The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 837: The Second Coming

Demons are not actually scary. Others feel scary because they are on the opposite side of the Demon Race.

Once the demons are brought under their command, what is the difference between demon soldiers and human soldiers?

"Don't think about it!"

Seeing that Cheng Mu was going to steal his precious magic eye, the new Eternal Demon King suddenly became impatient.

While roaring, he manipulated the magic eye to shoot a beam of obliterating magic light at the golden dragon.

When the annihilation magic light collided with the breath of the Golden Dragon of National Fortune, everyone experienced the mighty power of the Divine Palace Realm for the first time.

The annihilation magic light represents destruction, while the golden dragon's breath contains infinite vitality.

Life and death are vividly explained at this moment.

Withered grass swept across the upper air and grew into a giant tree in mid-air. The giant tree withered, and the seeds revived.

A goldfish got out of the seed, but in the next second it turned into a hellish ghost.

Boundless breath scattered on the ground.

In an instant, the entire Anbei City turned into two completely different worlds.

One side is full of life and everything grows. All the wounds caused by the battlefield have been healed, and new life has been bred in this land.

And on the other side.

Countless ghosts with dry bones climbed out of the abyss, and the evil spirits and demons rushed towards the other world while roaring.

For a time, the war between life and death began.

In the living world, there are giant trees that turn into treants, and their huge bodies are the solid barriers of the world.

There are also flowers that turn into fairies and open their mouths full of sharp teeth to devour the evil spirits that come in.

Seeing that the war was intensifying, Hei Ling roared angrily, "Go away, my lord!"

In an instant, its entire cat turned into a gigantic giant cat. The huge body almost occupied this world.

In the next second, a huge wave of magic thoughts rushed towards the magic eye.


Everyone could only hear the deafening crash.

Under the impact of the black order's magic thoughts, the magic thoughts of the new Eternal Demon King were instantly dissipated.

It wants to run away.

But as Hei Ling opened his **** mouth: "Ahhh!"

In one bite, the huge magic thought that can control the magic eye was swallowed by Hei Ling in one gulp!

In an instant, the sky and the earth became clear.

The demon eye, which lost control, began to howl and knelt at He Ling's feet.

It felt that Hei Ling is the real Eternal Demon King!

But even so, the National Fortune Golden Dragon does not intend to let it go.

The breath of the golden dragon that cleanses away all evil spews out, vowing to purify the magic eye!


In order to protect the magic eye, Kuro Ling roared and blocked the blow.



Its huge body exploded directly in the breath of the golden dragon, and the boundless devil energy swayed, dyeing the sky with a layer of gray and dark again.


Cheng Mu stopped the National Luck Golden Dragon who was about to continue attacking. He looked at the scarred Hei Ling and asked suspiciously, "Is this thing useful?"

This magic eye is like a mountain.

With such a huge body, ordinary humans would be devoured just by looking at it.

If this is left behind, the disaster will be endless!

He wanted to recruit the magic eye at first, but because the distance was too far, the magic eye in the sky didn't look like a giant.

But now, the magic eye, which was bigger than Anbei City, fell to the ground.

Even if it is subdued, there is no place to put it!

What's more, after feeling the powerful strength of the magic eye, Cheng Mu felt worried.

Now that the powerhouses at the Divine Stage Realm have disappeared, this demonic eye actually has the strength of the Divine Palace Realm.

In other words, all you need is the murderous look of the magic eye, and everyone will die here!

The magic eye is too strong, and the surprise after recruitment is too big!

"it works......."

Hei Ling said weakly: "After they arrive, you just let them eliminate the demonic eye's enchanting nature."

"No, no, no, this king is going to die."

After finishing speaking, the whole cat fainted.

It was at this time that three rays of light flew from the sky.

Seeing the figures of the three of them, Cheng Mu was stunned.

Old acquaintance!

"Is it all resolved?"

Looking at the devil eye lying on the ground as cute as a mouse, the empress was shocked.

