Chapter 144-Cao Aman was bullied again

Did not visit Zhang Lao again.

Cheng Mu knew that there was no suitable opportunity.

Zhang Lao’s attack to kill Sotuhai is already repaying him for his life-saving.

Next time, it is extremely difficult to say whether it is an enemy or a friend.

The way home.

Cheng Mu didn’t have much joy.

Although the “Gu Ling Medical Classics” is available, Gu San has also been promoted to the god of the path of medicine.

But now that he is really going to rebel, he has no bottom in his heart.

It’s like watching action movies every day to exercise the muscles of the left arm, but when it comes to actual combat that day…

In the high-end combat power of the town of the country, Cheng Mu has not lost the country of Shenzhou.

But the number of basic soldiers is still too far behind.

Thousand to a million troops?

Although the soldiers under his command are strong, they are not as strong as a thousand enemies.

“Fuck it!”

Cheng Mu didn’t even think about it.

The soldiers came to cover the water and earth, and saw what moves the emperor had.

He followed.

Pass by Bingzhou again.

The situation is the same as when it came, all cities are closed to Cheng Mu.

This time, Cheng Mu didn’t want to stay.

After galloping for a few days, he once again came to the boundary of Sizhou.

Cao Cao’s forces have occupied the three counties of Xinye, Xiangyang, and Nanyang.

The speed of expansion is surprising.

Cheng Mu asked: “Did the Shenzhou State officials still not send anyone over?”


The sentinel replied: “Lord, it is not appropriate to stay in Sizhou for a long time now.”

“Cao Cao has expanded his army to 50,000. We are not safe here anymore.”

Cheng Mu passed Sizhou to Beidi in just over half a month.

Cao Cao actually captured Xiangyang and Nanyang within half a month, and expanded his army of 30,000 to 40,000.

This speed is really too fast.

Of course, this is also related to the reason why the emperor of China stood on the sidelines.

“He actually gave Sizhou cupped hands to Cao Cao, what is this emperor thinking?”

Cheng Mu was really convinced of the emperor of China.

Three legions.

The Flame Army was in the north, and the Gale Army assisted Lin Lao in suppressing the south.

Although the Flame Army was maimed by the Yellow Turban, Liangzhou, Bingzhou, and Yizhou all have permanent garrison soldiers.

Knowing the emperor’s order, it is more than enough to pull one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand troops in these three places.

Now that Cao Cao has made a firm foothold in Sizhou, Cheng Mu won’t bother.

Sizhou was lost.

The current situation in Yongzhou is still unknown, but the Black Rose Cheng Mu, who has vowed to take revenge, remembers it.

Sandwiched between Sizhou and Yongzhou, Qingzhou might be the first cannon fodder zone.

Tianqi did not enter the city all the way.

I met Tiger and Leopard patrolling on the road.

And also met an old acquaintance, Cao Zhen.

When Cao Zhen met Cheng Mu for the first time, he suffered under Guan Hai.

Later, outside Qingyang City, he also lost under Cheng Mu.

This time, he worked hard to catch up with Cheng Mu.

The news of Cheng Mu’s subordinates was a town-state, and General Cao Ying almost everyone knew.

However, Dianwei under Cao Cao has recovered and his strength has been promoted again.

With the addition of tens of thousands of troops, Cao Zhen is confident of defeating Guan Hai this time.

“Lord, they are still chasing behind.”

Sentinel slowed down deliberately and hung Cao Zhen behind.


Cheng Mu looked at it, and the number of leopard riders led by Cao Zhen had exceeded five thousand.

Five thousand horses can already become the main force on the battlefield.

Guan Haibo was not surprised, and said without expression, “Do you want to kill them?”

“In this case, Cao Cao will definitely feel distressed.”

“Haha, no need.”

Cheng Mu didn’t plan to talk to Cao Zhen.

“If Cao Cao’s five thousand leopard riders are all folded here, Cao Cao will definitely find us desperately.”

At the critical moment, it is better to be steady.

Dian Wei is already a safe candidate for the town, if he and the emperor turn against Cao Cao at the same time.

In addition, the black rose and the seven kills guild are eyeing.

Isn’t it the enemy of the whole country?

“When have I been so awesome?”

Cheng Mu also thought, now I will hit eleven and hit a hundred, and slap all countries and plaintexts.

However, he did not open up, nor was it a GM.

Can’t do it!

They are all wretched developments, even with the god-level talent of Ming Jun, it is not enough to make Cheng Mu reach the top in one step.


Guan Hai nodded: “Wait for us to kill the emperor first, then kill Cao Cao!”


Cheng Mu thought: “We can kill Cao Cao by the way on the way to kill the emperor. Take his big treasure!”

He will start from Qingyang City, Qingzhou, Sizhou and Yongzhou will all be taken.

