughter sounded in Cheng Mu's mind.

She said: "Qin'er has already controlled 7% of the power of the world!"

"As long as there are another five hundred humans in this world loyally submitting to your master, then Qin'er will be able to completely control one-tenth of the world's power!"

"When the time comes, master, you can modify this world as you want!"

Ten percent of the power of the world is a hurdle.

Due to the weak world consciousness in this world, Qin'er only needs to control 10% of the power of the world to compete against it!

When the time comes, let alone Cheng Mu summoning Dixing's subordinates to come.

Even if it is to change the world magically, there is no problem at all!

"Well, five hundred people, soon."

Cheng Mu nodded.

As long as his fame in the new city spreads, let alone five hundred people.

At that time, Yang Ming's Wangshan Town will probably be emptied by his new city soon.

Why can Wangshan Town develop? Because it is one of the few villages and towns under the city of Kunshan that is closest to the wasteland.

And now, who is closer to the wasteland?

Cheng Mu's new city is completely in the wasteland, okay?

As long as the new city can last forever, it will become the best outpost for the people of Kunshan City to come to the wasteland to pick up garbage!

"But master, you should also pay attention."

At this time, Qin'er warned: "The world consciousness in this world seems to have noticed Qin'er's existence."

"It can't do anything to Qin'er, but it may attack you, the master!"

Although the world consciousness of this world is weak, it will not sit still!

It was as if it was only a small piece of cake, but even such a small piece of cake had already been eaten by Qin'er.

After discovering that someone has eaten its own cake, it will naturally start to be wary.

And Cheng Mu, who has a deep connection with Qin'er, is very likely to be found by the world's consciousness.

So from today on, Cheng Mu must be vigilant!

"Take action against me? Is it possible that there will be a punishment from heaven?"

Cheng Mu was a little surprised. If Heaven's Punishment comes out, then the rules of this world will change again!

What do you say that lightning strikes are a natural phenomenon?

There are some predestined things, that is God's will, that is the behavior of world consciousness.

The world consciousness is unhappy with you and wants to hack you, but if you do something bad, the thunder will land on your head!

"That's not enough!"

Qin'er shook her head and explained: "Master, your body still belongs to this world. In addition, this body has not done anything harmful to nature, so the world consciousness is subject to the rules of the world, and will not directly attack the master. You do it."

"The way it strikes is to subtly influence other humans in this world, making them hostile to you, master, and regard you as an enemy!"

Although world consciousness is the most powerful existence in a world.

But it is precisely because of its strength that it is subject to the rules of the world.

Just like a program, it can run autonomously and perform calculations according to the settings.

However, the steps and methods of its operation must also follow the inherent rules.

This is the limitation of world consciousness.

He is strong, but also weak in nature! As long as Cheng Mu abides by the rules, the world consciousness will not be able to directly attack Cheng Mu.

"Even this person under my command will be affected?"

Cheng Mu was a little surprised. God unconsciously influences other people, if this person is the person closest to me, then I can't even sleep soundly!

Although Qin'er controls 7% of the world's power, she is not omniscient.

Only the power to completely control 100% of the world becomes the world consciousness of this world.

Only then can she be truly omniscient and omnipotent!

"Will do."

Qin'er replied: "In this world, not everyone will regard you, the master, as the emperor and immortal god."

"The human heart is the most difficult thing to fathom. Even Qin'er can't find out the law of its operation."

"So even if someone bows down to you, master, there is no guarantee that his heart will change in the future!"

People are the most complex and are easily influenced by cognition and emotion.

Different ages, different statuses, different personalities, there will be differences when seeing the same thing.

So Qin'er can't guarantee that among the more than 500 people who kneeled in front of Cheng Mu today, will any of them change their minds in the future?

This kind of unknown existence can only be prepared in advance!

"Hmm. I'll keep an eye out."

With Qin'er's reminder, Cheng Mu will be more vigilant in this regard.

Indeed, he is just an outsider.

If one day he is attacked by a group of humans in this world, he will feel very normal.

As long as he does not belong to this world, but he has come, his identity can be regarded as an intruder!


"Emperor Mu!"

"With these things, we don't need to kill zombies anymore!"

Afterwards, seeing the hundreds of fat pigs, thousands of bags of rice, and thousand bags of wheat appearing in Cheng Mu's hand, Li Duo's eyes lit up with stars.

"With so much food, why should I dig potatoes!"

Even if she digs potatoes all her life, she still won't be able to dig so much food!

"If you don't kill zombies, you will have nothing to eat!"

Seeing Li Duo with a dull face, Cheng Mu gave the order.

"From today on, in addition to normal food and clothing."

"If everyone wants to get more things, they need to work or kill zombies!"

"As long as you have zombie crystal cores, weapons and equipment, genetic potions, and cultivation techniques, you can get them all!"

Let these people kill the zombies and hand in all the crystal nuclei?

Cheng Mu knew that this could be done in a short time.

But when time goes by and everyone takes his kindness for granted, some people will change their minds!

It's like a shop that gives out steamed buns to beggars.

The first time the shopkeeper gave the steamed buns to the beggar, the beggar would be grateful and remember the shopkeeper all day long.

