Chapter 194 Assassination

“President! I have found Cheng Mu.”

Bai Yexing buried herself deeply in the sand.

There were other players running around from time to time, but no one found his trail.

The other party sent back a message: “Oh? Where?”

“It’s less than 20 kilometers away from you!”

Bai Yexing was completely integrated with the sand at this time, and sand scorpions popped out from time to time near him.

But he remained motionless.

Cheng Mu was still struggling to kill Devil Scorpion.

As the movement here became quiet, many desert scorpions in the distance came over.

So far, the poison of the scorpion cannot be removed.

Can only rely on own blood to resist. Resist and survive.

Can’t hold it, can only dedicate a precious number of resurrection.

“I made a mistake!”

Cheng Mu furrowed his brows deeply, and the death range of the players completely exceeded his expectations.

“This time, the system god-tier is going to kill everyone?”

In just a few minutes, thousands of players were poisoned to death. This battle damage is really too big!

Seeing many companions around to return to resurrection, the hearts of many players began to shake.

“So many casualties? How can you fight this?”

“Daddy only got 18 points. Wouldn’t it be a big loss if he died here!”

“Is there anyone who has learned detoxification skills, detoxify me!”

“Can’t solve it, the system prompts that advanced detoxification skills are needed!”

For a moment, people panic.

Those players who attacked the demon scorpion were also afraid of being splashed with the poison of the demon scorpion.

The Tianxiong soldiers who besieged the Devil Scorpion were also miserable at this time.

The shield has been corroded out of several holes, but the players are afraid to attack.

Only relying on the arrows of the Sky Feather Army, but how could the Sky Feather Army handle so many magic scorpions at once.

Cheng Mu saw all this in his eyes.

During this battle, the drawbacks of the Wandering Xia players were completely exposed.

Fear of death, no discipline, easy to disperse in the military…

Even though they were players in their own guild, Cheng Mu was still dissatisfied.

This is the real war.

If you are not careful, you will hang up. And these players are not affected by team morale at all.

Even if the Tianxiong Army is struggling with the Devil Scorpion, many players think about running for the first time.

“Lord, I’ll help you!”

Hua Mulan flew over and hacked a demon scorpion with a single knife.

The speed is so fast that there is no chance for the poisonous blood of the devil scorpion to splash out.

“Well, I have to work hard for you this time!”

Cheng Mu pinned her hopes on Hua Mulan.

On the current battlefield, Hua Mulan has the highest force value.

Although Zhang Wanlong killed several demon scorpions, he still had to be careful to guard against the splash of poisonous blood.

In fact, the easiest way to kill Devil Scorpion is Liu Yidao.

He can shoot one to death with a single stroke of the sky-breaking arrow. But because the Sky Breaking Arrow is a big move, he can’t easily release it either.

“Ding! Congratulations on killing the special monster * Desert Scorpion. You get 5 points.”

After Cheng Mu killed a magic scorpion, he immediately cut off a corner of his clothes.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and cut off the corners of his clothes as soon as the poisonous blood was splashed.

Otherwise, if you are stained with poisonous blood, you will lose half of your life.

“This f*ck is the difficulty of The Underworld!”

Cheng Mu has been very careful, but it is inevitable that there will be mistakes.

‘Katz! ’

A player’s weapon was corroded and broken by poisonous blood, and a wailing suddenly sounded on the battlefield: “My excellent longsword!”

There are also other players roaring: “My superior-class swords have been corroded into a hole, let alone your superior-class swords!”

Those who can resist the poisonous blood of the magic scorpion have the lowest epic weapon.

“All melee players retreat! Mage archers step up their attacks!”

Facing such vicious blood, Cheng Mu could only order all melee players to retreat.

Even the Tianxiong Army is no exception.

There is no way, everyone’s weapons and equipment will be almost depleted in this way.

Especially the Tianxiong Army, without a shield, their strength would have to drop by one third.

Bai Yexing saw everything deeply in his eyes.

He sent a message to the other party: “Hurry up, now Cheng Mu’s team is in chaos! It’s a perfect time for a surprise attack!”