She sensed something unusual, so she hurried over. Unexpectedly, Cheng Mu actually solved the crisis by himself.

"Ahem, it's all over."

Seeing the empress again, Cheng Mu still had a familiar feeling of intimacy.

It's just that he's not very familiar with her at the moment, and he didn't approach rashly.

"Magic eye, good stuff!"

At this time, Xingyue behind the empress exclaimed. He looked at Cheng Mu with great envy and said, "Landlord, why don't you give me this magic eye?"

"There must be rewards!"

It was the first time he saw a living magic eye, and he couldn't help being excited when he thought about the magical effect of the magic eye.

"Give it to you? Hubao?"

Cheng Mu was a little moved, the things in the hands of the bard Xingyue were all good things.

However, when he recalled that Hei Ling was desperately trying to protect the Demon Eye just now, he immediately dismissed all intentions.

"I can't give it away, I can't exchange it, I use it myself!"

Hei Ling is one of his own. Your own people will never cheat your own people!

"Oh, what a pity that is!"

Xingyue sighed regretfully. He thought that Cheng Mu already knew the magical effect of the magic eye.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty!"

At this time, Li Bai from behind greeted Cheng Mu.

It's been a few years, and this is the first time he's back.

It's just that he called His Majesty twice. One is for His Majesty to speak to Cheng Mu, and the other is for Li Shimin to listen to.


"Too white!"

Cheng Mu and Li Shimin spoke at the same time.

Cheng Mu called Li Bai a layman, Qinglian layman. And Li Shimin's address is more cordial, he called Li Bai's name.


In unison, the two looked at each other, and then Li Shimin snorted and turned his head away.

"The two majesties are polite."

Li Bai saw the unusual relationship between Cheng Mu and Li Shimin, and after seeing the tragic battlefield, he also understood everything.

But at this moment, he could only apologize to the two of them: "Taibai is already a member of the Moon Empire, and both of them are old friends of Taibai, so Taibai will not participate in the struggle between the two."

Just kidding, Li Bai's goal in life is to become stronger. Even though he had already taken that step, he still didn't stop.

The battles in the mortal world no longer entered his eyes.

This time I came back only because a powerful demon race came here.

"Haha, I know."

Cheng Mu smiled and said, "Please don't meet I'm just happy to see my old friend."

He used to like Li Bai very much, the peerless sword fairy is unparalleled in style.

I also like it now. But the liking of adults does not need to be clearly expressed.

As long as Li Bai walks ahead, he will definitely catch up!

"Extremely, extremely!"

Xingyue resolved everyone's little embarrassment, and said: "We and His Majesty the Empress will not participate in your war. We came this time only for this magic eye!"

He actually followed the empress to rescue Cheng Mu. It's just that Cheng Mu has subdued the powerful enemy, so they will return without success this time.

"Thank you three!"

Cheng Mu bowed lightly.

Although the three of them didn't say anything, Cheng Mu knew the purpose of their visit.

Even if they didn't save Cheng Mu himself, Cheng Mu still wants to thank them for Earth Star!


The empress gently raised her hand, and Cheng Mu couldn't bend down no matter what.

She looked at Cheng Mu with a cold tone and said, "Since you want to use it, I won't take it away."

"But you'd better let it recognize the black order as the main one. With your current consciousness, you can't control it!"

While speaking, I saw the long blue sword in her hand waving lightly.

In an instant, all the demonic aura on Demon Eye dissipated. Even its strength has fallen from the Divine Palace Realm to the Altar.

It's not that the empress has reduced the fighting power of the magic eye.

In fact, the most powerful strength of the magic eye is not in fighting, but in its natural skills.

This world can't bear the power of the Divine Palace Realm, and sealing the strength of the Demon Eye to the Divine Platform Realm is actually the empress' selfishness.

"Thank you!"

Cheng Mu hastily saluted to express his thanks.

But the next second, he paused again. He found that he was unable to bow to the empress to thank him?

What's the meaning? Could it be that the empress despises herself? ?

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