After that, Tianqi stopped talking to Cao Zhen.

In a blink of an eye, Cao Zhen was left far behind.

“This guy! Damn it!”

Realizing that Cheng Mu had been lost again, Cao Zhen was angry and felt a deep sense of frustration.

Leopard Cavalry is already his fastest arm.

However, in front of Tianqi, it is still not mentioned.

“No, I want to train faster units!”

Cao Zhen decided to suggest to Cao Cao to train cavalry faster than the Leopard Cavalry.

Only in this way can Cheng Mu be stopped.

It’s just that Cheng Mu didn’t know, because a new special cavalry appeared under his Cao Cao.

But as he ran, Cheng Mu found that someone was blocking the road ahead.

It seemed that it was Xia Houyuan who had a relationship.

“The wings are really hard!”

Xia Houyuan dared to stop here, maybe it was Cao Cao’s idea.

“Cheng Mu, let’s catch it!”

Xia Houyuan was full of confidence with the dense refusal in front, and the five thousand Sizhou soldiers behind him.

Cheng Mu stopped and asked indifferently: “You Cao Cao asked you to come over?”

It stands to reason that even if Cao Cao learns the news of his return, in terms of the speed of his Tianqi.

It is impossible to send troops here to stop oneself so soon.

But Xia Houyuan led five thousand soldiers and really stopped him.

“It’s no use asking more!”

Xia Houyuan interrupted Cheng Mu’s words and said, “As long as you obediently do it, you can catch it, and then think that my lord will admit it is wrong!”

“My lord will certainly spare you not to die!”

“What about your confidence?”

Cheng Mu looked at the five thousand Sizhou soldiers, still not enough!

“Huh! Of course there is me!”

With a cold drink, another person walked out.

Zhang Liao!

“Cheng Mu, let’s catch it!”

As soon as Zhang Liao came out, Xia Houyuan’s morale increased.

Cheng Mu looked at Xia Houyuan and Zhang Liao who were side by side, his eyes narrowed.

“You are playing with fire!”

Why are these two people who have not reached the country for half a step here?

However, Xia Houyuan sneered and said, “Don’t pretend you too! We already know that Guanhai killed the powerful sand clan, and now he must be uncomfortable!”

On that day, Xun Yu made a fortune telling.

Divination will go to Guanhai this time, and he will kill a Shaman town.

In everyone’s eyes, the battle between the townspeople is life and death.

There is no such thing as a crushing force.

Since Guan Hai was able to kill the sand townsman, it proved that he himself would definitely be injured.

Then Xun Yu fortune-telling again, Cheng Mu will pass here and return to Qingzhou.

So early in the morning, Xia Houyuan and Zhang Liao waited here.


Cheng Mu didn’t want to waste time here, the two men were afraid that they were fools.

He looked at him and said: “Come over!”

What if there is a refusal?

In front of Tianqi, there was no such thing as refusing a horse.

They lifted the reins, and the horses jumped high, and they crossed over ten meters wide to resist the horse.

Then Xia Houyuan and Zhang Liao rushed into the army in the shocking eyes of Xia Houyuan and Zhang Liao!

“Kill them!”

Guan Hai took the lead and knocked Zhang Liao away with one blow.

Sizhou was only the lowest rank soldier, not even an elite.

Tianqi even rushed through the sand army, not to mention these five thousand ordinary soldiers.

For a time, it’s like entering no one’s land.

Xia Houyuan saw that Zhang Liao couldn’t stop Guan Hai with a single blow, and he instantly persuaded him.

In terms of strength, he is still under Zhang Liao.


Seeing the celestial horses brazenly abused his soldiers, Xia Houyuan felt that the sky had fallen.

On Cheng Mu’s side, he didn’t have a love for war after killing five thousand Sizhou soldiers.

It caused some casualties to Cao Cao’s subordinates, which made Cheng Mu feel very embarrassed.

When he first left, he destroyed the evil knight recruited by Dianwei, and severely injured Dianwei.

When he returned, he killed the five thousand Sizhou soldiers led by Xia Houyuan, and severely injured Zhang Liao.

Doing this will make it more difficult to recruit talents under Cao Cao’s command in the future!

But when there is difficulty, there are challenges.

When Cao Cao heard the news, he was stunned.

“Who told you to intercept Cheng Mu!”

He trembled angrily, and threw a teapot on Xia Houyuan’s head.

“The lord calms down his anger!”

Xia Houyuan’s helmet was smashed off, but he still knelt down and defended: “We rejected the horse at the time, so we wanted to speak out for General Dianwei.”

“Moreover, at that time, Mr. Xun Yu, didn’t he predict that Guan Hai would kill the people of the Sha nationality town?”

Cao Cao asked angrily: “Then why did you fail?”

Xia Houyuan cried and said, “But Guan Hai, there is no injury at all!”

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