Chapter 309: All beings are equal

Due to its special geographical location, Yunzhou.

So Yunzhou’s players, except Liu Yu.

There is no other force for them to choose.

But Yunzhou player is surprisingly many. This 400,000 Wandering Xia is less than half of the total Wandering Xia player in Yunzhou.

However, Liu Yu is still satisfied with half Wandering Xia.

After all, in his eyes, Wandering Xia is nothing but cannon fodder.

He wanted Zhan Tianxia to copy Cao Cao’s back path, so why not Cao Cao was copying his back path?

The two calculate each other, it depends on who can have the last laugh.

Guo Jia smiled slightly and waved his sleeves: “God jealous!”

In an instant, a strange energy enveloped the entire battlefield.

Guan Hai in the top of the cloud was shocked and almost fell down.

But he immediately controlled his body and didn’t let himself fall.

But the strength that was constantly being lost in the body made him terrified.

Guo Jia’s skills actually affected him.


Guan Hai roared, and finally stopped the loss of physical strength.

In just a few seconds, his power has gone 10%.


Guan Hai has experienced shock for the first time since he became a ghost.

“Sure enough, he is a talented person who never forgets. This hand is really terrifying.”

If you didn’t react in time, you would really fall.

Of course, Guo Jia’s skills can affect Guan Hai.

It was also because of Guan Hai’s strength.

Jealous, as the name suggests.

The stronger the person, the greater the impact.

Although Guan Hai was able to resist the influence of Tian’s jealousy, the others on the battlefield were miserable.

The first to bear the brunt is Guo Jia himself.

However, since the skill was cast by him, the negative effects he received were halved.

Of course, this halving also caused his strength to drop instantly.

Guo Jia, who was originally the strength of the town, has now fallen to second-rate strength.

Realm fell for four consecutive times.

Since Guo Jia himself was affected by such a powerful negative effect, the other people on the battlefield were affected even more.

Dian Wei and Wang Zhongde, who were still fighting fiercely, have now been weakened into ordinary people.

The edge of the third stream has not yet entered the stream.

The blockade performed by Guo Jia and Tan Daoji in advance has been completely invalidated.

But at this time, no matter how fierce the two were fighting, the movement was tens of thousands of times less than before.

It feels like falling directly from the world of high martial arts to the world of low martial arts.

Zhan Tianxia was originally the fastest.

However, as Guo Jiatian’s jealousy skills fell, the 400,000 Wandering Xia player seemed to be disabled at this time.

Zhan Tianxia looked at own level in surprise.

It was only level 20, and even the equipment effect was reduced.

At this time, they were no different from ordinary soldiers on the ground.

The ordinary soldiers were not affected much.

Except that special arms like barbarians, evil knights, and tiger and leopard knights have been reduced in strength.

The rest of the ordinary soldiers on both sides were safe and sound.

Zhan Tianxia vomited: “This f*ck is God jealous?”

“This is S868, all beings are equal!”

The stronger the strength, the more severe it will be reduced.

He actually cut the dignified countrymen into incompetent, and cut the special soldiers into ordinary soldiers.

This is where heaven is jealous, that all beings are equal.

In the face of heaven and jealousy, all beings are equal!

The situation on the battlefield changed instantly.

The dead barbarians who were still in the hammer gate suffered heavy losses under the besieges of the Sizhou soldiers.

In Zhan Tianxia, ​​they have not yet approached the city wall, and many people have been shot into sieves.

The nurses want milk, but they can’t get milk.

The mages wanted to throw their skills to attack, but after their power was reduced, they couldn’t exert their power at all.

Many Wandering Xia, thousands of people died in the panic.

After losing his strength to suppress, Guo Jia only sent 10,000 soldiers over.

Just half a million Wandering Xia caused a huge riot.

After all, people’s hearts are still unstable.

And the frontal battlefield at this time.

After discovering that own strength has become non-existent, Dian Wei and Wang Zhongde reacted very differently.

