Chapter 236 The God of Blacksmiths


Wang Tiehui shook his head and asked, “My lord, what is strengthening?”


Cheng Mu looked awkward.

Could it be said that the previous games were all deceptive?

However, he explained: “The so-called strengthening is to make weapons and equipment stronger through reforging.”

Wang Tiehammer seemed to touch something.

He hurriedly asked: “Can weapons be forged a second time?”

This is a Realm they have never touched before.

After the equipment is built, the blacksmith’s task is completed. If the weapon is damaged, it can be repaired.

However, after the repair, the quality of the weapon will be somewhat reduced.

In other words, it is re-engineering, how is this time different from re-forging a weapon?


Cheng Mu nodded.

“Without changing the basic attributes of weapons and equipment, make them more powerful. This is enhancement!”

“The other is to give the weapon new characteristics, the purpose is also to make the weapon more powerful.”

“This is called refining!”

He told Wang Tiehammer what he knew from his impression.

“Strengthen! Refinement!”

In an instant, Wang Tiehui opened the door of a new world.

He was completely indulged in, unable to extricate himself.

In an instant, Cheng Mu received a system prompt.

“Ding! Congratulations to your talent, King Iron Hammer, for triggering the promotion task *Explore (enhancement and refinement). After the task is successful, you can promote your professional level to the god of blacksmiths!”


Hearing the system prompt, Cheng Mu was shocked: “This is also OK?”

“I accidentally developed a new feature for this game?”

But when he thought that Wang Tiehammer could be promoted to the god of blacksmiths, he immediately became excited.

Apocalypse City now has a God of Healing, and the attached Healing City buff allows the Apocalypse City to no longer be restricted by the healing value when it is upgraded.

Once there is one more blacksmith god, what will be the side effect?

Cheng Mu looks forward to it very much.

In order for Wang Tiehui to learn more about strengthening and refining, Cheng Mu suggested to him.

“Go to Jianxin City and collect some useful information from Wandering Xia.”

Strengthening and refining, he also understood a foundation.

How to do it, or if there is other information.

Cheng Mu believes that there will always be some players who will know one or two. Even if you don’t know, just follow Calabash and tell them something they know.

“Thank you lord!”

Wang Tiehui couldn’t wait any longer.

He can’t wait to start a new forging road.

Create this path and become the god of blacksmiths!

At first, when Wang Tiehui heard that Gu San had been promoted to Great Master by the Gu Ling Medical Classics, he actually had some thoughts.

I also hope that Cheng Mu can find him a super classic to give him a glimpse of the trace of the god of blacksmiths.

But now, no need.

Of course, whether it is Gu San promoted to the god of medicine, or his king iron hammer is promoted to the god of blacksmiths.

The importance of Cheng Mu is self-evident.

Facilitator and inspiration.

After inspecting the work in Blacksmith Town, Cheng Mu decided to build a thousand sets of Wei Wuzu armor.

The armors of the rest of the Legionnaires also followed closely.

Although Cheng Mu only trained a thousand Wei Wu pawns this time.

However, the recruitment of the Heavenly Feather Army and the Heavenly Dragon Army has been expanded.

White Horse and Heavenly Horse? There are no horses!

After losing the partner of Jubaoge, Cheng Mu’s biggest loss was the loss of the source of the horse.

New horse purchase channels are still in contact.

Cheng Mu thought, if you can’t buy it, just grab it.

The three northern states of China, Binzhou, Liangzhou, and Yanzhou are all major states producing war horses.

As long as he is in control of one of the states, he will have no worries about war horses.

Of course, once the entire Shenzhou country is in control, then the three states of Liangyan will be Chengmu’s specialized breeding base.

Raise a horse, boss!

Coming out of the Blacksmith Village, Cheng Mu went to Xiaoshi Town again.

Although the Jianxin Pavilion players have all moved to Jianxin City, the development of Xiaoshi Town has not fallen.

The station located between Jianxin City and Apocalypse City, players can only reach here at best.

To go to Apocalypse City, it must be approved by Cheng Mu.

It is the Blue Wolf Valley Fortress alone, non-guild players are not allowed to enter.

Later, under the auspices of Cheng Mu, Xiaoshi Town was successfully upgraded to a third-level town.

The next step is Little Rock.

But according to Cheng Mu’s expectation, it is not necessary.

In the future, the Apocalypse City will expand, and Xiaoshi Town will definitely be within the scope of expansion.

At that time, Xiaoshi Town will be part of Apocalypse City.

The third-level town, as a transfer station for personnel and materials, is fine.

Xiaoshi Town currently has a population of 3,000 people.

Most of them are merchants and farmers. Apocalypse City currently engages in trade through Xiaoshi Town.

It’s just that there are too many floating populations in the town.

And if Cheng Mu needed it, he could immediately fill these people into Apocalypse City.

Although Xiaoshi Town and Blacksmith Town belong to Apocalypse City, their attributes are independent.

The attributes of the affiliated villages will not be added to the main city.

In Dayu Village, Cheng Mu also witnessed the transformation of Dayu Village into Dayu Town.

It’s just that Dayu Town is too close to Apocalypse City, and the area of ​​the town is covered by Apocalypse City.

As the current pillar industry of Tianqi City, Cheng Mu has implemented various preferential policies for Dayu Town.

Finally, at the warm invitation of the fishermen, he personally participated in a fishing trip.

In the waters of the red water spirit gourd, the intermediate spirit land renders the lake surface like a fairyland.

As soon as the fishing boat sailed in, all kinds of fish jumped out of the water. It’s so lively!

Under the sunlight, the shimmering lake and the silver fish complemented each other.

Cheng Mu found that he could catch many fish by bending down. No need to use fishing boats.

No way, there are too many fish in the spiritual area.

A group of groups, and a group behind.

Especially near the red water spirit gourd, fishes get together. It’s densely packed, and one net goes down to protect the bottom of thousands of catties.

Of course, this gain is far from what Cheng Mu expected.

Fishing in those big lakes before the cataclysm would cost a million catties a million catties!

Moreover, with the existence of the intermediate spiritual land, the growth rate of the fish within the range has become faster.

The fish can fully grow in one or two months. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn, or winter, small fish are born.

The so-called sitting on the mountain, eating the mountain and drinking water, and guarding the treasure house of Kunming Lake, of course Cheng Mu will not give up.

The Red Water Spirit Gourd is already in its maturity stage. It is expected that in a week, the first red water hyacinth will mature.

Cheng Mu thought: “If you take the red water spirit gourd with you during the second round of alien invasion, then you don’t know how many extra magical treasures you have to bring back!”

The player’s system backpack is only that big.

He doesn’t have to worry about the future sales of Red Water Spirit Gourd.

“Of course, give priority to your own people!”

Want to sell? That would have to be eliminated by oneself.


Cheng Mu went to the hospital.

The military-grade blood-buying pills and Qi-buying pills made by Gu Sanneng are all strategic materials.

If it weren’t for the city of Apocalypse that needed the medical city BUFF attached to the ancient three gods of medical avenues, Cheng Mu really wanted to build a healer village immediately.

The formation of medicines such as Buxue Pill and Qi Pill into an industry will also be his trump card.

Special fishes, red water gourds, military medicines, weapons and equipment, fire bamboo leaves, etc.

There are really many carriages driving the rapid development of Apocalypse City!

No, it’s a sports car!

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