Chapter 148 Rumors That Make the Emperor Frighten

“Cheng Mu! I want to punish your Nine Clan!”

The emperor was angry and lost his reason in anger.

“Kill my messenger again and again, really when I dare not kill you?!”

Yushufang suffered again, and several little yellow gates and court ladies died tragically.

This time, Lin Chengzi did not come to advise again.

Indeed, Cheng Mu’s behavior has completely hit the emperor’s face.

If it is not punished, where is the holy face?

The emperor roared: “Since the Sand Clan has retired, let Lin Tianbiao get me back!”

“Then… Mr. Zhang?”

Hao Tianyang asked hesitantly.

For Mr. Zhang, everyone still doesn’t know what to do.

After all, it is a townsman, and the emperor must also courteously give him three points.

“Old Zhang?”

The emperor’s expression suddenly stopped, and then immediately changed his words: “Someone dared to pretend to be my messenger, Zhang Lao has been successful in killing!”

“Special reward to Zhang Lao, Jin Wanliang!”

Cure for Zhang Lao’s crime?

How is that possible.

As the three guardians of China, the emperor did not dare to punish them easily.

Otherwise, the people’s sentiment will be turbulent and it will be counterproductive.

Unless, Zhang Lao is really rebelling.

But obviously, this kind of thing can’t happen.

The emperor knew exactly what happened in the north.

Because Cheng Mu’s Gu San had to take care of Zhang Lao’s injury, Zhang Lao shot and killed Suo Tuhai.

All the guilt, the emperor was thrown on Cheng Mu.

Anyway, now that the emperor has been evil, Cheng Mu is not afraid to recite a few more charges.


Hao Tianyang took the lead.

Then the emperor fell into a difficult situation again.

If Zhang Lao was successful in killing Suo Tuhai, then Cheng Mu was not guilty.

The biggest sin is to say the words to rebel in the mouth.

But everyone knows that Cheng Mu’s rebellion is only a matter of time.

At this time, Hao Tianyang hesitated and said, “Your Majesty, I still have something to report.”


The emperor felt even worse when he thought that he could not cure Cheng Mu’s crime.

Hao Tianyang’s face was heavy: “Weichen has been to Beiyin City and found that there is not only Guanhai’s breath.”

“What else?”

“It’s the breath of thunder, the breath of thunder in Zhang Jiao’s hand!”

Hao Tianyang was already trembling, sweating profusely.

Most of the time, the word Zhang Jiao was still forbidden by the emperor.


“Zhang Jiao!”

The emperor asked in shock, “Didn’t Zhang Jiao die? Didn’t he die in the hands of Guan Hai?”

That day Peng Lao went to confirm that Zhang Jiao was indeed dead.

“Could it be that…….”

The emperor could no longer speak.

“Your Majesty, really.”

Hao Tianyang slammed his head on the ground and said loudly: “You Cheng Mu may have sheltered Zhang Jiao, and they may become a group!”


This sentence was thunder on the ground, and the emperor’s head was dizzy.

He hobbled and leaned on the dragon chair and said, “Impossible, what qualifications does Cheng Mu have to cover Zhang Jiao!”

How could Zhang Jiao live in a village under the Yellow Turban army of millions.

At this time, Hao Tianyang gave another guess of himself: “Maybe the person behind Cheng Mu is Zhang Jiao!”

Rumble! Rumble!

The emperor could no longer stand.

He sat down on the dragon chair, his face pale: “This is impossible, how dare he Cheng Mu?!”

The emperor didn’t believe it, but there was already a trace of doubt in his heart.

Whether it was Zhang Jiao and Cheng Mu who played such a bitter trick.

Then get own trust?

With the emperor’s suspicion, all kinds of unreliable guesses were immediately guessed.

He hurriedly ordered Hao Tianyang: “You go to Qingzhou and Anqing County now. Let me know Cheng Mu’s details!”

