The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1147: Chairman Lin who can't sit still

There are many hungry people in the doomsday.

So even though many people questioned Li Fang, there are still many people who want to go to Heihe Farm.

Especially when Zhang Fang bought a large pile of steaming meat buns, more people couldn't sit still.

"I haven't tasted meat for three years. I'm a veterinarian. Give me a meat bun. Even if I die in Heihe Farm, I'm willing!"

"I, I, I... I can drive. I'm going to Heihe Farm. Can you give me a meat bun? Half of it is fine!"

"Zi Liu~ Mom, I want to eat big buns!"

"Hey, although I don't have special skills, but if I say I'm a doctor, who can really tell the difference? Eat a meat bun first!"


Soon, under the temptation of the meat buns, a steady stream of people chose to go to Heihe Farm.

What Li Fang said at the beginning was not wrong.

These wasteland scavengers, with nothing long in their bodies, pale and emaciated, have nothing that can be coveted by others.

Recruiting them over was Cheng Mu's doing good deeds!

In just over an hour, Li Fang recruited more than two hundred people.

I bought piles of meat buns, which really made the bun sellers happy!

At the same time, the tutelary mansion.

Yang Ming summoned the ten drivers who came back.

As for how Cheng Mu led more than 500 people to spend the night in the wasteland safely? He is also very curious.

"Go back to the guard, that boss has a high-level zombie bait."

The driver Wang Wu explained: "When we passed by last night, we found that all the zombies in a radius of several kilometers had been lured away!"

Advanced bait, an unimpeded artifact on the barren land!

"Advanced zombie bait? Have you heard of it before?"

Yang Ming was a little puzzled. He had only heard of zombie bait, when did advanced zombie bait appear?


People around shook their heads.

"Bring me the President of the Evolutionary Society, right away!"

After realizing the seriousness of the problem, Yang Ming couldn't sit still.

His attitude at the beginning was the same as that of everyone else in the town, he was sure that Cheng Mu would not survive one night.

But Cheng Mu not only led five hundred people to survive unharmed, but also started to build the city.

After sending ten carts of supplies yesterday, how could he really let Cheng Mu evacuate his Wangshan town?

And if the new city is really established, then his Wangshan Town will be abolished!


"Brother Yang Ming, what's the good of calling me over in such a hurry?"

Soon, Lin Fang, the president of the Evolutionary Association, walked in.

He didn't know what happened yet, so he thought it was Yang Ming who had something good to do, so he invited him over.

"President Lin."

Yang Ming cut to the chase, and asked, "Have you heard of the perfect genetic potion and advanced zombie bait?"

As a professional, he felt that Lin Fang should know some inside information.

Although the evolutionary is not an official organization, its strength is not weaker than that of the Nine Great Cities.

"What? Yang Zhenshou invited me here to ask this?"

Lin Fang's face darkened, feeling displeased: "Yang Zhenshou, aren't you playing tricks on me?"

"What kind of perfect genetic potion, what kind of advanced zombie bait, Yang Zhenshou still believes in these rumors?"

He thought it was a good thing for Yang Ming to invite him over.

But don't want to, that's it? Just to ask myself these market rumors that I can tell with my toes?

"Is there really no perfect level genetic medicine and advanced zombie bait?"

Yang Ming confirmed it again.

He did believe that these news were rumors at the beginning, but all the ten drivers under his command swore to affirm the authenticity of the perfect level genetic medicine and advanced zombie bait, so he had to take it seriously.


Lin Fang said with certainty: "I wouldn't be surprised if that man named Qin Feng took out another bottle of intermediate genetic medicine."

"But the perfect genetic medicine? Hehe, only in dreams!"

At this time, he also confirmed the identity of Young Master Cheng Mugui.

He was not surprised that your son was able to take out a few bottles of mid-level genetic medicine.

But even if the perfect genetic medicine killed him, he wouldn't believe it!

"Wang Wu, tell President Lin everything you saw and heard yesterday!"

Yang Ming still had doubts, so he asked the driver Wang Wu to repeat all the news he knew.

"Okay, you say."

Lin Fang felt helpless.

But since Yang Ming insisted, he would give Yang Ming a face.

"President Lin, it is like this."

Immediately, Wang Wu began to speak: "Yesterday, when Wang Anguo was shopping, he swore to us that what he drank was a perfect genetic potion."

"We laughed at him for saying that he used a low-level genetic medicine as a perfect-level genetic medicine."

"But Wang Anguo said that the perfect level genetic medicine is dark purple, and he was immediately promoted to a fourth-level fire evolutionist after drinking it!"

He, Wang Wu, also thought it was amazing at first, but when many people testified for Wang Anguo, he believed it.

"Deep purple?"

Hearing Wang Wu's words, Lin Fang frowned.

He heard the people above talk about the color of the advanced genetic medicine, lavender.

'That is not true, is it? '

He was puzzled, but he didn't really believe it. Instead, he nodded and said, "Go ahead! What's the matter with the advanced zombie bait?"

He doesn't need to confirm the authenticity of the perfect level genetic medicine, he just needs to find out the fake ones!

"Is such that."

Wang Wu continued: "It was already afternoon when our convoy set off."