“Also, if there is a melee here, there will be a lot of casualties, these desert scorpions are too strong!”

He has reported the specific situation, and what to do will be decided by the other side.

“Desert Scorpion? Did Cheng Mu actually meet them?”

Nieba was overjoyed and laughed: “Haha, it really is God who helped me!”

“As long as you can kill Cheng Mu, why not lose some manpower?”

Although he is not a Chinese player, he has no grudges with Cheng Mu.

But now everyone is proud of being able to kill Cheng Mu, and he also wants to join in the fun.

As long as Cheng Mu is killed, his Niemba can immediately become a household name.

Furthermore, the Kingdom of Shenzhou and the Qing Empire are next to each other, and there will eventually be a battle behind them.

After receiving the news, Bai Yexing was still buried in the sand, motionless.

Like an old wolf that has been lurking for a long time, its endurance is beyond everyone’s imagination.


Suddenly, he raised his brow.

Hua Mulan had already been killed far away, to perform the task of killing the magic scorpion arranged by Cheng Mu.

Zhang Wanlong and Liu Yidao were also nervously killing the Devil Scorpion at this moment.

At this time, Cheng Mu was actually alone.


I saw him leaping high from the sand, and then suddenly rushed towards Cheng Mu.

He and Cheng Mu didn’t hate either. They wanted to kill Cheng Mu once, not for fame or fortune.


Cheng Mu was shocked.

Suddenly a person jumps out of the sand? This was something he had never thought of before.

‘Isn’t it a magic scorpion that jumped out of the sand? ’

However, Bai Yexing did not give Cheng Mu much opportunity to think.

His speed is extremely fast, as if using a skill, he rushed to Cheng Mu in the blink of an eye.

“Suddenly stabbed!”

The dagger in Bai Yexing’s hand suddenly appeared cold, and it pierced Cheng Mu’s chest straight.


Cheng Mu’s face became cold, and at the same time he turned his body sideways within 0.1S.

The dagger brushed the dragon wing armor on his body, leaving brilliant sparks.

Bai Yexing was empty with a single blow, but he was very calm.

With a twist of his wrist, he held the dagger in his backhand and struck Cheng Mu’s chest again.


Immediately, Cheng Mu blocked this strike with the broken star gun.

At the same time, his feet were not idle, and he lifted his knee and slammed into Bai Yexing.

He is not a rookie who has no combat experience at all, and his reaction speed in battle is also very fast.

Bai Yexing’s face was expressionless, and his body flashed back.

While avoiding the knee blow of Cheng Mu, a handful of lime was thrown out.

Cheng Mu almost ran into it head-on.

“This f*ck!”

Cheng Mu hurriedly closed his eyes and jumped out a long distance back.

It’s too much not wanting face, right?

However, before his figure fell to the ground, Bai Yexing rushed forward again.



Cheng Mu in midair hurriedly changed his moves, trying to block this strike. However, Bai Yexing also took out a dagger with his left hand and pierced Cheng Mu’s right chest.

Crit, -80.

In an instant, Cheng Mu’s blood volume dropped by one-third.

After one hit, Bai Yexing shot again.

However, Cheng Mu’s right foot was already raised and kicked towards Bai Yexing fiercely.

“Boom! -40!”

Bai Yexing was kicked hard by Cheng Mu, and the whole person flew out!

However, in the next second, Bai Yexing, who hadn’t landed yet, disappeared.


Standing steady, Cheng Mu sneered. Is it useful to hide on the sand?

Not far away, a sunken footprint suddenly appeared.

“Got you!”

A cold light flashed in Cheng Mu’s eyes, and the broken star spear suddenly threw out.


A figure was thrust through by a long spear and then nailed to the ground.

No white light, no struggle.

Cheng Mu walked over, only then did he find out.

The figure that was nailed to the ground has been replaced by a rag doll.

“What a stand-in doll!”

Cheng Mu knew that this person saved his life with a stand-in doll.

The footprints on the ground have disappeared, and it seems that he has run away.

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