The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 840: kill Li Shimin


Seeing Cheng Mu appearing in front of them, the three of Li Shimin were stunned.

How could Cheng Mu's pursuit speed be so fast?

They were about to fly out of the Anbei Protectorate's Mansion, and they were about to step into the border of the Central Plains.

Why is this Cheng Mu so haunted!

"Hehe, who will come first?"

Cheng Mu stroked the Chi spear in his hand.

Li Shimin, Li Xiaogong, Du Ruhui. The three strong ghosts and gods have absolutely massive experience points.

Especially Li Xiaogong who has just entered the altar realm, as long as he is killed, Cheng Mu has the confidence to set foot on the real half-step altar.

And Li Shimin.

The Hanchi spear in his hand is already a half-step fairy-level weapon.

As long as the dragon luck on Li Shimin's body is devoured, maybe Han Chi can evolve into a real fairy weapon!

As for Du Ruhui? No matter how thin the mosquito legs are, they are still meat!

Thinking of such a big harvest, Cheng Mu suddenly felt a little hopeful.

You see, as long as you kill fast enough, it doesn't matter if the demons come or not!

If you kill a hundred god-level powerhouses by yourself, you might be able to enter the shrine. After killing a hundred god-level powerhouses, he might become an immortal in the upper realm!

" are so rampant, you don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing Cheng Mu coming alone, how dare he be so arrogant? Li Shimin was furious, furious!

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Cheng Mu personally came to the door to see him die, which was beyond his expectation.

"kill him!"

With a sharp voice, Li Shimin rushed towards Cheng Mu first.

There are three of them now, even if Cheng Mu summons the Han Chi dragon soul again, it will be three against two!


The emperor's sword slashed at Cheng Mu, but was immediately blocked by Cheng Mu with the Chi spear.

Although Li Shimin tried his best, Cheng Mu, who received his sword forcefully, remained motionless.

In terms of strength, Li Shimin's strength is already below him.

Want to kill him? What an idiot!

"Go to hell!"

At this time, Li Xiaogong flew with a sword.

This is like a sword of a flying fairy from outside the sky, one blow is like killing Cheng Muzhu here.

The green-gold sword cut through the air and space very quickly.

But the next second.


A huge dragon head appeared in front of him.

Han Chi Dragon Soul opened its mouth wide, and bit Li Xiaogong with one bite. At this time, Li Gongxiao, who was attacking with a sword, was like a piece of fat!


The **** mouth of the cold dragon soul made Li Xiaogong's complexion change.

He forcibly twisted his body, and the sharp sword in his hand pierced the head of Han Chilong Soul with a click.

The sharp sword energy took away a piece of scale armor, and the crystal light shone!


Han Chilong's soul was in pain, and he swept Li Xiaogong out with one tail.

Since Li Xiaogong is just entering the altar, his own realm is not stable. For a while, he still couldn't fully display the strength of a strong man in the altar realm.

Facing this huge cold Chilong Soul who was not much weaker than him in strength, he was naturally invincible for a while.

"Roar! Roar!"

Seeing his own scale armor falling with the wind, the dragon soul roared and chased after Li Xiaogong who was flying backwards.

Injured its beautiful scales, this human will have to pay a heavy price!

Du Ruhui is currently trying to make a decision.

He is a civil servant, not good at close combat. Even his combat skills are pitiful.

But there is no way, the Tang Empire is about to collapse, and he, a civil servant, needs to stand up and serve the country at this time.

At least when Li Shimin was fighting, he had to stand up for Li Shimin!

"Flame Dragon Shield!"

He clenched his hands tightly, and a fiery red shield appeared on Li Shimin's body.

The shield is not stable, because Du Ruhui just learned this skill. He saw someone cast it once before, so he imitated using his own energy to hang this shield on Li Shimin's body.

However, although this shield is not stable, it made Li Shimin's heart calm a lot.

With the protection of Yanlong's shield, Li Shimin's attack became a bit fierce.

"Ha ha."

Cheng Mu sneered, and the Chi spear in his hand danced like a dragon.


Under his several shots, the flame dragon shield on Li Shimin's body was instantly shattered.

Du Ruhui's half-baked level is still not good!


Seeing that his shield was forced, Du Ru became anxious.

Impatiently, he released his ultimate move.

In an instant, Cheng Mu only felt his movement speed slow down. A dull energy enveloped the world.

Not only him, but even Li Shimin's movements on the opposite side became sluggish.

Du Ruhui's technique of manipulating the curtain is indistinguishable from friend and foe.

"Your Majesty, I will come back later to apologize to you!"

Du Ruhui took out a dagger from his waist and rushed towards Cheng Mu quickly.

He released the strategizing skill, and he is the only one who is not affected by this skill.

It's just that his strength is not as strong as Cheng Mu's, and the effect of his skills on Cheng Mu will not be too long. So he has to hurry up and kill Cheng Mu!

Seeing Du Ruhui rushing towards him with a ferocious face, Cheng Mu felt deeply helpless.

You said you can take a knife and a sword!

What does it mean to take out a dagger for a woman?

If you want to kill yourself, you have to give yourself a good time!

Now he is very unhappy, so he decided to kill this Du Ruhui first!

"Fat Da!"

Accompanied by his roar, in an instant, a door of space appeared.

Pang Da, who was far away in Tianqi City, didn't know what happened, and his huge body fell down.

