Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen What Are You?

The bet of one hundred thousand gold, to be honest, Cheng Mu was moved.

He was just curious, isn’t a woman worried about being robbed with such a valuable item on her body?

Cheng Mu had just expanded his army, just because of financial constraints.

So he stopped and said, “Okay, I promised!”

With one hundred thousand gold, the funds for the subsequent army expansion are available again.

He continued to ask: “What are you betting on?”

“You decide!”

This time, Yazhu decided to convince Cheng Mu.

‘You stinky man in a remote country, I want you to see the power from Tiandutai Academy! ’

In her heart, she must let out such a bad breath.

Cheng Mu nodded: “Okay! That’s better than spanking!”

In terms of strength, he believes that he is the advantage.

“Wrench? Do you dare not wanting to face it?”

Yazhu looked disgusted and said to Cheng Mu with a very contemptuous attitude:

“Are you embarrassed to compare strength with a weak woman?”

“Yes, it’s farther than anyone else’s!”

With that said, he was about to go out and take off his pants.


Yazhu flushed, and spit: “Shameless!”

Why didn’t she expect that Cheng Mu would be farther away from herself than she did not wanting face?

“What a barbarian.”

She decided that she would never come out after going back this time.

“Tsk tsk.”

Cheng Mu stopped teasing her either, and went straight to the topic.

“Since you come from Taiyuan University and you are also known as the number one talented woman in Tiandu, then I will test you.”

Yazhu gritted his teeth: “Say!”


Cheng Mu cleared his throat and said, “The five kids divide the mooncake equally, so how do you divide it with only three cuts?”

As soon as the question came out, Yazhu was stunned.

What is the problem? Isn’t it the right to recite poems?


She thought for a long time, but couldn’t answer it.

But Yazhu didn’t believe in evil, so he directly told the young man: “Buy me a few months cake.”

She wants to test it herself.

But no matter how she cut it, she couldn’t cut five average mooncakes with three knives.

Finally Yazhu said angrily: “You can’t answer this question at all, you are lying to me!”

“Lie to you?”

Cheng Mu sneered and said, “One cut across and one cut, and one more kid at the end, isn’t it enough?”

This is a joke, not a lie.

“You! Shameless!”

“Only you, a savage and vulgar person, can come up with such a question and answer!”

With self-esteem frustrated, Yazhu broke out.

Cheng Mu didn’t argue, and said, “Well, let’s give you another chance.”

“This time, we compare couplets.”

“Smoke locks the pond willow!”

Directly, he told Shanghai Lian.

“That’s not easy.” Yazhu almost opened his mouth and said, “Mist cage…”

However, as soon as the words “Wu Cang” fell, she was stuck abruptly.

Seeing her face pale, she didn’t dare to read further.

Apparently, I have already seen the special features of the willow in the pond.

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the smoke-locked pond willow, which is known as the absolute eternal smoke lock pond, is not so good to match.

Seeing Yazhu tangled for a long time, Cheng Mu also stood up.

“Okay, when I go back, I will find you students from the Taiyuan Academy for a good job, right?”

“By the way, give me hairpin and jade pendant!”

A treasure worth one hundred thousand gold, how could he give up.

At this time, Yazhu no longer said anything.

Instead, they silently handed the hairpin and jade pendant to Cheng Mu’s hands, with an attitude almost completely different.

Cheng Mu happily took it and turned and left.

When he reached the door, Yazhu couldn’t help looking at Cheng Mu’s back.

He shouted: “Is there a lower line?”

She couldn’t be sure whether anyone could actually align the lower couplet.

“Shenzhen Teppanyaki…”

Cheng Mu’s voice got farther and farther.

Hairpins and jade pendants worth 100,000 gold in vain, this trip really made a lot of money.

Exquisite Red Hosta (Legend)

Description: It is rumored to be a hairpin handed down from the fairy world. After wearing it, it has the effect of nourishing and concentrating.

Exquisite Tianxin Pei (Handed down)

Description: The craftsman in the world is made by referring to the exquisite red jade hairpin, which can drive away evil and avoid disasters and gather energy and concentration.

“Fuck! What trash thing!”

Seeing the attributes of Linglong Red Hosta and Linglong Tianxin Pei, Cheng Mu almost didn’t throw it on the ground.

No attributes increase at all.

Just describe a few functions of beautifying and concentrating, driving away evil spirits and avoiding misfortune. Are these legends and handed down items?

Is it worth 100,000 gold?

In an instant, Cheng Mu felt a big loss.

But I was angry, but I couldn’t go back and return the goods.

Just aiming at the two words handed down and legend, he admits it.

Cheng Mu’s figure has gone away.

In the Jubao Pavilion, Yazhu was still muttering to himself.

Smoke lock pond willow, Shenzhen Teppanyaki…

Almost, this is definitely not the sentence.

She was almost stunned.

In fact, Cheng Mu also knew that he just casually took a perfunctory sentence to her.

Although Shenzhen Teppanyaki is matched with Five Elements, the artistic conception is really different.

Si Miss Wan’er stared at Yazhu who was in a daze, and said with a sad face: “Sister Yazhu, we have lost another 100,000 gold.”

As a result, she felt that she had lost more than 200,000 gold.

Back in the village, Cheng Mu gave the hairpin and jade pendant he had won the bet to Master Li.

When Cheng Mu personally took the hairpin for her, her whole body was crisp.

The big black cat got in the way, and Cheng Mu kicked it directly out.


It doesn’t matter if it is not kicked, but a big problem comes out with a kick.

I saw the big black cat tumbling on the ground two times, and the whole cat became angry.

It arched up, exuding a strong black air all over.

Along with the black air surging, the size of the big black cat is rapidly growing.

The sudden change immediately frightened Cheng Mu.

“This f*ck is really it!”

He couldn’t be more familiar with this fierce aura.

The paw that stretched out from the Scarlet Portal at the beginning also exudes this aura.

At this time, Guan Hai and Zhuge Liang came in the air.

“Lord, don’t be afraid, take care of him!”

Saw him volleyed and slashed directly at the black cat that was already the size of a house.


A scream.

The knife gas was like slashing on a balloon, and the cat’s body burst instantly.

The monstrous black air was no longer restrained, and it rolled wanton.

At this time, I saw Zhuge Liang’s feather fan lightly waved.

A tornado appeared out of thin air, sucking in all the surrounding black air.

Strangely, the houses and trees around the tornado were not interfered or affected by the slightest.

“Isn’t it forgotten?”

Looking at the tornado that was absorbing the black energy, Cheng Mu recognized that this was Zhang Jiao’s exhalation skill.

Zhuge Liang learned it at the beginning, but in the end he chose to forget.

“Haha, the lord needn’t be surprised!”

Zhuge Liang explained with a smile: “When you get to my Realm, you will find that all spells and skills are of the same clan and origin.”

Although he forgot the Breathing skill on his attribute panel, he was able to display it.

Wanfa are all connected.

All the black air disappeared, and the tornado also disappeared.

Lying on the ground at this time was a big black cat of normal size.

Cheng Mu walked over, picked it up and said:

“What the hell are you?”

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