Chapter 260: Breakthrough


Under the roar, Qin Tianshan was almost mad.

Suddenly, a huge momentum burst out of his body.

Gang wind is rising again.

“Huh? Breakthrough?”

Cheng Mu looked at the murderous Qin Tianshan, a little skeptical: “Breaking through the battlefield, isn’t this the treatment that the protagonist has?”

Hua Mulan confirmed: “Under the strong stimulation, he has been promoted to the top master.”

Qin Tianshan, with first-class peak strength, has officially entered the top at this time.

In other words, his force value has reached 90 points.

The top realm powerhouse.

This is already the level of a general leader alone, and the three major legions of China are all qualified.

“Well, it’s interesting.”

Cheng Mu originally thought Qingzhou City was just a place for his own military training.

Now that Qin Tianshan has been promoted to the top, he must go all out.

Hua Mulan said: “Lord, should I go and subdue him?”

Under the border of the town, the top level is still the ant.

“Huang Zhong and Wanlong still have the power to fight, don’t take action for the time being!”

Huang Zhong and Zhang Wanlong are not ordinary first-class powerhouses, he learned how to fight monsters when they leapfrog.

The reason why Cheng Mu didn’t let Hua Mulan take action was not because of the shit habit of the townspeople who did not take action against ordinary soldiers.

In his view, having absolute combat power is not used to expand an advantage, that is, mentally retarded behavior.

“I have a countryman, but if you do not send it, it is your own problem!”

No matter what Realm’s combat power is, it is used to kill the enemy. Otherwise, it would be useless or useless to put the gods at home.

Because he wants to train soldiers now, he doesn’t need Hua Mulan to take action for the time being.

But once the training effect is achieved, Cheng Mu doesn’t mind letting the townspeople go to fight one person and one city.

The task of owning the country is flashing and reminding every day.

When his subordinates are trained, he will quickly flatten the entire Shenzhou State.

After the breakthrough of Qin Tianshan, the remaining 200,000 defensive players in Qingzhou City also recovered their confidence.

“Go up! Get revenge for the president!”

“Kill Cheng Mu, earn points!”

“Fear of a bird, immortal for thousands of years!”

In an instant, their courage that had been shot by Liu with a knife and an arrow returned.

“Humph, what about breakthrough?”

Zhang Wanlong rushed up immediately: “It just so happens that our battle is not over yet!”

He wants to continue the battle that the two did not complete.

Qin Tianshan had already killed Ling Li at this time: “Looking for death!”

In his opinion, Zhang Wanlong, who is of first-rate strength, did not understand what was going on.

“The district is first-rate.

With that, he mentioned the long sword again.

Yelled: “Cheng Mu, I have cut your arm!”

Regardless of whether Hua Mulan could make a move, he decided to kill Zhang Wanlong first.


At the same time, the One Hundred Thousand Jianxin Pavilion player has also rushed under the city wall.

Due to the destruction of the city wall, hundreds of bed crossbows have suffered heavy losses.

Even if there are a few surviving units, they have become the focus of the Tianyu Army.

The wooden bed crossbows burned into ashes one after another under the burning of flames.

The gap in the city wall.

Tens of thousands of Qingzhou City garrison and countless pets have long formed a new line of defense.

Behind the new line of defense, nearly 100,000 long-range players are already drawing bows and singing.

When Yijian Qingxinrui Army just rushed under the city wall, countless arrow magic shrouded in countless arrows.

In an instant, the ground outside the city was devastated.

Countless arrows were shot in the army, and hundreds of Jianshin Pavilion fighters were instantly killed.

The flames scorched the earth, and many soldiers were burned to death.

After all, they are not the Tianxiong army, and they don’t have such a high defense.

The nurses behind him were waving their wands vigorously.

But in the face of the many arrow skills, they simply can’t get up.

After the war mode is activated, even the healing effect of the nurse has been reduced.

