The 419th chapter is divided into six personnel

After Cheng Mu established the country, it represented the official end of the national war.

It was also at this moment that the national war mode was lifted.

“Ding-ding-ding! Ding-ding-ding!”

Cheng Mu’s private chat has been completely blown up.

He opened it and saw that they were all sent by Fat Tiger in March.

“Brother Mu, have you started a national war there?”

“Does Mu need help? My guild already has more than a thousand people.”

“Brother Mu, you are answering! Where have you been?”

“Brother Mu, you won’t be defeated, are you?”

“I’m so flustered!”


These were all sent to Cheng Mu by him when the China National War started.

And now, a new message is sent.

“Fuck! Great brother Mu!”

“Brother Mu, are you going to be the emperor? Niubi Niubi Niubi!”

“Emperor! Fuck! Isn’t it possible to open the harem?”

“Fuck! Envy! Brother Mu!”

“Brother Mu wait for me, I will rush to you immediately after the start of the national war!”

“Brother Mu!”

“Can you see it?”


There are 20 or 30 new messages, and the rate of one message per second is increasing.

Cheng Mu may not be so excited.

And his March Fat Tiger, I am afraid he is crazy.


In the end, Cheng Mu replied: “Read more!”

Encountered something shocking, or a moment of excitement.

What kind of words do you keep saying damn damn awkward?

“Good good! Hahahaha!”

Sanyue Fathu immediately replied: “I will definitely hug Brother Mu, your big thick legs!”

Such a strong joy, express emotions simply and directly with a damn awkward!


“Okay! I have something else, I’ll talk about it later!”

After calming the fat tiger in March, Cheng Mu closed the private chat again.

His friend, Sanyue Fathu is one.

As for the others, like Zhan Tianxia, ​​Yijian Qingxin, and Hu Guangguo. They are all watching the ceremony, and they don’t need to send messages.

After establishing the country, he still has many things to do.

So for now, it’s not the time for small talk.

In fact, the establishment of the country this time is still a country built in a hurry.

Dragon Robe? No.

The palace? No.

Yes, there are only a million people in Apocalypse City and these loyal soldiers around them.

There are also loyal partners like Yijian Qingxin and Fighting the World.

Of course, this is enough.

For Cheng Mu, there will be bread and milk.

Longpao Palace, it is only a matter of time.

And what he has to do now is to hold the first meeting of the DPRK.

Liguo rewards or something, but don’t worry about checking it yet.

Could it be the day of rejoicing, as the emperor, he silently hid from the side to receive rewards, and let everyone hang up?


“Long live my emperor, long live long live!”

In the prefecture and animal husbandry mansion, the courtiers kneeled and saluted again.

This is the place where the first meeting of the Kingdom of Apocalypse was held, simple but full of meaning.

I think back then, when that great party held a party meeting for the first time, it was not in a humble state.

Simple is not the key, the key is this new strength.

“Everyone is flat!”

Cheng Mu sat on the dragon chair, feeling surging.

As for where did the dragon chair come from? Of course it was moved from the palace in Tiandu.

Cheng Mu, who has experienced the influence of the great traditional civilization of the Chinese nation, has learned to be diligent and thrifty since childhood.

Anyway, all the useful things in the Tiandu Palace were moved over.

And the concubines of the emperor’s three palaces and six hospitals, of course, are also useful.

Looking at the many virtuous officers and generals in the hall, Cheng Mu said again:

“The purpose of the first pilgrimage is not only for me to be king, but also for the glorious ancestors!”

Don’t forget each other if you are rich and honorable.

Cheng Mu-neng has today, it is the result of everyone’s assistance.

Naturally, Cheng Mu will not forget everyone’s credit.

He said: “Zuge Liang!”

“Weichen is here!”

“I appoint you as the first prime minister of the dynasty and assist me in managing everything at home and abroad, big and small!”

“The minister thanks Lord Longen!”

Zhuge Liang is a well-deserved candidate for the first prime minister.

It also means that Cheng Mu will delegate most of the domestic power to him.

In other words, most things need Zhuge Liang to worry about.

The loyalty is always full, and Cheng Mu feels relieved to hand over his family and back to Zhuge Liang to take care of.

Then he ordered:

“Jia Sixie! I appoint you as the head of the household, and all the territories, fields, household registration, taxes, salaries and all financial matters are under your jurisdiction.”

