Chapter 133: Huo Li’s Death

North Silver City.

The heads of people outside the city have already rolled to the ground.

Obviously, Cheng Mu’s guess was wrong.

The Sand people are really stupid enough to kill the healer.

Finally, under Thunder Dun’s butcher knife, the ancients and the Gus presented their respective fragments of the “Ancient Medical Classics”.

Li Bucun, the Patriarch of the Li family, greedily looked at the three fragments of “Ancient Medical Classics”, and his whole person was going crazy.

“Haha, my Li family is finally going to rise!”

It is rumored that those who have cultivated the “Ancient Medical Classics” to the highest level can even have the means to bring the dead back to life.

“Okay, don’t be silly.”

Lei Dun interrupted the complacent you are not there, and said, “Learn quickly, and then heal me!”

“I want to regain my strength within a week, and then cut off the head of General Xuan from China!”

“The minister obeys!”

Li Bucun left with the “Ancient Medical Classics”, he has already become a minister to the Sha tribe.

On Cheng Mu’s side, after the hundred-member Sand Patrol was destroyed, their tracks were also exposed.


There were still a hundred kilometers to go to Beiyincheng, and Cheng Mu could only rush over.

There is a sand army of five thousand people ahead, and he intends to pierce them.

“Tianqi! Charge!”

Guan Hai took the lead, and the 500 Tianqi pierced the sand army like a sharp spear.

“Block! Block them!”

“Five hundred people dared to attack our five thousand army formation, you are looking for death!”

The leader of the Sand tribe has never felt so lucky.

There are people who are not afraid of death who come forward to die.

“kill him!”

Cheng Mu also focused on the Sand generals who stood in the forefront, and should have some experience points after killing them.

If it’s not in a hurry, he really wants to learn experience here.

Sand soldiers are generally higher in rank than bandits and yellow turbans.

Destroying five thousand sand soldiers is enough to make Cheng Mu’s level ascension to level 40.


Five hundred Tianqi rushed into the enemy’s formation instantly.

The sand soldier blocking the front was like paper, and was immediately torn to pieces by the sky.

Although the shield made by Tiemu was strong, it couldn’t stop the huge impact.

For a time, Tianqi seemed to enter the land of no one.

The sand tribe, who used to be like evil spirits in front of mankind, are now like lambs.

Tianqi turned into a hungry wolf, raging in the herd of five thousand lambs.

The generals of the sand soldiers died in the country in the first time. Although the sand soldiers who lost their command were strong, they could not form an effective deterrent.

The so-called defeat is like a mountain.

From the moment the sand scorpion flag fell, these sand soldiers lost their will to fight.

Overcoming the general battle situation, to be honest, Cheng Mu didn’t have much excitement.

From fighting to piercing through the enemy formation, Tianqi only took less than ten minutes.

More and more sand soldiers began to flee, and they ran faster than horses on the sand.

Tianqi did not stop.

Instead, continue to run towards North Silver City.

Cheng Mu wanted to arrive at Beiyin City in front of these deserters of the Sands.

And just as Cheng Mu was galloping in the north, a big event happened in Qingyang City.

The current deputy city lord of Qingyang City, the former garrison general of Qingyang City, Huo Li, died.

No evidence was left at the scene.

But there are rumors that it was under the hands of Black Rose.

Several guests came to Huoli’s mansion that day, and Huoli died soon after.

And those few visitors also disappeared.

The people in Qingyang City are panicking now, and many rich people are worried about being robbed.

The gangster can kill even Huo Li, the defensive general and the acting city lord, so who else would not dare to kill?

After receiving the news, Cheng Mu also believed the rumor.

Only Wandering Xia player has all kinds of weird methods.

If you want to kill Huo Li, the only one who can kill Huo Li is the Pirate Flower Pavilion Guild.

And Black Rose had a reason to kill Huo Li, and was deceived in vain.

Of course, it also proves that the canthus of the black rose must be repaid, once it grows up, it will definitely be a hard stubble.


Cheng Mu shook his head, and Huo Li was gone.

Only when Huo Li died, Qingyang City really became messy.

The original city lord Yang Zhenfeng wanted to come back, but couldn’t come back!

He was lucky, and when he arrived in Qingzhou City, he was found to be very poisonous.

If this toxin breaks out again, he will die.

For his own life, Yang Zhenfeng decided to stay with Qin Tianshan.

Now he can’t do anyone, he only believes in Qin Tianshan.

Then Cheng Mu immediately sent a message to Hu Guangguo, asking him to inform Zhuge Liang.

It may be time to take action, Qingyang City can’t be too confused.

The two thousand garrison soldiers are still there, and once the chaos arises, wouldn’t the own soldier recruitment plan be a waste of water?

In an emergency, Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong led their troops to take over the city.

Qingyang City is now under full martial law.

The players in the Jianxin Pavilion were also pulled to Qingyang City to prevent the players from the Thieves Pavilion from coming to destroy them again.

Zhang Ruo, the prefect of Anqing County, also witnessed Cheng Mu’s killing of Father Tu.

So even if he knew that Qingyang City did not have a city lord now, he would not send anyone over.

Everyone with a discerning eye knows that Qingyang City is already in Cheng Mu’s bag.

As long as Cheng Mu needed it, he could now even replace Qin Tianshan as the chief official in frontiers.

“Do not.”

Cheng Mu shook his head: “What I want is the Apocalypse City and the Apocalypse Empire.”

Although the Kingdom of China is good, as time goes by, everyone has discovered that this is no longer the original Kingdom of China.

“Go back this time and upgrade to Apocalypse City!”

In terms of geographical location alone, Cheng Mu’s Tianqi Town is better than Qingyang City.

Thinking about it, he galloped faster.

After going deep into the north, black trees appeared in front of everyone.

This is Tiemu.

Cheng Mu picked up the broken star gun and poked it, but only sparks came out.

“So hard?”

He didn’t believe in evil, and took out the poisonous kiss that had been in the dust for a long time.

This time, the poisonous kiss finally left a trace on the ironwood.

But if you want to cut these iron woods, the poisonous kiss is not enough.

“Lord, let me try!”

Guan Hai drew the Hell Broken Soul Knife and went down.


Tiemu broke off after hearing the sound.

Cheng Mu walked over and looked at the neat incisions with curiosity.

“Then how did these sand tribes chop down ironwood?”

It’s impossible that the axes of those lumberjacks of the Sha tribe are all creation legendary weapons.

At the same time, he finally got the information of Tiemu.

Ironwood (epic special plant)

Description: This is wood harder than steel, smelly and hard.

Characteristics: Toughness (Although iron wood is hard, it is extremely tough. Adding iron wood when creating an item can greatly enhance the strength of the item.)

Iron loss (Unreasonable felling of ironwood will cause ironwood to lose its toughness and hardness.)

“Epic-level special plants, it’s no wonder that the broken star gun can’t get in!”

The same is an epic weapon, but the sunder effect of the poisonous kiss is a bit higher.

Looking at the iron loss state on the ironwood in his hand, Cheng Mu also knew that ironwood had special cutting skills.

Moreover, the Blood Prison Soulbreaking Knife in Hai’s hands could not become a logging knife.

Only after finding a way to chop the tree, come to think of a way.

After a brief stay, Cheng Mu set off again.

Now it is very close to North Silver City.

“The Ancient Ling Medical Classics, I’m here!”

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