Chapter 346 Punishment of Complicity

Old Zhang closed his eyes silently, without any resistance.

His heart is completely dead.

However, although the guards heard the emperor’s order, they hesitated to approach.

This is General Xuan, one of the three elders of Heaven and Earth Xuan.

Ordinary people, how dare to restrain their hands.

But the emperor was still roaring.

“What are you doing in a daze?! Come on!”

“There is Mr. Lin, what are you afraid of?!”

“If you don’t, you will be punished as accomplices!”

Now, Mr. Lin still obeys his orders.

More importantly, Zhang Lao looked like he had given up resistance.

Let the emperor, evil courage rise.

He is only loyal to the enemy.

But for his own people, especially people like Zhang Lao, who seem to have given up resistance.

He is going to strike hard.

Hearing the emperor’s angry voice, he was punished with complicity.

Finally some guards couldn’t stand it any longer.

If Lao Zhang is not arrested, then they too will have to die.


Under the emperor’s persecution, the guards could only walk up.

“I’m sorry.”

A guard walked gently to Mr. Zhang and whispered.

Even they don’t believe that Zhang Lao will rebel.

However, the emperor’s order cannot be violated.

However, as soon as the guard’s words fell silent, the furious emperor rushed over.

One knife.

The guard did not squint at all.

“Chaotic party!”

After killing the talking guard, the emperor seemed unsatisfied.

His ferocious gaze crossed the faces of the other guards. If someone dared to be dissatisfied, then he would also be a straight shot.

Kill the chaotic party!

Suddenly, everyone was horrified.

In a rush, he tied up Lao Zhang.

If they act more slowly, their ending may be the same as that of the talking guard.

Zhang Lao didn’t speak from beginning to end.

The emperor was very satisfied, like a general who returned triumphantly after winning the battle.

He was proud of himself, and his insight saw through an enemy’s trick.

The mood seems to be a lot more pleasant.

When Mr. Lin got the news, he hurried over.

“Your Majesty, there must be a misunderstanding!”

As a partner who had fought side by side by himself, Mr. Lin also didn’t believe that Mr. Zhang would rebel and surrender to the enemy.

However, the emperor did not listen.

He said viciously: “Then ask him!”

If Mr. Zhang did not resist, he believed that Mr. Zhang was a guilty conscience.

“Lao Zhang, speak up!”

Veteran Lin looked at Mr. Zhang, wanting to hear what he said.

However, Zhang Lao still closed his eyes tightly at this time.

He didn’t hear anything around him.

It seems that all this has nothing to do with him.

“You can see it. Being a guilty conscience, speechless!”

The emperor is proud.

Proud own wise and martial arts, Proud own eyes are like a torch.

Looking at Zhang Lao who didn’t respond, looking at the triumphant emperor.

Old Lin almost collapsed in the end.

He roared: “Zhang Qi, you are saying something!”

“Are you deaf?!”

“Explain to your majesty!”

Although I don’t know why Zhang Lao is like this, he is very anxious and is about to run away in a hurry.

Mr. Zhang, it is impossible to surrender to the enemy.


Whether it was the emperor’s words of condemnation, or the anxious old Lin.

Zhang Lao is still immersed in the own world.

His heart is dead, so it doesn’t matter whether his body is dead or not.




How scared he is Zhang Qi!

“Zhang Qi, you!”

Old Lin ran away, and when he walked over, he would teach the person in front of him who didn’t know the so-called and didn’t know how to promote.

However, the emperor immediately stopped him.


“Old Lin, go back and rest first!”

Old Zhang’s guilt has been settled, and his will has been settled.

Ye Xuan’s deep love for him is absolutely impossible to conquer the enemy.

The one who turned into the enemy was General Xuan Zhang Lao! Zhang Qi!


Lin Lao also wanted to help Zhang Lao to explain.

But facing the emperor who suddenly hardened, facing the still expressionless Zhang Lao.


He finally shook his head, sighed and left.

He didn’t understand what happened to Zhang Lao, so he couldn’t stop the emperor’s conviction of Zhang Lao.

Soon, Zhang Lao was taken into the big brother.

Shortly after.

The news that General Xuan Zhang Lao had defected to the enemy instantly detonated the entire capital.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Tiandu, please make a joint name.

I hope the emperor will check this time again.

Even they believed that it was impossible for Zhang to surrender to the enemy.

However, in the face of the angry crowd, the emperor turned a blind eye to it.

Sometimes when they are irritable, they will curse this group of spoilers for not knowing what they mean.

Mr. Zhang, it is impossible for him to let it go.

When Ye Xuan returns, that’s when Zhang Lao is really guilty!


The bridge of godsend.

The battle of chaos has been going on for a long time.

After Zhu Qiming died in battle, the soldiers of the Gale Army fled.

The generals of the Lieyang Army, at this time, were already shocked by the rout.

There are deserters everywhere, and battlefields everywhere.

Two million troops, one by one, will return to their homeland.

Yizhou, Yangzhou, Qingzhou, Yongzhou, Yunzhou, Sizhou, Bingzhou…

These soldiers, indeed, come from everywhere in China.

For such a person.

Cheng Mu gave the order.

“If you don’t do evil, let it return to normal Life!”

The vast majority of soldiers will be good people who go back to farm with peace of mind.

Of course, there are also many who fall for the Kou Zhanshan king.

For these people, Cheng Mu is not in a hurry.

After he solves the emperor, these people are his experience babies of leveling up soldiers.

Everyone under his command can accumulate experience through battle.

Thereby upgrading the strength of Ascension.

As long as the level reaches the full level 70, all the soldiers under Cheng Mu’s command are advanced masters.

At that time, the national war will begin.

It will be a spectacular view of a tiger entering the mountains and forests.

Hua Mulan is still sitting alone on the bridge of heaven.

Seeing the enemies fleeing in all directions, she had no interest in pursuing them.

At his level, killing these twenty-thirtieth level soldiers won’t get experience points.

“I heard that Cao Cao and Liu Yu are dead, isn’t the lord’s greatest enemy gone?”

Hua Mulan thought.

When Cao Cao and Liu Yu died, Cheng Muzhen was the only hegemon in the southern part of China.

“When the war is over, will the lord marry me?”

At the thought of this, Hua Mulan suddenly felt shy again.

Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise this contrast would frighten a large group of people.

Hua Mulan, who was so domineering just now, would actually show a shy look.

No one believes it!

Having been with Cheng Mu for so long, Hua Mulan was no longer cold and arrogant at first.

Cheng Mu’s influence on her is huge.


As the lord, Cheng Mu has always been a role model for these talents under his command.

It is different from the one-sided battle on the bridge of heaven.

In Yangzhou, Zhao Yun, who had broken the Lieyang Army’s food and grass, met a major enemy.

“Finally caught you!”

General German led five thousand Lieyang Jingqi rides, surrounded Zhao Yun and hundreds of white horse Yi Cong Tuan Tuan Tuan under his command.

During this period of time, Bai Mayi never left without a trace, burning 50% of his Lieyang Army’s food.

Let Zhao Yun continue to burn like this, then his soldiers will starve to death.

Different from the Gale Army.

After the death of Zhu Qiming, the Gale Army completely fled.

Although Ye Xuan, the head coach of the Lieyang Army, was not there, he was under the leadership and comfort of the German General.

Only 40% of the soldiers of the Lieyang Army fleeed.

The German general is also extremely capable and capable of holding most of the soldiers.

However, as the grain and grass were robbed, among the 60% of the Lieyang Army soldiers who were originally stable, deserters slowly appeared.

Therefore, in order to stabilize the military, the German general could only lead his army to besieged Zhao Yun.

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