"God... Altar?"

Yelusu covered his heart with one hand, his face full of disbelief.

He could perceive Guan Yu's strength, which was only half a step above the altar.

But is such a person actually able to display the strength of the altar stage?

What kind of monster is this?

He, Yelusu, is also a strong man in the background of Shenmen. Although he does not say that he is a peerless arrogance, he is also the strongest among the strongest. At this time, there are still four strong men of the God Gate Realm beside me...

Five gods can't beat one and a half step gods? No, no, this is the strength of the altar realm!

In an instant, Yelusu felt as if he had discovered the biggest secret in the world.

Now that all the strong people in the altar realm have ascended, this red-faced Guan Yu actually has the same fighting power as the altar realm.

If the empress is still here, he must shout: "Hey, the fish that slipped through the net!"

In an instant, the way he looked at Guan Yu changed.

In the past, if Guan Yu was the enemy, now Guan Yu is the enemy of mankind!

"No...not the altar."

But at this moment, Xiao Dilu on the side said in a deep voice: "Our strength has been reduced."

He didn't notice it at first. But after being hacked away by Guan Yu, he finally reacted.

It's not that Guan Yu is too strong, but his own strength has become weaker.

"How...how is it possible?"

Yelusu felt himself carefully, and then felt the crowd.

The strength gap between everyone is no different from usual, right? Just like soldiers under his command.

He alone can kill millions of soldiers, and now, he can still kill millions of people!

"You feel the strength of the enemy."

Xiao Dilu didn't say too much, just let him feel the strength of the enemy soldiers.

It was at this moment that Yelusu's complexion changed suddenly.

"It actually... actually reduced our strength!"

After Xiao Dilu made a point, he finally realized what the problem was.

The strength of everyone on his own side has been reduced, and the enemy soldiers are weak, so he didn't notice it.

But now, he knows. This red-faced Guan Yu actually has such vicious skills?

"That is to say, this is the reason why they died in battle before?"

It was also at this time that Yelusu finally came to his senses. Why did Shangjingcheng fight on his side for a month and still couldn't fight down, and several generals died in battle.

The main reason is that Guan Yu has weakened everyone's strength!

You must know that in the battle of the strongest, even a one-thousandth difference in strength will affect the outcome of the outcome.

"Presumably so, these thieves are really cunning!"

Xiao Dilu raised his vigilance.

Now that Guan Yu can reduce his strength, what if there are other tricks?

The atmosphere on the battlefield became heavy and solidified at this moment.

"Oh? Finally found out?"

Seeing that Yelusu and Xiao Dilu looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, Guan Yu laughed mockingly: "So what if we found out?"

Martial God Arrives (Passive Talent Skill): After Guan Yu arrives on the battlefield, the strength of one's own target will be increased by 10%, and the strength of the enemy's target will be reduced by 10%. And as the battle continues, the enhancement and reduction effects can reach up to 50%.

The God of Valor is coming, this is Guan Yu's innate skill, and it is still passive.

In other words, as long as Guan Yu stands on the battlefield, he can strengthen his own side and weaken the enemy even if he doesn't make a move.

Don't think that the highest 50% gain effect is not high, but this is a two-way effect skill.

One's own side is strengthened by 50%, and the enemy's is reduced by 50%. Doesn't this add up to 100%?

Coupled with the skill of [Loyalty and Justice], the strength of Guan Yu's soldiers can reach at least 150%.

Such a powerful strength-enhancing effect is enough to raise the strength of his soldiers to a higher level.

The stronger the commander, the stronger the soldiers under his command.

This is reality.

This is why the Tang Empire would rather let Xue Rengui, Li Jing and others live alone than let them exchange for the lives of millions of soldiers.

How is an army without the most powerful man different from bandits and bandits?

"It does have some strength."

Seeing that Guan Yu was able to defeat five with one, Yelu Abaoji couldn't help showing a hint of admiration on his face.

Such a fierce general, it would be great if he could be driven by him.

After hearing Xiao Dilu's explanation, he didn't panic anymore.

Can Guan Yu reduce the strength of his generals? Could it be that he couldn't strengthen the strength of his soldiers?


I saw him waving his hand lightly.

In an instant, a golden national fortune flew out of his body.

When the golden dragon sprinkled the golden light all over the battlefield, a different scene appeared in the battle situation in an instant.

With the blessing of the Golden Dragon of National Luck, Yelusu, Xiao Dilu and others took the lead in recovering their strength.

And the remaining soldiers below felt even more powerful at this moment.

The surviving giant rhinoceros knights roared again and rushed towards the city wall.

Guan Yu's blow just now did kill tens of thousands of Giant Rhino Knights, but in the end Yelusu's block also played a role.

Although others were beaten into the air, the giant rhinoceros rider behind him survived.

Fifty thousand giant rhinoceros knights are still the absolute kings on this battlefield.

"Open the city gate!"

At this time, Guan Yu changed his fighting style.

