Chapter 163 Zhang Shun’s Peak Moment

“Haha, come on, brothers!”

Zhang Shun was laughing wildly.

In front of him, is a water bandit camp of about 3,000 people.

However, facing enemies with twice the number of own, the Heavenly Dragon Army has no fear at all.

Instead, he rushed up arrogantly.

“Go! Get it all!”

“Men catch them, and women will catch them too!”

After being transferred to Jinfan Soldier, the hostility of the officers and men of the Tianlong Army seemed to have become heavier.

“You guys! Stop it!”

Inside the camp, the middle-aged man was frightened and angry.

His name is Water Snake, the master of this village of three thousand people.

Two days ago, he finally escaped from chasing and fleeing here.

I was thinking about going out to robbery and regaining his vitality, but he was discovered as soon as he went out.

“Stop? Haha!”

Zhang Shun snorted coldly.

I finally seized the opportunity to find this relatively large number of enemies.

How could he stop.

He usually sees the Tianqi Tianxiong Tianyu Army galloping on the battlefield, he is very envious.

He smiled: “Three thousand people, more than all the water bandits I have killed!”

In the past, when the Tianlong Army was first established, the bandits were suppressed, and they were all small people with dozens of people and hundreds of people.

It’s like now, three thousand people!

“The waves are cut!”

Zhang Shun used a knife to guard the water, and a huge water knife slashed towards the water village.


The water snake was furious.

Zhang Shun didn’t even give him a chance to talk, which made him angry.

“Broken daddy!”

The water snake holds a machete, which is extremely sharp.

He got up and leaped, the scimitar slashed towards the waves coming from his face.

He knew that if he didn’t stop him, his newly built water village would be smashed by Zhang Shun.


In the next second, he rushed out of the water jet.

The scimitar broke Zhang Shun’s waves, and he rushed towards Zhang Shun with a huge murderous intent.

“Good job!”

Zhang Shun took a long sword and attacked at the same time.

Usually, no one in Apocalypse City can fight him on the water, and now it’s hard to find a strong opponent, how can he not be excited.


The long knife collided with the scimitar.

Although the two did not have a victory or defeat, the ship under them burst instantly.

Centering on the two, a half-meter-high wave swept out!

“Haha, happy!”

Zhang Shun returned to his place and stood in the air on the lake.

The water snake backed up a few steps, but still stopped.

He stood on the broken ship driftwood, looking at Zhang Shun with shocked expression: “Who are you?”

This is already inland, why is there such a powerful water expert?

The water snake has never heard of it.

The strong on land is completely different from the strong on the water.

As soon as they fought, the water snake could see that Zhang Shun’s strength was still above him.

He is the legendary thief of the ocean, who has travelled across the waters of China for nearly ten years.

Unexpectedly, the ship capsized in a lake or something?

“Apocalypse City, Zhang Shun!”

Zhang Shun proudly.

Only when he is on the water can he proudly say his own name.

“Fuck, never heard of it!”

The water snake looked ugly.

He thought he would have a chance to breathe after escaping to the inland lakes and recover his strength well.

But now, Zhang Shun’s appearance told him.

Inland lakes are not easy to treat.

The soldiers of the Heavenly Dragon Army were already ravishing and killing the water pirates under his command, and the five hundred to three thousand were still crushing.

“You…who are you!”

The water snake was finally horrified.

He wanted to help, but was blocked by Zhang Shun.

“Your opponent is me!”

Zhang Shun could see that the strength of these water bandits was around 22 points.

Face the Jinfan soldiers of the Tianlong Army who have reached 33 points of force and have advanced water warfare skills.

How could they be rivals.

This is a total slaughter!

“no, do not want!”

The water snake looked at the water bandits being cut by the dragon army, his eyes were red.


He lifted the scimitar, and once again killed Zhang Shun.

He wants to kill Zhang Shun and then rescue his subordinates.

“Haha! Come on!”

Zhang Shun laughed. At this moment, he was a heinous villain.


There was another collision, and this time the water snake was not retreated unexpectedly.

It seems that anger will increase strength.


Zhang Shun turned his long sword, and slashed at the water snake again.


There were several collisions, and the two tried dozens of times again.

Finally, the water snake couldn’t hold on anymore.

With a “pouch”, Zhang Shun’s long knife hit him in the arm.

In terms of hard power, he still beat Zhang Shun.


Zhang Shun bullied himself again.


This time, the water snake never stopped.

“Surrender and don’t kill!”

The long knife provoked Water Snake’s head, and Zhang Shun only controlled himself in the end.

He knew Cheng Mu’s teachings by heart.

Now that there are few people in Apocalypse City, they have to do everything possible to recruit people.

Of course, the priority is to recruit aboriginal NPCs.


“Water snake Dage is dead!”

“Fuck! Revenge for the water snake Dage!”


A shocking scene appeared.

Instead of begging for mercy, these water bandits broke out after seeing the water snake’s head.

They want to die together.

“court death!”

Zhang Shun’s expression became cold.

He wanted to give these water bandits a chance at first, but they were not sure.

Then, no wonder he Zhang Shun.

“Kill without mercy!”

He gave an order and rushed into the enemy line with a knife.

Three thousand water bandits were promoted to less than two thousand at this time.

After a long while.

Looking at the corpses in one place, Zhang Shun finally put away the long knife.

“Go ahead! Where did you come from!”

There are several water bandits kneeling on the ground, these are the few who don’t want to die.

One of the water bandits said in horror: “Big… Dage…”

“Fart Dage! Call the general!”

Zhang Shun almost didn’t kick him to death.

When will it be your turn to do Dage.

“Return… General… General!”

The water bandits were almost crying, and their heads slammed on the ground and said: “We are from Dajiang!”

Zhang Shun wondered: “Dajiang? Which river?”

I have been wandering in Kunming Lake for so long, and I haven’t found any place where the river flows into it.

“Over there, we ran for a long time before we got here!”

The water bandit pointed a direction with a trembling finger.


Zhang Shun’s expression changed after hearing it, and he was delighted.

Three thousand water bandits still ran over.

Isn’t the enemy who chased them five thousand or even ten thousand?

Thinking of this, his whole body became hot.

“Haha, is my time for Zhang Shun coming?”

He has been waiting for this day for too long.

Immediately, Zhang Shun ordered the soldiers to clean the battlefield.

These water bandits are much richer than the original water bandits in Kunming Lake, and there are several warships.

It’s just that why are there some swan chong and red horse boats?

Zhang Shun shouted: “Where is your big ship?”

The water bandit had already cried: “I was…was beaten and sunk!”

“Who sunk it?”

“Zheng… Zheng Yisao.”

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