Chapter 166 The Enemy of the Whole People

Heaven, palace.

“What are you talking about, two townspeople?”

The emperor’s hands shook, his face full of disbelief.

“Well, we are too poorly informed.”

Old Qi was a little bit emotional, but also a little bit lucky.

Fortunately, he passed by himself, and fortunately he made a breakthrough on his own.

The emperor was already very upset: “How is this good, how is this good?”

The two townspeople are already a force that cannot be ignored.

He hurriedly said to Qi Lao: “Since you are back, stay in the capital with peace of mind.”

“Where is Mr. Zhang? Call Mr. Zhang back!”

The emperor was very frightened, afraid that Cheng Mu would rush to the sky.

Only when Mr. Qi and Mr. Zhang are by his side, can he feel safe.

“His Majesty.”

Qi Lao looked like he hated iron but not steel, and advised: “Although Cheng Mu has two townsmen under his command, there are only a few thousand soldiers under him.”

“Now Lin Tianbiao has returned with his Flame Army, and Cheng Mu can’t make it through for a while.”

With him, it was impossible for Cheng Mu to rush over and hack the emperor to death.

Let alone lead the army to attack.

“not enough!”

The emperor shook his head: “Bring back Lao Lin and the Gale Army!”

Just rebel in the Southern Rebellion, he can no longer take care of that much.

Now Cheng Muzheng in the country is looking forward to it, and Cao Cao is also a force that cannot be ignored.

He must pull his troops back to guard against Cao Cao and Cheng Mu.


Old Qi seemed to scold him, but this was still the emperor after all.

He could only persuade him with good words: “Your Majesty, Zhang Lao is currently subduing the Sands in the North, and soon we will be able to bring the North to the rule.”

“Old Lin’s battle in the south is really a critical moment. As long as he wins, there will be no war in the south for at least 50 years.”

“Calling them back now, it’s not worth the loss!”

Suddenly, he thought of Cheng Mu again.

If it was Cheng Mu, would he fight to the end at this time?

“Needless to say!”

The emperor endured his temper and said, “Old Qi, you just listen to me. I know how to do it!”

“All right.”

Old Qi sighed, turned and left.

As the guardian of China, he still needs to stand on his last guard.

This is also an agreement with Cheng Mu.

Subsequently, the emperor called Lin Chengzi.

He thought of a good way.

Tiandu, the city mission announcement column.

Many players who came to take the task were suddenly stunned.

Then a huge wave surged across the country.

“What? Conquering Cheng Mu’s mission?”

“Is this released by the emperor himself?”

“No, it seems to be a task from the Prime Minister’s Mansion.”

“Fuck, Cheng Mu is awesome! Finally forced the official forces to do it!”

“Hey, who made him jump like this?”

In an instant, the players in the entire Shenzhou Kingdom knew that the court had issued a mission called ‘Conquest of Cheng Mu’.

Task name: Conquer those who do not respect the emperor’s order

Task introduction: In Qingyang City, Anqing County, Qingzhou, a mob, Cheng Mu, who did not respect the emperor’s power, publicly killed His Majesty’s messenger. Special call on people with lofty ideals across the country to discuss it together!

Task reward: where to kill Cheng Mu, the official promotion is third-level! And can be personally received by His Majesty the Emperor.

The task has been posted to the forum by someone with a heart.

Now not only the entire China, all players know about it.

“Hahaha! Cheng Mu, you actually have today!”

Dahan Tianwei has never felt so happy.

“It feels refreshing to be beaten as a public enemy of the whole people!”

He can’t wait to see Cheng Mu get knocked down.

The old god also got the news, proudly in his heart: “Sure enough, none of you can do it!”

“Our Roman Empire player is united as one, how can you compare it.”

They are engaged in unity, and Cheng Mu seems to be standing on the opposite side of the country.

It seems that the gods of the old days are indeed going to be better.

He can’t wait: “The national war will start soon, I want all of you to know the power of my Roman Empire player!”

“The soul of Sparta will be revived and risen in my hands!”

Snake Girl: “My man is really strong.”

“I like!”

There are stars in her eyes.

As the most powerful woman in the Mayan Empire, she is now preparing to marry Cheng Mu all the time.

Scorpion King: “Find your own way!”

At this time, Cheng Mu was also dumbfounded.

He never thought that the emperor still had such a hand.

He didn’t do anything, and actually agitated the domestic player.

“High! Really high!”

Even Zhuge Liang had to admire that the emperor’s move was really good.

Without spending a single soldier, he could gather a large number of people to attack Cheng Mu.

It’s really wonderful.

Fat Hu sent a message of concern: “Brother Mu, this operation of your emperor is really a show!”

“what should I do now?”

He was a little worried.

No, I am very worried.

The emperor brought almost all the players in the country to the opposite of Cheng Mu, where should Cheng Mu go.

“It’s okay. Soldiers are here to stop!”

Cheng Mu didn’t expect the emperor to be so cruel.

However, the emperor has the emperor’s strategy, and Cheng Mu will also have his own way to relieve the siege.

Then he asked about Fat Tiger’s recent situation.

“well enough!”

Fat Tiger told Cheng Mu the good news: “I recently met a girl, and she often fights monsters and upgrades with me.”

“Are you two?”

“six people.”

“Three men and three women?”

“Five men and one woman…”


Cheng Mu only returned him a few ellipsis in the end.

This fat tiger, hiss…

He felt that Fat Tiger should experience the severe beating of society.

Just after closing the chat with Fat Tiger, Zhan Tianxia sent another message.

He only sent four words.

“Do you want to help?”

“Good guy!”

Cheng Mu was overjoyed.

In this battle against the world, it is really a critical moment to send care!

Others are eager to drag themselves off the altar, but this fight against the world is really interesting.

He immediately replied: “Don’t use it for the time being, you will develop first!”

“From now on, Shenzhou, and even the entire planet, will have your place!”

The truth can be seen only in adversity.

Obviously, this greeting from Zhan Tianxia was recognized by Cheng Mu.

“That’s good! If you need it, you can notify me!”

It is already great courage to stand up to fight the world at this time.

It gave Cheng Mu a great encouragement.

After this, Cheng Mu felt confident.

He opened the forum.

“Your emperor will make a big move, wouldn’t I?”

Click Post to edit.

Topic: Apocalyptic City’s next sword adoration guild accepts people!

Content: as the title, see the picture.

With a few clicks, Cheng Mu took a picture of everything in his hand.

Kunming whitebait (with attributes).jpg.

Kunming Silver Belt (with attributes).jpg.

Kunming Black Belt (with attributes).jpg.

Fire Bamboo Leaf Green (with attributes).jpg.

Red water spirit gourd (with attributes).jpg.

Obsidian statue.jpg, Confucius statue.jpg, Luban statue.jpg.

Zhao Yun (handsome picture).jpg, Huang Zhong.jpg…..

Note: More benefits, all in one sword love guild.

“Fuck, so many medicinal materials?”

“It’s really Zhao Yun, so handsome!”

“Fuck, my Da Huang Zhong!”

“That obsidian sculpture can increase the upgrade experience!”

“Damn, it’s no wonder the emperor is going to kill Cheng Mu. So many babies!”

“It’s over, I even want to kill Cheng Mu when I see so many good things, so I grab them all.”


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