Chapter 366: The tentative plan for the military system

Ao Yinyin and Gu Xiaosheng were in the corner with their waists down and planned to do bad things.

When Hua Mulan left, she also took them with her.

Although her personal guard with a knife was gone, she also created a clean environment for Cheng Mu.

Fairly qualified.

The bridge of godsend.

Lin Yazhu has been cheering for herself.

At this time, she had long since lost her initial pretensions.

The emperor’s defeat is set.

Cheng Mu, who was originally the weakest, now seems to have become the biggest winner.

This was beyond her expectation.

Lin Yazhu also admired the vision of his father Lin Chengzi.

Choosing Cheng Mu as a retreat was the right choice.

And her view of Cheng Mu began to change.

It was previously believed that Cheng Mu was an anti-thief.

But now, she actually wants to take refuge in the anti-thief.

Ironic and helpless.

However, although she is the first talented woman in Tiandu, she studied at the most famous Taiyuan Academy in China.

But there are not too many anger and youth bridges.

Swear to kill the anti-thief Cheng Mu? Oath to coexist and die with China?

No no no.

The emperor can’t cultivate such a person.

At least it is impossible for Lin Chengzi to die for the emperor, nor is it possible for her Lin Yazhu.

Jubaoge No. 4 Miss Waner was silently by her side.

At this moment, Hu Wan’er didn’t know what her father was doing.

She only knew that shopkeeper Hu had left for several days, saying that he was going to pave a way for everyone.

“After crossing the bridge, they should come to pick us up.”

Hu Wan’er said.

She wanted to know, across the bridge.

Will Cheng Mu have been waiting there for a long time.

Last time I met Cheng Mu, Cheng Mu was still a client of her Jubao Pavilion.

She Jubao Pavilion is rich in the enemy’s half of China, so Hu Wan’er is not as worried and frightened as Lin Yazhu.

What she thought of was courtesy.

Cheng Mu should give her enough courtesy.

“hope so.”

Lin Yazhu said worriedly: “I don’t know what kind of scourge will be waiting for us on the other side.”

She is laughing at herself.

The daughter of a dignified prime minister took the lead in taking refuge in the anti-thief.

Although Lin Yazhu no longer considers herself to be high-minded, she feels somewhat depressed in her heart.

She still has a trace of the arrogance of a scholar.

“He Cheng Mudan!”

Hu Waner said angrily: “My family has a lot of money!”

Money is the lifeblood of everyone.

This is what the shopkeeper Hu taught her when she was very young.

She Jubao Pavilion is rich, so she Hu Wan’er has confidence.

“Wan’er, don’t talk nonsense!”

Lin Yazhu hurriedly covered her mouth.

At this time, I still don’t know how to converge. Isn’t this just looking for death?

Cheng Mu is an anti-thief.

What is an anti-thief?

That’s killing and killing! Grab, grab, grab!

Lin Yazhu knew that Jubao Pavilion was rich, but faced the robber-like anti-thief Cheng Mu.

It is estimated that it is difficult to be kind.

She has read many books and naturally knows these truths.

“How am I… talking nonsense.”

Hu Wan’er wanted to break free of these hands, covering her own hands.

But when she heard her say this, Lin Yazhu’s grip became tighter.

She was not like Hu Wan’er, but they had reached Cheng Mu’s realm.

Facing the murderous soldiers of Tianxiong Army around him.

Who dares to talk nonsense?

Zhang Wanlong, as the first defender of the bridge, blocked the heaven-given bridge horizontally.

One side belonged to the emperor, and the other belonged to Cheng Mu.

This also represents.

The land of the five states south of the Great River of China has completely fallen into Cheng Mu’s hands.

As long as it takes enough time, Cheng Mu can completely control the land south of the river.

“Come and give your name!”

Zhang Wanlong sat boldly in the middle of the bridge.

One person made Lin Yazhu and the hundreds of carriages afraid to take a step forward.

