Chapter 447 is also a kind of cultivation

And just when Cheng Mu was inspecting Boning City.

Shadow Spear sent a message back.

Found the trail of Haoxuan!

“Oh? Where?”

For an instant, Cheng Mu couldn’t wait.

Although Naer Haruko ran away, he was relieved by killing Haoxuan!

No matter what status Naer Haruko is, she is a foreigner.

Collusion with foreigners, kill without mercy!

“His Majesty.”

Shadow Spear reports: “Haoxuan and tens of thousands of Juyige players have all gathered in Changzhou City!”

“It’s just that there are less than half of those Juyi Pavilion players.”

Changzhou, one of Yangzhou’s counties, is located in the northeast of Yangzhou.

Its capital is Changzhou City.

“There is still half?”

Cheng Mu sneered: “There are still so many people who are not afraid of death, then fulfill them!”

Now the whole Yangzhou supports Haoxuan, and there are only more than ten thousand Juyi Pavilion players.

As for the other players in Yangzhou, most of them were after Cheng Mu gave the order to move.

We have already set off for Bingzhou or Yunzhou.

Then Shadow Spear immediately said: “But it seems that Haoxuan may be waiting for someone!”

Even if there are more than 10,000 people under his command, what can it be?

Tens of millions of players in Apocalypse City have all surrendered. How big a wave can he make Haoxuan just rely on this little person?

The reason he didn’t leave was definitely that there were other schemes and successors.

“Wait for someone? Pirate?”

Cheng Mu thoughtfully.

After all, Shadow Spear reported it from the very beginning that there might be the shadow of the pirate Zheng Yisao behind Haoxuan.


Cheng Mu asked, “Where is the Heavenly Dragon Army now?”

The speed of a ship is naturally not comparable to a war horse.

“Just arrived in Yangzhou.”

Ying stab replied: “When General Zhang Shun arrives, it is estimated that it will take more than a long time.”

Yangzhou is also very big. Maybe he said more than half a day.

There is no steam power in these worlds.

Such a big ship travels entirely by wind and manpower.


Cheng Mu nodded: “Since Haoxuan wants to wait, then I will give him this opportunity!”

He thought that it would be better for Haoxuan to attract the pirates, and he would catch them all at once.

On the water, Zhang Shun has the strength comparable to the border of the town.

Plus the Mulan from the middle stage of Zhenguo.

Pirates should not be able to turn over any waves.

Then he handed over another task to Yingcai: “Go to Yunzhou to inform the time, let him return to Yangzhou to take office!”

Wang Bo of Boning City does have some strength.

But for now, Wang Bo’s thoughts are not all on the people.

So now, he can only continue to be his own Boning City County Guard.

In addition, Cheng Mu had already considered in advance to let Shi Li also serve as Yangzhou Shepherd.

When the time is right now, let Shifu take office.

And because Yangzhou has not suffered from war, it also has to serve as the logistics granary of the Apocalypse.

The national war will begin soon.

But now the material reserves of Apocalypse are not sufficient.


Shadow Spear took Cheng Mu’s manuscript to Yangzhou.

Now he has such a shortcut.

Go south from Yangzhou, and then take a boat to Yunzhou after reaching Yongzhou.

This can save a lot of time.

After all, if you travel by land, you have to go through Yizhou, Qingzhou, Sizhou, and finally reach Yunzhou from Yangzhou.

“Communication is still inconvenient.”

After the shadow stabbed away, Cheng Mu sighed again.

Although players can directly communicate with each other, the aborigines cannot.

Moreover, the emperor’s life cannot be conveyed through the player, which is actually not very convincing.

Those aborigines can’t verify the authenticity.

At this time, Hua Mulan said: “My son, why don’t you use pigeons?”

At present, in her heart, the carrier pigeon is still very trustworthy.


Cheng Mu shook his head.

Wandering Xia players roast pigeons and eat too often.

In order to buy equipment with the remaining money, the wild beasts were all caught by these Wandering Xia.