“Take my Shangfang sword, if there is any obstacle, kill without mercy!!!”

Disrespect of his own face, the emperor could find a reason to prevaricate after being angry for a while.

But if Cheng Mu really colludes with Zhang Jiao, even if the country is in turmoil, it must be killed.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion caused the emperor to lose Sizhou and Yongzhou, and even Qingzhou was already unstable.

Therefore, the emperor hated Zhang Jiao more than Cheng Mulai.

But now there are rumors that Cheng Mu has returned to Zhang Jiao, how could the emperor sit still.

“If it is! I can just kill them together!”

At this moment, the emperor had sentenced Cheng Mu to death.

At this moment, Cheng Mu didn’t know that the emperor connected him with Zhang Jiao.

If you know it, you will definitely be very angry.

‘Obviously I destroyed the horn, when did it become my return horn? ’


Since no one has come to take over Qingyang City, after he successfully built the city.

Cheng Mu decided to accept it formally.

The two thousand city guards were already waiting, quietly waiting for Cheng Mu’s collection.

However, there are also many people in Qingyang City who are unwilling to come to Apocalypse City.

It may be the hometown complex, or it may be something else.

The treasurer Hu, the treasurer, has returned.

But even after learning that Cheng Mu had built the city, he still did not appear.

“What are you worrying about? Fear me or the emperor?”

Since the system did not prompt the two to terminate the contract, it proved that shopkeeper Hu was still hesitating.

Indeed, he was hesitating.

“Father, two hundred thousand gold! Come back soon!”

Si. Miss Wan’er has been in front of Shopkeeper Hu for a long time.

Thinking of Lin Yazhu, who was almost caught in a daze of course, Wan’er made up her mind to vent her anger.

Shopkeeper Hu was also upset and irritable at the moment, and he scolded: “What do you know?!”

“Why don’t I understand!”

Wan’er became even more angry, and said with a frown, “That Cheng Mu has been beaten as a thief by the emperor, and the entire Academy knows about it!”

She thought, if she doesn’t do it again.

When the emperor’s army arrives, it is impossible to ask the emperor for money at that time.

“Listen to Uncle Qi Nan, Your Majesty has recalled General Lin!”

Shopkeeper Hu frowned: “Which General Lin?”

“Of course it is General Lin Tianbiao, commander of the Flame Army! You old fool!”

Wan’er was full of black lines, and even General Lin had forgotten who it was.

“The Flame Army is back?”

Shopkeeper Hu was surprised: “The war in the North has been resolved?”

This is big news. He hasn’t heard the news for so few days since he came back.


Wan’er nodded, although hesitantly said: “But…”

Shopkeeper Hu hurriedly asked: “But what?”

“But I heard that it was the Guanhai under Cheng Mu who repelled the Sand Clan. He killed a Sand Clan countryman!”

There is no way to hide this kind of news.

So Wan’er simply told his father.

However, she also added: “Of course, Cheng Mu has only one township, but we have three townships, Tiandixuan.”

“Moreover, Ye Jianjun, General Zhu, General Lin and others will soon be promoted to the town.”

“At that time, Cheng Mu and his Apocalypse City will definitely be destroyed by the emperor!”

She said it confidently and triumphantly.

“To suffer!”

Shopkeeper Hu’s expression changed, and he said anxiously: “Naughty! Why didn’t you say it earlier!”

During this period of time, Jubao Pavilion was still in charge of Miss Wan’er. He wanted to be lazy but was lazy in a big accident.

He immediately ran down in a hurry and personally selected gifts for Cheng Mu.

He knew the news of Tianqi Chengli, originally he was still hesitating whether to give gifts.

If you give a gift, it is very likely to anger the emperor.

But shopkeeper Hu currently has no choice.

Now that he and Cheng Mu are allies, I can’t hate him!

“I’m cheating on this stuff, just tell me now!”

“That’s the town of the country, the town of the country will tremble by three points if you move the Shenzhou country!”

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