The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 829: Apocalypse vs Zhenlong

"Hmph, looking for a dead end!"

Sitting in the formation, Li Shimin looked at the soldiers of the Apocalypse Army who took the initiative to go out to fight, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

Want to sneak attack from the rear while your army is fighting?

Guan Hai, the guard in this city, really underestimated his Datang trump card, right?

"Your Majesty, the future will go!"

Guo Ziyi and his Zhenlong army are the most relaxed at this time.

Although in the sea of ​​monsters, I only blame my teammates for being too strong.

The Xuanjia Divine Army is one against a hundred, and everyone's basic strength is the existence of first-class peak strength.

Inspired by Li Shimin's personal expedition and the leadership of the coach Li Xuanba, the army of one million Xuanjia gods is top-notch combat power.

Top masters killing these first- and second-rate monsters?

What else could it be but crushing?

When the Xue family's army spirit was protecting them, they didn't need any scruples at all.

Xue Rengui's Xue Jiajun is similar.

Although the Xue Family Army was newly formed, its individual strength was not comparable to that of the Xuanjia Divine Army. However, Xue Rengui has an army!

The army under his command raided with a long snake formation, rampant.

After going deep into the demon group, the one-word long snake formation turned into two dragons emerging from the water formation.

The two armies cooperated with each other and continued to advance.

When the strength of the monsters in front is relatively strong, the two dragons out of the water formation is advanced to the three talents Taiyi formation.

Xue Rengui is an army of one person, and the spear in his hand flattened all the monsters in front of him.

In the end, when sweeping out a vacuum area, the three-talent Taiyi formation combined into a four-image eight-diagram formation.

This is an army formation without weaknesses.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu.

Mainly attack Qinglong, defend against Xuanwu, rear Suzaku, and pursue Baihu.

The four square formations cooperate perfectly, and they are changing the positions of the formations all the time.

For a moment, under the horizontal push of the Sixiang Bagua formation, the sea of ​​monsters in front shrank rapidly.

At the same time, the army led by Li Xiaogong and Wang Xuance is also dividing and annihilating the demon clan.

The boundless sea of ​​monsters instantly became torn apart.

At this time, Guo Ziyi was naturally able to free up his hands.

In other words, he was waiting for this moment.

He was not originally a general under Li Shimin's command, so he was not taken seriously on weekdays.

This activation was entirely due to the deaths of Li Jing, Li Ji and others in battle.

So, he wants to seize the opportunity.

Only by expressing himself well in front of Li Shimin, then he will continue to be reused.

The generals of the Tang Empire actually saw it very clearly. As long as Li Shimin doesn't die, no one will kneel and lick Li Chengqian.

"If you can kill Guan Hai in this battle, I will reward you a lot!"

Li Shimin agreed.

Anyway, I want to kill Guan Hai, the five armies under my command, the five commanders, anyone can go up.

After losing Li Jing, Li Ji, Cheng Yaojin, Yu Chigong and other generals, he realized the importance of famous generals.

In fact, Guo Ziyi was thinking too much.

Now that the talents under Li Shimin's command are withered, who else can Guo Ziyi use without him?

It is impossible for a powerful empire to rely on only one or two elite troops.

"Thank you Lord Long En!"

Li Shimin's words raised Guo Ziyi's fighting spirit.

He rode a fine horse and charged towards Guan Hai with the dragon-suppressing knife in his hand.

The soldiers of the Zhenlong Army under his command also roared under his encouragement.

"Come on! Kill them all!"

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

"Brothers, let them see how powerful we are!"

"Suppressing the dragon army, defending the home and defending the country!"

Nearly a million Zhenlong Army soldiers were dispatched together.

When the demons descended just now, tens of thousands of Zhenlong soldiers died. But under the number of millions, what is the damage of tens of thousands of people?

"Thief, die!"

Guo Ziyi stabbed Guan Hai one by one, hitting Guan Hai like a cannonball.


The collision of knife and knife. When the Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife collided with the Zhenlong Knife, the huge power caused waves.

Although under the protection of the military soul, the soldiers under the command of both sides were not harmed.

But those monsters who did not have the protection of the military soul suffered.

The huge wind blows to death an unknown number of monsters.

"Ha ha."

Seeing such a scene, Li Shimin couldn't help laughing.

In this way, this Guan Hai is indirectly helping him sweep away the monsters!

Wang Xuance, Li Xiaogong and others also gave Guo Ziyi a thumbs up. As long as Guo Ziyi collides with Guan Hai a few more times, the monsters in the entire area can be reduced by 30%.

This is the power of the strongest.

Especially when the strongest person is fighting with the strongest person, the huge power concussed by the full blow is much stronger than the strongest person's own shot to kill the enemy.


Guan Hai snorted coldly.

Li Shimin believed that he was cleaning up monsters for the Tang Empire?

Ha ha.


This place is the land of the Apocalypse Empire. Not only the monsters in this area, but these people outside the city are also within the scope of his cleaning.


While roaring, he took the initiative to attack with a knife.

Dang dang dang dang.

In a few breaths, the two fought dozens of times.

At the same time, the two armies of the two sides also officially collided.

Zhenlong Jingqi iron cavalry gallops, and the power and momentum set off during the gallop is earth-shattering.

Seeing the shields raised by Zhang Wanlong and the Tianxiong infantry, these cavalry showed a slight sneer on their faces.

Heavy infantry is really strong and can threaten ordinary cavalry.

However, they Zhenlongjingqi are heavy cavalry, and both men and horses are wearing black heavy armor. The thick armor gave them invincible courage.

