Chapter 124 The second-level town

“Or, should I also go to the Northland to see?”

As soon as the thought came out, Cheng Mu became excited all over.

Moreover, this thought rolled in his mind for an instant and could no longer dissipate.

“Kong Ming!”

Cheng Mu hurriedly called Zhuge Liang and asked, “How did the emperor decide?”

At the critical moment, of course Zhuge Liang’s god-level stargazers are on the go.

Zhuge Liang took the lead and calculated it.


He was surprised, and then told Cheng Mu what he saw.

At the same time, in the palace of heaven.

“Kang Dang!” With a sound, the emperor smashed his beloved vase to pieces.

He was so angry that he roared: “Yemin Cheng Mu, I really don’t know what is good or bad, I don’t know what is good or bad!”

A piece of eunuchs and court ladies fell on their knees in the hall, and everyone was trembling not to speak out.

With a few more “Kang Dang Kang Dang” sounds, the study was in a mess.

“Immediately pass the decree to me, Cheng Mu’s crime of blatantly provoking imperial power is unforgivable!”

“I will be escorted from now on, and I will cut off his head personally!”

Feeling the unprecedented insult, the emperor issued a death order: “If there is resistance, kill without mercy!”

Without killing Cheng Mu, he can’t stand up.

However, there was a minister outside the door suddenly advising: “Your Majesty, never do it!”

“Then Cheng Mu’s Guanhai is a townsman. If you act rashly, I’m afraid it will change!”

This is Prime Minister Lin Chengzi.

However, the emperor did not listen, but shouted more angrily: “I am the emperor, he dares!”

The emperor is the ninety-five supreme.

How can there be so many people in the world who dare to rebel, if there were any, the world would have been messed up long ago.

However, Lin Chengzi still painstakingly advised: “Your Majesty, now Sizhou and Yongzhou are also starting to get out of our control. If Guan Hai joins one of them, it will be a great trouble!”

No one dares to ignore Guan Hai, nor will he ignore Cao Cao who is occupying Sizhou, and Yongzhou, which is beginning to be turbulent.

The turmoil in the North and the South is just a stubborn disease on the edge.

It will not be fatal.

However, Sizhou and Yongzhou are within the Shenzhou State, and once chaos occurs, the whole world will be chaotic.

“A bunch of untouchables!”

After weighing the pros and cons, the emperor could only utter a roar of incompetence.

He was unable to mobilize one of the three major towns and states in China to encircle Chengmu.

Rebellion in the north and turmoil in the south. Sizhou and Yongzhou have not yet returned to the control of the imperial court. Now there is Cheng Mu who despises the imperial power by relying on the town’s ruler Guanhai…

For a moment, the emperor felt that the whole world was against him.

“I am the emperor, the emperor! No one can disobey me!”

At this time, the emperor could only curse in addition to cursing.

There was another crackling sound.

Several small yellow gates were killed by the emperor’s anger, but the others dared not move anything from beginning to end.

It was here that the emperor could realize the true supremacy of imperial power.


He sighed and said, “Lin Aiqing, what’s your opinion?”


Cheng Mu was also shocked after hearing this advice.

Lin Chengzi wanted the emperor’s advice, and the emperor ordered Cheng Mu to set off for the North Earthly Branches to assist General Zhang.

Deduct the merits to offset Cheng Mu’s contempt of imperial power.

At this moment, Cheng Mu can only admire: “Will this emperor count it?”

He just wanted to find a chance to go shopping in the North, when the emperor’s order came.

As the fourth rank General Zhongmu, the emperor also specially reissued the official seal and tiger charm for him.

General Chungmu (fourth rank)

Official position effect: command value +6, strength value +6. Ascension of the combat effectiveness of the troops under his command 15%.

Special effects of official position: Can call soldiers of a county with tiger charms.

Fourth rank Zhongmu General Talisman (Tiger Talisman)

Tiger Talisman special effects: strength value +7, morale of soldiers under his command +2.

Note: If treason or the country dies, the effects of official positions and tiger charms will disappear!

If it is someone else, they will definitely be grateful after seeing the effect of the fourth rank General Zhongmu’s official position and the tiger charm.

Even climb up at all costs.

But Cheng Mu thought differently.

The fourth rank General Zhongmu has such a powerful attribute bonus effect, what about the emperor?

What kind of enhancement can the emperor’s position and the jade seal bring to oneself?

Cheng Mu is extremely looking forward to it.

But for the time being, he decided to spare the emperor’s life.

Now the strength of Apocalypse Town can only be defensive.

If you want to fight back, you have to wait for Zhao Yun or Huang Zhong to be promoted to Zhen Guo, and the minimum number of troops under his command must be 10,000.

There are ancient rumors that Jurchen is invincible, and Cheng Mu also wants to make his own name.

The apocalypse is invincible!

Regardless of which army under Cheng Mu’s command, it could achieve an invincible achievement.

Then in this world, there is no place where he cannot go.

“Master! Are you going too?”

Gu Sanyi was also surprised when he learned that Cheng Mu was also going to the Northland.

He hesitated, “Master, the Northland is not peaceful at the moment!”

“More than restlessness!”

Cheng Mu laughed and said, “I’m going this time to see how powerful the northern people are.”

This past, he can be regarded as an experience.

Or a copy.

But before you leave, you have to break through the town.

Always taking first place, the excitement in Cheng Mu’s heart at this time was not as enthusiastic as before.

When the system prompt falls, Tianqi Town is officially upgraded to a second-level town.

【Tianqi Town】

Mayor: Cheng Mu

Level: second-level town

Town area: 1000m×1000m

Popularity: 95

Population: 2000 (2000/3000)

Military: 1426 (1426/300)

Medical: 1142 (1142/300)

Culture: 1189 (1189/300)

Economy: 680 (680/300)

Basic resources: grain 1W5, wood 1W1, stone 1W2, bronze 0

Special resource: 1W iron ore.

Specialties: Kunming whitebait, red water gourd

Buildings: Town Council Chamber (lv.4), Confucius Statue, Obsidian Carving, Mazu Statue, Intermediate Residence, Medical Hall, Hall of Valor, Cavalry Barracks (Advanced), Infantry Barracks (Advanced), Archer Barracks (Advanced), Shipyard (Low level), navy barracks (high level)…

Currently enjoys BUFF: Mingjun, five grains Fengdeng, title: Tinghou

Ally: Jubao Pavilion.

Attached Village (1/2): Xiaoshi Village

Affiliated player power: Jianxin Pavilion

Except for some changes in the value of the town, Tianqi Town has actually not changed much.

The only thing worth celebrating is that all the bronze in the village has been used up.

This proves that Tianqi Town has completely entered the Iron Age.

Of course these are not the key points. The key point is that Cheng Mu will soon be able to upgrade to a third-level town.

Except that the population value did not meet the standard, the remaining four attributes have all exceeded the standard.

Even the lowest economic value reached 680.

In other words, Cheng Mu can immediately upgrade to a third-level town as long as he has the manpower available.

Even a first-level town.

“How to play this? Do you want to jump third-level?”

Cheng Mu instantly thought of the miserable experiences of other players.

Now most players are still first-level villages, but Apocalypse Town under his command is about to be promoted to a first-level town.

“Pull people and pull people!”

For the first time, Cheng Mu realized that he was so short of population!

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