The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 810: The Battle of Anbei City in the Tang Dynasty (7)

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The boundless war drum sounded.

Under Cheng Mu's personal leadership, the soldiers of the Apocalypse Army broke into the enemy group.

Zhang Wanlong was the first to fight Li Jing.

Li Jing, who had recovered half of his strength, led a hundred thousand elite cavalry to break out of the city. These one hundred thousand warriors are the most elite force under Li Jing's command.

At this moment, after the Golden Dragon of Protecting the Nation drained the power of the Anbei Protectorate's national destiny, Anbei City became vulnerable again.

Only by taking the initiative to attack can there be a chance of survival!


In an instant, the war knight collided with the giant shield.

The huge impact power instantly tore apart the soldiers of the Tianxiong Army at the front.

The originally incomparably thick shield was now shattered under the trample of the Shenwu iron cavalry.

This is a desperate army.

The so-called mourning soldiers will win!

Under Li Jing's personal command, under the blessing of the Xuanwu army soul, in the midst of incomparable despair.

One hundred thousand martial arts cavalry inspired unprecedented power.

Overlord to prince, prince to first-class, first-class to half-step top

In just a few breaths, at the last moment, the Shenwu iron cavalry finally showed its invincible demeanor in front of the world!

At this time, Li Jing was in high spirits, as if he had returned to the time when he was young.


A sword slashed down, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal.

Hundreds of meters long sword energy killed hundreds of Tianxiong soldiers in an instant.


Li Jing's bravery once again raised the spirit of the Shenwu Iron Knight. Under his leadership, the Tianxiong soldiers killed by the Shenwu Iron Knight retreated steadily!

At this time, even if the attack of the Shenwu iron cavalry no longer breaks the defense, the incomparably powerful force is pushing the heavy shield back.

For the first time, the soldiers of the Tianxiong Army lost the upper hand in a confrontation with the enemy's strength.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing Li Jing who showed great power, Zhang Wanlong roared and rushed over.

Although he only has the strength to suppress the border, he has a heart to kill the enemy!

Only by leapfrogging and killing the enemy can he have a chance to break through quickly.

And the injured Li Jing became his best whetstone!


However, facing the menacing Zhang Wanlong, Li Jing only lightly slashed his sword.



A sharp sword energy struck, and the sword energy bombarded the giant shield, causing Zhang Wanlong to fly upside down.

Even with only half of his strength, Li Jing is still a strong man in the Shenmen Realm.

A mere ant on the border of the country, delusional to run rampant in front of the strong in the Shenmen realm?

In a fit of rage, Li Jing swung his sword again.

The destructive sword energy tore through the air and attacked Zhang Wanlong again.

With this strike, he will definitely decapitate Zhang Wanlong!


But at this moment, a long spear flew towards him rapidly.


The spear collided with the sword energy, and the menacing spear was instantly sent flying back.

But it was precisely because of the blocking of the spear that Zhang Wanlong had a chance to react.

Immediately after he landed, he gnawed on the mud with a dog, and the whole person rolled to the side.

next second.

Kacha, a biting cold sword qi slid past.

When Zhang Wanlong got up to take a look, a deep sword mark was engraved on the ground.

The edge of the sword mark had already extended to his feet.

If he had been there for a second at night, he would have known that Zhang Wanlong's body would be lying under the sword marks!

Also at this moment, a white figure appeared beside him.

Zhao Yun asked with concern: "Brother Wanlong, are you injured?"

The moment Li Jing opened the city gate, he led the soldiers of the Tianqi Army and rushed over.

Finally, at the last moment, Zhang Wanlong was saved.

"Thank you, Brother Zilong! His grandma's almost died!"

Zhang Wanlong gave Zhao Yun a grateful look, and then cursed, wishing he could tear Li Jing's body to pieces.

It's just that the sword energy twice in a row made him understand the strength gap between the two.

"Brother Wanlong, don't worry, let's try together!"

Zhao Yun felt the terrifying strength from Li Jing.

But now he is only so close to the realm of the gods, so he wants to try.

To be on the safe side, it would be safer to bring Zhang Wanlong along.

It is possible for the two of them to work together to survive Li Jing's attack.

"Okay, Brother Zilong, you are the main attacker, and I will defend!"

Zhang Wanlong agreed.

Both of them can be called the old people around Cheng Mu. Under the premise of being so familiar with each other, their cooperation will naturally not be bad.

Ever since, after determining the battle strategy, Zhang Wanlong and Zhao Yun joined forces to attack Li Jing.

Today, they and Li Jing will never die!

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

But at this moment, another large army rushed out from the east gate of the city.

This is the Longwu Jingqi led by Li Ji.

When Li Jing led the Shenwu Jingqi to fight bravely, he personally led 200,000 Dragon Wu Jingqi to rush out from the east gate.

And his goal is Cheng Mu who came to the battlefield in person!

At the same time, behind the 200,000 Longwu Jingqi, hundreds of thousands of Longwu troops also filed out.

Although the giant sword of the sword bearer had wiped out most of Anbei City, the losses of the Shenwu Army and the Longwu Army were not that serious.

Under the walls, among the battlements.

