Chapter 438: The Man in Black


Han Chi gun out.

Only a huge roar was heard, and behind Cheng Mu suddenly appeared a tens of meters long frost dragon’s shadow.

The giant dragon carried the monstrous coercion, and the entire Yangzhou was breathless.


“Fuck! Why did the dragon come out too!”

“My God, is Cheng Mu the legendary true dragon emperor?”

“What are you in a daze? Run!”

“I…I have soft legs and have no strength.”

In an instant, a piece fell on the city wall.

Whether it is the player of Juyi Pavilion or the aboriginal soldiers.

Some people fled in panic, panicking.

There were also double-strike battles, and the heat flowed out.


There was another roar.

The frost dragon breathed out ice flames. It burned the entire section of Yangzhou City Wall like a plow.

But this burn is not to melt the target.

After the icy flames of the frost dragon passed, the entire city wall became a world of ice sculptures and jade.

The tail of the summer heat still remains today.

But at this time Cheng Mu only felt the biting chill like Winter.

Then the frost dragon disappeared, leaving only Cheng Mu here, with tens of thousands of ice sculptures.


Looking at the city wall that had completely turned into an ice sculpture, Cheng Mu was so cold that he trembled.

Of course, this tremor was mostly due to his excitement.

The coercion of the Frost Dragon is already comparable to the power of the town.

And now, this trick of the Ice Dragon Flame is not lost to the full blow of the Zhen Guo powerhouse.

If Cheng Mu ordered it, then the entire Yangzhou would be turned into a dead land of ice and snow.

He is still only a peerless realm powerhouse, but with the power of a peerless realm, he can perform an attack equivalent to that of a town realm powerhouse.

This is not what heaven-defying is?

“I can actually have the day of leapfrogging monsters!”

Cheng Mu was extremely excited.

According to the current strength system, only SSR like Zhao Yun can leapfrog.

But Cheng Mu now also has this possibility.

This is the power of mythical weapons!

“Your Majesty! Are you all right!”

Mulan flew up.

She has been watching the battle under the city, helping Cheng Mu to stare at the unruly person to death.


Cheng Mu motioned her to look at own masterpiece: “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?!”

It is a kind of enjoyment to be able to see ice sculpture art in the south in August.

“The ice is beautiful.”

Hua Mulan said: “It’s just that the people inside are not good-looking at all!”

Among the ice sculptures at this time, tens of thousands of Juyi Pavilion players still retained their hideous faces before they died.

If you look closely, this is a scene of The Underworld.


Cheng Mu nodded and said, “It’s just a memorial.”

“After these people are resurrected, they will see what they looked like before they died, it will be very interesting!”

With that said, he also clicked a few photos with the gadget for taking pictures and screenshots brought by the system.

To commemorate.

Ao Yinyin also ran up at this time.

She looked at the full range of ice sculptures, and her eyes were about to squint with excitement.

But when she saw the hideous face in the ice sculpture, she shrank back in fear again.


Ao Yinyin poked Cheng Mu’s clothes cautiously.

Cheng Mu turned his head and asked: “What?”

“That, that.”

Ao Yinyin whispered almost like a thief: “Can you make some more ice?”

“It’s best to ice that mountain!”

With that, she also pointed to the only hill outside Yangzhou City.

Even though she is over a hundred years old, she still hasn’t seen ice and snow several times.

However, Cheng Mu ruthlessly rejected her.

“What kind of snow is the kid playing!”

I still have important things to do, and I don’t have time to build an ice and snow amusement park for her.


Ao Yinyin pouted her mouth, her face full of displeasure.

But at this moment.

Suddenly there was a clicking sound from the dead ice sculpture.


Cheng Mu looked suspiciously at the place where the voice was made, with a face full of confusion.

Are there any survivors under the icy flames of the frost dragon?

Hua Mulan stood in front of him for the first time, and said very vigilantly: “Your Majesty, be careful!”

She knows why Bingke makes a sound.

Then there was another click.

In Cheng Mu’s surprised gaze, an ice sculpture was actually broken into two halves.

A black figure flashed past the ice sculpture, and disappeared in an instant.

“This is?”

Seeing such a weird scene, Cheng Mu was immediately stunned.

Someone really survived under the icy flames of the Frost Dragon.

And at this moment, he actually couldn’t feel the slightest breath of the disappeared.

“Your Majesty, be careful!”

Hua Mulan exhorted again.

She tightly held the Jasper Seven-Star Sword in her hand, as long as there was something wrong with her, she would immediately perform a big move.

Because even she couldn’t feel the breath of the man in black.

After the man in black came out of the ice sculpture, his whole person seemed to dissipate between heaven and earth.

No trace.


Cheng Mu also felt the pressure immediately.

He knew that this man in black also possessed the strength of the town border at least.

Even the border of the town is late stage.

Hua Mulan has been promoted to the middle stage of the town and country.

But even the Hua Mulan in the middle stage of Zhenguo couldn’t feel the breath of the other party, which was very problematic.

As soon as Ao Yinyin saw that something was wrong, she firmly grasped Cheng Mu’s clothes.

Although she is over a hundred years old, she is not high in strength!

Below the city, two hundred iron Buddha soldiers have begun to enter the city.

As long as they come, it can restrict the enemy’s actions.

However, in the next second, a cold light appeared on Hua Mulan’s neck.

It was like appearing suddenly, without giving her a chance to react at all.


Cheng Mugang wanted to remind him.

But the dagger had already reached Hua Mulan’s throat.


At the critical moment, Hua Mulan leaned forward and flashed her dagger across her neck.

Left a blood-red mark.

Then the new “Katz!” sound almost sounded at the same time.

However, this cutting sound came from the air in front of Hua Mulan.

The moment the enemy’s dagger appeared, the knife in Hua Mulan’s hand had already moved.

Dodge is just one of her actions.

Hua Mulan knew the opponent she hit.

It was just that the jasper seven-star knife in her hand had just touched the enemy, after feeling the moment of touch.

The jasper seven-star knife seemed to slash into the air again.

The man in black disappeared again.

“Mulan, are you okay?”

Cheng Mu rushed up in a hurry.

Seeing the red mark on Hua Mulan’s neck, he suddenly became angry.

“Your Majesty, I’m fine!”

Hua Mulan was moved in her heart, but she still got up instantly and protected Cheng Mu behind her back.

She said that she can only protect Cheng Mu from now on.

Although the enemy is very strong, the two of them are in the same state just now.

The man in black left blood marks on her neck, but she also slashed the opponent.

I just don’t know what secret method the other party used.

Even after the injury, the blood did not show up.

Not even the most basic smell of blood!

“Hurry up!”

The situation was urgent, Cheng Mu could only order the Tiefutu outside the city to enter the city quickly.

What happened just now was too fast and too fast, and it was only a second.

However, it took nearly half a minute for Tiefutu to come up.

The enemy has not left yet!

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