Chapter 189 Rock Demon


The Black Ling at this time has become a Tsundere.

It raised its head and glanced at Cheng Mu proudly, and said, “Ben Meow…No, you can’t imagine the power of this king!”


Cheng Mu picked it up and kicked it far away.

“Cheng Mu! Don’t go too far!”

Black Ling rolled several times on the ground, arched, and his hair exploded.

“Roll rough!”

Cheng Mu ran over and kicked it further.

If Black Ling is just a normal cat, the problem is that there is a peerless great devil in it.

Don’t let Black Ling feel the danger in the world, otherwise he will feel the severe beating from the society, this cat does not know who the owner is.

I didn’t admire this kick, but there was a problem with the kick.

Their starting point is an endless black rocky land, where no grass grows.

Except for the black stones, all eyes are black stones.

Black Ling was kicked out, and finally hit a black rock.

In an instant, the earth began to tremble.

In everyone’s surprised eyes, pieces of black rocks actually stood up.

Black Rock Demon (Level 35 Special Monster)

“Fuck, these stones are monsters!”

Cheng Mu didn’t expect it either.

There are black stones all over here, that is to say.

They were surrounded by the Black Rock Demons!

Boom, boom, boom.

The shaking continued.

One, five, ten, fifty, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand…

Slowly, everyone’s vision was occupied by the Black Rock Demon.

The small rock monsters are more than one meter tall, and the big ones are three to four meters tall.

Every time the Rock Demons took a step, the earth trembled.

“Tianxiong! Shield!”

Cheng Mu gave an order, and the Tianxiong Army immediately turned into a defensive posture.

The Jianxin Pavilion players behind the Tianxiong Army picked up their weapons one by one.


Liu Yidao commanded 500 Tianyu and attacked the Rock Demons first.


Hundreds of arrows slammed into the rock demon group like migratory locusts, and suddenly earth and rocks splashed.

A rock demon was shot all over the place.

But an extremely shocking scene appeared.

The scattered stones suddenly regrouped again, forming a black rock demon who was one size smaller.

“What the hell is this? Racial characteristics?”

Cheng Mu frowned.

Enemies that can be resurrected are really troublesome.

“Muda, let us come!”

Yijian Qingxin said loudly, and then gave an order: “Mage phalanx, attack!”

In an instant, countless magic skills smashed towards the Black Rock Demon.

Fire, frost, vines, corrosion, thunder.

Skills are raging.

In an instant, everyone cleared a large area in front.

Cheng Mu praised: “This is how powerful Faye is!”

When it comes to spawning monsters, no profession can compare to a wizard.

At the same time, the surrounding rock demons also came around.

Due to the large number of people, the Tianxiong Army can only keep one direction.

In the other direction, fishing in the dark will lead a team of fighters to defend.

I saw the night fishing summoned the own wild boar mount, and shouted: “Warriors, get on the mount!”

“Break their formation!”

Even if he is not a lord, he still has a heart to ride a horse.

As he shouted, thousands of fighters and players called out their own mounts.

It’s just that these mounts are really diverse.

There are wild boars, tigers, horses, wild dogs, rabbits, pheasants…

“The one who summoned the tortoise is too much!”

Fish in the dark full of black lines.

There is actually a tortoise captured as a mount. Could it be this turtle with a big head?

In the words, thousands of warriors rushed into the enemy group riding their mounts.

The 35-level Black Rock Demon has the same level as the players.

“Kang Dang!”

A big knife slashed on a black rock demon’s body, unexpectedly slashing out bursts of sparks.

The player looked at the big knife with a gap in his hand heartbroken, and he wanted to cry without tears.

“Why is it so thick!”

“These are all stone people, of course they are thick and thick!”

Cheng Mu also rushed up at this time.

He killed a Black Rock Demon with a single shot.

In the face of the armor-breaking effect of the broken star gun, the defense of the Black Rock Demon was still not high enough.

It’s just that the rubble hasn’t stayed on the ground for a second, and the rubble has re-formed a small black rock demon.

Cheng Mu’s expression remained unchanged, and the small Black Rock Demon was shot away in seconds.

And the gravel was formed next, and it was a smaller Black Rock Demon.

Cheng Mu remained calm.

This time, the small black rock demon killed by him finally turned into rubble.

“Ding! Congratulations on successfully killing a Black Rock Demon, you will get 3 points.”

“Well, there are three lives!”

Cheng Mu got it.

The Black Rock Demon has three chances to resurrect, but its size and strength will decrease after each resurrection.

Kill the same Black Rock Demon three times in a row, and the Black Rock Demon will completely die.

Three lives also correspond to 3 points, which is very reasonable.

“Although it is troublesome, it is not without a crack!”

Cheng Mu held the Star Breaking Gun in one hand and began to release his skills with the other.


For an instant, he himself was enveloped by a fierce fireball.


Every time a Black Rock Demon is killed, a fireball will be bombarded down.

Turn the gravel into ashes.

In this way, Cheng Mu found that the efficiency of own killing monsters has become higher.

To kill a Black Rock Demon with the Star Breaking Spear alone, he needs three shots.

However, the Star Breaker was combined with Fireball, so he only needed one shot and one fireball to kill a Black Rock Demon.

One thing, one method, perfect match.

In a short while, more than a hundred Black Rock Demons died under Cheng Mu’s command.

And his points also reached 2,400 points.

There were more than three hundred in the middle that he had obtained by killing the Black Rock Demon himself.

The other two thousand points came from the Tianxiong Army and the Tianyu Army.

The war is not over yet, and there is a steady stream of Black Rock Demons around everyone.

At this time, other players appeared in the distance.

“Haha, look at these nasty critics, they are surrounded by monsters!”

“There are so many of them, why don’t they run out?”

“You are stupid! So many monsters are all points!”

“Yeah, come on, brothers!”

In an instant, twenty to thirty thousand players rushed down from the hillside.

Their goal is a steady stream of Black Rock Demons.

“Master, someone is coming!”

Hua Mulan has been with Cheng Mu all the time, she reminded Cheng Mu vigilantly.

Everyone is now restricted to this palm-sized area by the Black Rock Demon.

If the other party moves his mind…

“Well, it’s best to prepare for battle at all times!”

In Minor World, no one knows anyone, and it’s all within a single thought.

And the other party has already had this idea.

“Dage, or we…”

Although the little brother didn’t say what he said, everyone knew what he meant.

“it’s not good?”

The leader hesitated: “This is more than 10,000 people, and we may have losses ourselves.”

The younger brother immediately said, “Dage, everyone here is our competitor now.”

“Now that they are trapped by the monster, we just need to put the skills far away!”


“Don’t worry, Cheng Mu already has more than two thousand points. Do you still want that 100-level helicopter?”


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