The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 780: Guan Yu is 1 against 5


The horn of attack resounded throughout the world.

Yelu Abaoji personally led an army of three million to Shangjing.

"Roar! Kill!"

The striker is the Hundred Thousand Giant Rhino Knights. Relying on its thick skin and thick flesh, the huge rhinoceros, which is three meters high, braved the rain of arrows and went straight forward.

The huge body shakes the ground every step it takes.

"Shoot 'em!"

On the city wall, Liao Hua held a big knife and gave orders sharply.

He was originally the knife-wielding younger brother of Guan Yu, but because of this life, Liu Bei's talents withered.

Naturally, he was also promoted.

The so-called Shuzhong has no generals, and Liao Hua is the vanguard.

Since Liao Hua can lead the army as a vanguard, he is naturally capable.

Sure enough, under his command, more than a dozen Liannu on the city wall gave off a frighteningly cold light under the direct sunlight.

This is no longer the Zhuge Liannu, it is Pang Tong's giant crossbow modified based on the Zhuge Liannu.

Each crossbow arrow is more than one meter long, and the arrows are also carefully polished armor-piercing arrows.

It only takes one arrow to shoot through the shield of the shield soldier. And the human body and the horse? Then there is no need to say more.

As soon as the crossbow arrows go down, whether it is soldiers or war horses, they will be strung together like grasshoppers.

This month, no less than 500,000 Liao soldiers died under Pang Tong's crossbow.

This is the big killer in Liu Bei's hands!

In order to resist Pangtong's giant crossbow, Yelu Abaoji took out his treasure from the bottom of the box.

Giant Rhino Knight, Yelu Abaoji's strongest fighter.

This battle is a duel between Pang Tong's giant crossbow and giant rhinoceros knight.

Click click click click...

On the city wall, more than a dozen Pangtong giant crossbows were twisting the capstan, and the surrounding soldiers loaded rows of crossbow arrows into it.

The cold front emanating from the crossbow could cut a soldier's palm if he was not careful.

Under the originally clear sky, it was precisely because of the cold front of the crossbow arrows that the air was so chilly.

Then, after filling.


Liao Hua gave an order.


In an instant, hundreds of crossbow arrows shot out in volley.

As soon as everyone heard the sound of piercing through the air, the crossbow arrows appeared in front of the giant rhinoceros knight.

Puff, puff, puff.

There were continuous stabbing sounds, and these thick-skinned giant rhinos became scarred in an instant.

Especially the giant rhinoceros knight who rushed to the front. At this moment, both the giant rhinoceros and the soldiers on his back had turned into rotten meat.

Under the giant crossbow, everything is invincible!


Although the victory was achieved with one blow, there was no joy on Liao Hua's face.

With a cold face, he once again commanded the giant crossbow to load the arrows.

Although the Pangtong giant crossbow can be loaded with twenty armor-piercing crossbow bolts at one time, the number of giant crossbows is far from enough.

These dozens of giant crossbows are all that can be built after searching the resources of the entire capital.

If he wants to build more Pangtong crossbows, Liu Bei needs to capture a few more cities.

This is why Liu Bei is so eager to come out and do it alone.

The power of Pangtong's giant crossbow was too great, and he was worried that it would arouse Yang Jian's jealousy when it was cast in the Sui Empire.

Only when he doesn't rely on others can he truly show his strength!


Outside the city, while Pangtong's giant crossbow was being reloaded, the 100,000 Giant Rhino Knights marched another tens of meters.

Indeed, hundreds of giant rhinos were shot to death in the wave just now.

But the battlefield at this time is a hundred thousand giant rhinos!

If he wanted to shoot all the 100,000 giant rhino knights, then Liu Bei's Pangtong crossbow would have to attack a hundred times.

a hundred times?

The upper capital has been flattened!


The death of the companion triggered the roar of the giant rhinos.

They roared one after another, and their originally dark and bright eyes turned red at this moment.

After a roar, nearly 100,000 giant rhinos galloped together.

Rumble! Rumble!

For a moment, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the power shook the world.

The thick and huge Shangjing City couldn't help trembling under the galloping giant rhinoceros.

On the city wall, countless soldiers were shaken to their feet, and the crossbow arrows that were being loaded also fell to the ground one after another.

One hundred thousand giant rhinos charged, and their power was more majestic than a million cavalry.

"Haha! The widow's good boy!"

Seeing the boundless might of the Giant Rhino Knight, Captain Yelu Abao behind him heaved a sigh of relief and laughed heartily.

For a long time, the one hundred thousand giant rhinoceros knights have been his trump card and the fundamental guarantee for him to secure his position as the lord of the capital.

Now it is a great honor for Liu Bei to pull it out to let Liu Bei and others see it!

How did Shangjingcheng get lost?

Probably when Yelu Abaoji was having a drink with Zhao Kuangyi and Li Yuanhao to celebrate the withdrawal of the Tang Empire, the house was suddenly stolen.

So after being despondent, he hurriedly led his army back to help.

His original intention was to trap Liu Bei to death in Shangjing, hoping to preserve the original appearance of Shangjing to the greatest extent.

Unexpectedly, this fight lasted for a month.

Several generals under his command have died, but Liu Bei in the city is still alive and well.

So, he couldn't sit still.

When one hundred thousand giant rhinoceros knights appear, it is impossible for Shangjing City to remain intact!


