The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 808: The Battle of Anbei City in the Tang Dynasty (5)


Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty, in the Daming Palace.

Li Shimin, who was reviewing the memorial, suddenly let out a scream, and then screamed while clutching his left leg.

His face was ferocious and he was dripping with sweat. It must be the pain that goes deep into the bone marrow!

Some eunuchs rushed in when they heard the sound, and when they saw the blood stains on Li Shimin's left knee, everyone looked terrified.

Li Shimin was injured, he was injured while reviewing the memorial.

Some people speculated that there was a mysterious assassin who stabbed Li Shimin and fled thousands of miles away without a trace.

Some people also speculated that Li Shimin was cursed, and heard that there was such an ancient voodoo technique in southern Xinjiang.

All kinds of speculation emerge in endlessly, confusing and confusing. As a result, a vigorous search was carried out throughout Chang'an City...

For a while, people were panicked and turbulent.

Many bandits were caught, and many people were killed by mistake.

However, Li Shimin, as the party involved, has not expressed his position.

He actually knew exactly what was going on.

His own knee injury was obviously the backlash of the national fortune.

In other words, Datang's national fortune has been reduced by another layer. After careful consideration, he fixed his eyes on the golden dragon who protects the country.

The Golden Dragon of Protecting the Country of the Great Tang carries one-third of the national fortune of the Great Tang Empire. Only when the Golden Dragon Protecting the Nation is injured can the backlash of the national destiny be so huge and obvious.

Even if Sun Simiao healed Li Shimin's injuries later on, Li Shimin's actions would still be affected in the days to come.

The backlash of the fate of the country is so mysterious that even a medical practitioner like Sun Simiao is helpless!

Under the continuous blows, Li Shimin's state has fallen to a low point. Now he has white hair and pale face, where does he still have a trace of the demeanor of an ancient emperor?


The new prince Li Chengqian has been by Li Shimin's side these days.

Because of the rebellion in the previous life, Li Chengqian was closely monitored and restrained by Li Shimin as soon as he arrived in this life.

He was originally in the situation of being alone and dying of old age, but in the end he was killed because of Li Zhi, and he appeared in Li Shimin's eyes again.

There is no one to choose.

Moreover, the current Tang Dynasty needs a prince to stabilize the hearts of the people, so Li Chengqian was released.

Once you come, it's the prince!


These days, Li Chengqian did his own work and served him without complaint. Li Shimin saw all of these in his eyes.

So he finally made up his mind and said, "From tomorrow onwards, you don't have to come here."

"Supervise the country on my behalf, and protect the foundation of the Tang Dynasty for me!"

The war between the Great Tang Dynasty and the Apocalypse Empire has already unfolded in full swing. As the emperor, Li Shimin, how can he sit and wait for death in Chang'an City?

Cheng Mu, the lord of the Apocalypse Empire, will conquer in person, so Li Shimin will also conquer in person!

Instead of procrastinating and fighting, why not solve the problem once and for all?

After Xue Rengui's defeat and Cheng Yaojin's death, Li Shimin has already understood a truth.

A few strong men in the district could not resist Cheng Mu, and every time it would only increase the casualties.

If so, give it a go.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are still a few powerful people in the Tang Empire, and while Li Shimin can still fight Cheng Mu to the death...

It's a battle to decide the outcome!


The sudden order made Li Chengqian startled, he knelt down on the ground in disbelief and joy: "Thank you, Father!"

"Father, please don't worry, I will do my best!"

Although he failed in his previous life, the opportunity to take power in this life has come!


Li Shimin had great expectations for Li Chengqian, he walked down, patted Li Chengqian on the shoulder and said: "This time, don't let them look down on you!"

One only needs to fail once.

This life, the future Tang Dynasty, will still belong to Li Chengqian after all!

Afterwards, Li Shimin issued another edict: "Order Fuji and Xuanling to come see me!"

The eldest grandson Wuji and Fang Xuanling are still Li Shimin's left arm and right arm, the ministers of the shoulders!

It's time for them to die for their country!


Anbei City.

The prison-like scene outside the city made Cheng Mu's heart agitated.

Although he knew that it was extremely common for soldiers under his command to die in battle, the Great Tang Protector Golden Dragon did not kill human soldiers, but only killed Asian soldiers...

With such a behavior, is it possible that the Golden Dragon of National Fortune distinguishes enemies according to the number of arms and heads?

Just like that, Di Ri's sub-barbarian army was directly abolished.

"Naughty animal!"

The huge movement alarmed Li Cunxiao who was watching the battle nearby.

Li Cunxiao did not approve of the ineffective attack of the Black Order.

If he was fighting the golden dragon just now, he would definitely protect the soldiers behind him.

So, in an emergency, he chose to help Hei Ling!


Di Ri only felt that the flames of death were getting closer and closer to him. He wanted to run, but the huge pressure made his legs weak at the moment.

‘Is it possible that Di Ri is going to die here today? '

A trace of unwillingness emerged in his heart.

Although there is a Hall of Valor in China that can let him go again. But the second resurrection not only requires multiple resurrection materials, even the resurrected body will be affected.

Nothing is perfect, not even Valhalla.

If the target resurrects too many times in the Hall of Valor, he will eventually degenerate into an ordinary person.

Knowing this is why he Di Ri is not reconciled!

crucial moment.

"The evil animal will die!"

With a roar, a long halberd flew towards the sky.

