The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 827: Anboku Outer Castle Monster Rain

Anbei Protectorate.

The newly cast Anbei City is majestic and strong.

The construction of the teleportation sub-array has begun, but there are several million troops outside the city.

After Li Shimin stepped down as the emperor of the Tang Empire, he completely released himself.

The Xuanjia Divine Army under his command is extremely powerful.

Outside the city, Li Xuanba had one man and one horse, and the entire Anbei City was overwhelmed.

"A group of shrinking turtles, I will see how long you can hide!"

Li Xuanba cursed.

Guan Hai in the city was afraid of his strength, so he closed the city without fighting.

When the heavy Xuanwu army soul appeared in midair, even Li Xuanba, who was physically accomplished, was helpless.

Is Guan Hai afraid? It is indeed a bit of an idea to avoid war.

Li Xuanba's Xuanjia Divine Army, the strength of the soldiers are all top-notch peak. He is no match for the soldiers of the Apocalypse Legion.

Of course, if there is only this army, Guan Hai can still fight.

But at this time Li Shimin brought five armies and five million soldiers under his command.

Li Xuanba's Xuanjia God Army, Xue Rengui's reorganized Xue Family Army, Wang Xuance's Iron Eagle Army, Li Xiaogong's Wuwei Army, Guo Ziyi's Zhenlong Army.

This time, Li Shimin moved out all his family assets.

Among these five armies, apart from Xue Rengui's Xue Family Army and Wang Xuance's Iron Eagle Army, which were newly formed, there was no great threat.

The rest of the Xuanjia Divine Army, the Wuwei Army, and the Zhenlong Army, these three legions are also proper super god-level legions.

Among them, Li Xuanba's Xuanjia Divine Army is the most powerful, and Li Xiaogong's Wuwei Army and Guo Ziyi's Zhenlong Army are evenly matched in strength.

Who is Lee Hyo-gong? He is the king of Hejian County, the second of the twenty-four ministers of Lingyan Pavilion in Tang Dynasty in history. His meritorious service is second only to Changsun Wuji.

In his life, he attacked Bashu and pacified Jiangnan, and made great military exploits. The Wuwei Legion under its command is also one of Datang's trump cards.

As for Guo Ziyi?

He was also a famous general of the Tang Dynasty in history, but he was not under Li Shimin's command.

Tang Xuanzong Li Longji didn't know where he came, so Guo Ziyi, as the number one hero in quelling the Anshi Rebellion, belonged to Li Shimin after he came.

And the Zhenlong army under his command, its strength and rank have also initially set foot on the super **** level.

Although Yuan Tiangang ascended, he still had selfish intentions before ascending.

The gift he gave to the Tang Empire was to strengthen the strength of the Tang Empire. Generals advance, soldiers advance.

In a short period of time, several super god-level legions have appeared in the Tang Empire.

Of course, Li Shimin also spent all his wealth. To be able to rapidly increase the strength of the newly formed Xue Family Army and the Iron Eagle Legion, it still needs to pay some price.

"I bother!"

On the city wall, Zhang Wanlong cursed, and raised his **** while cursing: "Are you talking to your grandpa? Grandpa, I can't hear you!"

He was so angry, he had never seen such a brazen person!

Now there is only Guan Hai, a half-step altar-level powerhouse in his own city.

But looking behind Li Shimin, besides the commanders of the five armies, he also brought Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui.

Since Changsun Wuji wanted to assist the new emperor Li Chengqian, he didn't come, but Fang Mou's strength is not weak!

In addition, Li Shimin himself is also a strong ghost.

Now the Apocalypse Legion has to face the eight supreme powers.

No matter how strong Guan Hai is at this time, no matter how talented he is, he still can't be one against eight!

So sticking to it and waiting for help is the best choice.

The teleportation array will be completed in five days, and Guan Hai knows that as long as he can persist for another five days. At that time, I will definitely let Li Shimin come and go!

How many generals under Li Shimin's command? More of my own brothers!


Seeing that Zhang Wanlong is just an ant, he dared to insult himself. In anger, Li Xuanba couldn't help but rushed over.

"Come on come on!"

Zhang Wanlong was still teasing and seducing.

Now that you have a military spirit on your head and are unscrupulous, what can you, Li Xuanba, do? During the ridicule, he even took off his pants and peed on Li Xuanba.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

What can be tolerated and what cannot be tolerated!

When had Li Xuanba been so insulted? With a bad temper, he ran away in an instant, and rushed over with a pair of hammers in his hand.


The giant hammer hit the tortoise shell of the Xuanwu army soul, and the wind and clouds shook.

However, the turbulent wind and cloud could not withstand the composure of the Xuanwu army soul.

How powerful is the Apocalypse Legion? For now, let's hang up the general super god-level legion.

With such strength, the military souls they can condense become even stronger.

Li Xuanba has a physical strength comparable to that of a strong person in the altar realm, while the Xuanwu army soul has a defensive power that is thicker than that of a strong person in the altar realm.

Most of the time, what the power of heaven and earth reduces is attacking energy.

The strongest defense like Xuanwu Army Soul, even if it is squeezed by the power of heaven and earth, the strongest defense is still there!

"Break it for me! Break it! Break it! Break it!"

The powerful counter-shock force inspired Li Xuanba's mad will.

