The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 835: Zhao Yun kills Wang Xuance


Li Cunxiao punched out.

Li Xuanba dodged sideways, hitting the ground with his huge fist.


In an instant, a gully thousands of meters long appeared on the ground. This is the scar of the earth, and it is the mighty power of human beings thousands of times more terrifying than the power of nature!

Click click click!

The earth collapsed, and the gully continued to extend forward like a giant beast.

All the way through the cracks, a gully hundreds of meters wide cracked all the way to Li Shimin's feet.

In an instant, countless Tang soldiers fell down.

Li Shimin wanted to stop him, but how could he resist the power of a strong man in the altar realm?


Li Shimin's complexion changed suddenly. The reason why he stands here is because he wants to protect the soldiers under his command.

As long as Cheng Muzhu is killed here, the remaining four armies can still push the Tianqi Empire horizontally.

but now.

When a gully hundreds of meters wide appeared, a steady stream of Tang soldiers fell down.

In just a few breaths, the number of soldiers under his command has decreased by more than 100,000!

This bottomless abyss is like a life-swallowing monster at this moment!


At this moment, in an instant, Cheng Mu suddenly attacked with a gun.

He has been waiting for a long time for this opportunity.

Taking advantage of Li Shimin's attention shifted to the soldiers under his command, he flew over in an instant.

After his strength stepped into the back of the gods, his teleportation skills have been upgraded to the level of sight.

In other words, as long as he can see, he can teleport there!


The Han Chi Spear stabbed Li Shimin's face with a cold killing intent. By stabbing the heart, Li Shimin may have a chance of survival.

But once his head is pierced, it is absolutely impossible for Li Shimin to come back to life!

In order to kill Li Shimin, for a quick battle, and for his great cause.

Cheng Mu, don't be a gentleman!

At the critical juncture, Li Shimin couldn't help turning his head away due to his strong sixth sense.

call out!

The cold chi spear slid past his face.

In an instant, a deep bloodstain appeared on his left cheek. The bone-piercing chill melted into his veins, but not even a trace of blood flowed down.


Li Shimin felt a bit of pain after the cold chi spear was completely wiped by.

He grinned and stroked his wound, looking at Cheng Mu with a trace of astonishment.

"How dare you come here in person?"

He had never seen such an arrogant teenager.

No matter how weak your own strength is, you are still a half-step god-level strongman.

Are you, Cheng Mu, here to die?

"Hehe, why don't you dare?"

Cheng Mu saw that Li Shimin was a strong outsider but a capable insider. Although Datang's national fortune has raised his strength to a half-step altar, his combat experience is not rich.

Perhaps, years of imperial life had made him dull.

How can you defend against the enemy if your hands are rusty?

"Let's go!"

Cheng Mu snorted coldly and rushed forward again.

With a roar of the Hanchi Spear in his hand, Li Shimin was beaten back in an instant.


Li Shimin blocked in embarrassment while moving to avoid it.

His personal one-on-one ability is really not good. This is not to say that he was born by hand, but because he has always been born as a commander.

Charge into battle, fend off the enemy and kill the enemy, that's what the subordinates should do.

His strength, Li Shimin, is commanding the army to fight!

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Li Shimin being attacked, all the officials under his command were very anxious. They screamed one by one, wanting to come back for help, wanting to save Li Shimin from the fire!


Seeing his majesty shooting directly at Huanglong, the battle was exhilarating, how could Guan Hai, Li Cunxiao and the others let others disturb his majesty's pleasure?

"Want to leave? It's too late!"

Guan Hai simply gave up his defense and raised his saber to kill Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui.

As long as they dare to turn around, they will definitely die under his knife!

"Haha, your opponent is me!"

Li Cunxiao stubbornly stopped in front of Li Xuanba, mockingly said: "You can't do it? That's really worse than a woman!"

He is playing happily, Li Xuanba can't leave!

The only thing he thinks about now is to kill Li Xuanba or be beaten to death by Li Xuanba!

"Ahhhh! You are that annoying woman!"

Li Xuanba has completely fallen into a state of madness, turning his whole body into a thug.

At this moment, he was covered with weapons all over his body, he was determined to kill Li Cunxiao in front of him here!

"His Majesty!"

But at this moment, Li Xiaogong forced Zhao Yun back with a blow and charged over.


The sharp sword in his hand slashed at Cheng Mu from behind.

Most of the energy overflowing from Zhao Yun's body has dissipated, so naturally he can no longer stop him.


Cheng Mu snorted coldly.

The Hanchi Spear in his hand flew behind him actively, blocking the surprise attack of this unexpected guest.

It was a huge force that sent the Chichi Spear flying far away!

"Your Majesty! Are you all right?"

After the sneak attack forced Cheng Mu to retreat, Li Xiaogong rushed to Li Shimin in a hurry, and supported him with a concerned face.

He is Li Shimin's cousin, and he is probably the person who cares about Li Shimin the most here!

"Ahem, I still can't die!"

Li Shimin just looked a little embarrassed at this time.

