Chapter 305: Ao Yinyin

“I’ll join! I’ll join now!”

Cheng Mu’s words made Ye Xuan startled in a cold sweat.

Is it a pity to kill yourself?

When did the townspeople be so worthless?

Seeing the anxious Ye Xuan, Cheng Mu finally showed a satisfied smile.


It is a happy event to add another townsman to one’s own hands.

Ye Xuan may have a lot of intestines, but Cheng Mu don’t worry.

Once he joined, he promised to tune and teach Ye Xuan well.

The candle whip, this is the temptation from the gifted Mingjun.

“Ding! Congratulations to Ye Xuan, the town countryman, for joining your subordinates!”

“Ding! Since you are the first player to reap the allegiance of the town nation, you have been awarded the title of *Ming Master.”

Master: Legendary title.

Title effect: The number of refugees who come to defect is increased by 100%, and the probability of obtaining the surrender of hostile forces increases by 50%.

The title of Mingzhu once again solved Cheng Mu’s urgent need.

It may increase the number of refugees by 100%, but he does not currently need it.

But that increased the rate by more than 50%, the effect that the enemy forces will submissively.

It just fits Cheng Mu’s needs.

And the title of Ming Lord matches Ming Jun’s talent, a perfect match!

Whether it is the emperor’s Tiandi Xuan three elders, or Cao Cao’s Guo Jiadianwei and others.

He wants it all.

Cheng Mu had a dream, in a dream.

He included all military commanders and wise ministers in ancient Chinese history under his command, which is spectacular!

If this feat can be accomplished, Cheng Mu can proudly call himself: the emperor of the ages!

Qin Shihuang’s eternal emperor, because he swept away Liuhe.

But is Cheng Mu’s future a sweeping Liuhe?

Sweep the heavens and civilizations!

Of course, if Cheng Mu wants to achieve this step, a broad mind is indispensable.

Appointment on merit, meritocracy.

So accepting Ye Xuan is progress!

At this time, Cheng Mu was becoming the current Mingjun step by step.

Afterwards, he checked Ye Xuan’s attributes again.

Right now, Ye Xuan has 80 points of loyalty.

Of course, this credit should be attributed to his own Mingjun talent.

And Ye Xuan’s strength lies in the fact that he has just entered the country.

The force is worth 101 points, which is worse than Mulan.

It may be Cheng Mu’s weakest townsman.

Of course, Ye Xuan has just entered the town, and his low strength is normal.

Immediately, he saw Ye Xuan’s big move.

This is the focus of attention.

The Spear Dragon Destroyed: Ye Xuan uses the spear to transform the dragon, destroying all targets,

The system’s description of Ye Xuan’s big move is very simple, mainly because of a mysterious power limitation.

Cheng Mu knew that he would be sprayed if he looked at other people’s detailed attributes.

It was as if the code he prescribed had been sent down, but many people thought it hadn’t seen it.

However, Ye Xuan’s use of guns to transform dragons sounds very powerful.

“Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms? With or without music?”

Cheng Mu thought, someday he should have a good experience.

Anyway, there will be a chance.

Ye Xuan uses a gun and is also a cavalry officer.

Cheng Mu decided to put him under the Celestial Cavalry Army, under the command of Hai.

With Guanhai’s existence, he doesn’t have to worry about Ye Xuan rebelling again.

It was resolved here, and Cheng Mu went to the hospital to visit Zhuge Liang.

The ancient god of medical science made the shot himself, and Zhuge Liang’s vitality is gradually recovering.

He took out the Shiratori fan after restoration and returned it to Zhuge Liang.

This is Zhuge Liang’s exclusive weapon after all, and it is still a burden in his hands.

Bringing a taboo on the body is also a kind of pressure for Cheng Mu.

At this moment, he understood.

The quality of Shiratori fan is determined by Zhuge Liang himself.

Zhuge Liang made it an ordinary fan, that is, a fan. Let it be an artifact of jackpot, then it is an artifact of jackpot.

After being completely unblocked, the Shiratori fan is a mythical weapon.