The huge city wall of Anbei City is an excellent place for Shenwu and Longwu Army soldiers to hide.

"Kill Cheng admirer, make a general, reward ten thousand princes!"

In order to motivate the soldiers, Li Ji promised unprecedented generous rewards on behalf of the king.

Although he knew that this battle would never return.

But what if? As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up!

"Hehe, multi-line combat?"

Seeing the continuous stream of enemies pouring out from the four gates of Anbei City, the murderous intent in Cheng Mu's eyes became even stronger.

He thought that the entire Anbei City had at most a few million soldiers.

But he didn't want to, Li Jing and Li Ji gave him a big surprise.

At this time, there were almost tens of thousands of enemy troops inside and outside Anbei City.

Although the newly formed Million Divine Warrior Army and Million Dragon Warrior Army are not strong enough, under the personal command of the Xuanwu Army Soul and the two coaches Li Ji and Li Jing, their strength has far surpassed that of ordinary super god-level soldiers.

In other words, these two newly formed armies have the power to shake the soldiers under Cheng Mu's command.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to take the head of Li Ji!"

Chen Yang has been following Cheng Mu's side. Facing Li Ji who took the initiative to die, he volunteered to fight!


Cheng Mu nodded in agreement.

Although Li Ji is qualified to let him send him on the road in person. But since Chen Yang begs for orders, he will train soldiers.

If Chen Yang dies in battle, then at worst, he will go to the Hall of Valor!

In fact, in the current extremely powerful Tianqi Empire, Li Ji and Li Jing are not so attractive to him, Cheng Mu.

Although the famous general is strong.

But in the Apocalypse Empire, who is not strong?


When tens of thousands of Stupa iron guards were galloping, the whole earth trembled.

The boundless killing intent made all the enemies on the battlefield shudder.


While roaring, the Futu iron cavalry collided with the Longwu fine cavalry.

In the face of these super powerful dragon martial arts cavalry, a piercing cold light flashed under the mask of each pagoda iron cavalry.

next second.

Rumble! Rumble!

Under Li Ji's astonished eyes, two hundred thousand dragon warriors were pierced in just one encounter.

After the Futu cavalry charged, a strip of corpses over a kilometer wide appeared on the battlefield.

Under the iron cavalry of the Futu Iron Guard, whether it is a horse or a body, or perhaps the hard armor and weapons

At this time, the only thing left on the battlefield is the bright red and smelly debris!

"You! Unforgivable!"

Seeing the Futu Tiewei showing off his power, Li Ji's face showed boundless anger.

Enduring the injuries on his body, he covered a distance of hundreds of meters in one step.


A clash of swords and swords.

With just one blow, Chen Yang was knocked off the horse.

If it wasn't for the high quality of the long sword in his hand, he would have been split in half by Li Jilian and his sword at this time.

It is the same as Li Jing's current situation.

Although Li Ji was seriously injured, he was still a strong man in the Shenmen Realm.

If you don't enter the gate of God, Chenyang is still an ant.

"General! I will help you!"

During the battle between the two, although many Futu iron guards were shaken to death. But those iron guards who survived, they rushed over again without fear.

The powerful enemy of the country, everyone will destroy it!


But in the next second, Li Ji roared again.

Hundreds of Futu iron guards rushing over were blown away again, and the huge force took their lives in mid-air.

The corpses fell to the ground crackling, like a rain of corpses.

"you die!"

Seeing that Li Ji was wantonly massacring the soldiers under his command, Chen Yang's face became ferocious and terrifying.

He wanted to stand up and struggle, but faced with Li Ji's slamming sword.

He flew upside down again.

The huge gap in strength made him unable to even do basic resistance. There is roaring in the air, there is mourning in the air!

At the critical moment, at the moment when he flew upside down again.

"Futu! Suppress the enemy!"

Accompanied by Chen Yang's **** roar, a huge pagoda appeared in midair.

That pitch-black body, in front of Li Ji, is like a demon that devours everything!

"Hmph! A mere evil!"

Li Ji scolded angrily.

In an instant, a giant snake rushed out of Anbei City.


The huge impact resounded through the sky and the earth, and the snake head of the Xuanwu army soul hit the pagoda, making a deafening sound.

As the most powerful army soul on this battlefield, the Futu iron tower army soul attracted the attention of the Xuanwu army soul the moment it appeared.


Facing the attack of the Xuanwu army spirit, the Stupa tower ignored it.

Under the control of Chen the huge pagoda iron tower suppressed Li Ji.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the wind and clouds shook.

Amidst the flying sand and gravel, a terrifying aura condensed on the ground.

This boundless power made Li Ji unable to straighten up.

Without the protection of the fortune of the Tang Dynasty, he could no longer be immune to the coercion of the military soul of a half-step god-level powerhouse.


But at this moment, the huge snake head of the Xuanwu Army Soul struck again.

This time, it was the full blow of the Xuanwu army soul.

In order to deal with the seriously injured Li Ji, it slammed headfirst into the pagoda.

This powerful attack, which seemed to be all-in-one, finally shook the Iron Pagoda at this moment.

While the iron tower was shaking, the power between heaven and earth became more unstable.

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