Chapter 221 Tianshu plots to attack Cheng Mu

“Sixth sword!”

The voice of Bai Ye Xing is like a maggot of tarsal bones, like a shadow that follows his form.

“Critical! -32.”

After the sixth-level hit, only one-fifth of the blood of the old god is left.

“Quick! Stop him!”

The old god looks tired and pale.

He drank a bottle of blood medicine in a hurry, trying to restore his health.

In front of all his subordinates, being hit by Bai Yexing was like Ling Chi!

How can this make him acceptable.

“Boss! Can’t find it!”

Everyone was also anxious.

But no matter how they investigate or resist.

In the end, it was the old god who was injured.

In the panic, the voice calling for life sounded again.

“Seven Slaughter Swords! Seventh Sword!”

The final dagger appeared directly on the chest of the old god.

“Critical strike! Fatal blow! Real damage! Spike kill!”

Strings of numerical values ​​floated above his head.

Before he died, the old god had only one thought: “Cheng Mu! I will never die with you!”

The man has turned into white light and disappeared, but his words are still circulating on the battlefield.

Cheng Mu’s face turned dark: “Daddy has become a scapegoat?”

It was Bai Yexing who killed the god of the old days, and he was actually hated.

But when he thinks that own enemy is not bad, Cheng Mu is also indifferent.

“Come on, come on, I am the enemy of your life!”

He thought.

The gods of the old days are dead, so the remaining players of the Roman Empire shouldn’t be a cause for concern.

Bai Yexing finally appeared in the distance.

He glanced at Cheng Mu from a distance, then disappeared again.

Cheng Mu saw two words in his eyes, provocative!

“this person.”

Cheng Mu smiled and shook his head.

Apart from other things, this Bai Yexing is really a talent.

The assassination technology is first-rate.

Cheng Mu felt inferior to the enemy’s phalanx.

“This White Night Walk has played the profession of assassin to the bones!”

In an instant, Cheng Mu became interested in Bai Yexing.

Even though he is already strong, he never denies the strength of other people.

The more the strong, the more exciting life is.

However, after the players of the Roman Empire lost their trace of Bai Ye Xing, they pointed their guns at Cheng Mu.

“It’s him, it’s Cheng Mu who killed the boss!”

“Vengeance for the BOSS! Fight with them!”

“The Soul of Sparta! Burn it!”

In an instant, the remaining Roman Empire players went crazy.

After the death of the old gods, the first thing they thought about was not to escape, but to revenge!

From the beginning to the present, they all agreed that Bai Ye Xing was sent by Cheng Mu.

If you can’t catch Bai Ye Xing, get revenge on Cheng Mu.

“This f*ck!”

Cheng Mu’s face turned dark: “There is no disaster!”

But since the enemy has arrived, he has no reason to shrink back.

But before the battle, he murmured: “Bai Ye Xing, you owe me a favor!”

He carried the pot that killed the old god.

After that, he once again entered the enemy group!

Slowly, over time.

More and more players have joined the battle.

When the sword bearer arrived, the battle had already begun for nearly an hour.

But he didn’t come close, but watched from a distance.

It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong after the melee for so long.

Dahan Tianwei and Zhan Tianxia arrived at the battlefield at the same time.

But the two sides have not yet joined the battlefield, they are already at war.

“Dahan Tianwei?”

Zhan Tianxia looked at the tragic Dahan Tianwei, gloating.

At this time, there were only less than 500 players left beside Dahan Tianwei.

But the situation in the world is similar.

After Dahan Tianwei saw his appearance clearly, his expression changed: “It’s you?!”

He remembered that during the first alien invasion.

Zhan Tianxia is right next to Cheng Mu.

“The cards of the dignified Han Empire are so miserable.”

Zhan Tianxia tuned in with a smile: “This time, it was not caused by Mu Da, right?”

Since Dahan Tianwei had an enmity with Cheng Mu, then he had an enmity with him.

Then there is no need to take care of the other person’s face.

“you wanna die!”

Dahan Tianwei said angrily: “Who do you think you are?!”

Although Zhan Tianxia is also the top ten player in the player rankings, Dahan Tianwei still looks down on it.

For Dahan Tianwei, his enemy is only Cheng Mu.

No matter how bad, add another old god and snake girl.

Moreover, under the command of Zhan Tianxia at this time, the number of soldiers was less than 300.


Zhan Tianxia sneered and drew his sword: “Kill!”

Since it is an enemy, kill it!

“you wanna die!”

Seeing that Zhan Tianxia dared to draw his sword first, Dahan Tianwei was completely angry.

Before the two sides reached the core battlefield, they fought.

In fact, there is no core battlefield at this time.

Now it’s all you hitting me, I hitting him, and he hitting you in the chaotic situation.

The state of melee between various civilizations and various forces, no one can guarantee that they will not be accidentally injured.

Moreover, at this time, it is not clear which people are the players of Chinese civilization.

Anyway, if you hit me, I will hit you.

As long as they are not players of the same civilization or the same forces, then fight.

It’s been a while since Tianshu led the remnant players of the Seven Kills Guild to arrive here.

He is more witty and understands the situation on the battlefield.

In the beginning, Cheng Mu was on the side of Chinese civilization.

He will not shoot.

Because once shot, then he is against the player under the command of the entire Chinese civilization.

Even the Seven Kills Guild of the Big Mac didn’t dare to play like this.

But now with the chaos of the battlefield, coupled with fighting separately.

“The time to kill Cheng Mu is ripe!”

Tianshu ordered his player to prepare for a surprise attack.

At the same time, he also sent a message to Dahan Tianwei: “What’s the matter? Aren’t you here? Come and join me!”

He also had to wait for Han Tianwei to come.

However, at this time, the great Han Tianwei Nateng shot and responded to Tianshu’s news.

Zhan Tianxia has already killed him.

The two battled hundreds of moves one after another, and they were still indifferent.

Although the Han Tianwei has an advantage in numbers, the elite bamboo armored soldiers under the command of Zhan Tianwei are not vegetarian.

Tianshu, who hadn’t waited for news for a long time, finally gave up.

He scolded: “You are on the street! You can die when you get here!”

Without replying to the news, he thought that Dahan Tianwei had died and returned.

Since this helper is gone, he can only go on his own.

He instructed: “Don’t be impulsive, we are players of the same camp. We wait until we get close to Cheng Mu before we shoot!”

This is the place of Tianshu Chicken Thief.

Cheng Mu is here.

Indeed, he is not so vigilant about players of the same civilization.

After all, everyone was still fighting side by side just now, and it is indeed unkind to beware of others now.

Of course, this also gave Tianshu and the others a chance.

Tianshu led more than a hundred players, gradually approaching Cheng Mu.

But what he didn’t know was that the sword bearer had been staring at him for a long time.

In the name of Tianshu, who does the Chinese civilization do not know?

After tying with Dihou, he wanted to challenge other Gaowan.

This is also one of his purposes to participate this time, to challenge all the strong!

At first, Tianshu stayed there for a long time, but he didn’t come close because it was not the time to single out.

When Tianshu suddenly walked towards Cheng Mu, it would be tricky.

After all, on Cheng Mu’s side, the war has been almost resolved.

If you want to help, you won’t go to Cheng Mu.

Thinking, he also followed.

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