Although he does not have strong combat experience, it is no problem to resist Cheng Mu with the strength of a half-step god.

It's just that the soldiers under his command have already seen how invincible he is, and his last trace of wisdom has completely disappeared!

"Hmph! The thief will die!"

Seeing that Li Shimin was fine, Li Xiaogong was completely relieved. He looked up at Cheng Mu in the distance...

In the next second, whoosh!

His whole body turned into a sharp sword, and a streak of light streaked across the sky, attacking and killing him.

When the murderous intent at the half-step altar level locked onto Cheng Mu, Cheng Mu's face became solemn.

This Li Xiaogong is not even a little stronger than Li Shimin.

This sword has the potential to open up the world!


Facing Li Xiaogong's attack, Cheng Mu dodged sideways. The cold spear in his hand collided with the green gold, and Cheng Mu's hands were numb due to the tremendous force.

too strong!

This is Li Xiaogong's full blow, and it seems that there is still a trace of his life force in the middle of the move!


The blow was thwarted, but Li Xiaogong was not distracted.

He stared at Cheng Mu firmly, as if to find out the flaws in Cheng Mu's moves.

A majestic aura was brewing in his body, like an ancient monster waking up little by little!

This Hejian County King Li Cunxiao has something hidden!

"call out!"

In the next second, a cold light flashed.

The green gold sword in his hand turned into a cold light, appearing in front of Cheng Mu as if spanning the entire space.

The bitter chill made Cheng Mu feel a piece of ice sticking to his face!

But in an instant, the sound of collision almost arriving with the green gold sword sounded.

The sound is so crisp and loud, which makes people sober.


Seeing the green gold sword that couldn't be pierced no matter what, Li Xiaogong looked astonished.

It shouldn't be, this move is his ultimate ultimate move.

This move can not only directly cross the space, but appear in front of the enemy unexpectedly.

That sharp green gold sword is the nightmare of all defenders. It is almost 100% armor-piercing effect, even mythical equipment has been penetrated!

But under the flashing attack of the green gold sword, it didn't break through Cheng Mu's defense?

"Hehe, that's it?"

Cheng Mu only felt a little itchy nose, that's all.

Under the protection of Moon's Nostalgia, he is invincible at this time.

No matter how powerful the attack power is, it is useless.

He even took advantage of Li Xiaogong's stunned moment to fight back with a gun.


In an instant, Li Xiaogong flew upside down.

"Go to hell!"

But at this moment, Li Shimin rushed over on his own initiative.

He really can't beat Cheng Mu by himself. But how could he admit defeat?


"Kneel down!"

Just as Cheng Muyi was one against two, Zhao Zilong in the distance had also achieved results.

I saw him jumping high, and the silver dragon gun in his hand smashed on Wang Xuance's head with the momentum of the top.


Wang Xuance raised his sword and wanted to block it, but the powerful force instantly crushed him into the ground.

His legs had sunk to the bottom, but above his head, the power between his hands remained undiminished.

At this moment, Wang Xuance only felt that he was wrestling with a mountain!


Under the stalemate, Zhao Yun once again increased the strength in his hands.

In an instant, he went all out.


The huge power once again suppressed Wang Xuance.

At this time, Wang Xuance had half of his body sunk into the ground. If he wanted to resist again, it was already an impossible thing.


Under his astonishment, when he was not prepared.

Only a click was heard.

The sharp sword he regarded as a treasure was crushed.

The silver dragon sharp gun shattered Wang Xuance's weapon just by relying on its invincible aura.

next second.

Zhao Yun swung his long spear across, and the Silver Dragon Divine Spear lightly swept across the room, Wang Xuance's head was raised high.

Wang Xuance only has the strength in the middle realm of Shenmen.

Facing Zhao Yun, who was invincible in the same realm, Wang Xuance could only hold grudges here!


Seeing Wang Xuance's headless body falling to the ground, Li Shimin was terrified and frightened.

Two emotions of horror and anger occupied his heart and mind, making him even more insane.

"Ah ah ah ah, you go to hell!"

Seeing Wang Xuance's fall, Li Xiaogong, who was fighting with him just now, was about to burst into tears.

He originally thought that Wang Xuance and Zhao Yun were fighting like equals. As long as he kills Cheng Mu first, he can surround and kill Zhao Yun later.

But now, that weak Zhao Yun actually killed Wang Xuance?

Unforgivable sin! Unforgivable sin!

"Huh? So angry?"

Seeing Li Shimin and Li Xiaogong who almost lost their minds, Cheng Mu sneered and retreated.

He can temporarily avoid the edge when the two are at their strongest, or he can take advantage of their weakness and kill them!

The crazier they are, the faster they die!

From the beginning of this battle, it was doomed that Li Shimin and his subordinates would all die here!


Li Shimin's swords and swords only attack vital His main weapon is also a gun, but the sword he has worn for so many years is now more handy to use.

He went all out, and he didn't hesitate to trade his life with Cheng Mu!


But at this moment, when everyone was fighting fiercely.

In the boundless sky, a blood-red eye suddenly opened!


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