Chapter One Hundred and Seventy: The Qin Thug Who Collapsed

“Wei’s military soldier took it by degree, clothed the armour of the three genres, wielded a crossbow of twelve stones, carried a crossbow of twelve stones, and held fifty arrows.

“Xunzi: Discussion on Soldiers”.

Wei Wuzuo can be said to be the strongest heavy infantry known so far.

The selection is rigorous, and only Wu Qi has this talent.

Wu Qi reforms and Wu Zi’s art of war have been passed down for generations.

Following Wu Qi’s order, Wei Wu’s pawns who were panicked instantly found the backbone.

Soldiers in twos and threes gathered together and depended on each other.

At the same time, every military pawn squad began to move.

The pawns of Wei Wu wanted to encircle the White Horse with their advantage in numbers.

Whenever the white horse wants to rush into the battle, there are still many Wei Wuzuo who are not afraid of death to use their bodies to block the horses’ hoofs.


Wu Qi ordered again.

Suddenly, centering on himself, a light yellow skill halo radiated out.

This is the commander-in-chief skill, strong shelter!


Zhao Yun drove his horse into a collision and ordered a Wei Wu pawn, but with Wu Qi’s skills to reduce his injuries.

The soldier only vomited blood and flew out, but did not die.

At the same time, many white horses found out that their own attack damage was reduced.

Usually two swords can hack to death a Wei Wu pawn, but now it takes three swords.


The sound of a sword entering the body sounded.

A white horse Yicong screamed and fell off the horse.

He was accidentally surrounded by the two teams of Wei Wushou, and was difficult to resist after being attacked back and forth.

Although he killed two Wei Wu pawns, he was also hit by the cold spear thrust behind him.

The cavalry fell to the ground, and the consequences can be imagined.

Following Wu Qi’s orders, more and more Wei Wuzuo stabilized the formation.

Seeing that the raid was blocked, Zhao Yun also understood that Wu Qi was the key to this war.

But his current strength has not recovered, and it is unreasonable to find Wu Qi hastily.


At this time, the morale is struggling.

Although many white horses were killed in battle, Wei Wuzu’s casualties were still twice as many as Baima Yicong.

The morale of the two sides is comparable.

The Qin thugs were already sweating like rain.

These thousand Wei Wu pawns are all his belongings, and I don’t know how long it took to get together with others PY.

But according to the current situation, I want to win.

Wei Wu’s death will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Even the whole army was wiped out.

Zhao Yun also spared no effort.

“This battle made my white horse famous all over the world!”

In the past, everyone heard the most about Guan Hai, Wushuang’s Tianqi under Cheng Mu’s command.

“I am a white horse, and I am unparalleled in the world!”,


With Zhao Yun’s gentian gun in hand, the entire humanized battlefield wanders around.

There are enemies around him.

Every time he attacked, Wei Wuzu fell under his feet.

The surrounding white horses were also inspired by Zhao Yun, and their combat effectiveness soared.

“Haha! My white horse is not just a scout!”

“White Horse Yicong, the world is unparalleled!”

“White Horse! Wushuang!”

In an instant, the battlefield seemed to be turning into a crushing situation again.

Wu Qi’s face was heavy.

He knew that he had ignored the strength of this cavalry.

One thousand Wei Wu pawns in heavy armor were tortured and killed by Five Hundred Qingqi.

Although he activated his skills, every two Wei Wu pawns could replace a white horse Yicong.

But if we continue to fight like this, we will lose both sides and we will die together.

“Can’t fight, don’t fight!”

The thugs of Qin State are bleeding.

Every time Wei Wu pawn fell, his heart was cut by a knife.

If he continues to fight like this, he will explain everything here before he sees Cheng Mu.

But it’s okay for him not to speak, and it’s completely bad when he speaks.

Originally, the two teams were fighting with a deadly attitude, and neither side would admit defeat.

However, the voice of the Qin thug suddenly disturbed Wei Wu’s army.

“It’s the lord, the lord told us not to fight.”

“What should I do? Do you want to fight?”

“Are we going to withdraw troops? Did we lose the battle?”

“We are defeated?”

In an instant, an atmosphere of sadness rose in the hearts of Wei Wu’s pawns.

This Wei Wuzhu has been invincible since its establishment, without any failure.

What a shame it is to lose in front of five hundred cavalry now.

Some people are desperate and indignant, preferring to die.

Wu Qi’s expression changed drastically, and he immediately said loudly, “Ding!”

At this time, the military’s mind should not be chaotic.

If you mess up, you lose all.

He scolded: “Master! We still have a chance!”

Wu Qi didn’t want to lose either.

Seeing such a scene, Zhao Yun was overjoyed.

“Is this because the military is unstable! Haha!”

“White horse! Kill without mercy!”

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

At the moment when Wei Wu’s soldiers shook, the opportunity was seized by the White Horse Yicong.

“Kill kill kill!”

“White Horse Yicong, the world is unparalleled!”

At this time, morale was almost one-sided.

The Qin thugs could no longer stand.

He roared: “Wu Qi, quickly withdraw my troops!”

At the beginning, he was confident enough to step on Cheng Mu, and he had rehearsed the scene in his mind countless times.

But when he first entered Qingzhou, he encountered such a fierce battle.

What a shame it is not to see Cheng Mu.

At this moment, Cheng Mu was already ruthless in his heart.

“Guri, you still have to pretend to be a white horse!”

Even after the defeat, even the white horses have already chanted their own identity several times.

But the Qin thugs were convinced that this was the Heavenly Cavalry Army led by Guan Hai.

Only Tianqi can beat his Wei Wuzuo.

“Master! Can’t withdraw!”

Wu Qi was about to vomit blood.

At such a critical moment, the Qin thugs are still making trouble.

Withdrawing troops at this time, then there is really no chance of winning at all.

The Qin thugs were also angry.

Reprimanded: “Are you the lord or I am the lord! Withdraw troops!”

Even if half of the people can be left, he can accept it.

“Cheng Mu, I killed half of your proud Tianqi in this battle. Now it depends on how arrogant you are!”

Thinking of this, his heart didn’t hurt so much.

“Follow… Order!”

Wu Qi’s heart is cut like a knife.

But thinking of the Qin thugs, he finally ordered to retreat.

“Wei Wu! Withdraw!”

When he said this, he knew he had completely failed.

However, Wei Wuzu’s withdrawal still opened Zhao Yun’s eyes.

They are not fleeing without losing their armor and armor, but an orderly retreat.

Some are behind, some go to death.

Victory is imminent, how could Zhao Yun miss such an opportunity.

At this time, Bai Ma Yicong had more than three hundred, but Wei Wuzu only had less than five hundred.


“If you want to run, forget that we are cavalry!”

Zhao Yun felt that he had almost recovered, and immediately killed Wu Qi.

Other Baima Yicongs followed the order and began to chase the retreating Wei Wushun.

“You guys! Come on!”

Wu Qi took the lead from the beginning, and now, he is also behind the palace.

More than fifty soldiers from Wei Wu stayed behind, trying to block the chasing white horses.


Zhao Yun will not give Wu Qi a chance.

Following his order, the white horses began to divide their forces.

And he himself slowly walked towards Wu Qi with twenty rides.

The battle between the two has not yet been determined.

“This pig!”

Seeing that Wu Qi didn’t follow up, he was still behind him.

The Qin mob scolded.

Wu Qi is his treasure, if he is really told here, he will be completely finished.

There is no way, he can only rush back by himself.

Roared: “Hurry up! He is a countryman, don’t fight him.”

He had already determined that this was Guan Hai, not Zhao Yun.

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