The Demon Dragon Divine Halberd turned into a huge black dragon amidst the roar. This is a huge dragon with two wings. The wings are hundreds of meters long. There is a cold light flashing between the sharp fangs, which makes people shudder.

There are already thunderclouds rolling in the sky, and black clouds are overwhelming the city. The thunder was scattered, and the demonic energy was overwhelming!


The moment the magic dragon appeared, the Golden Dragon of Protecting the Kingdom of the Tang Dynasty roared.

In the past, there were demon cats acting fiercely, and now there are demon dragons appearing in the world. These monsters really didn't pay attention to the golden dragon protecting the country!

What is a mere dragon tail broken? Absorb the power of national destiny scattered between heaven and earth and re-condense it!

What it wants now is to devour all the magic cats and dragons!

Slaughter the powerful enemy, the grand fortune of the country.

As long as the black order and the magic dragon are all killed, the lost fortune of the Tang Empire will once again be united.

After the roar, the golden dragon, the black order, and the magic dragon fought together.

"Master Meow, I'm so **** off!"

Hei Ling cursed while attacking: "This shameless thing actually wants to steal the king's things!"

Hei Ling first took a fancy to the National Luck Golden Dragon...

Forget it, if it wasn't that he couldn't beat it, he wouldn't let the magic dragon share a bite of snacks for him.

And from the demon dragon, Hei Ling felt a trace of demon power comparable to his own.

"If it weren't for you being a demon, I would have eaten you too!"

Cursing and cursing, Hei Ling finally accepted the reality of cooperating with the magic dragon.

After the golden dragon absorbed the national luck scattered in Anbei Duhufu, its strength once again returned to its peak state.

The strength of the background of the altar defeated Hei Ling and the magic dragon.

"Hey, please cooperate!"

Hei Ling became more and more angry, he angrily said: "I attract firepower, you attack."

It and the magic dragon are both half-step altar-level strength, so if you want to defeat the golden dragon, you can only fight together.

In a moment, Hei Ling swelled to the size of a mountain again, and he was brazenly facing the whipping from the Golden Dragon of Protecting the Country.


The magic dragon immediately understood the meaning of the black order. I saw it flying quickly, looking for the golden dragon's flaws from all directions.


The golden dragon swept Hei Ling's back with one claw, and Hei Ling, who was originally thick-skinned and thick-skinned, couldn't help but howl at this moment.

The huge dragon claws grabbed into its flesh and blood, and the power of Xeon's national fortune began to corrode its body little by little.

At this time, its back was rolling like a frying pan, making sizzling and gurgling sounds.

In the air, there was actually a smell of meat floating in the air.



But at this moment, the golden dragon suddenly let out a howl.

The sharp teeth of the magic dragon bit its dragon body, and that body, which was bigger than Jiang He, was instantly bitten through.

Countless energy of magical thoughts poured in from the wound, and began to devour Jinlong's body bit by bit.


There was another roar, and the golden dragon curled up and entangled the magic dragon inside.

The huge entanglement force made the dragon lose its mobility in an instant. It wants to struggle, but Jinlong's strength is getting stronger and stronger.


The hard dragon wing was broken, and the devilish energy overflowing from the wound became stronger and stronger.

The severe pain made the dragon couldn't help but increase the strength of his teeth. Ever since, the two dragons bit even harder!


At this time, Hei Ling also rushed over.

He bit the golden dragon's head with one bite, wanting to swallow the golden dragon for protecting the country in one bite.

However, the mighty golden dragon is so easy to swallow? The golden light of national destiny emanating from the golden dragon's body burned them up and howled.

But even so, none of the three parties let go.

The severe pain inspired their battle roars, and now one cat and two dragons are tightly, death will not stop!

"It's so exciting!"

Hei Ling and Molong teamed up to fight against Jinlong. Cheng Mu, who was watching behind him, was full of passion and ready to move.

He thought that if the fortunes of the Apocalypse Empire could devour this golden dragon, then his strength would be condensed by more than half.

Not to mention being able to enter the half-step **** stage, but there is no problem in the middle realm of the **** gate.

Of course, he didn't want to go out on his own. He raised his hand and looked at the Chi spear in his hand.

At this time, the Hanchi spear was a half-step fairy-level weapon, and there was also a small half-golden dragon engraved on the gun body.

In the next second, he also threw out the Chichi Spear: "Go!"

Since the Golden Dragon of Protecting the Country of the Tang Dynasty took the initiative to deliver it to the door, everyone would get a share.

Everyone eats meat, and everyone is happy.


But at this moment, Cheng Mu only felt something pushing his trousers.

He looked down and saw that it was Panda.

After seeing that Hei Ling, Demon Dragon, and Han Chi Gun were all given a bite to eat, Pang Da was also very greedy.

Although it doesn't know what the National Luck Golden Dragon is, it can feel it.

That dragon is delicious!

"Okay, you go too!"

Cheng Mu was not polite, picked it up and kicked it out.

Pang Da's chubby body flew a long way in mid-air, and finally just hugged it.

Ever since, the next battle was a melee between the Golden Dragon, Hei Ling, Demon Dragon, Han Chi Dragon Soul, and Pang Da.

Hei Ling and Molong wanted to tear the golden dragon apart with all their strength, and each took a share of the pie and went back to enjoy it.

But Panda is different.

It stayed there no matter where it went, and then began to devour the golden dragon's luck without moving.

As long as there is delicious food, even if the sky falls, it will not turn over!

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