"But on the way to Heihe Farm, we didn't see any living zombies."

"I roughly estimated the corpses of zombies along the way, and the number exceeded 3,000!"

"And they were all killed yesterday, the brains of the zombies haven't dried yet!"

Just 500 people killed more than 3,000 zombies along the way. The result was too terrifying.

Because everyone knows that half of the more than five hundred people are ordinary people who have no power to restrain a chicken!

"anything else?"

Lin Fang shook his head. As long as there are enough mid-level evolutionaries, it is very possible to kill 3,000 low-cost zombies on the edge of the wasteland in one day.

Just the corpses of some zombies can't prove anything.

"Also, it is a scene that I will never forget in this life."

Wang Wu swallowed, and said with lingering fear: "When I was about to arrive at Heihe Farm, I saw a large group of zombies."

"Two or three thousand zombies gathered together, as if they were attracted by something."

"Heard the sound of our truck, but none of the zombies were chasing us! I tried to fire a shot, but the zombies ignored us!"

"When they arrived at Heihe Farm, they told them that the high-level zombie bait had lured the zombies away, and all the zombies in the entire Heihe Farm had been lured away!"

"What's even more frightening is that when we drove back this morning, the group of zombies were still there, unchanged!"

Only when he sees it with his own eyes can he truly believe it.

If someone told him that there was such a thing as advanced zombie bait before, he would definitely have scoffed at it.

But the fact is the fact, he has to believe it if he doesn't believe it!

"You mean that the advanced zombie bait can not only completely attract zombies, but also last for one night?"

Lin Fang carefully observed Wang Wu's expression.

Judging from Wang Wu's expression when he spoke, he knew that what Wang Wu said was the truth!

"Well. It can last at least one night!"

Wang Wu nodded and confirmed: "Early this morning, a fourth-level evolutionary called Qian Wu took eighteen third-level evolutions in our car to kill the group of zombies."

"My lord, guess what? Those zombies stood there like logs and were killed by them!"

When he thought of this scene, he couldn't help being horrified.

This is the first time he has met a zombie that will not resist! If all the zombies were like what he saw this morning, all the zombies in the wasteland would have been killed long ago!

"You mean that this morning, Heihe Farm sent eighteen low-level evolutionists and one middle-level evolutionary. A total of nineteen people wiped out the two to three thousand zombies?"

Lin Fang was also shocked!

He said in disbelief: "The longest duration of the zombie bait produced by our Evolutionary Association is only one hour."

"If someone attacks the lured zombie, they will be attacked by the zombie!"

"This is simply impossible!"

Nineteen people just want to kill two or three thousand zombies? Unless it is a high-level powerhouse.

Although Heihe Farm is also on the edge of the wasteland, he knows that mid-level zombies have appeared there!

But the high-ranking powerhouses are all with names and surnames. There are only ten of them in this world, and they are the lords of the nine major cities and the founders of their Evolution Association!

When did you guys come over? Why didn't Lin Fang know?

"My lord, although I can't believe it, this is the truth!"

Faced with Lin Fang's head-shaking refutation, Wang Wu just said what he saw.

Believe it or not? That's Lin Fang's own business.

"You saw it too?"

Lin Fang set his sights on the other nine drivers as he tried to figure out who was lying.

"I see, what the captain said is true."

The other nine drivers all nodded with natural expressions.

He didn't lie, so Lin Fang couldn't find any clues.

"Could it be that this Qin Feng is from Shencheng? Is he the son of the Lord of Shencheng?"

After being unable to prove that Wang Wu was lying, Lin Fang suddenly pondered.

"If the perfect genetic medicine is real, then there is only one possibility."

"That man named Qin Feng is the son of the Lord of Shencheng!"

At present, only Shencheng has the highest level of research and development of genetic medicines, and only Shencheng can produce the legendary high-level genetic medicines.

If there is really a higher-level perfect genetic medicine, then he believes it must be from Shencheng!

"What about the advanced zombie bait?"

Yang Ming nodded, and he asked suspiciously: "The zombie bait was originally developed by your Evolutionary Association."

"Is there any high-level zombie bait, doesn't Chairman Lin know?"

His own things have been transformed and upgraded. As a middle-level figure in the Evolutionary Association, Lin Fang still doesn't know about this?

"I'll go back and ask."

Lin Fang really didn't know.

There is obviously only one model of zombie bait in the association, and the name is called zombie bait.

But why is there a high-level zombie bait now?

"Master President, UU Reading I also heard a piece of news."

At this time, another driver said: "I heard that the man who built the city at Heihe Farm has an S-series heavy-duty sniper rifle in his hand. It can fire consecutive bullets and has no recoil. It's like a heavy machine gun!"

This news came to him when he was chatting with other people last night.

Although he couldn't believe it, what if it was true?

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Lin Fang exploded instantly!

He roared and couldn't sit still any longer!

"The high-level zombie bait from our Evolutionary Association, the perfect genetic potion from Shencheng, and the S-type weapons from Mingjiang City!"

"Unless it is those ten big bosses, no one is qualified to own these three rumored items at the same time!"

"I'm going to go to Heihe Farm now to see if it's as outrageous as you said!"

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