Du Ruhui was stunned.

Looking at the huge **** falling from the sky, he only felt his eyes go dark.


Pang Da's huge body fell down, and the unlucky Du Ruhui was smashed to the ground with one blow.

The hard dagger chrome fat **** was uncomfortable, and it stretched out its claws to scratch.


Seeing Du Ruhui being slumped to death like this, Li Shimin's face was full of astonishment and horror.

He looked at the huge Pang Da in disbelief, and then at Du Ruhui who had turned into a meat paste under Pang Da's butt.

Finally, he wailed.

"I'm going to kill you!"

While roaring, he held his sword and charged towards Cheng Mu again.

Today, he, Li Shimin, will never end with Cheng Mu!


Cheng Mu shot out.

The cold spear and the emperor's sword collided together, and Li Shimin's mouth was numb due to the tremendous force.

Looking at the trembling sword in his hand, Li Shimin directly held the sword with his left hand.


He pulled the sword hard with his right hand and cut it hard.

In an instant, bright red blood stained the entire blade of the sword.

Feed by his blood, the golden emperor sword glowed bursts of red at this moment!

"Go to hell!"

The gift of the Emperor Sword made Li Shimin's strength soar. Feeling the continuous power in his body, he roared and rushed towards Cheng Mu again.

This time!


The huge force instantly pushed Cheng Muzhen back several steps.

After the emperor's sword drank the blood of the emperor, its rank also surpassed the mythical rank.

At this time, Li Shimin's strength was comparable to Cheng Mu's, and this was his strong confidence in killing Cheng Mu.


But at this moment, a huge bear claw swept over.

Caught off guard, Li Shimin was swept away by a claw.

If he hadn't blocked Pang Da's claws with the Emperor Sword at a critical moment, he would have been swept into three pieces by now.

After so many years of binge eating, Pang Da has grown up completely.

Infancy, growth, adulthood.

Today's Pang Da has reached the end of his growth period. Soon, he will truly enter adulthood.

Pang Da in adulthood, Hei Ling might not even be his opponent by then.

Of course, at present, it is the Black Order without the body of the Eternal Demon King, and it is the Black Order of the Black Cat.

"Okay, go back and give me permission to fight black orders!"

Seeing that Pang Da has such a tacit understanding with him now, Cheng Mu gave it a thumbs up.

Hei Ling is a pet, and Pang Da is a mount.

Sometimes what is more needed is the mount!


Pan Da stood up, growled and patted his chest.

It's this moment it's been waiting for.

After being bullied by Hei Ling for so long, it has finally grown up and can take revenge!

"you you!"

Li Shimin was angry and angry.

He thought it was his advantage this time. But where did this iron-eating beast come from?

Seeing Cheng Mu and Pang Da approaching, he yelled, "I'll fight you guys!"

I have no way out.

If so, give it a go!


This time, Pang Da rushed in front of Cheng Mu.

Fat Da, tens of meters tall, rushed towards Li Shimin with boundless power, and the unstoppable aura made the sun and the moon change.


The sharp Emperor Sword pierced Panda's body.

But the next second.

Pan Da's huge bear claws struck. Li Shimin wanted to withdraw the sword, but the Emperor Sword was firmly stuck by Pang Da at this time.


Frightened, Li Shimin was slapped flying with a claw.

The bright red blood was scattered from the sky, and Li Shimin's muscles and bones were broken at this time!

"On the road!"

Cheng Mu threw out the Hanchi Spear in his hand with all his strength.



The sharp Hanchi spear nailed Li Shimin to death in an instant. The huge power smashed the mountains behind Li Shimin into pieces!

Rolling boulders fell, and a grave was built for Li Shimin.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Li Shimin being penetrated, UU reading www. In the distance, Li Xiaogong, who was fighting with the Han Chi dragon soul, let out a miserable cry.

He roared and ran over, trying to dig out Li Shimin who was buried in the troubled times.

But what greeted him was also a huge bear claw.


In desperation, Li Xiaogong could only raise his sword to block. But immediately, a huge force sent him flying.

Seeing Li Shimin who was completely buried and motionless, he fought back his tears and turned away.

'I can't die here, I want to avenge His Majesty! '

A belief in revenge supported him, and the reason in his head drove him to turn and flee.

Sometimes it is a situation that Li Shimin is alive. But Li Shimin is dead now, and when he is asked to be buried for Li Shimin, he is not very willing!

Compared to the loyal Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, Hejian County King Li Xiaogong didn't want to die anymore.

Indeed, how could so many people face death calmly?

Those who die generously are only a very small number after all.

However, Li Xiaogong wanted to run away, but Cheng Mu wouldn't give him a chance!

"Love of the Moon!"

Today's last flash skill was used up.

Li Xiaogong, who hadn't escaped far, only felt a pain in his chest.

He looked down and saw that the sharp point of the gun had pierced his chest.

The gurgling blood flowed down, instantly staining his clothes red.


He gasped heavily, unable to believe this fact.

I am the king of Hejian County, and I actually don't want to die so soon.


Cheng Mu withdrew the Han Chi Spear.

The spear swiped lightly again.

In an instant, Li Xiaogong's head flew high!

To send the Buddha to the West, weeds must be cut to get rid of the roots.

Only by chopping off the enemy's head is the real safe move!

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