Chapter 457: Fighting with Bayonet

“The future world is still very interesting.”

Cheng Mu closed the forum.

He knows that he has too many opponents.

Qin Huang Hanwu is actually a super boss.

Now it is only a Qing empire, so he needs to go all out.

“Kangxi, Qianlong, Yongzheng, Obai, Wei Xiaobao…”

Cheng Mu muttered in his heart, and then threw this unrealistic idea into his mind.

Kangxi and Qianlong are okay, and they can be regarded as a name in history.

But Wei Xiaobao? It may be that he had seen too many Ludingji in the past.

In fact, it is.

Well-known people in the Qing Dynasty, the most famous are not the two emperors Kangxi and Qianlong.

As for the others, he really didn’t know much.

In the previous Qing palace dramas, pulling those people out might even make people laugh.

However, Zeng Guofan in the late Qing Dynasty, both civil and military, can be regarded as a general.

It’s just that he doesn’t know if he will come.

“Follow it, push it horizontally first!”

For the Qing empire, the person Cheng Mu wanted to kill most was Heshen.

In fact, there is no other resentment, that is, Heshen is rich.

The rich and poor of Jie Heshen!

But while Cheng Mu was still immersed in his own thoughts, he was suddenly awakened by the shouts of soldiers.

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

In an instant, tens of thousands of soldiers moved.

Zhang Shun has returned to the flagship, and he has also found traces of the enemy.

“So lucky?”

Cheng Mu looked at the endless boats in the distance, and saw the black skull flag and the Zheng character flag hanging on the boats.

He knew that it was Zheng Yisao who came.

The overlord of the dignified sea unexpectedly came to greet him personally. It was an honor for him to Cheng Mu.

Put aside other things.

Zheng Yi’s sister-in-law was able to create such a huge pirate empire.

It is also really admirable.

“Your Majesty, we are surrounded!”

Zhang Shun reported with a solemn expression.

Around the Tianlong Army, circles of pirates surrounded them.

It seems that he himself drove the ship into the enemy’s encirclement.

“I know.”

Cheng Mu stood at the bow of the ship, quietly watching the enemy shrinking and encircling a little bit.

Hundreds of big ships surrounded him.

At this time, it is really hard to escape.

Hua Mulan walked out after hearing the news.

She also brought bad news to Cheng Mu: “My son, we have something below!”

She felt that a huge monster was lurking under everyone’s boat.

Just about to move.


Cheng Mu nodded again.

It is a crisis now, but his heart is extremely calm.

He had come to trouble Zheng Yisao.

Now Zheng Yisao brought it to the door by herself, that couldn’t be better.

Although Hua Mulan was seasick, she was still able to bring out the strength of the town’s borders.

If it doesn’t work, then you can only blame Ao Yinyin.

Although Ao Yinyin is small, she is definitely a hidden boss under Cheng Mu’s command.

“Order to go down, let the soldiers prepare for battle!”

Cheng Mu also gave the order.

The sea is also water.

With the blessing of Zhang Shun’s water warfare skills, the soldiers of the Tianlong Army are capable of crushing these pirates.

Coupled with fighting against pirates, robbing pirates.

This will also trigger the special effects of Jinfan soldiers, once again Ascension’s own strength.

According to Cheng Mu’s visual observation, there may be hundreds of thousands of enemies.

If one person of the Heavenly Dragon Army kills ten people, then 10,000 Heavenly Dragon Army officers can kill 100,000 pirates.

In this battle, he has successfully won.


Zhang Shun took the lead.

In fact, there is no need for every Tianlong Army soldier to kill ten enemies.

He alone can send tens of thousands of pirates to heaven.

The only thing Cheng Mu should pay attention to now is the giant beast lurking in the sea.

Once the ship capsized, the soldiers who fell into the water estimated that it would be difficult for them to survive.

Cheng Mu motioned a look to Ao Yinyin.

Although Ao Yinyin was a little reluctant, under Cheng Muna’s threatening gaze.

In the end she agreed.

at the same time.

Zheng Yisao’s fleet finally stopped approaching.

At this moment, Cheng Mu’s Heavenly Dragon Army was only three to five hundred meters away from them.

Here, it is still the best range of shipborne artillery.

Hua Mulan had already clenched the Jasper Seven-Star Knife in her hand, and motioned to her not to get excited.

On his own side, all the artillery of the twenty boats were loaded.

War is on the verge of breaking out.

At this time, a lucky ship approached.

Standing on the bow of the ship was a woman in her sixties.

Seeing the pirates around him showing respect to the old woman, Cheng Mu knew instantly.

The Lord is coming.

“You killed my sea kun?”

On the boat, Zheng Yisao looked at Cheng Mu condescendingly.

Eyes full of contempt.

In her eyes, what is a small country like Apocalypse? She didn’t go as she wanted to, or just as she wanted to.

Moreover, Cheng Mu now has only 20 boats and 10,000 people.

Faced with her peerless thief, Zheng Yisao, she was naturally helpless.

This is her confidence.

“Haikun? Is that the one that can teleport?”

Cheng Mu was puzzled, but did not shook his head in denial.

That’s the same sentence.

For him, there are enough gangsters on his body. It is chanting if it is believed to have killed the other side’s sea kun.

After gaining strength, Cheng Mu was no longer afraid of some dirty water on his body.

Of course, that Hai Kun did indeed die under the thunder that he used to destroy the world.

Naturally there will be some responsibilities.

And it is impossible for her Zheng Yisao to only punish her own people, so she can only vent her anger and return to her own money here.

“How dare to be disrespectful to Hai Kun?!”

Zheng Yisao became even more angry when Cheng Mu used the word [that].

I saw her roaring: “Dare to be disrespectful to Hai Kun, you will die for it today!”

The revenge of killing Kun had to be reported.


Cheng Mu responded indifferently.

He didn’t want to talk to this old woman who looked like a kimchi.

People like Zheng Yisao who died of her husband at a young age may be perverted in their hearts.

It was the moment when Zheng Yisao’s voice just fell.


Thousands of artillery fired in unison.

They seemed to want a round, so they blasted the Heavenly Dragon Army into a sieve.

Just at this time.

Zhang Shun yelled: “Get up!”

Suddenly, a wall of water surged around the Tianlong fleet.

This move is actually a variant of his Wave Slash.

The role of the water wall is naturally to protect the Tianlong fleet and resist enemy shells.

“Boom! Boom!”

Then there was a continuous sound of heavy objects entering the water.

Thousands of shells hit the wall of water one after another.

The huge impact made Zhang Shun’s forehead beaded with sweat!

Originally, these cannonballs could penetrate these water walls with the speed at which they exited.

But Zhang Shun’s power imprisoned them.

It is really a difficult task for one person to resist the blast of ten thousand cannons.

Hua Mulan didn’t make a move, she was worried that she would destroy the water wall cast by Zhang Shun.

“Fighting on the side!”

Cheng Mu gave the order again.

If you don’t move here, you will be beaten endlessly.

Only by joining forces with these pirates can the strength of the Tianlong Army soldiers be manifested.

Naturally, they couldn’t fight Zheng Yisao for the number of artillery.

Then, let’s fight the knife!

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