Chapter 129: General Xuan Zhang Lao

And state.

The northernmost area that China can control.

The people here are sturdy.

Upon reaching the boundary of Bingzhou, Cheng Mu immediately showed his own official seal.

Obviously, Binzhou also got news from the emperor.

For Cheng Mu’s arrival, the journey was really unimpeded.

It was so smooth that he wanted to go to the city to rest, but was refused.

Obviously, Binzhou Mu is the emperor’s loyal dogleg.

Cheng Mu was not discouraged either, he had expected this kind of result a long time ago.

Without hesitation, he left the border of the state.

Next time, Cheng Mu will lead an army over.

And north of the state.

The land has become desolate, and the air has become increasingly dry.

The Northland is actually very large, almost the size of two states.

People in Northland call themselves the Sha tribe, and they have already submitted to China in name a few decades ago.

Because of the bad weather, the geographical situation is complicated.

The emperor’s order of the Shenzhou Kingdom has never really reached the Northland.

Not long ago, Lei Dun, the leader of the sand tribe, attacked the border of Bingzhou and provoked war.

That’s why Xuan General Zhang Lao came to suppress it.

Gujia, located in the southern part of Beidi, Beiyincheng.

But now that Beiyin City has been occupied by the Sands, Cheng Mu and Gu San have a hard time going past.

In a polite opinion, Cheng Mu first visited General Xuan Zhang Lao.

As one of the three major towns in China, Zhang Lao’s strength should not be underestimated.

“That Cheng Mu has arrived? The young countryman named Guan Hai has also arrived?”

When the next person came to report, Mr. Zhang was surprised.

This is too fast.

The emperor’s edict has only been here for a few days, but he didn’t expect Cheng Mu to come so quickly.

Later, Mr. Zhang went out to greet him personally.

Seeing that Zhang Lao came to meet him in person, Cheng Mu felt flattered instantly: “Lao Zhang is really a shameless kid.”

At least for now, Mr. Zhang has a very good impression on him.

He didn’t stand high because he was General Xuan, and he didn’t disarm himself because he killed the emperor’s messenger.

It’s really like an ordinary old man, close to peace.

“It is great news that General Cheng and General Guan can come over this time.”

The war in the North has reached a deadlock.

As soon as Cheng Mu arrives, he will immediately be the breaker.

“General Xuan is polite. It is the duty of a kid to protect the family and defend the country.”

Cheng Mu is also polite and very friendly.

Guan Hai also quietly told him that Zhang Lao was not weaker than him.

If the strength reaches the town, the actual strength will not be too far apart.

Unless Guan Hai can surpass Zhen Guo, only then can he defeat the three generals of Shenzhou Kingdom with absolute certainty.

In subsequent conversations with Zhang Lao, Cheng Mu revealed that he wanted to go to North Silver City.

“North Silver City? That’s more troublesome!”

Zhang Lao said: “North Silver City is now occupied by the Sands, and Layton also attaches great importance to this city.”

“Now Beiyincheng is the largest medical insurance for the Sha people, and ordinary people can’t approach it at all.”

When Cheng Mu heard this, he was instantly embarrassed.

Being able to stop the Xuan general Zhang Lao, that proves that the Sand Clan also has at least one townsman.


“Unless what?”

“Unless someone from the three major families recommends.” Zhang Lao said, and suddenly asked curiously: “I don’t know why General Cheng is going to North Silver City?”

The edict he received was sent by the emperor to support Cheng Mu.

“It’s true.”

Cheng Mu said: “This ancient person is one of the three families in North Silver City.”

Everything looks so smooth.

It takes the recommendation of the three big families to go to North Silver City, and it happens that Gu San is a member of the three big families.

After hearing this, Zhang Lao was also surprised, and asked in shock: “Is this a member of the ancient family?”

“Old and old Gu San, see General Xuan.”

Gu San stood up and saluted Mr. Zhou.

“Stop seeing it!”

Old Zhang hurriedly said: “Then you have to go back quickly!”

“Now the Li family and Gu family in Beiyin City have turned to the Sand Clan, and your ancient family is now being persecuted by Thunder Shield.”

“If the ancient family also joins the Sha tribe, then the three major medical families in Beiyincheng will be punished as treason!”

The three major medical families in Beiyincheng are well-known throughout China.

It’s just that the three big families are in the Northland, and the people of China only heard their voices but didn’t see them.


Gu San also panicked.

He hurriedly said to Cheng Mu: “Lord, let’s go first!”

Since the Sand Clan does not kill the people of the three major families, there is no danger in going there this time.

Buchengmu said: “Don’t worry about the ancients, since we have arrived, it will surely ensure that the ancient family is safe and sound.”

It’s not just the ancients.

Ever since he heard Zhang Lao say that there are three major medical families in North Silver City, he wanted to abduct them all.

How to abduct the three major families at one time should be discussed carefully.

Defeating Thunder Dun is very easy now, Zhang Lao and Guan Hai can take the shot together.

But in this way, the abduction of the three major families is definitely no play.

Thinking about it, Cheng Mu looked at Gu San.

There was an idea in my mind immediately.

At this time.

Mr. Zhang suddenly coughed a few times and asked embarrassingly: “Ahem, since this is a member of the ancient family, I wonder if you are familiar with ancient medical techniques?”

Gu San replied: “Understand a little bit.”

This is a very humble answer.

“That’s good.” Zhang Lao’s eyes lit up and he said smoothly: “Please also ask Mr. Gu to do me a favor.”

As he said, his whole aura became decadent in an instant.

“You are hurt?”

Cheng Mu was shocked.

Just now, the old man looked strong and strong, and now he has completely turned into a panting old man.

“Cough cough.” Zhang Lao replied with a tragic smile: “We fought with Lei Dun children that day, and both of them were seriously injured.”

It is precisely because of the injury that the Northland has become a deadlock.

But unlike Thunder Shield, Thunder Shield occupied North Silver City, and three major families healed it.

On Zhang Lao’s side, ordinary healers couldn’t treat his injuries at all.

However, the appearance of Gu San gave him hope.

Gu San immediately stepped forward and began investigating Zhang Lao’s injuries.

But the more he probed, the more solemn his expression became.

Cheng Mu hurriedly asked: “How?”

“Oh,” Gu San said regretfully, “Old Zhang, you shouldn’t suppress the injury.”

From the moment he went out to meet Cheng Mu, Zhang Lao suppressed his injuries forcibly.

Then fill himself with completely empty blood, making himself look no different from the peak period.

Even those in charge of the town of Hai were deceived.


Zhang Lao also nodded and said: “Although I know my own injury, but sometimes I can’t help but have some hope.”

He began to exude a decadent breath.

This old man is already exhausted.

“Old, think of a way!”

Cheng Mu couldn’t see Zhang Lao waiting to die in front of him.

At this time Guan Hai also walked over, took Zhang Lao’s palm, and passed his own qi.

At this time, he was renewing his life.

“It’s useless.”

Zhang Lao smiled miserably: “Now it is estimated that only the Great Master of Medical Dao can save me!”

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