But if it is like this day after day, year after year, the beggar will feel that this steamed bun is what he should have.

If one day the store stopped giving him steamed buns, then he would be furious and even seek revenge!

Qin'er is right, human nature is an extremely complicated existence.

Even if Cheng Mugui is the emperor, he still can't understand everyone's temperament!

Therefore, setting some goals for the subordinates to pursue is the best way!

Anyway, weapons and genetic medicines are worthless to him, Cheng Mu.

For a gray crystal thing, he can sell it for tens of millions of times!

At that time, wouldn't there be a steady stream of energy points for Qin'er Mall?

"Your Majesty, are you telling the truth?"

"Including the S-type weapon in your hand? Perfect level genetic medicine? Can you get it?"

Hearing that Cheng Mu said that crystal cores can be exchanged for items, the eyes of a group of people lit up instantly.

They were still drooling looking at Cheng Mu's Aurora Heavy Sniper in the morning. Could it be that they have a chance now?

"Hehe, what do you say?"

Cheng Mu was not stingy, and took out another bottle of perfect genetic medicine in the blink of an eye.

"You should know the value of this perfect genetic medicine, but with me, right now, the one with the highest price gets it!"

He needs to inspire the fighting spirit of his subordinates!

Today's bottle of perfect genetic potion is the best bait.

He saw that the 18 members of the guards had already reached the full third-level experience points, and what they wanted most now was the perfect level genetic medicine!

"What? The highest bidder wins?"

"Fuck, I still have thirty green crystals on me, Mushen! I want the perfect genetic potion!"

"Damn! Just 30 green crystals and you want a perfect genetic potion? I, Liu Shan, have a blue crystal!"

"I have ten blue crystals!"

"Which brother still has crystal nuclei on his body, lend it to me first, and when I enter the fourth level, I will return you ten times the number of crystal nuclei!"

"Brothers lend it to me, I will pay back twenty times!"

"Thirty times me!"

"I'm forty..."

Under the lure of the perfect level genetic potion, the scene suddenly turned into a crystal nucleus borrowing conference.

In order to be able to bid for this bottle of perfect genetic potion, someone has already offered to borrow one and pay back one hundred!

The reason why they are so enthusiastic is naturally the huge gap between the fourth level and the third level.

If the first to third level evolutionists are still in the category of ordinary people, but the fourth level intermediate level evolutionists have already begun to widen the gap in strength with ordinary people.

Especially if they can comprehend special abilities, then the middle-level evolutionary is like a little superman.

Just like Wang Anguo who controls the power of the fire element.

He used to bring people to Heihe Farm to dig potatoes, but now he can burn several zombies to death with one fireball.

In the past, when encountering zombies of the same level, he needed to carry a weapon and fight in close quarters, but now he only needs to throw fireballs from a distance.

He now has a new title, Master Huo!

"I'll give out...I'll give out a topaz!"

Finally, the noisy loan meeting came to an abrupt end after the appearance of a topaz.

Li Duo raised his small hand, holding a crystal nucleus emitting a pale yellow light!

"My Cao! Tier 4 topaz, the life committee actually has a Tier 4 topaz!"

"I can't tell, Li Duo, she's a rich woman at such a young age?"

"Sister Li Duo, didn't you drink a bottle of perfect potion? Listen to brother, lend this yellow crystal to brother, and brother will take you to fight zombies then!"

"Lend it to me, girl, and I'll take you to fight zombies for the rest of your life!"

After a while of silence, the crowd suddenly started to make noise again.

Everyone looked at the topaz in Li Duo's hand eagerly, drooling all over the floor!

At this time, there is only one Li Duo difference between them and the perfect level genetic medicine!

"That... I don't borrow it."

However, facing everyone's promises, Li Duo shook his head.

She asked Cheng Mu: "Muhuang, can I still bid for this bottle of potion?"


Cheng Mu nodded and said, "Give Huang Jing to me, and this bottle of perfect potion will be yours!"

He calculated in his mind that one topaz on the market can be exchanged for 100 blue crystals, 10,000 green crystals, 1,000,000 white crystals, and 100 million gray crystals.

Earn a lot!

Of course, this is only the crystal nucleus exchange ratio in the current world.

Here at Qin'er.

Cheng Mu did the math again, a fourth-order topaz is worth 50 energy points.

"I'm going, blood loss!"

He was furious: "Qin'er, you are too dark, aren't you?"

If one topaz is replaced by 100 million gray crystals, then he can get 100 million energy points.

But being absorbed by Qin'er in this way, UU Reading can only exchange for 50 ability points.

The gap between them is a bit tragic, shocking to the world!

"Master, timing is everything."

Facing Cheng Mu's questioning, Qin'er explained slyly: "If you exchange the fourth-order topaz for 100 million zero-order gray crystals, then master, you won't be able to absorb them all in a hundred years!"

In terms of energy feedback after she absorbs the crystal nucleus, she is indeed a bit dark.

But she also has her own difficulties.

The energy of a gray crystal is actually not enough for Qin'er to upgrade Cheng Mu to create top-level items.

Every time, she will add a lot of energy to it.

And when competing for the power of the world in this world, she also needs a lot of energy.

So once he went out and entered the room, his Qin'er was actually not very dark!

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