Chapter 139-Thunder Rage

Cheng Mu’s voice fell, and the tips were opened.

In an instant, a power of ruining the world emanated from the kit.

In the next second, thick layers of thunderclouds gathered over Beiyin City.

What Cheng Mu wanted to destroy was the entire North Silver City.

“This is?”

Lei Dun stood up from his chair in shock.

He looked at the thundercloud in the sky, and his mood was completely dead.

If the thunderclouds come down, then North Silver City will be turned into ashes.

At the same time, Lei Kuo and Lei Tuo’s expressions changed drastically.

“Impossible, this is impossible.”

“Shenzhou has no country townsman who can control the thunder, who are you?!”

Lei Tuo’s bean-sized cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

He has never heard of anyone who can control the Thunder.

Under the vast coercion.

Lei Kuo, who had originally wanted to see Cheng Mu’s slaying, rolled over with his own eyes, and then rolled off his sick bed.

Then he crawled and tried to escape from here.

“No, I can’t die here.”

The palpitating power in the thunder cloud made him extremely frightened.

In terms of injuries, he was already more severely injured than Thunder Shield.

At this moment, the entire North Silver City was crushed to the ground again by the pressure of thunder.

Thirty thousand Sand Clan soldiers also looked at Leiyun tremblingly at this time.


The thunder cloud that enveloped the entire North Silver City, they had nowhere to escape.


Finally, some sand soldiers could no longer hold on.

He threw away his weapon and fell to his knees, begging Cheng Mu for mercy.

When he knelt like this, it caused a chain reaction in an instant.

One after another, the sand soldiers knelt down, begging for mercy.

Seeing such a scene, Lei Dun had closed his eyes.

Thirty thousand elite Sha tribes were actually interrupted here by an influential human tribe.

Lei Tuo’s eyes were splitting, watching the surrounding sand soldiers kneel one by one, he collapsed.

“Go to hell!”

He raised the long sword in his hand and slayed at Cheng Mu again.

If you wait until 30,000 Sand soldiers kneel down, the backbone of the Sand nationality will really be broken.


In the Mercedes-Benz, a thunder struck Lei Tuo suddenly.

After the explosion, he almost became a humanoid coke.

But Lei Tuo is not dead.

He still said with a face full of disbelief: “No, you can’t kneel, why do you kneel!”

In his heart, the Sands have always been an upright and unyielding race.

How come now, some people are afraid of death.

However, Lei Tuo’s move to death still aroused the determination of most of the sand soldiers.

Half of the sand soldiers did not kneel down, but instead aroused fighting spirit after being inspired by Lei Tuo.

They took up their weapons again and approached Cheng Mu under tremendous pressure.

And those sand tribes who gave up resistance were also awakened.

They looked at their surrendered companions with contempt, and once again took up their weapons and joined the battle.

At this time, they had to die.

“Is this the Sand Clan?”

In terms of integrity, the Sha people are indeed worthy of admiration.

Lei Tuo’s move instantly aroused the fighting spirit of 90% of the Sand Clan soldiers.

For those soldiers who begged for mercy, Cheng Mu felt the same way.

There are always some people who are afraid of death.

I don’t want to die, and I don’t want to die.

If there are ninety people in the entire Sha tribe who dare to die, it is really terrifying.

“In this case, then meet your requirements!”

If you don’t kill them, you can’t stand up.

Only by killing the Sha tribe, can the Northland continue to spread the reputation of Cheng Mu.

Or even kill the name.

“no, do not want!”

Under the pressure, Lei Dun flew down from the wall with his injuries.

Said: “If the North Silver City is destroyed, then the “Ancient Medical Classics” you want will also become ashes.”

At this time, “Gu Ling Medical Classic” became Lei Dun’s bargaining chip.

“Oh? So what?”

Cheng Musi was not moved, and sneered: “You are all dead here, isn’t the chaos in the Northern Land resolved?”

“Maybe, I will be able to use the merits of beheading the two townsmen of the Sand Clan to join the ranks when I go back.”

He was right.