There are many more players, staged the drama of survival in the wilderness.

No way, the equipment is expensive!

learning skills? That’s more expensive!

In addition, the flying speed of the homing pigeon is not the fastest, and it can’t compare with the speed of the white horse whistle.

And the earth star is so big.

Therefore, it is no longer suitable to use pigeons to pass books.

Especially after the war starts, waiting for the carrier pigeons to deliver the news? The day lilies are cold.

“Then you can only use a whistle to ride.”

Hua Mulan nodded.

She never refuted Cheng Mu’s point of view, Cheng Mu said what she said.

“But the sentry ride will be restricted by geography!”

Cheng Mu still felt unsatisfied.

The speed of the sentry ride is naturally extremely fast, but sometimes it is not enough to face the complicated terrain and road conditions.

So according to his idea, he wants to train a flying messenger that can fly faster than carrier pigeons and deliver messages more reliably.

“Apocalypse is so big, you can always find it.”

He nodded, confident.

At this time, Ao Yinyin didn’t know where she came back from.

As soon as she entered the door, she shouted: “Cheng Mu Cheng Mu, give me money quickly!”

She should have found something interesting again.


Cheng Mu looked at the excited Ao Yinyin and asked, “What are you going to buy again?”

Ao Yinyin bought a lot of things when he was in Apocalypse City before.

But no matter what the toy, she would throw it away after playing for a day at most.

As a result, the pastoral mansion of Apocalypse Chengzhou became a place where Ao Yinyin discarded his toys.

“Buy a bird!”

Ao Yinyin said excitedly: “I saw a man selling invisible birds on the street. It’s really amazing!”

“When I buy it back, I will let it fly on the master’s head and pull bird shit!”

Her brain is extremely novel.

“Put bird shit on the master’s head?”

Cheng Mu looked black, and saw him lift Ao Yinyin up.

Asked: “Why do you keep having trouble with your master?”

The one who taught Ao Yinyin to study was the former teacher of a famous private school in Anqing County.

He is very good, and teaches students to do their best.

“Because he has beaten my hand before!”

When Ao Yinyin said this, she was very angry: “I am a very vengeful fish!”

After being punished by the master for playing truant several times, she hated each other.

“Okay, you! Actually thinking about doing bad things every day!”

Cheng Mu directly rewarded her with a chestnut.

Why is my heart so bad at a young age!

“You? Humph!”

With a shudder, Ao Yinyin covered her head even more angrily.

Roared: “After that, let Xiaohua shit on your head too!”

She remembered that Cheng Mu had bullied her several times, so she wanted to retaliate.

After speaking, she ran away angrily.

Seeing Ao Yinyin’s back, Hua Mulan said, “My son, Miss Yinyin is actually a child.”

She wanted to persuade Cheng Mu not to get angry with a child.

“I know, bear kid.”

Cheng Mu nodded, and then said: “As the fifth majesty of the dragon fish clan, Ao Yinyin has received too much doting during her growth.”

“So much so that he is hundreds of years old, but his mind is like a child.”

“But as our only link to the Arowana clan, Ao Yinyin is too important.”

“The five naive Arowana nobles are not in our interest.”

“Although we know very little about the Arowana tribe, we must be fully prepared.”

“If Ao Yinyin has the qualifications to inherit the Arowana’s throne, then we must train her even more.”

“In this way, it is more in our interest.”

He said a lot.

In fact, the most important thing is that Ao Yinyin concerns the interests of Cheng Mu and the Kingdom of Heaven.

The naive Ao Yinyin can indeed help him sometimes.

But naive, will also cut off Ao Yinyin’s qualifications to inherit the throne.

Although it is not yet known whether Ao Yinyin has inheritance rights, it is the wisest to be fully prepared.

Just tie Ao Yinyin to the own battlefield.

Then look for an opportunity to bring the dragon fish clan over.

This is the best choice.

Therefore, Cheng Mu sometimes bullies Ao Yinyin, which is actually a kind of tempering/teaching.

There is also cultivation.

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