It’s just that Zhuge Liang’s strength is not enough, he may not really use this mythical weapon until he reaches the realm of ghosts and gods.

It seems that between the god-level weapons and the mythological weapons, there is also a gold artifact.

Cheng Mu didn’t quite understand, after all, the heart-biting gun in his hand was not even a golden god-level weapon.

In the hospital, he also met another old acquaintance.

Former Anqing County Shou Zhang Ruo.

Fang Xiao is serving with peace of mind, and it seems that the friendship between the two is indeed deep.

After Gu Pei followed Fang Xiao to find Zhang Ruo, he took him back to Apocalypse City.

Cheng Mu said long ago that Zhang Ruo and Fang Xiao might not be strong enough to go out to fight.

But defending the city and stability in the rear, he can both perform important tasks.

“Thank you City Master Cheng!”

Zhang Ruo’s recovery was good, and he hurried to salute after seeing Cheng Mu.

Cheng Mu immediately ran to him and pressed him on the bed: ‘Master Zhang lie down and heal with peace of mind! ’

I feel very good about Zhang Ruo, so he wants to accept this person.

“It’s not in the way, it’s not in the way.”

Zhang Ruo sat up and said gratefully: “Thank you, the city lord, let me make a living for the people of Anqing city.”

The soldiers won the city of Anqing without blood, and after entering the city, they did not commit any crimes.

Cheng Mu’s lead is already qualified.

“It should be.”

Cheng Mu told him to rest well.

As for the arrangements between Zhang Ruo and Fang Xiao after he recovered from his illness, he believed Zhuge Liang had already prepared.

There are so many cities in Qingzhou, any county can make two of them fight against each other.

After walking around the hospital, Cheng Mu found that one person was missing.

“That? Where did you go?”

He didn’t know what to call him for a while.

Could it be said: “Where did that fish go?”

Still said: “Where did that little Loli go?”

If you follow the latter, you will be stone hammered lsp.

A doctor replied: “Miss Ao is walking in the city every day these days.”

For the first time, Haw Koi has his own name, Miss Ao.


Cheng Mu was shocked.

Isn’t the word Ao the general surname of the dragon family?

What Ao Guang, Ao Lie, Ao Bing, Ao Bai.

“It seems a strange thing got in.”

It is not this, but the word Ao, who is entangled in the process at this time.

Since the Koi Haw’s surname is Ao, he is also from the Dragon Fish clan.

Does the dragon fish clan really have anything to do with the dragon clan behind?

For an instant, the world became more mysterious in Cheng Mu’s eyes.

In order to figure this out, he decided to go to Girl Ao to ask.

After all, they were responsible for the dizziness themselves!

In Apocalypse City, Ao Yinyin was looking at all this curiously.

I used to see Apocalypse City in the water.

But now what I see after landing is another feeling.

Hou Haoyan, known as the first prodigy of Apocalypse City, was by her side, carrying a large number of coins in her hand.

The face is bitter.

As long as Ao Yinyin sees novel things, she will buy them.

So every time Hou Haoyan pouted: “Women are really troublesome, it’s better to have fun with Xiaoqiang.”

This sentence came out of the mouth of a six-year-old child, very happy.

If it were not for Master Li personally instructed him, he would not come.

Shishi Li also had his own task at this time to assist Fan Li’s caravan.

Since we want to do it, we must make big moves.

Fan Li has been running for the Cheng Mu component caravan these days.

Shang Sheng shot, it is definitely a big game.

At this time.

Ao Yinyin grabbed a Wandering Xia, and Cheng Mu’s face suddenly turned black.

Wandering Xia is an assassin who played a high level of dark thorns, and it is estimated that he came back to report the news.

And what Ao Yinyin said was the reason why Cheng Mu had a black face.

Ao Yinyin: “Signal?”

Yin thorn: “Nine one seven six six two zero three!”

“Apocalypse Empire?”

“Apocalypse Empire!”

Ao Yinyin’s face suddenly turned aside, and cried:

“Hey hey!”

“Fellow daoist, I’m waiting for you so hard for you!”

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