Wang Zhongde’s complexion changed drastically.

At this time, his strength is not in the class, no matter how subtle his moves are, he can’t fight the strong Dian Wei.

But Dian Wei was delighted at this time.

Without Realm’s blessing, it is completely based on one’s own strength.

He is five big and three rough, and his power is far superior to Wang Zhongde.

It’s the time for a fool!


The sledgehammer hit Wang Zhongde.

Although Wang Zhongde blocked him, he was shaken back several steps.

He fell into the wind.

At this time, Liu Yu, who was behind the battlefield, saw this scene, his complexion changed drastically.

He guessed that Cao Cao has a hole card, but this hole card is really outrageous, right?

Reduce everyone on the battlefield to a level?

Even if it’s a townsman, it’s not because of this influence.

Guo Jia’s jealousy skill instantly reversed the entire battle.

“Quick! Quick!”

“Support General Wang and kill Dianwei!”

Liu Yu roared.

Since all beings are equal, it means that ordinary soldiers have the possibility of killing the townspeople alone.

The surrounding Yunzhou soldiers had already surrounded them.

However, Dianwei smiled: “Evil rider!”

His evil rider is still here.

Although the evil knights are also affected by the jealousy of the sky, they have war horses after all.

There are military characteristics.

In an instant, Liu Yu’s Yunzhou soldiers were seriously injured.

The evil-riding dynasty Wang Zhongde has already besieged and killed, and it is bound to kill his greatest enemy.

“Attack! You attack!”

Liu Yu roared.

He wished that the dead barbarian would break through the city wall and cut down Cao Cao’s head in one fell swoop.

However, relying on the townspeople’s hands, and Liu Yu, who was an expert in siege and barbarians, did not prepare much siege equipment at all.

After the strength was reduced, the siege expert barbarian deadmen suddenly became half disabled.

Wang Zhongde on the battlefield, let alone.

After his strength was not better than Dian Wei, he wanted to win with speed.

However, the speed of the evil cavalry support was faster than that of the Yunzhou soldiers. Wang Zhongde not only had to fight Dianwei, but also guarded against the sneak attack of the evil cavalry behind him.

Although the strength has been reduced to an ordinary evil rider, it is temporarily unable to pose a threat to him.

But every distraction is to give Dian Wei a chance.


After another move, Wang Zhongde’s arm was already shaking.

He evaded the attack of the evil knight behind him and killed his opponent.

But Dian Wei seized the opportunity and attacked.

Had it not been for his reaction and speed a little faster than Dianwei, he would have been injured at this time.

“Come again!”

Dian Wei roared, “Grandpa twisted your head off and used it as a chamber pot.”

Although he fought in the battles in the realm of the town, he had fought back and forth.

But in the end, he was still slightly at a disadvantage.

And now, he has turned over as a serf to sing.

Relying on his own brute force, Wang Zhongde was defeated steadily.

Wang Zhongde originally wanted to use his big move to counterattack.

But the strength has been reduced, and the big move is estimated to be reduced to what it looks like.

And there were no guards around at this time, and he couldn’t bear the weakening effect of the big move.

Can’t afford to gamble, so he doesn’t gamble.

Seeing Wang Zhongde falling into a disadvantage, Liu Yu’s heart became more and more impatient.

He said to Tan Daoji: “Find a way to break this skill.”

Since it is a skill, there is a solution.

And Guo Jia’s jealousy is not a one-time offensive skill.

Continuous range debuff effect, regardless of whether we are foe or foe.

Just break this skill and it will be fine.

Tan Daoji said with a heavy face, “I will try!”

“But first please your Majesty Mingjin to retreat!”

Without the suppression of strength, the barbarians are really going to die.

Might as well retreat and support Wang Zhongde.

“Need not!”

Liu Yu said: “I still have 400,000 Wandering Xia.”

“At this time they are attacking Cao Cao’s back for the widow!!”

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