Chapter 121: Murder Cheng Mu

“Kang Dang!”

Qin Tianshan drew his sword to block Cheng Mu’s attack.

Anxiously persuaded: “General Cheng, absolutely must not!”

“Grandpa Tu is the celebrity beside your Majesty. Don’t offend him!”

He did not expect that he would happily come to congratulate Cheng Mu.

In the end, Cheng Mu drew his sword to kill someone.

Isn’t it a gift to be appointed by the emperor to go to Tiandu?

Qin Tianshan couldn’t understand.

Father Tu at this time was even more terrified.

He tremblingly pointed at Cheng Mu and said, “You…you…really presumptuous!”


Cheng Mu sneered and said, “As long as I kill you, I don’t know anything about the imperial decree.”

The emperor wanted Guan Hai to take office in Tiandu, didn’t he just want to cut his roots.

After finally cultivating a town-state governor, Guan Hai, the emperor wanted to dig his corner.

How can this be agreed.

Hearing Cheng Mu’s words, the Tianqi Tianxiong and Tianyu troops gathered around.

The faces of Zhang Wanlong, Liu Yidao, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun and others were fierce, so Cheng Mu had to order them.

Zhang Ruo also came over at this time and advised: “General Cheng, you have to be cautious!”

“Yes, yes! General Cheng, don’t disappoint your majesty’s expectations of you!”

Yang Zhenfeng almost cried.

Looking at this posture, he was convinced that Cheng Mu would kill them too.

“Country Xiaomin, dare you!”

At this time, although Father Tu was scared, he still pointed at Cheng Mu and cursed:

“If you dare to touch one of our hairs, you are a rebellion!”

“Do you dare to rebel!”

In an instant, Father Tu put a rebellious hat on Cheng Mu’s head.


Cheng Mu smiled contemptuously: “One dare not!”

“Guan Hai!”


He gave an order, and Guan Hai had already stood up.

The Blood Prison Soul Breaking Knife has been out of its sheath, and it is waiting for Cheng Mu’s sentence.


Hundreds of soldiers also drew their swords together, unparalleled in power.

Qin Tianshan was about to cry at this time.

“Don’t don’t don’t! General Cheng is calm!”

He rushed to Cheng Mu’s side to persuade him painstakingly: “Don’t be arrogant, your Majesty, this is grace!”

“Your Tianqi Town is developing well, we must believe in your Majesty!”

By this time, Qin Tianshan also saw that Cheng Mu did not want Guan Hai to go to Tiandu.

In order to stop, he would rather draw a knife.

“Master Qin, don’t worry.”

Cheng Mu said comfortingly: “This time I only want this eunuch’s head, it has nothing to do with you!”

The purpose of killing father-in-law was to vent his anger.

“Diaomin, dare you!”

Relying on the emperor’s backing behind him, father-in-law Tu was a little scared, but his mouth was still very hard.

He pointed to Cheng Mu and cursed: “You dare to be disrespectful to your majesty, wait for the Jiu Clan to be killed!”

“At that time, you will not stay in Tianqi Town!”

Father Tu decided to go back this time to take part in Cheng Mu’s book in front of the emperor.

You don’t have to be miserable, as long as you tell the story in detail.


Cheng Mu was full of anger and went straight to the top of Father Tu.

Qin Tianshan still wanted to stop, he was already crying.

“Cheng Mu, it’s really not!”

If Father Tu dies here, he also has an unshirkable responsibility.


At the critical moment, Guan Hai came with a knife.

With a sound of “dang”, the swords collided.

The long sword in Qin Tianshan’s hand hits the Blood Prison Soul Breaking Knife, and it shatters instantly.

Guan Hai stopped in front of him and said lightly: “You can’t stop the man who the lord is going to kill!”


Qin Tianshan wanted to refute, but the power emanating from Guan Hai was out of breath.

In the end he could only say in horror: “You…you are…zhenguo!”

As the lord of Qingzhou, he didn’t realize that there was a townsman in his state.

What a dereliction of duty.

As soon as Guan Hai’s momentum came out, everyone present dared not move anymore.

Everyone saw Cheng Mu and Guan Hai’s eyes changed.

Town countryman, this is the person who the emperor would have to treat one-third of the courtesy when he saw it.

The only active players on the field are Cheng Mu and Father Tu.

Cheng Mu approached step by step with a shot, while the latter retreated one after another.

“You…what do you want to do?”

Father Tu couldn’t help but panic at last, but he still threatened: “If you kill me, your majesty will definitely not let you go!”

“Just take care of yourself!”

Cheng Mu went faster and faster.

Let it go? He chuckled.

He now has the strength to be able to wrestle with the emperor.

Even if the emperor sent troops to attack, he was sure to win.

China is not peaceful now.

Although there is General Xuan Zhou Lao in the north, the suppression of the rebellion is far away.

The southern barbarians originally contracted their defenses under the suppression of the local general Peng Lao, but after Peng Lao came to Qingzhou for support, they jumped out.

As long as the emperor does not send all three townsmen over, Cheng Mu will have the confidence to defend Tianqi Town.

“no no!”

Father Tu was already pale, and he said in a panic: “You can’t kill me, I’m your Majesty’s person, you can’t kill me!”

“Qin Tianshan, what are you doing while standing? Don’t come to rescue me!”

Guan Hai didn’t put pressure on him, so he could escape in a panic.

As for the others, they are already powerful people who can stand persistently at this moment.

At this time, Qin Tianshan could only turn his head to one side.

He wants to help, but now he can’t protect himself.

“Go with peace of mind!”

Cheng Mu had already raised the broken star gun.

He can only be happy if he kills the person in front of him.

“No! You can’t kill me!”

“Please, don’t kill me!”

At the moment of life and death, Father Tu has given up any dignity.

At the beginning, he insulted Cheng Mu and looked down upon Cheng Mu as a rural savage.

But now, he is about to die in the hands of the wild folks in the countryside.


Cheng Mu did not hesitate.

Enemy, he killed a lot, so there is no wave in my heart.


When he was dying, Father Tu still maintained a frightened expression.

He couldn’t think that he was here to kill him this time.

Cheng Mu pulled back the broken star gun and wiped the blood on the tip of the gun with disgust.


Killing an eunuch, he was worried about getting his own gun dirty.

Father Tu has turned into a corpse, and Cheng Mu also told Guan Hai, “It’s okay! The adults are innocent!”

He is not a lunatic, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.


Qin Tianshan suddenly felt lighter, and Guan Hai stopped.

At this moment they looked at each other head-on.

Father Tu has become a corpse, and several people don’t know what to do next.

Grab Cheng Mu?

It can’t be beaten, it’s useless for people from this town to come to 100,000 soldiers.

Regardless of it, the emperor’s level will not be easy.

Looking at the few people who still had horrified expressions on their faces, Cheng Mu said: “Go back, everyone, I’m Cheng Mu alone!”

He thought:

It would be better to tear my face with the emperor, so that I can brazenly plunder talents from all over the place.

Grab money, people, and books.

This is the true truth that Cheng Mu has realized after a long time.

If you want to develop quickly, this is the quickest and most effective means.

“Mayor Xie Cheng for not killing.”

At this time, Qin Tianshan was too embarrassed to call General Cheng Mucheng again.

Dare to openly kill the angel (the emissary of the emperor), this is a great crime of beheading!

“You’re welcome.”

Cheng Mu waved his hand.

“It’s good if you go back and tell the truth, I am here waiting for the arrival of the emperor Laoer!”

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