Chapter 183: You are too weak


When Zhuge Liang sat on the stage, he suddenly felt two obscure auras coming towards the side.

The breath is like an abyss.

Cheng Mu, who was next to him, immediately noticed his abnormality.

Hurriedly asked: “Kong Ming, what’s the matter?”

He had never seen Zhuge Liang’s expression at this time, frowning deeply.

Isn’t that Shiratori fan has the effect of calming and calming?

“A guest is here!”

Zhuge Liang stood up and said to Cheng Mu: “Lord, look at my face and act!”

He has never looked so close to an enemy.

Even when Li Bai came over, Zhuge Liang didn’t look that way.

Cheng Mu was shocked: “Could it be that the three elders of Heaven and Earth Xuan are here?”

The only thing that can make Zhuge Liang frown is the three elders dispatched together.

“No, it’s a stronger existence than the three old men!”

Zhuge Liang has already begun to unblock his own Shiratori fan.

Cheng Mu heard that his face changed drastically: “Stronger than the three old men? Realm?”

“Impossible, how could the emperor’s invitation exist like this!”

If China really had an existence beyond the three elders to serve the emperor, the emperor would have come to destroy himself long ago.

“Master, don’t panic!”

Zhuge Liang calmly said: “At present, the two guests are not showing hostility.”

“Huh~ That’s good!”

Cheng Mu felt a little peaceful, but still had no bottom.

“Fuck, ghost and god realm powerhouse!”

If there is really hostility, he can only hope Zhuge Liang.

How strong is the unblocked jackpot artifact?

Not long after, two old men, one fat, one thin, one gray and one black, appeared in Cheng Mu’s sight.

If Zhuge Liang hadn’t told him in advance, he wouldn’t know that these two elders were actually strong in ghosts and gods.

The two of them didn’t have any momentum, and they were no different from ordinary people.

Other carnival people around did not notice the abnormality.

Only Cheng Mu, Zhuge Liang, and Guan Hai were the only ones facing the enemy.

The old man walked towards Cheng Mu.

Every time they took a step, Cheng Mu’s heart beat suddenly.

Of course, this is not the two elders at work, it’s just Cheng Mu’s own psychological pressure.

This is a strong man in the ghosts and gods realm, comparable to a big man in the ghosts and gods.

Don’t be nervous, it’s fake.

Although Hua Mulan didn’t know what Cheng Mu was nervous about, she still bravely stood up and said: “Don’t worry, the lord, Mulan will definitely defend the lord to the death.”

Although she could not perceive the danger, she could perceive the abnormality.

“Thanks a lot.”

Cheng Mu didn’t worry about himself, he was worried about his generals.

Ordinary soldiers died in battle, Apocalypse City is now strong and can be trained again.

If these big historical facts are gone, then the next resurrection will have to wait until the year of the monkey.

Zhuge Liang had recovered his indifferent and relaxed look, and he sent a voice message to Cheng Mu: “Master, don’t panic, I have everything!”

Cheng Mu was overjoyed and hurriedly looked down at the Shiratori fan in Zhuge Liang’s hand.

However, there is no change in Lupin.

At exactly this time, the two elders finally walked in front of a few people.

The gray-clothed old man saluted Cheng Mu: “Savage Zuo Ci, I have seen the local master!”


Cheng Mu only felt a thunderbolt flashing across his head.

Zuo Ci? This f*ck is Zuo Ci?

The legendary fairy!

Zhuge Liang responded quickly and immediately responded: “I have seen a fairy!”

“No immortal, no immortal!”

Zuo Ci said this for a moment, and actually escaped Zhuge Liang’s response.

Cheng Mu also came back to his senses: “What’s the matter?”

Actually not subject to Zhuge Liang’s gift.

Immediately, he also saluted Zuo Ci: “Waiting to see the immortal!”

Before the voice of Mu Chengmu fell, Zuo Ci changed positions again.

At this time, the black-clothed thin old man said: “Don’t salute him! This is so stubborn, you won’t see anyone call him a fairy!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zuo Ci immediately retorted:

“I am not a fairy, why should I receive this gift?”

Cheng Mu suddenly realized.

He almost thought it was because of his special identity.

Immediately, he saluted the black-clothed old man again: “I have seen a fairy!”

But the next scene confused him again.

The old man in black is not subject to his courtesy.

“I, Yu Ji, don’t receive the gift of the true dragon!”


Cheng Mu’s head was completely dizzy.

He was silly in his heart: “Hey, do immortals say that I am a real dragon?”

“Take off!”

He knows that he is strong, and others also know that he is strong.

But positively praised by immortals, unprecedented!

At this time, Zhuge Liang stepped forward and bowed to Yu Ji and asked: “I wonder if the two immortals are here, what are your orders?”

Everyone knows that immortals can never come to go shopping.

Yu Ji didn’t dodge this time, and replied: “My apprentice is gone, I’ll look for my apprentice.”


Zhuge Liang was puzzled.

At this time, Cheng Mu turned around and was shocked in a cold sweat by Yu Ji’s words.

Isn’t Yu Ji’s apprentice Zhang Jiao?

‘Is this the old one who was born small? But this old one is too old and strong, right’

He expressed a little panic.

“Yes, I need to find my apprentice.”

Yu Ji looked at Zhuge Liang.

‘Does he think Zhuge Liang killed Zhang Jiao?’

At a critical moment, Cheng Mu stood up and said: “I killed your apprentice Zhang Jiao. If you want to get revenge, please find me!”

He gave it up.

You can be resurrected once you die, you can carry this pot.

However, after Yu Ji and Zuo Ci heard Cheng Mu’s words, they froze for a few seconds.

“Ha ha!”

Yu Ji suddenly laughed and said fiercely: “You? Are you not afraid of death?”

At the same time, Zuo Ci did not speak.

“Not afraid!”

There are ten resurrection opportunities, and Cheng Mu said that he can die.

But before he fell silent, Hua Mulan suddenly rushed forward.

Yelled: “If you want to kill my lord, then step on my corpse!”

This is the guard with a knife.

“Oh, courage is commendable!”

His eyes became more and more presumptuous, and his whole body began to reveal murderous aura.

Time seems to freeze.

Cheng Mu, Hua Mulan, Guan Hai and others are like enemies.

Zhuge Liang held the Shiratori fan tightly, his expression stern.

Other people around have noticed the abnormality and are rushing here.

Finally, a loud laugh came.

“Haha, you don’t die, don’t tease them!”

Following Zuo Ci’s words, everyone felt the pressure on their bodies disappear instantly.

And Yu Ji, who was still murderous just now, turned back to the appearance of an unarmed mortal old man.

The speed of change is staggering.


Yu Ji regained his momentum and said: “If you don’t show your strength, how can you accept disciples?”

“Accept disciples?”

Cheng Mu stunned.

He immediately understood that he was being tricked.

From the beginning, Yu Ji and Zuo Ci had no intention of killing. They came to collect disciples.

He was determined in his heart.

“I don’t know the two, which one do you like?”

Cheng Mu felt that he had a good foundation, and he also wanted to cultivate immortals.

Later, the title of the book will be changed to,.

Yu Ji didn’t know Cheng Mu’s inner thoughts.

He pointed to Zhuge Liang and said: “I look at this son, and I have a destiny!”

For Yu Ji, who has lived for hundreds of years, the young Zhuge Liang can really be called a son.

“Want to collect Zhuge Liang?”

Cheng Mu was surprised and helpless in his heart.

This is unexpected and expected.

Ssr qualification Zhuge Liang, who doesn’t like it?

However Zhuge Liang shook his head: “You are too weak!”

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