Li Shishi is his woman after all, so she doesn’t have to work so hard anymore.

Jia Sixie knelt down and thanked him: “The minister thanks the Lord Longen!”

“Lin Chengzi! I appoint you as the official book of the officials, and take charge of the selection, examination, and nobles of civil servants across the country!”

Simply put, the selection, promotion, and evaluation of officials are all under the control of Lin Chengzi.

Lin Chengzi was so excited that he knelt down with a puff and shouted: “The minister is determined to die for your majesty!”

Although from a prime minister to a book.

But he knew that he was definitely promoted.

What is the future of being prime minister in China?

In the Kingdom of Apocalypse, his future achievements are not necessarily limited to this land of Kyushu.

After a while, Cheng Mu continued to appoint:

“Guan Hai! I appoint you as the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and coordinate all the soldiers, horses and military attaches in the world!”

Although Guan Hai only has SSS qualifications.

But for its credit, apart from Zhuge Liang, I am afraid that no one can compare the Apocalypse City.

In addition, he was forced to study by Cheng Mu recently, so he will definitely be able to hold the post of Shangshu in the Ministry of War in the future.

“Chen! Will become a sharp sword in the hands of your majesty!”

Guan Hai wouldn’t say anything too dramatic.

Anyway, he decided one point.

Cheng Mu asked him to hit anyone, and asked him to kill anyone. Even if you are going to die, you will not hesitate.


Cheng Mu nodded: “Guo Jia, I have hired you as a consultant for the Ministry of War to help manage the affairs of the Ministry of War.”

Guan Hai wants to take care of the military affairs alone, and it is still a bit difficult at present.

Although Guo Jia has not been loyal yet.

But the so-called warm water boiled frogs.

After Guo Jia did this matter, he couldn’t escape slowly.

“filial piety……”

Guo Jia originally wanted to hesitate, but when he saw Cheng Mu’s trusting gaze.

In the end he nodded: “Feng Xiao is willing to serve His Majesty!”

Assisting Zhang Zhushan to take care of the affairs of Sizhou for a long time, it is impossible for Guo Jia to take time off.

Those who are capable will become addicted to doing things.

This is the so-called sense of accomplishment after making achievements.

“Di Renjie!”

“Weichen is here!”

“I appoint you as the official book of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, in charge of the domestic criminal law, thoroughly investigate corruption/officials/pollution/officials, and eradicate all gangsters and tyrants!”

Cheng Mu didn’t want to set up so many departments.

Since it is the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, arrests and sentences, investigations and bribery are all merged.

Anyway, the loyalty is full, and he doesn’t have to worry about chaos among the ministries.

Subsequently, Cheng Mu appointed Shangshu of the Ministry of Engineering.

Fan Li.

The Ministry of Industry is in charge of various projects, craftsmen, farming, water conservancy, transportation, etc. Plus business!

Although Fan Li is a businessman, he can make money!

The money earned by the Apocalypse City caravan can be used to build various buildings, roads, water conservancy, etc.

In the same way, it is impossible for them to embezzle.

As for the final courtesy department, there are no professional talents yet.

So there are no appointments for the time being.

Cheng Mu didn’t open scientific examinations, and the Ministry of Etiquette was not in a hurry to ask for them.

Official, Lin Chengzi.

Huhu, Jia Sixie.

The Ministry of War, Guan Hai.

Criminal Ministry, Di Renjie.

Ministry of Industry, Fan Li.

The Ministry of Etiquette does not.

However, in addition to the Ministry of Rites, Cheng Mu also appointed Yijian Qingxin as Shangshu of the Xia Bu.

Xia Department, in charge of all Wandering Xia in China!

After so long, Yijian Qingxin’s loyalty can still be guaranteed.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Yijian was very excited.

At this moment, he finally got ahead.

Cheng Mu’s thighs, he didn’t hold a mistake.

I think Jianxin Pavilion had only two to three thousand people. And now, more than 10 million players in China are under his jurisdiction.

He is now under one person and above ten thousand people.

Afterwards, Cheng Mu urged: “You must work together to help me and Kong Ming manage domestic affairs.”

“The formation and recruitment of the following ministries, you will solve it yourself!”

It seemed that Cheng Mu was going to be the shopkeeper again.

In fact, it is.

The system urging him to receive many rewards has been sounding for a long time.

He Cheng Mu, can’t wait for a long time!

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