There are only large-scale restorative skills, which can still be useful.

Monomer therapy?

The healing technique is still in the casting stage and the person has already been stunned.


Someone was shot through the body and fell to the ground wailing.

Some people are struggling to survive in the sea of ​​fire, their voices are miserable.

This is the first time that Jianxin Pavilion players have encountered such a fierce battle.

Someone was so scared that they turned around and wanted to run.

Then Cheng Mu had been waiting for a long time, and he was very reluctant to kill.

Even if it is a player of his own guild, as long as he is a deserter, there is no room for maneuver.

Although cruel, this is war.

Of course, there are also some players who are angry and attacking.

“Go! Fight it!”

“Rush up and kill them!”

“Destroy Qingzhou City, and destroy this group of gangsters!”

In desperate situations, there are often only two kinds of people.

Either greedy life or fear of death, fearful of hands and feet.

Either you fight back in desperate situation, and you can survive by killing the enemy.

What Cheng Mu needs is the second kind of person.

So he didn’t hesitate to lose some soldiers, and only asked for training.

“Ahhhhh! Go!”

In this wailing purgatory, everyone’s will was finally stimulated.

The remaining warriors and players rushed to the wall again while roaring.

Fire? Purgatory?

Just rush over.

The fastest player has already reached the gap at this time.

In the face of hundreds of thousands of player pets blocking the way, they have only one thought in their minds, kill without mercy!


Cheng Mu from behind finally nodded in satisfaction: “It’s almost done, let the bow and arrow attack the wizard’s phalanx.”

In order to hone everyone’s will, he still had 200,000 long-range players not participating in the battle.

Of course, everyone has seen the appearance of purgatory.

Some people looked miserably defeated and trembled.

There are also people who are fighting on the rise, hand in hand to kill the enemy.

People will have a process of growth.

As long as he is not a deserter, Cheng Mu is willing to give everyone some opportunities to adapt.

“Shoo, hoo, hoo!”

Hundreds of thousands of arrows shot into the city of Qingzhou like migratory locusts.

“Boom! Boom!”

The skills of the masters did not fall, and tens of thousands of fireballs smashed toward the enemy.

The remaining Tianxiong soldiers built a steel line of defense in front of the Faye.

After all, the masters have short hands.

While they can attack the enemy, the enemy can also counterattack.


An enemy screamed and was shot into a hornet’s nest.

Cheng Mu also rushed up at this time.

“Kill the enemy!”

He took the lead, and the huge Cheng Ziqi was the benchmark on the battlefield.

The soldiers followed him and killed the enemy.


Someone wanted to stop Cheng Mu’s pace with a pet.

But under the horseshoe of Tiefutu, all flesh and blood creatures will turn into mud.

Black armor, mask of abomination.

The two hundred iron Buddha statues are now the devil on the battlefield.

“Block! Block them!”

Cheng Mu had already killed under the city wall, and the enemy finally trembled.

Whether it is arrows or magic, it seems that it cannot cause damage to the Iron Buddha.

Their arrows, shot on the armor of the Iron Buddha, were bounced around.

Hammer-style armor, plus the metamorphic attributes of the Iron Floats.

The player at this stage cannot break the defense at all.

Occasionally there is magic that can limit Cheng Mu’s impact, but it is only a limit.

The skills of the masters are not locked.

It is difficult to touch the corners of the Iron Buddha with a single attack, and the range-type skills are irrespective of the enemy or the enemy.

Coupled with the attacks of the bow and arrow phalanx and the mage phalanx behind Cheng Mu.

The defense at the gap in the Qingzhou city wall has been shaky.

Qin Tianshan has been hacking and killing Zhang Wanlong angrily.

But with Zhang Wanlong’s shield in hand, although he was at a disadvantage, he still couldn’t tell the winner for a while.

Seeing that Cheng Mu was already trampling on his soldiers.

“Damn it!”

Qin Tianshan roared and killed him.

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