Looking at the smoke and dust all over the sky and the menacing giant rhinoceros on the city wall, Guan Yu snorted coldly.

In an instant, the world is clear.

The Shangjing City, which was shaken by the shock, became as stable as gold soup at this moment, and the guards on the city wall also burst out with a strong fighting spirit.

Be fearless.

Unparalleled Loyalty: Guan Yu uses his own power to influence friendly targets, improving morale and defense.

As long as Second Master Guan is around, there will be no deserters on the battlefield. When all the soldiers on the city wall choose to die for Liu Bei, how can there be anyone who is afraid?


Seeing how easily Guan Yu stabilized the situation, Liao Hua glanced at him gratefully.

Then, under his command, more than a dozen Pangtong giant crossbows showed their power again.


The crossbow arrows roared out like a giant dragon, and the huge power once again shocked everyone.

With the blessing of Guan Yu's [Loyalty and Justice] skill, the power of Pang Tong's giant crossbow has once again increased.

The giant rhinoceros, which was originally extremely thick, became as fragile as paper in front of the crossbow arrows.

Just a few breaths.

Click, click, click, the three-meter-tall giant rhino was shot through. The huge crossbow arrows carried scarlet flesh, and suddenly pierced into the body of a giant rhinoceros behind.

With this blow, the giant rhinoceros killed in battle doubled directly.

The huge body fell to the ground, and this giant barricade caused great obstacles to the teammates behind.

When a giant rhino tripped over, the situation became out of hand.

Rumble! Rumble!

In just a few breaths, thousands of giant rhinos were reduced to meat paste under the feet of their companions.

The strong smell of blood completely aroused the anger of the surrounding giant rhinos.


While roaring, the impact speed of these giant rhinos became faster. Although many giant rhinos fell to the ground during the period, their ending...

Die or die together with your companions!


In the rear, Yelu Abaoji clenched his fists when he saw thousands of giant rhinoceros knights dying at the hands of his own people.

He held back the anger in his heart.

Although his face was displeased, he had to accept this question.

When charging, it will trample the same kind to death. This is the biggest and unavoidable shortcoming of the giant rhinoceros knight.

How can there be any perfect arms?

Yelu Abaoji comforted himself a long time ago, as long as Shangjing was captured, even if half of these giant rhinoceros knights died in battle, he would not frown!

"Boom! Boom!"

Seeing the Giant Rhino Knight getting closer and closer to the city wall, Liu Bei, who was standing on the city wall supervising the battle, suddenly felt a little panic in his heart.

There is no way, the power of the giant rhinoceros knight is too great. Coupled with the huge number of 100,000, his Pangtong crossbow, which has high hopes, cannot wipe out all the giant rhinos.

At this time, there is no other way to do it.

"Second brother!"

Liu Bei called out softly.

Now only Guan Yu is the strongest under his command, so let Guan Yu deal with the 100,000 Giant Rhino Knights.

It just so happened that Guan Yu needed Yelu Abaoji's attention.

"Brother obeys!"

Guan Yu took the order and walked forward slowly with the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand. The aura of his whole body also became stronger and stronger along with his steps.

"It's the man with the red face and long beard! Here he comes!"

"Attention everyone, Guan Yu is about to attack!"

"Keep an eye on him, as long as he dares to come out, kill him!"

"Huh~ This general wants the head of the red-faced thief!"

"Yelusu is here, the red-faced thief will die!"


In fact, Guan Yu didn't need to deliberately attract Yelu Abaoji's attention.

As long as he moves, he becomes the focus.


Yelu Abaoji was waiting for this moment.

Can a red face and long beard be called invincible? Ah! There is simply no invincible person in the world!


Under his command, the five strong men rushed towards Guan Yu together. It's true that you can't beat Guan Yu in one fight, but sometimes there are more people is the advantage is victory!


As the five roared, the sky and the earth changed color.

But at this moment, Guan Yu's roar that resounded through the world came: "Qinglong Yanyue Slash!"


In an instant, a huge cyan sword slashed straight down.

On the blade, the tumbling green dragon turned the whole world into blue.

"Block! Block!"

At this moment, Yelu Abaoji's canthus was about to burst. He didn't expect Guan Yu's movements to be so fast?

As soon as he ordered Guan Yu to be killed, Guan Yu's attack had already fallen.

As if in the blink of an eye, nearly one hundred thousand giant rhinoceros knights couldn't help trembling.


Under the blade, the green dragon roared.

Guan Yu's knife split the earth in an instant.

Under this huge power, the giant rhinos turned into scraps and pieces of meat one after another.

Wherever the blade passed, blood flowed like a river, and not a blade of grass grew.


Facing this invincible knife, the five people who had just rushed up could only stand still to resist.


Yelusu was the strongest among the five. He held a pair of hammers, and with the support of the four behind him, he met the knife.


The double hammer collided with the giant knife, and the sound of the ground shaking and the mountains shaking sounded.

This blow was like falling from the sky, and the sound made after the collision made everyone feel as if they were being beaten by drums.

Many soldiers were directly shocked to death, bleeding from their orifices.

The elite horse's legs were also weakened by the shock at this moment, and it knelt down on the ground for a long time, unable to get up.

Yelusu only felt a mountain peak hit him, and the huge force knocked him flying in an instant.


Blood spurted out, and the four powerhouses behind him were also backlashed by power.

The corner of the mouth is bleeding, and the breath is floating.

With just one blow, Guan Yu was invincible with one against five!

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