He knew that he could no longer stand on the city wall. The enemy wants to kill him? Then he will give the enemy a chance!

"Azure dragon heavy cavalry, follow me to kill the enemy!"

Under his roar, 200,000 Qinglong heavy cavalry roared out.

This is a heavy cavalry soldier in black heavy armor. The iron armor hides his face and is full of murderous looks. He has a Guan knife that exudes a blue chill, and with the blue cloak fluttering in the wind behind him, it looks really Majestic.

It not only gives the enemy boundless fear and pressure, but also does not lack majesty and solemnity.

As soon as the Qinglong heavy cavalry came out, the situation on the battlefield changed instantly.

200,000 Azure Dragon Heavy Cavalry vs. 50,000 Giant Rhinoceros Knights, this is a duel between the killing **** and the giant beast.

Boundless killing intent has flooded the entire battlefield, and many soldiers died under the fierce killing intent.


At this time, seeing Guan Yu personally leading the army out of the city, Yelusu and others in mid-air could not stand still.

The five people rushed straight down from all directions.

Yelu Abaoji has given them death orders, if Dongwang, Nanwang, Zhonghuang and others fail to capture Shangjing City after they arrive, then they will shame Yelu Abaoji!

Such a courtier who does not share the emperor's worries may be put to death!

"Haha! Good job!"

Seeing the five people rushing towards him, Guan Yu burst out laughing.

What he wants is this result.

"Ping'er, I'll leave this to you!"

He handed over the command of the 200,000 green dragon heavy cavalry to his son Guan Ping, and rushed towards Yelusu and the others on his own initiative.

He wants to lure the five of them into deep space and create an opportunity for Ma Chao to surprise Yelu Abaoji!

"Dad, don't worry! Leave the ground battlefield to me!"

Guan Ping also looked like a sixteen-year-old general at this time, riding a fine horse and holding a spear.

Judging from the country-suppressing aura emanating from his body, this is also a proud son of heaven.

The sixteen-year-old strong man in Zhenguojing is comparable to Zhao Yun and others before him.

Indeed, although Guan Ping did not have too many dazzling achievements in history, who made him the son of Guan Yu?

In terms of Guan Yu's talent, how could his son be mediocre?


After making a promise, Guan Ping rushed into the enemy line first.


With one shot, a giant rhino was pierced by him in an instant. The huge hole in the body of the giant rhino is big enough to pass through a human!


The gigantic corpse of the giant rhinoceros fell to the ground, shaking up dust all over the sky.

When the dust filled the air, Guan Ping's figure rushed out again.

Click click click click!

These giant rhinoceros knights with first-class strength have no enemy in front of him at all!

"Haha! I'm coming too!"

On the city wall, seeing Guan Ping killing all directions, Liao Hua also jumped down with a leap.

He was in charge of the defense of the city wall, and the soldiers on the city wall were his soldiers.

But it wasn't fun to watch on the city wall, so impatient, he jumped down with a big knife in his hand.

As long as the enemy is not close to the city wall, it is also a successful defense of the city.


On the city wall, looking at the extremely brave soldiers under his command, Liu Bei's restless heart finally found a little bit of stability.

Just hold on for a few more days~www.readwn.com~ The army of the Sui Empire is coming.

At that time, no matter whether he is working together or fighting in separate lines, Liu Bei's pressure will be much less.

Now that the Tang Empire and the Apocalypse Empire are at war, and when Liu Bei and the Liao Empire are fighting inextricably, how can Yang Jian still sit still?

Coupled with the generals Han Qinhu, Yang Su and others worried that Liu Bei would take all the credit, it was naturally Yang Jian who decided to send troops under the urging of his ministers and generals.

"My lord, you can order Meng Qi to leave the city."

It was at this time that Pang Tong behind him spoke out to remind him.

He has taken control of the entire battle situation.

After Guan Yu dragged Yelusu and others back, when everyone's eyes were on the city wall, the time to attack and kill Yelu Abaoji came!

In this battle, the most critical part of the battle to defend the capital was Ma Chao.


When he heard that Yelu Abaoji could be attacked and killed, Liu Bei couldn't help but get excited.

According to Pang Tong's strategy, if Ma Chao succeeds, then Liu Bei will be able to gain a firm foothold in Shangjing.

By that time, the entire Liao Empire will be in his pocket!

"The last general will go too!"

Ma Chao was not ambiguous. The moment the order was just issued, he led 200,000 Xiliang cavalry to rush out from the north gate.

Because the sound of fighting at the battlefield at the front south gate was earth-shattering, the news that he led the army out of the city did not spread far at all.

Afterwards, the Xiliang iron cavalry continued northward.

You have to spare a big circle in order not to be alerted by Yelu Abaoji!

"They? Are they going to stop Longxu?"

Yelu Abaoji is not mediocre, how could he not send people to investigate the movements of the gates?

It's just that Ma Chao's completely opposite marching direction made him frown.

The battlefield is at the south gate, and his reinforcements are also at the south gate.

What does it mean that this army is heading north?

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