The chaos in the North is because the sands have one town and three half-step towns.

No, there are now two towns.

Once Cheng Mu killed Lei Dun Lei Kuo here, the danger in the North Land was immediately resolved.

“This is how it feels like the emperor’s old man intended.”

He thought.

When Lei Dun Lei Kuo died, didn’t it mean that Zhang Lao was solved.

“Isn’t it right.”

Cheng Mu shook his head, and the Sha people still need to leave a townsman.

As for Cheng Mu’s inner thoughts, Lei Dun didn’t know.

When he heard Cheng Mu’s sentence that the danger of the North Land was immediately relieved, he immediately understood in his heart.

I don’t have the qualifications to ask for advice and bargain.


He wanted to refute, but that was the fact.

Once he and Lei Kuo die here, the Sand Clan may still be at risk of extinction.

“Accept your fate!”

Cheng Mu said lightly: “I will keep your life.”

“But Lei Kuo and Lei Tuo are dead!”

“These 30,000 soldiers of the Sand Clan, let’s bury them for them!”

After speaking, one after another Thunder Dragon drilled out of the clouds.

Bombarded down.

“Boom! Boom!”

In an instant, the entire North Silver City turned into a fierce prison on earth, and the Thunder Dragon raged.

Those city walls that looked indestructible in the eyes of ordinary people, but shattered under the thunder.

Lei Kuo was crawling hard.

He wants to flee here.

But as Cheng Mu’s focus, he has nowhere to escape.


A thunderbolt hit him, instantly scorching his skin.

“No, you can’t kill me! I’m a townsman! I’m the king of the sand clan!”

Lei Kuo wailed.

Although he was seriously injured, his strong desire to survive forced him to still wriggle.

“Wait for me to go out, wait for me to recover…”


Before he finished speaking, another thunder bombarded him.

This time, he finally couldn’t climb anymore.

“He, I can’t die, I can’t die…”

Lei Kuo couldn’t move, but he kept repeating this sentence.

“Boom! Boom!”

One after another thunder raged on him.

After the gunpowder, there was only one residue left here.

At this time, around Cheng Mu, 30,000 Sand soldiers were also brutally tortured.

Numerous thunder snakes and thunder dragons raged in the crowd, so the elite sand soldiers turned into charcoal corpses.

In the air, the aroma of barbecue has been floating.

Facing the wailing in front of him, Cheng Mu didn’t close his eyes.

He just watched quietly, watching these sand soldiers die one by one before his eyes.

Although cruel, but also forging one’s heart.

The enemy, Cheng Mu wouldn’t frown even if he was stabbed by thousands of swords.


Lei Dun’s eyes were cracking.

He suddenly slapped own chest.


Efforts spurted out, but his whole aura quickly began to rise.

He used a secret method to temporarily stop the injury.

And at the cost of life, he used his own big move.

“Sha Yu!”

With a scream, the entire Northland began to tremble.

Thousands of kilometers of yellow sand rushed from the northward silver city.

Immediately these yellow sands condensed into a huge sand wall in Thunder Dun’s hands.

The sand wall was tiled over North Silver City, separating the billowing thunder.

But every time the thunder blasts, Thunder Shield’s momentum is reduced by one point.

Soon, his eyes began to bleed.

But his eyes were still wide open, roaring: “Broken!”

Immediately, a huge knife shadow condensed with sand slashed into the thundercloud in the air.


The sand knife collided with the thundercloud.

This sand blade at the cost of the life of the thunder shield finally split the thundercloud in mid-air.


Lei Dun spurted out again.

In the next second, he fell to the ground and passed out.

But his mission was completed.

Sha Yu protected the torn North Silver City and also rescued thousands of lingering sand soldiers.

Sha Yu was still a bit slow after all.

Cheng Mu’s Eight Trigrams are over.

The disgusting smell of barbecue in the air is so sweet and inviting under Cheng Mu’s nose.

Nearly 20,000 Sand soldiers died, pushing his level to 50.

And the Thunder also killed Lei Kuo.

Guan Hai, also break through.

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