Heavy riding against heavy steps is the collision of metals.

The extremely fast attack speed endowed Zhenlong Jingqi with extremely terrifying impact power.


Seeing that the enemy was close at hand, Zhang Wanlong roared and gave the order to resist.

Click click click click.

Bang bang bang bang!

There was a continuous sound of heavy shields hitting the ground.

The heavy shield hit the ground, shaking up smoke tens of meters high.

In the sky full of smoke and dust, Zhenlong Jingqi came roaring.

Rumble! Rumble!

In the next second, there was a deafening crash.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of town dragon spirit riders seem to be hitting a copper wall and an iron wall. The indestructible shield wall caused all the heavy cavalry to crash into the city.

The smoke and dust filled the air, and the dragon-suppressing knights behind them didn't know what happened.

They thought that the teammate who rushed to the front had already broken through the shield wall. Isn't that the sound of the shield wall being broken?

Ever since, the heavy cavalry in the rear continued to accelerate.

Its power is even greater than the power of the impact just now.

The entire battlefield has been shrouded in yellow smoke, and everyone believes that they have the chance to win!

Rumble! Rumble! Bang bang bang! Boom boom boom!

However, Guo Ziyi, who was fighting Guan Hai, noticed something strange when the continuous sound of impact resounded through the sky.

According to his experience, only the first collision will make a roar.

Next, it should be the sound of the Jingqi under his command continuing to gallop.

But why has it taken so long? Is the crash still going on? Amidst the sound of metal collisions, there was also the sound of flesh being torn apart.


Guan Hai slashed down again.

The huge power sent Guo Ziyi flying hundreds of meters away.

Also taking advantage of this time, Guo Ziyi roared, "Scatter!"

In an instant, boundless power burst out from his body. The smoke and dust all over the sky quickly dispersed under the shock of his power.

At this time, a scene that shocked even Li Shimin appeared.

At this time, outside Anbei City, outside the shield wall of Tianxiong infantry, the corpses of Zhen Guo Jingqi were piled up one after another.

The countless corpses formed a mountain of corpses tens of meters high.

The Zhenguo Jingqi in the rear crashed into the mountain of corpses in an instant after rushing up.

The sharp sword blades scattered in the corpse were reaping the lives of Zhenguo Jingqi bit by bit.

"how is this possible?"

Guo Ziyi looked shocked? The army under his command has actually become a city wall that shelters the corpses of the enemy?

In astonishment, he had no idea what happened.

The heavy cavalry attacked the heavy infantry, and all of them were killed on the shields of the heavy infantry?

How can there be such a terrible thing in the world?

For a long time, heavy riding restrains heavy steps, this is the most powerful truth!


At this time, Guan Hai attacked with a knife.

The long knife slid down and took away one of Guo Ziyi's ears.

"Distracted? Suicide!"

The last enemy who fought with him and distracted him, now the corpse is not known where it is buried.

This Guo Ziyi really doesn't respect him!


Guo Ziyi screamed, and he came back to his senses and covered his ears with panic and anger.

Bright red blood flowed down from his left ear, instantly staining his entire left face red.

"Go to hell!"

The severe pain aroused Guo Ziyi's anger. At this time, he left the life and death of the soldiers under his command, roaring and killing Guan Hai.

In a fit of rage, his strength soared rapidly.

If he was just an ordinary half-step altar just now, then his current attack power is not weaker than Guan Hai.

Although the half-step altar is only a realm. But in this small realm, there are still strong and weak.

Coincidentally, Guan Hai is also considered a strong man in the half-step altar realm.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Facing Guo Ziyi's crazy attack, Guan Hai fought and retreated. While blocking, he waited for an opportunity to counterattack.

Most of the time, he was also looking for flaws in Guo Ziyi's offensive.

The more crazy Guo Ziyi, the faster he will die!

ground battlefield.

Under Li Shimin's deep frown, Zhenlong Jingqi, who was at the end, finally saw the battle situation clearly.

Facing the piled corpses of their comrades going uphill, they could only try their best to change the direction of their attack.

Some of the cavalry were so skilled at riding that they reversed course at the last moment.

However, many cavalry were caught off guard and crashed into the corpse hillside again.

The bang bang bang sounded again.

Such an ear-piercing voice made Li Shimin's face sink like water.

shame! a shame!

The heavy cavalry attacked the heavy infantry phalanx, but was turned on their backs by the heavy infantry and suffered heavy losses.

If this gets out, Li Shimin will be ridiculed again!

In resentment, Li Shimin seemed to see Cheng Mu laughing at him with his ministers.

"Go around, the infantry phalanx advances, and the archers attack!"

At this time, a commander in the Zhenlong Army reacted and took over the command.

Under his command, Zhenlongjingqi turned around one after another, trying to find opportunities from the rear of Tianxiong's infantry.

At the same time, the Changge infantry behind Zhenlong Jingqi rushed up.

The three-meter long dagger immediately took advantage of the weapons.

Behind the Changge infantry, hundreds of thousands of Zhenlong archers began to show their power.

In an instant, arrows criss-crossed all over the sky.

Zhenlong archers want to use sharp arrows to tear through the defense line of Tianxiong infantry.

But "Dang Dang Dang Dang", with countless jingling sounds, the arrows all over the sky failed to kill a Tianxiong infantryman.

Under the protection of the heavy shield and heavy armor, mere arrows could not break through the defense of Tianxiong's infantry.

next second.


Rockets appear all over the sky.

Huang Zhong led the Tianyu Lie Archers and began to clean up the terrified Zhenlong Archers.

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