Chapter 241: Cao Cao’s First Counterattack

“Beauty, it has never been your fetters.”

Zhuge Liang said, “On the contrary, there are some women who are of great help to the lord!”

“Could it be that?”

Cheng Mu suddenly had an ominous premonition: “Whether young or old, beautiful or ugly, as long as it helps me, I will marry?”

Zhuge highlights the head: “Of course!”

“The so-called pink skull, no matter how beautiful the beauty is, there is still a day of old age!”

“The appearance cannot last forever, but the strength is indeed eternal!”

Zhuge Liang, who was less than twenty years old, seemed to have taken everything down.

“No, no, no!”

Cheng Mu shook and refused. Although he was scum, he was only a scumbag.

What female junior college holds gold bricks, female college 30s give it to the country.

“No, I don’t need it!”

He can take it himself.

Zhuge Liang’s suggestion was directly passed by him.

He even thought about finding a company for Zhuge Liang. Otherwise, at this young age, everything will be disregarded, how boring.


“Well, what about Lin Yazhu?”

Zhuge Liang looked at him, his eyes still full of wisdom.

It seems to have seen everything.

“Ahem, you can consider it, you can consider it.”

Lin Yazhu’s appearance is not low, only slightly inferior to Li Shishi.

The so-called top ten beautiful players of Chinese civilization that Cheng Mu saw were no less inferior.

Zhuge Liang had seen through your expression a long time ago, and said: “Then lord, you have to come on!”

“Come on, marry three, isn’t it nice.”

Cheng Mu thought for a while, how about gathering the four seasons to make a fortune, six or six great successes, all directions to make money, and the twelve zodiac signs?

He has a good kidney and eats well.

Zhuge Liang shook the feather fan, got up and left.

It seems that I don’t want to discuss this issue with Cheng Mu in detail.

Cheng Mu smiled, planning to go back and have a thorough discussion about kidney problems with Master Li.

It was idle for a few days.

The thousand sets of hammer-style armors in the blacksmith’s shop were all finished and equipped with Wei Wushun.

Hammer Armor (Purple Epic)

Basic attributes: strength value +2, defense value +50, physical damage reduction 20%.

Additional skills: Hammer (Each attack has a chance to hit the enemy hard, causing 150% of the current damage.)

Cheng Mu sighed: “It’s worthy of a hammer-style armor, and the attached skills are like hammers.”

A 50-point defense value bonus, plus a 20% military force reduction.

And Wei Wuzu owns 50% damage reduction.

In other words, Wei Wuzu’s current injury reduction has reached 70%.

Coupled with the nearly 50% damage reduction attached to Zhang Wanlong’s bronze and iron walls, Wei Wuzu’s literal damage reduction effect has exceeded 100%.

Of course, a 120% reduction in damage will turn the attack received into treatment?

It must be impossible.

Even if it is 100% injury reduction, it is still only literal.

This does not mean that it is invincible.

Cheng Mu has tried it, and no matter how high the injury reduction is, there is an upper limit.

For example, the stone demon he met was in a material immunity state in front of the player, which meant 100% damage reduction.

However, in Hua Mulan’s hands, she still couldn’t survive a single blow.

This means that an enemy whose strength is lower than Wei Wuzu cannot break through Wei Wuzu’s defense.

At this time, Wei Wuzu in the state of 100% damage reduction can be called material immunity.

However, when encountering an enemy whose strength exceeds Wei Wushun’s too much, as long as the attack exceeds Wei Wushun’s defense, it can cause damage.

Of course, most of the damage will be reduced.

Cheng Mu had to study the specific conversion rules.

The good news at the moment is that the enemy whose strength is lower than that of Wei Wushun has been unable to break the defense. In the fighting state, the strength of the Wei Wu pawns can be ascension to the flow.

In other words, the influential enemy could not cause damage to Wei Wushun at all.

Of course, except for magic damage.

But Cheng Mu was still not worried, because he had never heard of a special Faye army in China.

Faye? It is currently a profession that only exists in the player group.

And he himself has Faye. Even if there are Faye’s team among the enemies, his strong bows and heavenly knights are Faye nemesis!

“It’s time to get out of the mountain!”

The strongest meat shield has been released, and Cheng Mu feels that he can go to Tiandu to see what the Emperor Lao Er looks like.

“I just don’t know whether the current Wei Wu pawn can survive a blow from the townsman?”

This is the question he is thinking about.

Ordinary or ordinary special soldiers, under the ultimatum of the townspeople, there are no bones left.

But Wei Wuzu, who is good at defense, can survive with his own terror reduction? This is something to look forward to.

“Soon, I will know!”

Cheng Mu is not in a hurry, the people in China will give him a trial.

At that time, a thousand military soldiers were baptized in battle, each in a peak state of strength.

“Thousands of military soldiers are still a bit crazy who resists the country hard, so let’s be peerless or half-step the country!”

However, when Cheng Mudian was about to platoon troops, sudden changes resounded throughout China.

“Ding! Sizhou Cao Cao rebelled, the emperor ordered everyone to quickly encircle and suppress!”

“Ding! Sizhou Cao Cao rebelled, the emperor ordered everyone to quickly encircle and suppress!”

“Ding! Sizhou Cao Cao rebelled, the emperor ordered everyone to quickly encircle and suppress!”

Three consecutive system prompts shocked the entire Chinese player.

“What? Cao Cao turned it around?”

“Fuck, isn’t Cheng Mu rebelling? How come it’s Cao Cao!”

“It’s chaotic. Cheng Mu rebelled before he rebelled against Cao Cao. What should I do?”

“You said, will Cheng Mu participate in this campaign to encircle Cao Cao?”

In an instant, all the players in China exploded.

Everyone is gearing up to fight Cheng Mu.

As a result, the system tells everyone that Cao Cao was the first to rebel.

Cheng Mu was also dumbfounded at this time.

“Fuck, Cao Thief, grab my limelight!”

He was about to do it, but Cao Cao took the lead.

Then he pondered again: “Cao Cao, what is your confidence to rebel right now? Just relying on the land of a state?”

Cao Cao’s sudden rebellion was something that no one expected.

In the ears of everyone, the new system reminder sounded again.

“You can choose any force to join, and you can get rich rewards for every action.”

This time, it turned out to be a two-way lineup mission.

Players can protect their homes and the country, and fight for the emperor to destroy Cao Cao.

You can also go to Cao Cao and make a fortune.

“Who do you choose? Will you meet Cao Cao?”

“The three major legions of the Kingdom of China have expanded their enrollment, and there are still a few townspeople. Is Cao Cao helping Cheng Mu attract firepower?”

“Bullshit, Cao Cao has Dian Wei, Guo Jia, Zhang Liao, Xun Yu, etc., who are not great talents, they are powerful!”

“I think there is a play!”

“That’s right! I’m going to join Cao Cao and see my idol Guo Fengxiao!”

Players across the country are discussing.

Should I join the emperor’s forces to conquer Cao Cao, or follow Cao Cao’s steps?

Of course, many discerning people stand by.

“You don’t know, the biggest variable is Cheng Mu!”

“The two townsmen under Cheng Mu’s command, whoever joins them will win!”

However, some people retorted: “I don’t believe it! Cao Cao also has a township under his command! Cao Cao still has a state of land. If Cheng Mu is so powerful, how can he not even conquer a small Anqing county!”

“Mentally retarded!”

Everyone does not want to refute.

Anyway, no one said that he was dissatisfied, the water of China was completely mixed up.

And this time.

Cheng Mu has ordered everyone to come to the City Lord’s Mansion to gather.

His original plan is about to change.

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