The head of the Jubao Pavilion hurried forward and said flatly, “Master, we are all legitimate businessmen.”

“This is our Yazhu Miss and Waner Miss, both of whom are good friends of Master Cheng Mu!”

With that said, he began to stuff money into Zhang Wanlong’s hands.

Zhang Wanlong glanced at Lin Yazhu.

Of course he knows.

But what he was curious about was that it was the hundreds of vehicles of supplies.

“The gift is not bad.”

He finally nodded in satisfaction and let everyone cross the bridge.

Even if these things are not gifts.

But he doesn’t need to do it himself, someone will turn these hundreds of vehicles into gifts.

Looking at Zhang Wanlong who was so talkative, Lin Yazhu was quite settled.

Hu Wan’er winked her eyebrows, meaning: I’m great, right? !

In her eyes, it was her servant who used money to settle the trouble.

What can be solved with money is not a problem.

This is the confidence of her fourth Miss Hu Wan’er.

But I don’t know.

Own’s father Hu, shopkeeper, has long been imprisoned.

Their every move will be reported to Cheng Mu’s table all the time.

Including, Zhang Wanlong’s cash register.

“When Lao Wan comes back this time, he will be fined to wash the latrine for three days!”

Originally, Cheng Mu wanted to follow the example of the ancient emperor and fine his subordinates for three to five months.

But then I thought about it.

Zhang Wanlong and the others don’t have any salary.

At this moment, Cheng Mu realized that he was the one who was the prostitute.

Zhuge Liang, Zhang Zhushan and others managed the city for themselves without a dime.

Guan Hai, Zhang Wanlong and others died for their own lives, and they did not earn a dime.

“Is this because too much loyalty brings hidden benefits?”

If it were soldiers under the command of other people, it would have been mutiny if they did not pay the army.

But Cheng Mu’s army under his command.

As long as they are guaranteed to have enough food and clothing, no one actually raises the salary.

Although this can save a lot of money.

But in the end Cheng Mu decided that there should be something or something.

In the eyes of other players, these soldiers are NPCs.

But in Cheng Mu’s mind, they are all living people.

Since we are human, we have emotions and needs.

High loyalty is no excuse.

So soon, he called Guan Hai.

Now Zhang Wanlong, Huang Zhong and others are garrisoned at the bridge of heaven, and Zhao Yun is still hunting the remnants of the chaos in Yangzhou and other places.

As the current marshal of soldiers and horses under Cheng Mu’s command.

Cheng Mu had to discuss with Guan Hai.

However, when he heard Cheng Mu’s decision, Guan Hai bowed down and said, “Master, we don’t need military pay.”

“As long as we are full, we can kill the enemy!”

Guan Hai is a diehard, only Cheng Mu is in his heart.

So nothing is needed.

However, Cheng Mu shook his head and said, “People have it, I must have it here.”

“People don’t have it, I want to have it here even more.”

It’s just military pay.

Since shopkeeper Hu is so anxious to deliver him to the door, when will he not be slaughtered at this time?

“But, I don’t need it.”

Guan Hai hesitated.

He now has a dedicated logistics department to provide food and clothing, so he can just say anything.

So he doesn’t need money.

This is a typical utopian life.

Life Wu You.

What Cheng Mu wants to create is this kind of life.

But now, he does not have this strength yet.

Of course, the so-called utopia is actually just an ideal country.

Only Cheng Mu is in Guan Hai’s heart.

But other people are different, they will also have other desires.

Since there is desire, it is impossible to realize a true utopia.

So Cheng Mu said decisively: “If you don’t need it, you have to use it.”

“Wait a few years, and I’ll find you a wife!”

Such things as military pay, military rank, and military system must be perfected.

Loyalty has never been an excuse for Cheng Mubai to prostitute.

These things, he needs to start preparing from now on.

But when he thinks of this, Cheng Mu’s head hurts.

Lack of people!

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