He frantically swung the double hammers in his hands, and the whole world was filled with deafening roars.

"Enough, enough."

Li Shimin plucked his ears irritably.

This is Li Xuanba killing the enemy zero, and hurting himself hundreds of times!

Under the protection of the soul of the Xuanwu Army, the soldiers of the Apocalypse Legion in Anbei City were not affected at all.

But outside the city, many Tang soldiers were dizzy and their blood vessels burst due to the huge roar.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of soldiers have been shocked to death.

"Xuanba! Xuanba!"

Hearing Li Shimin's words, Li Xiaogong hurriedly flew into the air and held Li Xuanba tightly.

"Xuan Ba, Second Brother is calling for you!"

Just this moment, he was also shocked to the point of annoyance.

Since Li Shimin stepped down as emperor, their address to Li Shimin has also changed a bit.

Members of the royal family like Li Xuanba and Li Xiaogong call Li Shimin the second elder brother.

And Wang Xuance, Xue Rengui and others called him the Supreme Emperor.

Indeed, Li Shimin is the Supreme Emperor.

Although he is not an emperor, the most powerful battle force of the Tang Empire is still in his hands. In other words, the power of the Tang Empire is still in the hands of Li Shimin.

Li Chengqian is now just a puppet pushed up.

Li Shimin was fed up with the backlash of the fate of the country. That being the case, the father's debt will be paid by the son!

Now that the national fortune of the Tang Dynasty has been reduced by at least half, it is impossible for Li Chengqian to resist and seize power!

His own strength is not strong, and there are no loyal courtiers under his command.

After being the emperor for a few days, Li Chengqian finally fell from extreme joy to the abyss!


Under the persuasion of Hejian County King Li Xiaogong, Li Xuanba let go of some of his anger.

But he didn't give up. He pointed at Zhang Wanlong and said angrily: "When this army spirit dissipates, this king will crush you to ashes."

This Xuanwu army soul is indeed very powerful, but the army soul is not omnipotent.

Once the army spirit is gone, Anbei City at this time is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered! He took off his pants and **** on himself, he must let Zhang Wanlong experience what it's like to be a woman!

"Okay, grandpa is waiting for you!"

Zhang Wanlong turned back and shook twice after urinating.

Destroy yourself to ashes? Well, I am not afraid of myself.

Big deal, take a walk in the Hall of Valor!

"Old Wan."

Zhao Yun's temperament is relatively calm.

He patted Zhang Wanlong on the shoulder and said, "When the time comes, I will be with you!"

Li Xuanba was indeed powerful, but it wasn't impossible to kill him. As long as Li Xuanba is of flesh and blood, then they have a chance.


Zhang Wanlong was extremely excited and gave Zhao Yun a big hug.

Good brothers, we must die together.

But seeing what Zhang Wanlong hadn't taken back, Zhao Yun avoided it with a look of disgust.

Li Shimin was looking at the news in his hand.

After learning that the Anxi Protectorate's Mansion had fallen, he remained expressionless.

According to his expectation, when Cheng Mu had no time to take care of it now, he took back all the three major guard houses.

Recovering the Anbei Protectorate's Mansion was only the first step.

In the next step, he will divide his troops into two groups and attack Anxi and Anton at the same time.


At present, the monsters in the Tang Empire have not yet posed a threat. Naturally, he has the strength to do other things.

While thinking about it, Li Shimin suddenly had a feeling in his heart, and he suddenly raised his head.

In an instant, he found a black cloud enveloping from the horizon.

The aura emanating from the clouds made everyone palpitate.

"This is the breath of the demons?"

Li Shimin frowned. what happened? Could it be that this black cloud is a magic cloud?

The next second, just when he was in doubt.


Between lightning and thunder, countless monsters fell from the black Like raindrops falling, dense numbers of monsters descended with roars.

For a moment, everyone was terrified.

At this time, not only Li Shimin, but Guan Hai and others in Anbei City also looked horrified.

They had never seen how the demons appeared before. But now, they saw it.

Rain of monsters falling all over the sky? This is a scene that is both spectacular and horrifying.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Li Xiaogong was stunned for a few seconds. When the falling monsters screamed and rushed towards them, he just realized it.

Under his call, the soldiers under his command hurriedly picked up their weapons to resist.

It's just that countless monsters fell into the army formation.

The powerful monsters tore through the defense line of Tang soldiers in an instant.

Some soldiers were trembling with fear on their faces. While trembling, a monster bit his head.

Some soldiers fought desperately, and the weapons in their hands pierced the monster's body.


But when the poisonous blood stained them.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Ho Ho Ho Ho!

A soldier was killed by poisonous blood, and his whole body turned into a pool of blood. Some people mutated under the erosion of poisonous blood and turned into new monsters.

In just a few breaths, there was a serious commotion in the army under Li Shimin's command.

"Get out! Get out!"

Li Xuanba, Li Xiaogong and other generals' eyes were about to burst.

They roared and rushed up. The weapon in his hand was like chopping melons and vegetables, killing countless monsters.

But even so, the magic cloud in the sky is still raging. The densely packed monsters are still falling.

Li Shimin's five million soldiers were all attacked by monsters at this time.

At the moment of crisis, Xue Rengui saw the safe and sound Anbei City.

"Open the army soul! Open the army soul!"

Now, it seems that only the army soul can save them.

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