Chapter 126: The Ancient Evil Comes to Code Wei

It’s messed up, it’s all messed up.

Since Cheng Mu released the talent migration plan, the entire Qingyang City has been in panic.

He didn’t plan to clean up the mess he made up.

Some people sneered at the edict, but others followed the edict and went to Tianqi Town.

Only when there is chaos, Tianqi Town can get the most benefit.

Next, it’s up to Zhuge Liang.

Sizhou is in chaos, and Yongzhou is also in chaos.

Qingzhou is in chaos again? That makes sense.

After leaving the role of acting city lord to Huo Li again, Cheng Mu planned to run away.

Huo Li did not dare to terminate the edict on the talent migration plan he issued.

And Cheng Mu knew that Yang Zhenfeng would definitely come back after his own crime was forgiven.

When the time comes to fight for rights, let Yang Zhenfeng and Huo Li play!

When leading away, Cheng Mu went to Jubao Pavilion again.

Upgrade the first-level town by yourself, and the rewards for the second-level town have not yet been received.

But it was the silly fourth Miss Wan’er that came out.

Cheng Mu turned around and left.

Shopkeeper Hu hadn’t returned yet, and Cheng Mu had to leave first.

But he also put aside his cruel words: “If you dare to fall back on the bill, I will tear down your Jubao Pavilion!”

Unconsciously, Cheng Mu realized that he had become a bit domineering.

Back in the town, he informed Zhuge Liang of the talent migration plan.

The recruitment plan for 1,000 people cannot be completed in one or two days.

After drawing the reward for upgrading the second-level town, Cheng Mu ordered the Qitian Cavalry to set off to the north.

Cheng Mu, the second-level town, extracted an architectural drawing.

Great Wall.

He took a look, and finally put it in the box and hid it.

Not available at the moment!

Even if he establishes his own country in the future, Cheng Mu does not plan to build the Great Wall.

Only the weak need the Great Wall to protect themselves.


The north of Bingzhou is collectively referred to as the Northland.

Northland is the border between Shenzhou State and Qing Empire.

Since the border has not yet been opened, Northland is still under the jurisdiction of China.

It’s just that there are high mountains and long roads, poor mountains and bad waters, and often turbulent.

The emperor thought, it would be best if Cheng Mu could die there.

“Change map for map!”

Cheng Mu was in a good mood.

In Qingzhou, he doesn’t actually have a few rivals, so it’s okay to go to the North and have a look.

Of course, the main purpose was that he wanted to abduct Gu San’s entire Gu family back.

Cheng Mu has not revealed this thought to Gu San so far.

As an ancient family of medical experts, there are talents in the family! There will definitely be a variety of rare orphan medical books.

At present, more than 1,000 medical value upgrades in Tianqi Town are enough for the first-level small town, but what about the next?

County city, state city, capital city…

This attribute of Tianqi Town is far from it!

However, to reach the Northland, Cheng Mu and his party must pass through Sizhou and Bingzhou.

Sizhou now Cao Cao is the biggest bandit.

At the same time, Sizhou is also the richest among the nine major states in China, which is why Zhang Jiao was the first to conquer here.

Pass through the Qingwu Plain again.

The originally fertile Qingwu Plain has been completely turned into a scorched land.

Under the thunder of Zhang Jiao, everything was reduced to ashes.

Even if most of the time has passed, there is still the breath of thunder still remaining here.

If the vegetation is not growing, keep the six animals away.

After passing the Qingwu Plain, Cheng Mu came to Wuning City.

Wuning City is also in ruins at this moment, although people have already returned.

But the order is chaotic, and hunger and disease proliferate.

Cheng Mu is not Sage, but he is selfish!

So he immediately arranged for Gu San to prescribe a prescription, and Gu Pei digs medicine to save people.

Every time he saves one, he will tell everyone the location of Tianqi Town.

As the mayor, Cheng Mu really broke his heart.

However, he didn’t know how many people could go to Tianqi Town by then.

After staying in Wuning City for three days, Cheng Mu and his party set off again.

Many people in the refugee group have deeply remembered Cheng Mu’s appearance.

“Although selfish, it is also the appearance of a real dragon. Interesting!”

A dirty old man looked at Cheng Mu’s back and spoke softly.

The next second, a figure suddenly appeared beside him out of thin air.

The visitor was a white-haired old man, clutching the dirty old man and said: “Let you come and revive your apprentice, what are you doing as a refugee?”

“Hurry back, there is still business to do!”

Then the old white-haired Duster waved, and the two disappeared instantly.

But the refugees around them seem to have nothing happened, and they don’t know the changes around them.


Guan Hai looked back at the ruins of Wuning City that was going away, and he seemed to notice something.

But then he shook his head and didn’t notice anything.

Cheng Mu noticed his abnormality and asked aloud: “What’s the matter?”


Guan Hai turned his head and stopped thinking about it.

Soon, they reached the boundary of Sizhou.

Upon arriving in Sizhou, Cheng Mu found a scene completely different from that of Wuning County.

Unlike the desolation and dilapidation of Wuning County, some people in Sizhou have actually resumed farming.

“This is Sizhou that was harmed by Zhang Jiao?”

Everyone was a little unbelievable.

An old farmer came over after seeing Cheng Mu and his party and asked, “Who are you?”

When does an ordinary citizen have the courage to question the army?

Cheng Mu was a little surprised.

He said: “Qingzhou Anqing County ruled the Heavenly Cavalry!”

“Have not heard.”

The old man shook his head and directly drove him away: “You are not welcome here, let’s go!”

It seems that he is the master of this place.

Cheng Mu was amazed instantly. Is this old man a hidden boss?

What courage it is to drive his army of five hundred people unarmed.

“Old stuff, you’re going to die!”

Guan Hai drew a long knife and dared to look down on Cheng Mu to insult him.

“do not!”

Cheng Mu stopped Guan Hai, and now he has a keen interest in this old man, or in other words, Sizhou.

He asked: “You Sizhou, is Cao Cao in charge now?”


The old man said proudly: “If you don’t leave, you won’t be able to run away when General Dianwei leads his troops!”

“Dian Wei?”

When Cheng Mu heard this, his heart became hot again.

The ancient evil comes to Ding Wei, how can you not know such a famous person.

Speaking of which, Cao Cao has far more capable ministers than Liu Bei.

The three famous generals under Liu Bei’s command, Guan, Zhang, and Zhao, are currently estimated that only Yu is still with him.

Crouching dragon and phoenix young, it is still unknown whether or not Feng young will assist Liu Bei.

But Cao Cao is different here. The last time I met Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao, and the old man said Dian Wei.

Compared with the miserable Liu Bei, Cao Cao is much luckier.

And shortly after Cheng Mu’s voice fell, a team of hundreds of cavalry came galloping in.

Even in the face of a 500-person Tianqi, this team of Baiqi still did not slow down.

It seems that he wants one hundred for five hundred.

“Sure enough, Dian Wei, grumpy!”

Headed by a burly man, Kong Wu’s powerful body.

Cheng Mu said, “Since I’m here, let me teach you a lesson!”

He was also shocked for the first time, and the opponent wanted to win more with less.

“Tianqi! Go!”

Since Dian Wei wants to show himself a little bit of color, then he also teaches Dian Wei a lesson!

Not all cavalry are sky knights.

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