Chapter 270 I just want to farm the land well


Not only Black Rose, but many Thieves of the Flower Pavilion guild players couldn’t help but vomit.

This is the first time they have witnessed the cruelty of the war with their own eyes.

After the war mode is activated, everything becomes very real.

It’s no longer the digital age when they cut a knife and only jumped into damage.

Seeing the stumps and broken arms all over the floor, Black Rose finally couldn’t hold on.

The cruelty of the battlefield is too shocking for a woman.

“Run! Get out!”

Under the care of Arrow and Catapult, the fighting spirit of the Thieves Garden Guild was completely disintegrated.

In fact, not many players died in the battle, but other players were frightened by the tragic appearance.

With the support of her subordinates, Black Rose finally ran to safety.

Seeing the enemy retreating, Jun Piao Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, 300,000 people put too much pressure on him, but he didn’t expect this to be a mob.

“Don’t let your guard down, the enemy hasn’t gone far yet!”

He boosted morale on the wall.

There are only 10,000 soldiers under his command, plus 10,000 or 20,000 Wandering Xia player, which is not enough to go out of the city to pursue.

One hundred thousand people?

Most of them are used to transport stones and city guards, and they are pretty much used for courage.

After running out of the attack range of the trebuchet, Black Rose finally stopped.

“Damn it!”

She was resentful and regretful, and there was a little lingering fear in her heart.

The first time a foreign war was fought, it was so desperately defeated.

From just now to now, she finally felt a little better in her heart.

The endurance of the residual limb and broken arm has also been enhanced.

But these are still not enough.

At this moment, Black Rose is awakening.

“Brothers, this is the real war!”

“Unlike the games we usually play, each of us is a living person here!”

“Although we encountered setbacks this time, we still have a chance!”

“Cao Cao’s army is fighting Cheng Mu. We only need to capture Linbo City.”

“Then launch a fatal blow to Cheng Mu from behind!”

This is the script they negotiated.

Both failures and setbacks are temporary, and Black Rose has long understood this truth.

Although she failed this attack, her unyielding character allowed her to regain her confidence again.

“Since the enemy has defensive equipment, then we will build siege equipment!”

Since the masters can’t reach the cast range safely, they will now use long-range attacks to smash the city walls.

Immediately, Black Rose ordered: “We also have crossbows and catapults in some cities in Yongzhou. Let’s take them down!”

This is the most suitable method, but it takes a long time.

At present, there is no player who has been transferred to build war equipment in the player group.

“This is the top priority!”

In an instant, Black Rose thought of it.

In the future war, how popular will be the players that will create war equipment.

She must be the first to prepare.

At this moment, another player proposed the own strategy.

“We can build defensive walls one by one with earth walls, step by step.”

This is the unique skill of earth masters.

There is also a professional carpenter player who said: “We can build a wooden tank, and everyone can carry it as long as it can block the arrow.”

“Poison, poison them!”

“Let’s dig a tunnel, everyone has seen tunnel warfare!”

“Is there a river nearby, let’s flood the Seventh Army!”

“I think you can use beauty tricks!”

Players are always resourceful.

In an instant, all kinds of weird ideas came out.

Black Rose collects all the ideas together, and then selects the best solution.

at the same time.

In the city of Qingzhou, Cheng Mu immediately sent a letter to Zhao Yun and Guan Hai.

Only the White Horse and the Celestial Cavalry can quickly support Linbo City.

He has not heard that there is a peak powerhouse in Yongzhou.

So even if Zhao Yun went, it was more than enough.

Then Cheng Muyou delivered the second order: “Go back to Wuning!”

He who attacked Linbo County, he guessed it was Black Rose.

However, Wu Ning and Sizhou are separated by a front line, he must beware of Cao Cao.

“It was you Cao Aman who was the first to do it. It was beyond my expectation!”

Cheng Mu thought, immediately dispatched troops to Wuning County.

Baby or something, let’s go back to Apocalypse City first.

At this time, Qingzhou City had 500,000 Wandering Xia players, all of which were under Cheng Mu’s command.

“The kings follow me to fight Cao Cao!”

Since Cao Cao dared to take the lead, then destroy him.

Half a million people set off for Wuning City mightily.

Wuning City, the city of reconstruction.

The last time Zhang Jiao came over, a move thunderbolt turned Wuning City into ruins.

The new Wuning city has just been rebuilt.

There are still many gaps in the city wall that have not been repaired.

When Bai Suming led his army to arrive, the city walls were as if they were not fortified.

But now Wuning City is different from other cities. It is a city governed by aboriginal people and players.

The lord is also a player, named Ruqing.

He was originally a little lord player, and he found this treasure after the destruction of Wuning City.

With his efforts, Wuning City, which looked like ruins, finally broke up again.

But before the ruthless Xiong emerged, Bai Suming led his army to arrive.

At this time, there were only more than 50,000 players in Wuning City.

There are also very few NPCs, less than one hundred thousand.

How can such a small number of people resist Bai Suming’s 200,000 army?

Yes, Bai Suming only brought 200,000 yuan this time.

Although he had 500,000 soldiers under his command, he did not let Cao Cao notice it.

These two hundred thousand people were brought out by secretly.

“Anyway, there are half a million people in Black Rose, plus I have 700,000 here.”

“The 700,000 army is 690,000 killed in battle, and the remaining 10,000 can kill Cheng Mu.”

His abacus is clear.

However, due to communication restrictions between the two parties, they did not know that the other party only brought a little force over.

Black Rose even believed that this attack was led by Cao Cao. With high-end combat power against the line, she didn’t panic.

It is estimated to be pitted to death.

“Let me ask you, is it to fight or to surrender?”

Under Wuning City, Bai Suming said blankly.

Although he has facial paralysis, his heart is fiery and agitated.

Ruthlessly looked at the crowded heads in front of him. My heart is extremely bitter.

He is a little lord and just wants to farm with peace of mind.

When Cheng Mu came, he agreed to join Cheng Mu’s command, just for farming.

But now that Bai Suming is also here, he can never agree again.

But when Cheng Mu kills, will he return to Cheng Mu’s subordinate?

“I just want to farm well.”

He was very sad and didn’t want to help anyone.

Bai Suming was already impatient and urged: “Ask you, can I fight or not?”

Wu Ningcheng was still in tatters, if he wanted to.

The army can drive straight in.

It was also Wuning County that had been ravaged by the Yellow Turban for too long, and most of the people died.

Therefore, the counties are in a semi-abandoned state, and they cannot be repaired for a while.

“Don’t fight, just do what you want.”

He shook his head mercilessly.

I won’t get involved in matters between big bosses, and I can farm with peace of mind.

However, he didn’t want to blend in, but Bai Suming didn’t care so much.

“It’s fine if you don’t fight. Now call all the players in the city and submit to our secret little Hamburger Guild!”

He is only 200,000 people, so Bai Suming doesn’t mind fighting to support the war.

“That won’t work.”

Relentlessly shook his head: “We will not interfere with your war.”

If he wanted to fight, he would have been transferred to the war lord.

Hearing what he said, Bai Suming finally lost his face.

Threatened: “You say it again?”

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