Chapter 415: Apocalyptic City is upgraded again

Soon after, Cheng Mu led the crowd on a mighty journey.

He not only brought thousands of cars of jewellery and belongings, but also a large group of students from the Taiyuan Academy.

These jewels and belongings were contributed by the great officials and nobles in the capital, relatives and relatives of the emperor.

Cheng Mu didn’t pick it, and accepted it all as usual.

As for this large group of Tai Academy students, they are also voluntary.

Only before they volunteered, Cheng Mu killed dozens of very spine scholars.

Qi Nanzi, whom Lin Yazhu mentioned before, is the manager of this group of students.

Cheng Mu asked him to move the entire Taiyuan Academy to Tiandu.

If possible, remove all the beams!

Cheng Mu didn’t believe it anymore. He moved to the entire Taiyuan Academy by himself, but couldn’t he meet the conditions for upgrading the first-level state city?

on the way.

After seeing that Yizhou has become a dead place these days, the eyes of Cheng Mu became even more frightened.

Many dignitaries, scholars and scholars.

They were extremely grateful in their hearts at this time, rejoicing that their own initiative and voluntary.


Not all people in Tiandu are willing to accept Cheng Mu’s rule.

At least half a million people fled Tiandu and went to Yanzhou and Liangzhou.

For these people, Cheng Mu only conveyed one command: Do it yourself!

Yanzhou and Liangzhou will soon be pushed by Dongfang Nuo led by one million Wandering Xia.

How many will be able to survive by then.

Due to the large number of supplies, there are many accompanying people.

On this return trip, Cheng Mu always stopped and went.

There was news from a sentry rider, and the entire Yunzhou has been wiped out from time to time.

The barbarians who invaded, and the players who became refugees.

Under Xie Xuan’s butcher knife, they all surrendered or fled.

A refugee player followed the barbarians and fled to the dense forests of the Southern Territory.

There are also refugee players who go out to sea and want to fulfill their dream of becoming the One Piece.

But most of them died in the mouth of the sea monster.

Then in Yunzhou, resurrected again.

With the help of Guo Jia, Zhang Zhushan has also eliminated the entire Sizhou.

I don’t know what Guo Jia said and what methods he used.

Xia Houyuan chose to submit.

Cao Xiu disagreed, and had a dispute with Xia Houyuan.

Finally Cao Xiu disappeared.

Maybe it was solved by Xia Houyuan.

As for the state.

After the Beidi Sands retreated, Binzhou remained in Xia Houyuan’s hands.

Xia Houyuan’s submission also represented Bingzhou’s formal entry into Cheng Mu’s control.

“Now I will leave Yangzhou and Liangzhou Yanzhou.”

Thinking of this, Cheng Mu felt more and more that the day of his ascension was approaching.

Yanzhou and Liangzhou should not be able to overcome any big waves.

And Yangzhou.

Cheng Mu suddenly thought whether he should look for Lao Li.

Old Li promised him at first, as long as he became the final winner.

The guardian of the two million nations, let him send.

After receiving the allegiance of the two million guardians of the country, Cheng Mu can use this as a bone to build an army of four to five million players.

There are more than 10 million players in China. Remove female players, and remove those Life-based players who don’t want to fight.

If Cheng Mu can make up an army of five million players, that would be a huge gain.

After five days, everyone finally reached the bridge of heaven.

Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun and others had already greeted them on the bridge at this time.

“Congratulations on the triumphant return of the lord!”

At Cheng Mu’s deliberate request, they no longer call Cheng Mu His Majesty for the time being.

Called your majesty before he was enthroned? That’s too floating.

After dying once, Cheng Mu decided to learn to keep a low profile.

He asked: “Are everything arranged?”

“It has already been arranged!”

Zhuge Liang replied: “Our Apocalypse City has already begun to expand to the Green Wolf Valley Fortress.”

The direction of Apocalypse City’s expansion is actually somewhat singular.

On the left is Fengyulin and the Blacksmith City, which has just been promoted to the small town.

On the right is the Nongsang Plain, which is responsible for the food supply of the people of Apocalypse City.

And behind it is Kunming Lake.

With the current strength of Apocalypse City, building a city on land is much simpler than building it on water.

So at present, it seems that it can only develop in the direction of the Green Wolf Valley Fortress.

“After the nation is established, the Nongsang Plain will withdraw.”

Cheng Mu said: “On Kunming Lake, we can also build a water city.”

Who stipulated that the city must all be on land?

If the Apocalypse City is built into a half-water city, there may be additional gains.

Of course, the pattern must still follow the pattern of the Eight Trigrams city.

Although the enemy hasn’t hit Apocalypse City yet, the strength of Eight Trigrams City hasn’t been seen yet.

But it’s also important to take precautions and take precautions.

Hand over many materials and many literary talents to Zhuge Liang.

Cheng Mu took the lead and returned to Apocalypse City.

The wealth of Jubao Pavilion is constantly being sent over.

Among them are many precious drawings that Cheng Mu had seen before and would drool.

But now, he has become accustomed to it.

Master Li rarely has free time today, and he is playing in the mansion with a black order.

As for Ao Yinyin and Gu Xiaosheng.

Since Cheng Mu discovered that they had too little homework, he stepped up the education for them.

“Teacher, I want to establish a country.”

He took Master Li’s hand and told her the good news.

“Congratulations…Congratulations, son.”

Suddenly, Master Li felt at a loss.

When the day of fantasy is about to come, it will make people feel a little embarrassed.

“You have to congratulate yourself first!”

Cheng Mu squeezed her face and said, “Soon, you will be alone.”

“Under what?”

Master Li said nervously: “You don’t want a slave house.”

She is just a weak woman and does not need much power.

However, Cheng Mu suddenly smiled: “Hey, under me, are you sure you don’t want it?”

After speaking, the black order in Master Li’s hand was thrown out again.

The second day.

After the Jubao Pavilion emptied the home, the cultural value and economic value of the third-level county town of Apocalypse City have reached 3W points.

Only the 800,000 people needed to upgrade the city, there are still tens of thousands of vacancies.

It takes time for people to migrate.

Now it is not only the people of Qingzhou, but also the people of Sizhou and Yongzhou.

Many are also being migrated.

The people in Qingzhou moved to the sphere of influence of the Apocalypse City, while the people in other states filled their vacancies.

In the Battle of Wucheng, one million soldiers and millions of people died.

When Yizhou is re-developed, it will be necessary for many people to migrate.

Although the power of a powerful blow from the ghosts and gods is comparable to millions of equivalent nuclear/bombs, the power will be gone afterwards.

Unlike nuclear/bombs, its greatest lethality is the radiation after the explosion.

So Yizhou is safe now.

It only takes some time, energy, and money to rebuild it.

Of course population is the most important.

Wait until the evening.

Apocalypse City has 800,000 people in its sphere of influence.

Cheng Mu didn’t hesitate, and immediately chose to upgrade.

“Ding! Congratulations for successfully upgrading your subordinate city Apocalypse City to a third-level county city.”

“Because you are the first player to upgrade your subordinate city to a third-level county city, you get the SS-level historical character extraction order*1.”

The system god-tier seems to know that Cheng Mu is currently in short supply for Liguo.

Immediately, he was sent an SS-level historical factual character extraction order.

The SS-level historical figures came to Cheng Mu’s hands.

That will be an SSR again.

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